PUBG Subreddit Discord: Chat, find a group, and play custom games!

Subreddit Discord: Chat, find a group, and play custom games!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:49 AM PST

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to throw a reminder up that we have a Discord server with over 70,000 members!

Struggling to find other players to play with or getting fed up with randoms?

Use the Looking for Group channels to find other players! We have rooms for each region and perspective so that you can easily find players.


Fancy playing some PUBG with crazy custom game modes?

Join the custom games community by hitting YES in the Assign Roles section of #welcome! We run multiple games each week (schedule here) and stream them over on our Twitch channel.

The next games (as of this posting) will be tonight at 8pm UTC; you can vote in #custom-games for the modes you want to play!


Just want to chat about the game?

Check out #general or #game-chat!

Click here to join!

See you over there!

submitted by /u/samwalton9
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Reaper ult is OP since the last update

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:21 AM PST

Bushes, now looking like cars.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:55 PM PST

I drew my PUBG adventures as cats!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:36 PM PST

For inktober this year (art challenge where you draw every day for a month), I gave myself PUBG prompts to draw! I was inspired by all the things I experienced in game and from what I saw from this sub, except I drew it as cats! It was simpler for me to draw and I figured it would be easier to relate to.

I compiled all my drawings into an album and I hope some people out there enjoy this - I had a lot of fun drawing it!

Edit: Thank you all so much for the comments, I love reading them! Hopefully I can bring some desert cats soon!

Edit2: Holy this blew up! Thanks for the gold! If you want to follow me on social media I can be found on twitter:

submitted by /u/mintly
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Ohh yea, a level 2 helm...GOD DAMNIT!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:52 AM PST

Who else would like a smaller server (30-50 people) and they limit it to 4 squares of a map? Like Pochinki

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:31 PM PST

Instead of having the map be 8x8 they could use the existing map and have it be 2x2 or 3x3. You wouldn't know the restriction zone until on the plane then you can only release your shute when you're in the 3x3 square. Obviously they'd be invisible walls or a THICK blue zone where you can't pass out of the 3x3 area. They'd be A LOT of varied

Does that make sense? Think it'd be different, but fun. Still BR, just a faster, shorter gameplay option we could have. Obviously the 2x2 or 3x3 area would be random every match. The zones would work the same. Just in a smaller scale.

Possibly double the loot if necessary as well.

This would be an additional game mode. Not replacing the current one.

submitted by /u/Samadams9292
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How to park your car...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:42 AM PST

Let's get something clear here about Bluehole vs Epic Games.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:58 AM PST

I have seen countless, COUNTLESS posts where people discredit Bluehole and PUBG in comparison to Epic and Fortnite. I play both, and even on the Fortnite Reddit, people are always saying things like,

"You guys are amazing! You make such quality updates! Why can't PUBG be like this?!"


"PUBG is such a mess compared to this game. Gotta love Epic for actually doing their jobs."

Shit like that. Let's get something straight here and dive into what both Epic and Bluehole are.

Epic? Large, LARGE studio of experienced developers who have made multiple games already, and who are also the sole reason Unreal Engine even exists. Fortnite has been in development for years. Since I think 2013 if I'm correct.

Bluehole? Small studio of newbies, maybe a couple people who know their shit, making a practically indie early access game and releasing it to the public in a much less playable stage than Epic chose to release Fortnite. This game has been in development for maybe 2 years now.

How the FUCK is that even comparable? Yes, the game is a buggy mess compared to Fortnite. Yes, there is less optimization compared to Fortnite. Yes, there is quite a lot of things that this game doesn't have or could do better compared to Fortnite. But, there's just a total difference between the 2 teams and development time.

You know what is the case though? We aren't ending up like DayZ. We aren't ending up like a lot of indie games that release in Early Access hell and never make it very far. Bluehole did what it had to do for several months, expanding the team and making improvements to the game as time went by. We're finally hitting 1.0 next week, something not many Early Access games could say they've done in under a year. And guess what? It's fucking great.

Let's give these guys some slack. Things will get better and already are. Fortnite has much more reason to be a better polished game. Especially when most of their assets were pulled from their original game mode and, again, they have a larger team with much more experience. Leave them out of this.

submitted by /u/Abbx
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Anyone else prefer Erangel?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:07 AM PST

It is the better map for gameplay in my opinion. It might not be beautiful, but it is practical and suited for this genre. Miramar's buildings are spacious and have less loot, compounds are too big, playing the circle is harder due to more open areas, vehicles are a pain to maneuver in the hills and many more. Erangel is simplistic, fighting in towns is less of a pain, fighting in trees is more exciting than fighting on hills and if you disagree you can still fight on ridges while you can't fight on trees in Miramar.

Miramar is a good map but gameplay wise it is more frustrating than Erangel and less fun.

submitted by /u/ancine
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Viss testing the Winchester94

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:54 AM PST

PUBG, Anti Aliasing and you! What you need to know about anti aliasing, blur and flickering.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST

In this post I'm going to talk about how the different anti aliasing techniques work in PUBG, and how they affect blur. I'm going to talk about choices instead of recommendations since image quality is often up to personal preference.

This post uses the current Test server.

PS: In all the pictures you can zoom in (lower right) to see the effect more clearly.

PUBG's Anti Aliasing

In PUBG you can set Anti Aliasing to Very Low, Low, Medium, High or Ultra. In truth there are only 3 real options here.

  • Very low turns it off

  • Low uses FXAA

  • Medium to Ultra uses TAA with slight setting variations (And little notable difference in image quality or performance)


FXAA blurs the image a bit ( But since it only uses the current frame it has the same blur while standing still or on the move.


TAA blurs a bit less ( (Notice the leafs and bushes)). But it has problems with movement. (

The reason for this is how TAA (Temporal Anti Aliasing) works. It's using information from past frames to blend together a smooth image. The camera is shifted slightly every frame to get a smooth sharp result. But blending frames that move is hard, and will often result in this:


PUBG uses deferred rendering. In short this means that MSAA and related AA techniques can't work. (Even if you enable it in Nvidia control panel..)

Blur vs. flicker

FXAA and SMAA are two anti aliasing techniques that use information from the current frame to smooth it. FXAA tend to be a bit more blurry than SMAA, but that depends very much on the implementation. /u/ps2op has a interesting post on using Nvidia FXAA in PUBG, and it seems to work better than setting the in game setting to low. (

The problem with FXAA and SMAA is that they don't fix flicker (also often called temporal artifacts). If you look at a tree from far away it will often only be displayed by a single row of pixels on the screen. So when you move it can look like the tree is popping in and out.

TAA fixes these flickers by blending together information from past frames. But in return it causes some blur. And that blur can get worse when you move the camera around. You can fix some of the blur by applying sharpen, but not everything.

Don't get fooled by stationary images (Aka benchmark syndrom)

While tweaking settings we often stand still. This makes it seem trivial to fix all of PUBG's problems by applying a bit of LumaSharpen.


PS: These examples are with SMAA, but FXAA would't look too different.

What are your options?

* Use in game settings

There is no shame in sticking to the in game settings. Many don't notice or care about the blur that TAA introduces.

* Don't want to install ReShade?

If you have an Nvidia card you can enable FXAA from the control panel. This is almost the same as SMAA with ReShade, but with much less installation and configuration!

PS: The Nvidia FXAA varies slightly from the one in PUBG (Low setting). It seems to cause less blur.

More info:

* I want less blur, but not for the cost of flickering!

If flicker is important you can stick with in game AA set to High, and use ReShade to add some LumaSharpen.

More info:

* I want the sharpest possible image!

If you want the sharpest possible image and flicker don't bother you. Then I would go for SMAA and maybe some LumaSharpen.

More info:




Both SMAA/FXAA and TAA has it's strength and weaknesses. Personally I think TAA has the biggest potential. But it's also a technique that is much harder to get right as it needs a lot of information from previous frames.

I have played around with TAA in UE4, and even made some progress. Hopefully some of it can make it into PUBG some day.

In the end what is best is up to you. Sharp but slight flicker, or clean but a bit blurry.

submitted by /u/hallatore
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(FREE) Full Twitch Graphics Package For Livestream! (Download in comments)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:35 AM PST


Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST

This needs to be fixed before it goes live

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST

Grenade from outer space for the win!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:31 AM PST

Hidden Message in El Pozo

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:32 PM PST


Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

Very angry streamer calls out bluehole over latency issues.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:52 AM PST

When you run in to the #4 ranked solo player (TPP Test)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:46 PM PST

I got left at the island, pulled out a win...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:51 AM PST

I think I need to see a doctor.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:35 AM PST

The PUBG Trailer We Didn't See

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:13 AM PST

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