Learn Dota 2 - Why MMR hell doesn't exist, neatly packaged in my last 4 games.

Why MMR hell doesn't exist, neatly packaged in my last 4 games.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:39 AM PST

I often post here to help people out and one thing that is a really common post is players that have good performances but still lose. Then people show dotabuffs and you can clearly see that this is just an anomaly. Nobody consistently plays very well and loses. Now in my last 4 games played is the exact reason why MMR hell isn't a thing. Its the averages that matter and you have to consider all the games. Anyway here are the matches:

  • Game 1: This is the classic "i played well but my allies were shit" game. I was Invoker and had an 11-3-16 score. I made mistakes but I always make mistakes. There is nothing more I could have done to win this game at my current level.

  • Game 2: I played rubick and had a mediocre performance and we lost. I could look at allies with worse scores than mine but the point is I didn't do much. I never stole RP (i was always caught in it). I never made any real clutch plays and didn't really get anyone snowballing with my early rotations.

  • Game 3: Another Invoker game. This is the I played well and we won. Basically every sunstrike I threw was magnetically attached to the enemy team (which is very rare for me!) and I snowballed completely out of control and more or less won the game myself.

  • Game 4: Don't let my nice tinker score fool you. I had 0 impact in the result of this game. Antimage has 8 kills in under 15 minutes and has won the game far before I come in and start killing disconnected players and padding my stats.

Here's the point. Some games you play well and you win. Some games you play badly and you lose. Those are the normal ones that everyone is used to. Sometimes you play well and you lose (and this one sucks and that's why people post on here) and sometimes you win even though you never even did anything (these matches are normally completely forgotten by the player's mind). Take a balanced view of your games and you will realise that you are exactly where you belong!

submitted by /u/Sir_Joshula
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What is the cheapest possible item that will pop a Linken's Sphere?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:48 PM PST

Looking for rage-free players to play and learn with in OCE.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:46 PM PST


So I just got a temp ban or something for Excessive Reports. I am not sure why since I literally never uses my mic or typed to my team other than to say GG WP and GL HF. I assume it been because I have been in a few games with 4 stacks of players who asked me to play heroes/roles I am not comfortable with, I fed a little due to the fact I am learning and they raged, flamed then reported me.

Now I have 15 minute Single Draft queues all because Valve has made every effort to make the community as toxic as possible all because a bunch people reported me for 'being bad'.

I am looking for some people that are willing to have a laugh and play some games so this shit stops happening, maybe a discord or something. At this point, I have really enjoyed being part of this community but am starting to hate this game and I have lass than 50 games played. I really want to enjoy DotA but the community is making that impossible.

Let me know, Ashuman

submitted by /u/AshumanTV
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Black Hole interaction with Medusa ult?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:14 AM PST

Medusa's ult makes enemies spell immune...but Black Hole goes through spell immunity. Does this mean you can Black Hole AND Petrify the targets at the same time? Doing bonus physical damage plus the damage from black hole? Or if the units are already petrified, I'm assuming I can still Black Hole.

Maybe ideally you'd try to chain these two spells together instead of stacking them...but I was curious about the interaction and how they work together.

submitted by /u/jopeters4
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What supports are good at climbing up in MMR

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:48 PM PST

I'm tired of winning a Tier 5-6 battle cup yet going back to 2k MMR. What supports would be the best to climb? So far I'm having fun and doing well as Omni, Chen, and Tide. The reason I pick supports to climb is from the famous quote "if you keep your retards alive longer than their retards. Then you win."

What other supports are good?

submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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How is my meepo?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:30 PM PST

Euls when playing Quas Wex Invoker.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:29 PM PST

I've noticed this for a while ever since 7.00. Before 7.00 Invoker was mainly built as Quas Exort because it's way more superior than Quas Wex at the time. With the Invoker changes, Quas Wex is becoming more popular.

The item build I usually go is an Urn if no one is buying it for Cold Snap Urn combo into an orchid and most likely Aghanim or Blink. What I see pros or experienced players do is Drums>Euls. I don't really understand why. Both items give movepseed, and he already has a lot of movespeed. Drums is okay Imo, but I don't understand how euls fit in. When playing QW Invoker, Players normally Tornado and EMP in fights and coldsnap alacrity. Where does Euls fit into that? Is it only for escape or to secure like an EMP or something??

4k MMR Mid player with 200+ games on Invoker. Would like to understand more about this build.

submitted by /u/Xestere
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what is slarks ult?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

is it invis? does he just not become targetable? is it something completely different and has never been used other than slarks aghs? i've had an around 1 hour long argument about slark's aghs canceling duel and i say it is invis but others are saying he just becomes untargetable. context: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/5ldcij/slarks_aghs_ulti_cancels_legion_duelsregardless/

submitted by /u/Trentdeni
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How can I improve my low MMR supporting?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:49 PM PST


Just calibrated at 1.6k mmr which is a bit disappointing.

I'm only playing 5 heroes, based on trying to have a mix of heroes that aren't too complicated and that I enjoy playing: Gyro, Bristle, Lion, WD, CM. My Lion winrate is especially terrible (~38%) - I'm trying to play him as a roaming support because it's fun and because I watched a Purge video where he covered roaming support Lion. I mostly support but I also like playing Gyro and Bristle if we have supports already and I want a change of pace for a few games.

I think my biggest problem is that I spend a lot of time not doing anything useful.

I spend a lot of time in lane trying to harass (it's always 2-1-2 lanes at my MMR) and not getting much done, then I realise the lane is pushed to their tower and I should be pulling or something a few minutes too late, miss the pull timing, wait a minute, go try and pull, connect the pull maybe half of the time and reliably my carry dies while I'm out of lane. I chat that I'm pulling / trying to gank mid / whatever whenever I leave the lane.

After the laning phase the team usually roams around looking for a teamfight. I feel like I can either follow my team around so I can help in the teamfight and maybe we win, or I can jungle a bit, my team takes a fight bad fight 3 on 4, rage pings me for not being there and meanwhile I've got 300 gold worth of jungle farm that on a support isn't going to be useful.

My reaction time is generally terrible. 2979927546 I was sitting in jungle trying to "cover" a Sniper while he got some farm. I went to mana drain a creep because I was low. LC jumps out of fog, duels Sniper and the duel is almost over before I reacted and got the hex off = a won duel for LC and a very cranky Sniper. I think I need to plan for what to do in the teamfight better. e.g. "wait till LC jumps in and duels, then blink hex her" vs "jump in and stun some people as soon as the fight starts".

I feel like I'm probably doing a lot of things wrong and I just need to focus on fixing the "most bad" thing I'm doing for a while. But I don't know what that "most bad" thing I'm doing is.

2980051882 might be a good game to watch if someone has the time (thanks in advance). I've copied the replay file to https://www.dropbox.com/s/oio2l9o318ekgf6/2980051882_179117869.dem.bz2 just in case the official download expires.

tl;dr: what should I focus on improving?

submitted by /u/PersonalPronoun
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What are your Meepo keybinds?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

I know its all based off preference, but I was wondering what they were for you. The only difference between mine and default is

  • 1 - Select Main Meepo
  • 2 - Select Meepo 1 and 2
  • 3 - Select Meepo 2 and 3
  • 4 - Select Meepo 3 and 4
  • 5 - Select Meepo 4 and 5
  • 6 - Select All Meepo's
  • Space - Poof

There are item keybinds that I use as well but this is default for all heroes

  • ZXC - Top Half of Items
  • Alt + ZXC - Bottom Half of Items

I also have Exec Files in the game that I use console for

  • Exec Meepo - Enables all meepo keybinds
  • Exec Default - Enables my normal keybinds
submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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How do you counter a Kotl blasting you from the treeline?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:08 AM PST

It hurts a lot and you cant get ward vision.

submitted by /u/ForgeKing
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Learning Earth Spirit

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:26 AM PST

So I have never tried to play Earth Spirit because I know he's kinda hard to play, but God when I see the pros(like Jerax) play him he looks a ton of fun. I love SB simply because of the early yolo swag aggression you can do with him as a roaming pos 4 and have figured that Earth Spirit is seems to be kinda the same type of hero if played in that role.

So question is are there any tips or tricks available? My youtube searching skills are rubbish and I read the hero discussion on here, but it seemed to focus more on him as a offlaner and let's face it; it's one year old and I think that was before he got his rework.

So any tips you guys can give me is much appreciated. Maybe how to utilise him the best and when not to play him at all.

submitted by /u/storgodt
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[Solo Laning] What hero/heroes would you recommend? (regardless of safe/hard lane)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:52 AM PST

I used to play more during the days of 6.82~6.83 but currently returning, it feels quite different.... any recommendations?

submitted by /u/GamingAndAnasheed
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Why am I getting matched with much better/high level players?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST

I played dota a few years ago and I wasn't very good at it. I had like 200 games in total. Now I started playing again and after I had practiced with bots I went to play online. First game, everyone was atleast level 100 or more and had like 2-4k games played in total (I'm level 14). Needless to say I got flamed a lot for not knowing all the new features compared to the old dota versions, and also because I didn't perform very well. I have now played over 10 games and lost all of them because I keep holding my team back. Is this normal? Should I keep playing until my "hidden mmr" gets low enough so I can finally get to play with players that are on the same level?

submitted by /u/135926935278
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How to start improving?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:10 AM PST

Hey guys! Stupid question, i know. I've been playing dota for 670'ish hours and am stuck at 1.7k. I play support and want to get serious about improving. I though about starting to play carry, because after my games today, the enemy carry had about 400 cs, while mine scraped together about 300, so i thought i have to carry my own ass to get better. Question is, how do i start?

submitted by /u/_Hellhammer_
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How the fk do you see techie's mines?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:45 PM PST

I used blue wards, quelling blade non worked. I dont care about my grammar just tell me how to see his red mines

submitted by /u/XxDirectxX
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Coaching: Is It For You? A Reflection And Analysis

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:11 AM PST

I have been coached for about 3 years now by 3 different coaches, each for a prolonged period of time before they decided to quit the game and move onto other ventures. Each coach I was with for 1 year approximately. I took a lesson every week or every other week and would train a particular hero or topic or whatever the coach thought would be good for me.

Now, looking back at it, I personally have found it was a waste of both time and money because I only gained +500 MMR in 3 years. At the same time, I know people who have gained +2000 in the same time frame thanks to coaching.

I am grateful to every one of my coaches who took the time to try and help me improve but I firmly believe I am at the point where I can no longer improve. Yeah sure, maybe if I bought a 5k account and practiced on that I could but I have been stuck +-250 4k for a very long time (which is pretty amazing considering how easy it is for people to tilt and lose 10 games in a row).

So, in this post, I will explore the topic of whether coaching is for you and whether or not it is worth it. For the sake of brevity, I will not go over the basics of the coaching. I believe DotaCoach is a very good platform and while I know GamerSensei is out there and looking to build up its platform, DotaCoach is simply more established and has a better flow to it. Plus, that is where all the coaches are anyway. (Disclaimer: I was NOT paid by DotaCoach to say this although some moolah might be appreciated ;).

What Should You Look For In a Coach?


1) Puts in as much effort as you

2) Schedule is important

3) Someone you like ;)

The most important is probably a coach who is willing to put as much effort into you as you are into yourself. If you're the guy who wants to just get quick shortcuts and hacks to boosting your MMR, then your coach probably isn't going to do the same for you. Raw mechanics of the game (last hitting, farm patterns, etc.) are all things that you have to practice on your own and believe it or not, opening up a lobby and practicing that is the EASIEST thing to do. Hell, I probably gained all my MMR just doing this a couple times a week.

The hard part is opening up a match, downloading the replay, and rewatching 1 hour of you getting anally butt-fucked by an Axe who kept ganking you because you were just a little too far. But the pain does not come from watching you die but rather not figuring out what lead you to dying and repeatedly wasting time and games trying to figure it out. Maybe you needed to farm that far because your allies were all farming on your side of the map and not trying to win. Maybe you got tilted. Maybe XYZ. Maybe maybe maybe. But if you're not willing to put 30-50 hours to improving one small part of your decision making, you don't have a prayer of (significantly) improving at a rate that will be worth your investment.

That said, it might take a few lessons for you to find a good coach. Being friendly with them helps and having a connection outside of Dota that you can casually talk about is a good way to build that bond fast. After all, if you don't care, why should he?

Second to that is the schedule. You might really like a coach in Europe but your schedules may not work out the best so you might have to take your lesson at 2am your time while he's just getting up in the morning. That makes the times when you can take a lesson absolutely horrible and extremely limited and if either of you has to take a week off, you're going to miss a lesson which will fuck your schedule horribly.

The reason why schedule is second and not first is because a coach who is willing to put in the same level of effort as you to improve is hard to come by. Most coaches don't have students on the regular so they treat them as if its just one individual lesson instead of consecutive lessons which makes every lesson self-contained but limited. This means that the amount you learn isn't going to be as much as if the coach knows you'll be back next week for another round.

Finally, I would say to pick a coach who you genuinely like. If maybe his accent makes him hard to understand, then maybe you shouldn't go with him. He might repeat things and say things that you didn't quite catch just because of a combination of low mic quality + English second language (shoutout to HuntaeLa and D2Bowie for producing content despite that). Or maybe the way he presents things isn't the way you like. Maybe the way he tells you something sounds too flamey and you're more intimidated than taught. I would say this point isn't as important simply because at the end of the day, there's so much info you can learn from them that even a single nugget of info is going to be something you can never find on your own.

Wait, What If I Want To Learn X?

If you're under 5k, most likely anyone who's +1000 MMR above you will have something to teach you. Also, you're probably someone who hasn't mastered even the basic mechanics yet and anyone past 5k will have mastered them. But if you're over 5k, specialized lessons might be up your alley and contacting a T2 team pro might be worth it (ie. Fluff, BSJ, etc.). Of course, they charge a premium because of who they are and rightfully so. But before that point, its probably more worth your time to hire someone not as competitive. This is what a lot of my coached friends tell me anyway (I'm still a 4k scrub so whatever).

You don't need some 6k Terrorblade top 100 Dotabuff player to teach you how to play Terrorblade at 2k. Chances are the way you're playing any hero is missing something (farming pattern, teamfight decisions) that applies to all heros anyway.

On a Budget?

See, coaching is only a thing you can really do if you can afford it. Chances are that if you don't have a job that can sustain yourself, you have bigger problems than Peruvians in your Dota games. I would consider paying for coaching to be the same way you'd pay for lessons in a sport: its a tool to improve at your hobby. Don't buy a tool you can't afford. Or at least save up for it.

People can charge anywhere from 10 to 50 a lesson which makes selecting coaches when you're in the US more difficult. Because the standard and cost of living in the US is higher, coaches tend to charge more compared to other people in Europe. So if you're from the EU, congrats, this section doesn't really apply to you (hopefully).

But if you are from the US and want to get coached still, then you have to be dedicated to that 4am lesson. I highly do not recommend this as Dota is a very intensive game and the last thing you'd want to do is try and study early in the morning (unless your bedtime is 9am and you're a night owl with a night shift). Furthermore, some day, your sleep schedule is going to be fixed like if you graduate from college so suddenly you'll have to switch coaches.

Coaches Are Humans Too: YOUR Conduct


I cannot stress this enough. Not showing up on time is a HUGE slap in the face (for both parties). It shows a lack of respect and it is a waste of time. Under no circumstance should you show up 1/2 an hour late and demand his attention. If you do show up 1/2 an hour late, apologize and reschedule if he has time and ASSURE HIM it will not happen again. Remember, you're buying his time but he decides whether or not to accept you. There are millions of Dota players out there and a lot of them want coaches. But there are only a few coaches who have the MMR, desire, and communication skill to teach.

2) You're There For a Lesson

You know that annoying kid in class who tries to outsmart the professor by correcting him always or debating him? Don't be that guy. Coaches are people who have dedicated an enormous amount of time and effort into mastering the game and they deserve a lot of respect for that. Never think you're smarter than them and never try to impress them. Because you're not smart. You're not better than them. No, you're a student and your goal is to learn. Learn as much as you can. Ask "what if" not to try and find flaws in their advice but rather to grasp at the idea behind it.

Also, don't bring your friends into the lesson unless its agreed upon by the coach. One of my coaches told me a story of how a 2k player had a lesson with him but the student wanted one of their friends to listen in. Eventually, the friend decided to start butting into the lesson and talk over the coach and try to correct the coach. Eventually, the coach muted his mic and let the friend talk the entire time. No sweat off his back. Free money. But its still annoying.

3) Practice exactly what was in the lesson. Again and again.

Yeah you paid for the info. Its your job to make sure you practice what was taught. If you show up the next week making the same mistakes, you're wasting everyone's time and the coach is going to repeat himself.

Sooo.... Why Havent You Improved? You're Touting Coaching As Being Useful But You're Still Shit!

Honestly, I would say its my nature. I can predict drafts at the 6k+ levels pretty well because I watch a fuckton of high tier pub replays. However, because my studying and preconceived notions of the game are stuck at observing a 6k game, I carry those expectations into my games and I don't taper my expectations for both my allies and enemies. I'm psychologically stuck and it doesn't help that since I've been burned by those expectations over and over again, I draft and play as if my team doesn't exist.

This also means I often throw games via teamfights because I'm stuck in the 1v5 mentality because the only thing I've ever been good at is farming extremely efficiently. A sample of my thoughts:

How do I outplay the entire team? If I use sleight here, then Pudge has an angle to hook me here when I return so I better watch that and go to this side. But there's a Slardar in the trees here so if I come in here then I can't do anything. Wait if Tide ravages we can go in....

Tide: "GOGOGOOGOGO bait them I'll ravage"

*Well ok I'll go in and commit my stuff. I trust him. *

Kites the enemy team for a good 3 seconds and attracts all the attention. Drags out the fight and gives Tide an opportunity to come in. Tide ravages when I'm dead

Wait why didn't he ravage? There was a perfect opportunity to ravage under the T3 tower!? He said to go in! Ok well I made the mistake of trusting Tide. I won't do that again. Next time I play Ember, I'm going to go for more farm oriented and not engage in teamfights.

I don't believe any amount of coaching can fix this as this is psychological not mechanical. Coaches have told me several times that I have to trust my teammates but I am unable to. I don't know what it is and I'm just not cut out for this game.

Closing Thoughts

At any rate, I would say at the end of the day, its who you are as a person that really determines whether or not you improve. I'm just not going to improve not for a lack of knowledge but being psychically and psychologically being unable to execute teamfight-related concepts.

I encourage people to give coaching a try but don't get hung up on it. There are many ways to improve but coaching is perhaps the most efficient one. Plus, if you find one you like, you could make a friend for life who you can talk to about things other than Dota.

Good luck in the pubs!

submitted by /u/Allison_Yates
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What should I do when the enemy team has better supports?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:30 AM PST

I've recently encountered few problems playing against very good supports. I have watch those replays. They ward our jungle, gank mid frequently, smoke kill our courier, always have a tp, and stay together and hide behind the enemy carry. This makes me quite hard to do any ganks as a mid/offlaner because they have wards around me (but we don't). Also they will smoke gank me when I am a late game carry. When we are in disadvantage, our support doesn't seems have any concept of what to do besides defensively sitting behind one random teammate.

Should I buy my own wards/sentries? Should I also buy wards for my teammates?(I cannot really afford so many sentries, and sometimes my ward will instant got dewarded because due to the laziness of our supports, the enemy put down observer wards earlier)

Should I be extremely careful just farm the only camp that closest to our tower?

When 2~3 enemy has been missing for 2 minutes, what should I do? It's hard to not farm/ or stay as 5 for such long period of time, and as long as my team shows up on the map, someone just will get caught by the enemy team.

It's just the enemy team are more organized because either they are in party or they have better early ganking lineup or their support provides better earlier map control, and I really don't know what can I do about that as a non-support position.

What should I do in those situations? Thanks

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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SF Itemization for Teamfight Survival beyond BKB

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST


As the SF, I realize my biggest mistake was not getting Shadow Blade and BKB after dragon Lance. I did not feel like I could relie on my allies to deal with Medusa (I was snowballing to a ridiculous extent in the early game, I clearly had the best laning mechanics of the ten players. Not being arrogant, it's just what happened). So I bought the Diffusal Blade, which I believe was a mistake over SB->BKB. However, another reason I struggled to maintain my power curve is that in teamfights they had a billion ways to deal with me from their draft. SO MUCH MAGIC DAMAGE! Beyond BKB, how do you deal with that much magic damage? Would Linken's, Skadi, or even Heart have been a good pick-up? I should have asked Lion to buy a Pipe I realize now.

submitted by /u/strobefight
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Help me understand how we threw away a 10k network lead with an AM

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:14 AM PST

Can anyone help me understand how we lost this game? We had a 10k network lead at 35 minutes with an AntiMage. I don't understand how they ended up outfarming us.


I think it ultimately came down to teamwork, taking unfavourable fights and items:

  • We should've bought a gem to counter the Slark/Lifestealer infest bomb
  • AM should've picked up a BKB
  • We should've five-manned and used sentries to take fights/objectives once we had the large lead
  • We should've saved for buybacks

I was the Warlock, I really should've done a lot more to farm key items.

submitted by /u/TwindleT
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Playing Slark on 7.01

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:11 AM PST

I can't snowballing hard with shadow blade anymore because :

  1. People tend to group up earlier in this patch
  2. Shrine makes enemies faster to counter my gank in jungle
  3. W no longer disjoint
  4. New Roots mechanic
  5. Squishier, because no more stats leveling (except from Talents)
  6. Swapping SB with Dagger = Lose of damage, atk speed and backstab damage

*Silver Edge also too good to skip :(

So how should i play him on 7.01 ?

submitted by /u/Lovannie
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Looking for a partner to play together for a better MMR

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:07 PM PST

HI, sorry if I posted in the wrong sub.

I'd say I'm a decent player, was calibrated at ~2.7k 2 years ago. It's been rough, right now I'm sitting at 2.1k for party and I think 2.3k solo.

I need people to play together with, maybe people with pretty much in the same boat with me, so we can learn together and hopefully, make our MMR great again.

I enjoy playing core, and support. I'm playing in USE server. Thank you.

submitted by /u/hnzrchd
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Proper CK build up?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:25 AM PST

I'm starting to play CK and I like him a lot other than his terrible farm speed. I am used to playing fast farming agi carries.

Echo saber or armlet ? Both? Which is the ideal build up for his end items.

submitted by /u/XaeroR35
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New to Dota 2 but not to MOBAs

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:19 PM PST

Hi, I've played Dota in WC3 and have been playing league for 4+ years now. LoL has gotten a little stay even though it is one of my favorite games. I decided to give Dota a try after watching day9 and purge's learning Dota 2 videos.

I'm unfamiliar with any of the champions (heroes?) But don't mind since I read abilities and what not. I was wondering more in depth details of the game since I'm very familiar with MOBAs. Are there videos explaining ward placements, when do buy/use TPs, when to base (it's not free compared to league), jungle/roaming (not similar to league), and objective priorities i.e. tp to team fight or keep pushing towers.

I feel like I get ahead in lane with kiss/cs and denying but don't know how to transition from there


submitted by /u/EZChangsta
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