Overwatch - Soo I saw a user here post a car that he found, It was very Overwatch themed. So I decided to re-create that car in Forza Horizon 3.

Soo I saw a user here post a car that he found, It was very Overwatch themed. So I decided to re-create that car in Forza Horizon 3.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:17 AM PST

A guide to Overwatch Streamers to watch for each hero

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:05 PM PST

I decided to put together a guide with a bunch of Overwatch Streamers that are the best for watching to learn how to play and improve your ability for every hero. This guide is aimed mainly at new players so I will also include a short introduction to each character, however I hope there is still something to learn for players who are not necessarily new to the game.


This list is not the final say in who to watch and who not to watch, this is simply a guideline to get started. I encourage you to go and explore, look at streams linked in other comments, places, posts etc etc... Go and explore twitch and see where it takes you


Generally what you will find with alot of these heroes is that most of these streamers will play several heroes that are similar (for example most tracer players also play genji/soldier/doomfist aswell). Therefore you can watch several of these streamers for several characters, however to avoid clutter I will try and avoid linking most people multiple times.


Doomfist is one of the latest characters to the Overwatch lineup and is a highly mobile character best suited to flank (travel behind the enemy) and pick off support characters and squishies (everyone except tanks). Doomfist has 3 abilities, a primary fire, an ultimate and a passive ability.

Streams to watch

  • ChipSa is generally regarded as the best Doomfist in the game and his movement around the map is unparalleled.

  • Effect is known as one of the best Tracer player's in the game but is also no slouch on Doomfist.

  • Hydration is a genji main although he also plays some doomfist. His Doomfist only account "BRUCEUZULUL" peaked at top 5 EU (I think #3)


Genji has been a major part of the game since it's release and he is similar to Doomfist in the fact he is an incredibly mobile hero who flanks to pick off enemy support heroes. Genji however is not as reliant on abilities as Doomfist and has 2 abilities, aswell as a primary and secondary fire, and an incredibly powerful ultimate.

Streams to watch

  • Agilities played mainly Genji for Team Canada in the Overwatch World Cup.

  • Shadowburn is generally regarded as one of the best Western Genji's and played for Team Russia during the Overwatch World Cup both years.

  • Shadder2k is another fantastic Genji player who is well worth watching

  • Flow3r/Nanohana played DPS for Team South Korea in the World Cup (they won) and is an absolutely insane flex DPS player. I'm listing him here as Genji but in reality he can play pretty much any DPS at a world class level.


McCree is a very different style of DPS from the previous 2 mentioned. He is not very mobile and is heavily reliant on good flick aiming. He has 2 abilities, a primary fire (pretty much his only source of damage), a secondary fire and an ultimate. People who come from games like Counter Strike tend to find McCree the easiest character to pick up.

Streams to watch

  • Calvin is a full time streamer who plays mainly McCree and at one point had 4 accounts in the Top 10 in NA. His streams are generally just really fun to watch and I highly recommend tuning in.

  • Surefour is a DPS player for Los Angeles Gladiators and also played for Team Canada alongside Agilities in the Overwatch World Cup. He plays multiple characters very well but is probably best known for his McCree.

  • Wanted is a very high level player who mainly plays McCree over his (I think more than) 6 accounts. He also streams pretty regularly and is generally a really chill guy to watch.

  • AKM is a French DPS player who used to play for Rogue until they disbanded. He is a very good all around DPS player and well worth watching.#

  • IDDQD is a DPS player for San Francisco Shock and seems to be the king of PMA and general good vibes. Plus he's pretty good at aiming too.


Pharah is a very mobile character and also the only consistently flying hero in Overwatch. She has 2 abilities, a primary fire rocket launcher and an ultimate.

Streams to watch

  • Valkia is a full time Streamer who plays mainly pharah at a very high level and is generally just a really cool dude.

  • Haunt is a pretty small streamer who plays alot of different DPS although his Pharah is one of his best.

  • Flow3r again is a very talented Korean DPS player who is well worth your time to watch.


Reaper is a fairly situational DPS who's shotguns make him almost a must have against Tank heavy comps. Due to this very situational usage and a somewhat low skill ceiling he is not often played.

Streams to watch

  • Spirit is generally regarded as one of the best Reapers in the world. He mainly plays Reaper although I think he now quite often flexes off to Genji/McCree and others.

Soldier 76:

Is a very simple character to pick up and he relies heavily on tracking and positioning to put in as much damage as possible. Due to this simplicity to pick up he is normally played by people alongside many other DPS so as a result almost any high level DPS player will also be a very competent Soldier.

Streams to watch

  • Clockwork is a very competent DPS player who has some of the best Helix Rocket Accuracy in the world.

  • Sinatraa is a very high level DPS player who plays many different characters (although mostly Tracer, Soldier and Genji). Be warned however as he can be quite toxic and his stream isn't for everybody.

  • Zombs is a very high level DPS and Off-tank player, well worth watching to learn a thing or two.

  • Borium is a fairly well known Soldier player and one of the few players who actually mostly plays Soldier.

  • Dafran is known for having possibly the best tracking in the world and as a result is one of the best Soldier players in the game, well worth a watch.


Sombra has a very different playstyle from most other DPS and is a much more utility based character who's main job is to set up plays for the rest of her team rather than being a primary source of damage and kills. As a result very little Sombra is actually played on ladder but she is seen fairly often during tournaments.

Streams to watch

  • Codey is normally regarded as being the best Sombra for ladder play (normal competitive mode), however does not really have much experience playing her at a pro level.

  • FitzyHere is a very well practiced Sombra main who is well worth a watch

  • Honestly the best place to watch how Sombras play is by watching tournaments which can be found at a variety of different places. Overwatch Contenders and Overwatch League will hopefully see a decent amount of Sombra play so stay tuned for those.


Tracer is probably the best carry hero up at higher ranks but unless you can aim well she isn't that effective. She also has one of the highest skill caps in the game. She relies heavily on movement abilities due to her very low health pool (the only character with 150 hp) and has a very similar playstyle to Doomfist and Genji.

Streams to watch

  • Effect is probably one of the best Tracers in the game and plays DPS for Dallas Fuel. His stream is also very entertaining (although he is Korean so won't always be speaking English)

  • Saebyeolbe played DPS (mainly Tracer) for Team South Korea during the Overwatch World Cup and is a fantastic player.

  • Kragie is a very talented Tracer player who is also very competent at many other DPS characters.

  • Kabaji is probably the best person to watch to learn about how to play. He provides fantastic live commentary on what he is doing and why he is doing it and is one of the best educational streams out there.


Quite often the defense heroes are seen as slightly more niche picks due to their generally limited mobility, however in the right hands they can do fantastic things (mostly). Due to their niche pick circumstances there are very few people who actually main these characters at a high level and so therefore there are not as many streamers who play them.


Bastion is a character with a very high damage output but very low mobility. He is very reliant on teammates to help him but when played as part of a coordinated team he can absolutely shred through enemies.

Streams to watch

  • Kolorblind is the most well known bastion main and as far as I know the only person who consistently mains him at a GM/Top500 level.

  • McNootie is another high rated bastion player worth taking a look at


Hanzo is a projectile sniper who has the ability to wallclimb and as a result a fair amount of mobility. This makes him one of the more popular defense characters and as a result there are several good streamer's to watch.

Streams to watch

  • Wraxu is widely considered to be the best Hanzo in the world and he hits absolutely insane shots on a pretty regular basis. He is also well liked in the community because he flexes pretty often onto whichever character is most needed at that time.

  • Arrge is a very good Hanzo who streams fairly often and is generally just a really chill dude.

  • Ironaids is also a very good Hanzo main although as far as I'm aware he only uses text to speech to talk. Still a very good player and well worth watching for his ability.


Junkrat was recently buffed and is now probably the second most powerful hero in the game (after Mercy) if played correctly. His big task is area denial and high burst damage, however he is still pretty inconsistent for getting kills since his grenades follow a fairly slow arc. Due to his recent buff alot of big DPS players will often play him as part of their hero pool but here are the big ones I can immediately think of.

  • PVP is probably the best Junkrat player in the game and generally peaks around top 10 NA.

  • Chro also one of the bigger Junkrat mains in the community (or at least certainly used to be).

Other people who play Junkrat but not all the time

  • Taimou plays DPS for Dallas Fuel and is a very accomplished professional player.

  • Seagull also plays DPS for Dallas Fuel and is very well rounded in his hero pool, however he tends to play alot more projectile heroes than hitscan.


Mei is one of the more popular Defense characters and for good reason. She can be very versatile and her ice wall ability can be used for so many purposes that she almost has no skill ceiling.

Streams to watch

  • Jardio is well known to be probably the best Mei player worldwide. His ability usage is incredible and he's deadly accurate with his icicles.

  • Seagull also sometimes plays Mei and is a very talented player although Jardio is probably the way to go in terms of Mei mains.

  • Elysion is another incredible Mei main


Torbjörn is a very niche character pick reserved almost entirely for Defense on certain maps and Offense on some payload maps, however that doesn't stop some people from maining him up at high ranks.

Streams to watch

  • Fuey500 is probably the torb main to watch since not many other people play him often. Watch out if you plan to play him in competitive as a main however as Fuey was banned at one point for one-tricking Torbjörn.

  • Desrow is generally a pretty funny guy to watch and is also a good Torb player.


Widowmaker is probably the most commonly picked Defense hero after Junkrat and is easily one of the best carry heroes in the game if played well. She is very very aim reliant (even more than McCree) and her only job is to get picks/distract the enemy. Due to her popularity there are several big streamers who play her (although most DPS mains and also Ana mains will be very competent on Widowmaker so the people who play her are not restricted to this list.

Streams to watch

  • Joooomla25cm is one of those widowmaker mains that most people in the community like for the same reason as people like Wraxu's Hanzo. In 9 out of 10 games his widow will pop off and in the 10th he will switch off to a character that will work better.

  • Crosyph is a very well known WidowMaker in the scene and also a really nice guy.

  • Kephrii is a somewhat controversial streamer/player in the scene but I'm leaving him in this list because he does quite often hit some really really nice shots.

  • Zerg is a younger kid (14 I think although I may be wrong?) who is a very capable Widow player. Go show him some love :)


Tanks are the heroes which create space for the rest of their team and help set up plays for the rest of their team (specifically the DPS) as is evident through their tools. Tanks are generally split into 2 groups, those who peel and those who block incoming damage for space. They are also sometimes split into main-tanks and off-tanks with tanks like Reinhardt and Orisa shielding lots of damage and being main-tanks, whilst tanks like Zarya and Roadhog being half-dps, half-tank being referred to as off-tanks. Similar to DPS people who play a specific tank lots tend to play most of the others since alot of them have very transferable skills, therefore alot of these players I am linking play many of these tanks and can be watched for more than one hero.


D.Va is a very versatile Off-tank who can be played in several different playstyles. The main 2 playstyles are as a peeler tank for the back-line who focuses on using her defense matrix ability to protect her healers from harassing dps, and as a front-line diver who focuses on diving in with other dive characters (Winston, genji, tracer etc...) and focuses instead of killing the enemy team's back-line and healers. Good D.Vas will alternate between the 2 but her versatility makes a very common character (the most picked tank in the game).

Streams to watch

  • emongg is just generally a perfect example of a fantastic member of the Overwatch community. His streams are a delight to watch and he always stays positive despite the woes of high elo ranked gameplay.

  • Mickie is an Off-tank player for Dallas Fuel and is well known to be one of the best D.Va players in the game. He literally always stays positive and has fun and is a fantastic person to tune in to.

  • Space is an ex flex player for Cloud9 and is currently playing flex for Los Angeles Valliant. He is a very talented player.

  • LowKeyNerd is a cool and high rated D.Va player who is well worth checking out.


Orisa is a shield tank with an enourmous hitbox and high health pool. Her abilities make her great on maps with lots of areas to pull people off maps, however she can be a bit meh on certain maps when attacking since once you place a barrier you cant place another one for 8 seconds, making pushing up pretty difficult.

Streams to watch

  • EvilToaster is a great Orisa player at a very high ranking. He's also a pretty chill dude.

  • xQc is a very talented tank player currently playing main tank for Dallas Fuel. Be warned though his stream is alot to take in so he isn't for the faint of heart.


Reinhardt has been in the game since release and was a key part of the meta for a long time. He is a great hero to learn how to tank with since his playstyle punishes you for overextending and pushing in without your team's help. Landing his ult however is probably one of the most satisfying things in the game, followed not far behind by whacking people with a huge-ass hammer.

Streams to watch

  • CloneMan16 is a very talented Rein player who is also very entertaining to watch.

  • Fissure plays main tank for London Spitfire in the Overwatch league and is a very entertaining Korean Reinhardt player who is also very talented.

  • Muma plays mainly winston and Reinhardt at a very high level.


Roadhog is probably the closest thing to a DPS you can get in the tank lineup. He has the largest health pool in the game (600) but is also has a huge hitbox to make up for it. Roadhog punishes uncoordinated teams who play out of position and is a peeler off-tank.

Streams to watch

  • harbleu is a very entertaining and very talented Off-tank player (mainly Roadhog, Zarya and sometimes D.Va). He always seems to keep positive and has probably the most contagious laugh in history.

  • DrRiku is also a very talented hog main who has played him through all of his patches and still does incredibly well, well worth a watch!

  • Smex is also a very good flex player who was part of the UK team during the Overwatch World Cup who specialises in Roadhog and D.Va.


Winston is a Dive tank who is normally the main initiator in fights during when running a dive composition. He relies quite heavily on the rest of his team but can be an incredibly strong hero when played correctly.

Streams to watch

  • xQc is once again a very good Winston player (his best character) although as said before, his stream is a lot to handle and many people just find him really annoying.

  • Mano is a main tank player currently playing for New York Excelsior and is regarded as one of the best Winston/Rein players in all of Korea.

  • iRemiix is the main tank player for Los Angeles Gladiators aswell as having played for teams such as Kungarna in the past. He is a very accomplished tank player and well worth watching.


Zarya is a DPS-Peeler-Off-tank and uses her "bubbles" to gain "charge" through damage directed at the bubble. The higher her charge is, the more damage her gun does until her charge maxes out at 100%.

Streams to watch

  • Spree is widely regarded as probably the best western Zarya and his tracking on her is almost next to none. He is also generally a pretty cheery chap.

  • harbleu is also a very talented Zarya player who is generally one of the best people in the community in terms of positivity.

  • Lassiz is a cool as fuck dude and regularly pulls off some insane plays on Zarya. Definitely worth a look at


Supports are the characters which heal or aid their team with utility (such as Symmetra's teleporter). Each support has a very different skillset from each other and requires a different playstyle.


Ana is regarded to be one of the characters with a very high skill cap and her playstyle differs depending on the situation and the player. She can be played far away in the back which works on maps with lots of open space, or she can be played as part of the main team group and generally requires a much more active player.

Streams to watch

  • Gale Adelade is a 17 year old Ana main who is also very competent on every other hitscan character. He has been widely regarded as a top 5 Ana almost since her release and he has played her through every patch.

  • Ryujehong is regarded as probably the best Ana player in all of Korea. He is currently playing Support for Seoul Dynasty in the Overwatch League.

  • Chipshajen is a support player for Dallas Fuel who also played for Team Sweden in the Overwatch World Cup. He is a very accomplished Ana, Zen and Mercy player.


Lucio is a very active secondary healer who's main job is to protect his main healer from harassers such as tracer and genji. Most support players will be able to play Lucio as he is probably the easiest character to play at a basic level, however his movement has an unlimited skill cap and as a result there are alot of very accomplished Lucio mains.

Streams to watch

  • Rammy is a very talented professional Lucio player who is well worth watching.

  • FunnyAstro is also a very high rated Lucio main who streams fairly often.

  • Swimmer has been given praise by several big streamers and has some nutty wall riding skills


Mercy is probably the best support to pick up for people who cannot aim very well or who do not enjoy the actual shooting aspect of FPS games. She relies heavily on her team and her movement abilities to survive as her pistol is almost useless against most enemies.

Streams to watch

  • EeveeA is probably one of the most well known mercy one-tricks in the game and she has one of the most lovely communities in the game. :)
  • Vale is an incredibly talented mercy player who had 4 accounts in the top 4 spots for mercy on Overbuff for a while.
  • LittleMenace streams often and pioneered certain strats with mercy, worth a watch.


Moira is the newest character to be added to Overwatch and currently one of the most picked. Her place in the meta is still being decided since she hasn't been around for very long.

Streams to watch

  • Fahzix is an incredibly talented flex support player who plays pretty much all the supports at a Top 500 level. He plays alot of Moira on his alt account "Fah2ix".

  • Custa is an insane player who normally sticks to other supports but can bust out some incredible Moira from time to time


Symmetra is an incredibly niche pick who is currently very weak in this meta and she is not advised to be played, however that doesn't stop a few people from maining/one-tricking her.

Streams to watch

  • Hoshizora is a fantastic example of what a Symm player should be, both in terms of attitude and ability

  • Luminum is an Australian Symm/Mercy main who is incredibly kind to his community and well worth watching if you're into Symm gameplay.

  • Stevo is a pretty controversial streamer who has been the centre of lots of drama since he started streaming a while ago. Fair warning before entering his stream, whilst he is a good symmetra he is one of the worst players I've ever seen for attitude and always complains about everything when he is the one instalocking Symm and never switching.


Last but not least is Zenyatta. He is a very powerful secondary healer who has the highest damage output of the Support category. There are lots of very high Zen players so this list is difficult but I will try my best.

Streams to watch

  • Unkoe is a French Support player playing for Los Angeles Valliant in the Overwatch League. He is sometimes regarded as one of the best support players in the game.

  • Rawkus is a support player for Houston Outlaws in the Overwatch League and is very talented at most of the support roster aswell as heroes like Widowmaker.

  • Blinky is good for explaining what he's doing as he does it.


I hope this helps, let me know if you think I left anyone out as this is a work in progress rather than a definitive list.


submitted by /u/Mc_Idan
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New Orisa 1v1 Meta

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:32 AM PST

Tracer is the new Lucio

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 07:19 AM PST

The calculation required

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:53 AM PST

Killed during setup in Mei's Snowball Offensive

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 08:13 AM PST

Bastion's only an easy character if you let him be one.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:31 AM PST

After 100 hours on D.va I have finally peaked: Sneaky D.va sextuple kill

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:58 PM PST

My very first Orista POTG, thanks for the spot guys...

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

I don't need an icon on the middle or edges of the screen pointing to the objective. But do you know what I do need? Screen-edge icons pointing to allies with critical health.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:40 PM PST

As a healer, I can't just spin in a circle all the time. I have to focus on the threats in front of and around me.

When an ally is in another room, or a short distance away, or around a corner, or just plain behind me, I don't know they're low on health unless I spin around for the hell of it, leaving me open to the enemies in front of me.

I would love a moving icon like we get for Attack, Defend, or Symmetra's turrets showing me where critical allies are.

submitted by /u/Cervidantidus
[link] [comments]

Enemy AC-1m3rcy incoming

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:04 PM PST

Thank you Roadhog <3

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

Torbjorn Tech: You can get on top of the mega healthkit building on Volskaya Industries

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:41 PM PST

Loading Issues for Console are Planned to be Partially Fixed in 1.19

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:52 AM PST


Bill Warnecke:

Hey there we're sorry for the slow load times. We've been working on fixes and expect to have some of them in the upcoming 1.19 patch. We know this issue is a hassle, sincere apologies.

Having to wait for the models to load when joining has been very frustrating, so hopefully this means an end to that.

submitted by /u/PaperWatermellon
[link] [comments]

I WAS a Mercy main but... might be time to rethink that?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:03 PM PST

Junkrat didn't realise that I shot his mine, his hop made me lose it.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:52 PM PST

Enemy Junk hates his own Widow too

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:36 AM PST

Got ya! You got me? wait wat??

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:22 AM PST

OK which one of you do I share a street with?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:31 AM PST

Just moved back to the area and this car was just seen parked half way down the street.

submitted by /u/cpinkyd
[link] [comments]

Overwatch Game Tracker 1.3 — Season 8 ready!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:11 AM PST

Overwatch Game Tracker 1.3 — Season 8 ready!

For the last few seasons, I've been working on a tracker for Google Sheets to help players keep their game logged, and hopefully, improve their game by being aware of stuff, like their best maps, worst heroes, and things like those.

About the Spreadsheet

The main change this season is something I've been trying to do since I started sharing these things: Every hero, map and rank is now imported from a central Sheet, so you'll be getting all those new shinny thingies Blizzard might add mid-season without having to move everything to a new sheet or make changes to the one you are using.

With that out of the way, let's go through the tabs and some other stuff worth checking:

  • Tracker — The tracker is the sheet that will allow you to log all the data from the games.
    • This time around you will finally be able to log your Placement games (and those will be then considered while crunching the data for the other sheets).
    • Also new: A new disposition of the "widgets" (those thingies on the top of the page) enabled me to finally add one that tells you how much SR you need to get to the next rank (are you happy now u/paranoidandroid11?).
    • Finally, Tips! I don't know if these things might become annoying in the long term (if so, just delete it, but do tell me, if it gets annoying to all of you, I will remove it for the next season), but now the Tracker will have some advices for you to improve your game, and to make them relevant to you, not only it will show you some general advices but also tips from your three most used heroes (If you have some tips for your some hero, your main or for the game in general, please do share them with me, the tips are also server-sided, so It's possible to add tips on the fly).
  • Dashboard — With the changes to the way heroes and maps are now provided, it was necessary to split the Dashboard in three:
    • The Dashboard itself: that now will show you some quick facts: best heroes, maps, and more (but it won't be showing your heroes or maps).
    • The Map Dashboard: maps are now here! And now you'll also get your best heroes for each map (I hope you enjoy this feature, it took me a long time).
    • The Hero Dashboard: heroes are now here. And now you'll also get the average SR won/lost per match for each hero listed.
    • Note: In both sheets there are some hidden rows, so if a new thing is added, you can just unhide that row to get your stuff.
  • Progression — Both for heroes and maps, these sheets will enable you to filter your games, also, the one for heroes will show you the SR progression for each, so you'll know if you're getting better at Blizz SR Lottery it.
  • SR Progression — A line graph that shows you your SR through the season.
  • AVG. SR WON / LOST — "Am I losing twice the ammount of SR that I win per match?" This chart will help you with that. Sorry.
  • WR PROGRESSION — Bad week? Here you can see the evolution of your winrate through the season.

Extra stuff

For those of you who want to either to get more data or to know how everything is tied together, if you go to the little burger button in the bottom left corner it will show you a list of every sheet included, even the hidden ones that do some of the backstage work:

  • Hero/Map (Map Category) — In here you'll be able to see how have you been doing with each hero in each map. I had to spread it across four sheets (one per map category) because Google Sheets crashed on me when I did it with everything in a single sheet ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯.
  • Best Hero per Map — This one takes the data from the last ones and crunches which are your best heroes per map.
  • ASSETS_HERO/MAPS/RANKS/ADVICES — These sheets are the ones that tell the rest of the sheets which are the heroes, maps, ranks and stuff. Also, from this season on (if it works) it will also be the bridge between your spreadsheet and the centralised one, so that you'll get the new heroes and maps when Blizz releases them.
  • ASSETS_PERSONALISED_ADVICES — This one will take note of your most used heroes and filter some advices that are useful to you.


You can get a blank sheet from here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1umiMPUW1-v2M-wHhnZGXRxgyzfnwze4VabaO1dDfmhk/edit?usp=sharing

If you want to see one that's already filled, here's a sample: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nOBoL1oiP2BAudVA5_GRppenf5OSBJR6_3iUPAndUQA/edit?usp=sharing

  • Before everything else, if you wanna get a copy of the blank one, click File > Make a copy. It should save it to your Google Drive account.
  1. After your placements (that you'll be able to log this time around!) you should fill is this cell with your first SR once you have managed to rank.
  2. Then proceed to fill the rows you want to after each match: the more, the more useful the spreadsheet will become: Map, hero(es), AVG SR per team, notes (I myself use it to write down the name of my mates if I queue with someone and new things I learn), etc. After a few matches you'll be able to get some useful data from the Dashboard sheets and the Progression sheets.

Have a good season!

As always, I wanted to make the obligatory mention to u/MasterDex's for being the maker of the first tracker.

If you wanna modify it or learn from it, go ahead. This file has allowed me to learn lots of stuff about using some advanced features in Google Sheets like Filter, Query (used in the Worst/Best Heroes/Maps) and lots of other stuff.

If something doesn't work as intended or you think of a certain feature that might be useful just comment here, the file is set as "view only" in order to preserve it but I will be fixing things and making new stuff for the next season.

I might not be online during the first few days of the season, but as soon as I can get back, I'll try to reply and fix whatever isn't working.

Thanks to all the redditors who helped me fix and enhance the sheet during last season and good luck with the new one.

Some notes

  • Due to some features that might be unique to Google Sheets it might not work as intended in other apps.
  • Tracker — I usually take two screenshots during the game, one at the beginning, to get the SR per team and one at the end, to get the score and the hero stats. Everything is set up in order to get the screenshots saved in a folder, so I'm free to do the logging after ending the game session, though, most of the time I do it between games.
  • Language — You can see that in the first column days are accounted in spanish in the sample sheet (LUN. is short for Lunes, which is the spanish for Monday), you might want to change that: File > Spreadsheet Settings and there you can make sure the location data is correct for where you live. This will affect the auto-updating of the "Day" (and language of the day as well). Conditional formatting (each day is highlighted with a slightly different colour) should keep working as I harcoded it to work in both english and spanish.

F. A. Q.

  • "What does __________ mean?" **— I had to abbreviate lots of words in order to get everything to fit in less than 1920 px wide, this time though, I made a little guide with everything you might want to know in here.
  • "How does this chart compare to u/basilisk335's?" — First of all, I've never used Basilisk's version, so I couldn't really tell you (I've checked it though, the Daily SR thingy was his idea), by the looks of if, his/her version seems more straight-forward to use. In the end, the difference between the two may rather be the way we choose to process and display the data that is logged by the user — I choose to make a few sheets that enables you to see a global status of your season (Dashboard) or to see the progress you've made with each hero or map. The only one thing I'm pretty sure is that we implemented differently is the date, I used a few formulas while she/he (I think) used a script.
  • "Do I have to fill this myself? Really, I feel like an accountant!" — Well, yeah. It will be that way till the day Blizz releases an API in the shape of something that works with Google Sheets or something like that. If you don't like it, webs like Overbuff and MasterOverwatch can track plenty of your stats without any input.
  • "Zero heals! Can you heal me pls?" — No, I've been obviously avoiding you in purpose for the whole match because reasons, It's not like you're flanking fifty meters away from the rest of the team.
  • "What kind of information does it provide you that other available tools (such as Overbuff as an example) don't?" — Last season, u/WumpaWolfy provided an excellent answer to this question:

I imagine using this chart would allow you to notice a bunch of patterns about your play you otherwise may have never realized, such as maybe your win rate tanks after midnight, rises after your first half hour, or that you have a horrible win rate defending Numbani point A as Reinhardt. In these cases changing when you play, how long you play (and warm up), and who you play and where can all be informed better with this method. Not to mention I find that taking notes and being so focused on improvement during a session can really help you see past just winning and losing to diagnose the real problems holding you back.

  • "Is there someplace where I could see the average SR gained/lost per hero?" — You can either go to "Hero Dashboard" and see the values for every hero, or by going to "Hero Progression" you'll be able to select the hero you're interested in, and see the average SR won/lost on the top right corner. There's also a little graph that will show you the evolution of that stat.
  • "I haven't been playing for a few days and my SR has decayed, how do I do?" — Fill the SR, but leave everything else blank, that should do the trick.
submitted by /u/LeCorbuisoverrated
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get back here hanzo.. actually.. take this with you

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

Zarya is the Master of Gravity

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:15 PM PST

If this doesn’t prove that objective markers are a problem, i don’t know what will.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:13 PM PST

A new form of entertainment

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:13 PM PST

Thank you random player!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

Just wanted to say thanks to the random kind soul who played the game with my 11 year old this morning. He's been wanting to play the game for a while now and finally got his chance. Saw him for lunch and he couldn't stop talking about how much fun the game was and how helpful the person was to him (guy apparently played as Bastion and they had a discussion about an ice/freeze cannon or something - hard to make out over his excitement). I'll see if I can get more details from him. He was happy he made a friend. :-)

This was his first experience playing online and I'm glad it was a positive one. It's great to hear that veteran players are helping out the new ones instead of just kicking their asses! As a Battlefield player, I understand how important it is to teach new players and cooperate with one another.

So again, thank you!

Edit: my apologies, gang.. He was playing on PS4.

submitted by /u/Turfyleek93
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