Overwatch - The Reinhardt skin I want to see this year

The Reinhardt skin I want to see this year

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

Snow Angel Mercy Concept!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:55 PM PST

Made a quick Symmetra skin concept ;)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:59 AM PST


We all know it'd give credit to what she was based on, plus.. it could be cool!

submitted by /u/boopboopbooooooo
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Lucio | Prince Charming (Fan-Skin)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:39 AM PST

He's about to burst into song.

"As a child, Lucio once kissed a frog hoping it would turn into his prince charming. Instead, he was poisoned, and later saved by the paramedics who've inspired his fast medical work to this day."

  • Music replaced with Orchestral covers.

  • Enemies "kissed"(killed) by Lucio's Soundwave turn into frogs.

  • Moments after death, Lucio's body will transmogrify into a hopping frog.

  • Visual effects replaced with leaves.

submitted by /u/Chattywindow
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They left the point to chase us.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:26 AM PST

Protecting the president is never easy

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:44 AM PST

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – December 5, 2017

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:40 PM PST

PTR Patch Notes for via the Blizzard App:
Official blog post

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – December 5, 2017

A new Overwatch patch is currently in development and now available for testing. To share your feedback or report and issue, please post in the PTR Feedback or PTR Bug Report forums.

Please note that the below patch notes only include changes currently available for testing on the PTR. While many of these changes will also be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in a future patch, the PTR is PC-only and therefore will only reflect changes coming specifically to that platform.



  • Added green detail textures on Sparrow Genji's sword scabbard when the golden weapon variant is equipped



  • Fixed a bug in Elimination mode that caused players to spawn as a random hero at the start of a match instead the one that was highlighted


  • Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog Bot to get stuck in the spawn room of the Oasis: City Center stage


  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Doomfist to fall through the ground when using Seismic Slam on an inclined surface
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist's Rocket Punch from destroying breakable objects
  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist's Rocket Punch to not always deal damage when an enemy hits a wall
  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist's Rocket Punch to not always stop an enemies' movement when they impact a wall
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist's Rocket Punch from correctly pinning targets to walls
  • Fixed an issue that canceled Doomfist's Seismic Slam when it was unable to reach the targeted location
  • Fixed an issue that caused Doomfist's Seismic Slam to trigger instantly when the ability was used to travel up inclines
  • Fixed an issue that prevented D.Va's Micro Missiles from destroying breakable objects
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Genji to deflect projectiles through walls
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Hanzo's Storm Bow reload from canceling if he used a melee attack after using his wall climbing ability
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to cast Resurrect on a player that was in the process of being resurrected by another Mercy
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy's Caduceus Blaster from reloading if the Resurrect was activated without a target
  • Fixed a bug that showed Mercy's Guardian Angel targeting UI on allies while it was already in progress on a selected target
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Hanzo's Storm Bow reload from canceling if he used a melee attack after using his wall climbing ability
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira's Biotic Orb to pass through terrain and structures
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Moira's self-healing statistic from being collected and displayed in the game stats
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from using Moira's Biotic Orb's regeneration option when primary fire was disabled
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Biotic Orb from depleting over time after being deflected by Genji
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the beam on Moira's Biotic Grasp from tracking targets correctly
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Coalescence from healing an allied Reaper in Wraith Form
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Biotic Grasp heal over time from refreshing properly on allies
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Biotic Grasp from destroying breakable objects
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed Reinhardt's Charge to escape abilities that should prevent movement (e.g. Zarya's Graviton Surge)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra's Hack from interrupting Tracer's Pulse Bomb if it was being thrown
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker's Grappling Hook from pulling players to moveable objects, even when they were stationary (e.g. the window on the Eichenwalde Castle doors)


  • Fixed an issue that allowed some heroes to hide on the Junkertown payload when using sit emotes
submitted by /u/WarmFallout
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My 1st 6k as widow.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:27 AM PST

My favorite part about playing Winston

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:30 PM PST

Stevooo (4.5k Sym main) recieves ANOTHER automated suspension for "Disruptive gameplay" 2nd time this week

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:21 PM PST

Official Overwatch League MERCH is officially here!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

Is anyone else really disappointed that we didn’t get a Winter Wonderland 2017 teaser today?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

Personally, I was hyped for a teaser's release today for over a week, only for one not to happen. They did it exactly a week prior to this year's Halloween Terror Event, so I simply figured it would occur today as most likely Winter Wonderland 2017 starts on the 12th of December in exactly one week from now. Anyone else feel disappointed we didn't get a teaser?

submitted by /u/HaslettHyaenidae
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Dear Zarya's,

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:11 AM PST

Please, for the love of god, stop bubbling me when I'm invisible and trying to flank the enemy team.


All Sombras

submitted by /u/thejont
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AMA with Overwatch League Commissioner in 25 minutes!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:34 AM PST

Batmen to Mei: Tell me, do you bleed?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:40 AM PST

New Rikimaru Ramen set

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:51 PM PST

[Fanart] Sweet, foolish little Mercy...

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

Why can't Torbjörns Hammer (secondary attack) break breakables?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:50 AM PST

Every meelee attack even torbs meelee attack (when he has the gun equipped) and every attack from any (damaging) weapon can brake crates, railings etc. but not Torbs secondary weapon?

It actually affects my Torb gameplay when I have to switch back to the gun to break stuff. Is this a bug or a feature, because it is a magic gun and only builds his turret and damages enemies? I am slightly confused.

submitted by /u/prohi
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Enemy team was kind enough to abandon the point and give 5k to the Bastion

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:39 AM PST

Hi there Tracer...

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:38 PM PST

Custom Overwatch Home Screen Theme

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:36 AM PST

I built a Sombra themed modded PC. Album and video below.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

Its a small budget build colored in purple and light blue. It perfectly runs Overwatch on good settings. What do you think?

Album: https://imgur.com/a/gzj1J

Video of the making: https://youtu.be/wAGbhywpS74

Hope you enjoy, what do you Sombra mains think about this? :D

submitted by /u/KeBom
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I saw Carpe do this in a stream a while back and I’ve attempted it every game since. IT FINALLY WORKED!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:35 AM PST

This is a no-fly zone

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:20 AM PST

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