Overwatch - Overwatch League: OWL Preseason Day 3 Survival Guide

Overwatch League: OWL Preseason Day 3 Survival Guide

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:02 PM PST


Streams: overwatchleague.com | MLG.tv

Brackets: Official | Liquipedia | Over.gg | GosuGamers


Group Play matches will be 4 Game Sets. The map order is as follows:

1st map: Escort

2nd map: Assault

3rd map: Control

4th map: Hybrid

Tiebreaker: Control


Overwatch League: OWL Preseason Day 3 will begin December 8th 4 PM PDT.

Broadcast Talent

Host: Chris Puckett

Analysts: Soe, Hex


English Chinese
MonteCristo Chixiaotu
DoA Muzi
Uber Roy
Mr. X Danny
- Lilgho

Overwatch League Teams

Atlantic Division Pacific Division
Boston Uprising Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem Los Angeles Gladiators
Houston Outlaws Los Angeles Valiant
London Spitfire San Francisco Shock
New York Excelsior Seoul Dynasty
Philadelphia Fusion1 Shanghai Dragons

1 Due to player logistics issues, the Philadelphia Fusion will be replaced by the San Francisco Shock.

Matches & Results

DISCLAIMER: Times are approximate and are subject to change and/or delay.

Matchup Start Time Result
Shock vs Spitfire 4 PM PDT 0 - 4
Dynasty vs Outlaws 6 PM PDT 2 - 1
Dragons vs Uprising 8 PM PDT -
submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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Upcoming Competitive Play Changes for Season 8

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:52 PM PST

Why don't heroes say their 'revived' voicelines after being resurrected?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:51 AM PST

Many, if not all heroes have one or two voicelines that would play after being revived (as was evident in the Uprising event earlier this year): for example, I remember Pharah saying "I'm not done yet!" and Symmetra saying "A second chance".

For some reason they were removed from the main game and have ceased to exist despite a very prominent resurrect mechanic.

Now with Mercy's new resurrect ability, each rez feels more distinct as (outside her ultimate) she can only rez one person at a time and has to undergo a lengthy animation before being successful. Having the resurrected hero say their revived voiceline as a thanks would be a great and obvious addition to the 'sound atmosphere' of battle, and also has some practical applications as it'd be a great way to audibly announce to teammates/enemies which hero just got revived since it is a potentially game-changing event (I know you could just look at the kill-feed but having a voice line would make it more immersive).

Heck, even just auto-saying 'thank you' similar to picking up Torb armor would be better than indifferent silence like right now.

submitted by /u/Gamezeo
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This just happened. What are the odds?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:22 AM PST

Did this ult a couple months ago, decided to try it again today, not disappointed.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 01:53 PM PST

Sleepy Genji can't reach the healers

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:10 AM PST

[Self] I'm studying clothing design now, and Overwatch heroes were my inspiration for first collection. Backpack and jacket designed by me, fenixfatalist, and modeled by Kim Nerten.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

Don't hit me or my son ever again!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

Blown away by the Overwatch League set design. The screens and effects were absolutely insane.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

Wondering if anyone else was blown away by the effects of the screens and how amazing they looked. Was watching Houston v Dallas last night, and they were playing at Temple of Anubis, and it had the entire level showing on the huge screens all wrapping around the walls and above the players. It had the huge Anubis statues like 15+ feet tall and showed the actual stage on the screens and I was blown away.

I told my wife, who doesnt really care about Overwatch, but use to work for ESPN, and she thought I had been overreacting. Then she saw it and was just as amazed as I was.

Anyone else amazed as much as I was, or have any pictures of it to share with those who havent seen it?

EDIT: Found the video

submitted by /u/sunshinelov1n
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Superhot: Mind Control Delete has a reference to Overwatch

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:20 AM PST

In that game you can chose between different characters. One being a Ninja.


Very subtle.

submitted by /u/Pluffeluff
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Been playing a lot of 2k lately, thankfully the skills transfer over

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:47 AM PST

Genji team kill with 6 dashes

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:46 AM PST

Snegurochka Zarya - fan skin

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:11 AM PST

When you can't decide which weapon to use for POTG

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:22 AM PST

Important tip for designing fan skins

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

There have been quite a few fan skins up here, and most clearly have a lot of effort put into them. However, if you're trying to make a serious skin that could work in-game there's one thing people sometimes forget, and that is silhouettes.

Every character in Overwatch has a distinct silhouette that allows them to be identified at a glance. Think about it: if your Widow pops infra-sight and you see a figure you can tell instantly who that is- and the characters have all been designed around this. Tracer walks with her arms straight out, Junkrat hobbles, etc.

So what does this mean for skin design? It means that certain elements of the original skin must be preserved. Mccree, for example, always has a cape of some sort- even his lifeguard skin has a towel that doesn't really need to be there, but helps maintain his distinctive silhouette. This extra little bit of design polish is one of the many little things that makes overwatch so intuitive to play, so don't forget it!

tldr: remember to preserve the character silhouette

submitted by /u/StigsSwedishCousin
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After reading the thread about the deaf player asking for help notifying him of enemy ults...

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:14 AM PST

I was reading through the comments and someone mentioned that in WoW it writes out what the bosses are saying. I think it would be helpful to deaf players if we got something like that in Overwatch, like a notification on the feed when a teammate or an enemy ults. Can be coded in blue for friendly, and red for enemies. Idk, just throwing out ideas trying to be helpful. If something like this has already been mentioned, or is in the works, forgive my ignorance.

submitted by /u/_ImAlwayzBored_
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I made a Zerg themed skin for Roadhog

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:53 PM PST

Looney Watch: 2 pieces of retro-styled fanart I made.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

Looney Watch: Red

Looney Watch: Blue

Hey guys, I recently setup a new Deviant Art account because I hadn't used or had access to my old one in like...a decade. Started uploading stuff and realized I never shared these retro Overwatch pieces I made.

Red was done first, and is an amalgamation of styles and classic character references. Blue was made more recently, and is more singularly based on the (more recent-ish) style of Tiny Toon Adventures.

Blue was made before Doomfist and Moira were added. Hope you like!

submitted by /u/ste7enl
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When you use the "Need Healing" communication and nobody has selected a healing support the hero says, "We need a healer!" When there are no healers currently alive and waiting to re-spawn heroes should acknowledge their death with something along the lines "Healer down!" or "Waiting for support!"

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:24 PM PST

Every now and then I get some player that's not paying attention to the kill feed or checking on the scoreboard to see there are no supports alive to heal them. They spam the "Need Healing" command and they'll either finally use their mic to bitch about support not doing their job, how they suck at support because they aren't providing them with heals, or they'll use the text chat to send messages like,

"Mercy/Ana/Moira/etc. heal me!"


"Are you ever going to heal me?"

"Our healer sux"

"No heals"

"Zero healz. GG"

Simple solution, as the title says, change the "Need Healing" command to issue out a line to the non-healing heroes of the team that will inform them that there are no healers currently alive. For the healing heroes nothing changes and they still see the normal "I need healing" displayed and hear the "Need Healing" voice line. This could potentially help cut down on non-perceptive and toxic players thinking they're being neglected or purposely ignored by their supports that are actually just waiting to re-spawn.

submitted by /u/Kirby86
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It still feels like Mercy is a must-have in competitive

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 01:11 PM PST

And it feels like not having a Mercy puts you at a massive disadvantage. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's definitely what it feels like. Is there ever going to be a time where there's a legitimately open support meta?

submitted by /u/Crashlands
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Snow Queen Mercy (Sakimichan)

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:17 PM PST

Sneaky Mei for the win

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:35 AM PST

Was salty I (Zarya) didn't get POTG until I saw how CLEAN our Moira was

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:37 AM PST

No one probably cares, but I'm so happy right now!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

I finally hit Masters after 6 seasons of being a diamond support/flex main. I'm so happy right now, but none of my friends are online to see this, I needed to share with someone, anyone!!!

Edit: you guys are all awesome! If anyone wants to visit my stream feel free to come and watch. I stream everyday and I'm willing to give advice to anyone: supports, tanks, flex, anyone diamond or below, etc.. So don't be afraid to message me in chat!

Thanks again guys, it feels great knowing all of you support people in this subreddit :)

submitted by /u/atinyllama
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As someone who is utter trash at genji, this play made me glad :)

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:32 AM PST

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