Guild Wars 2 - Best of 2017 - Nomination & Voting Thread!

Best of 2017 - Nomination & Voting Thread!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:15 AM PST

Best of r/GuildWars2 2017!

2017 has been a great year! We got an expansion, Living World Season 4 has just started and there have been lots of great shit posts submitted. It's now that time of the year again where we get to decide the bests of 2017.


For each category, there will be a comment made by the mods. Reply to the comment with a nomination and vote for nominations by upvoting.

You will only be able to nominate/vote until the 31st of December 11:59pm UTC (Obligatory Countdown). Votes will then be counted and we'll reveal the winners sometime during the first week of January.

The thread will be in contest mode, meaning only mods will be able to see nomination scores, and all comments will be displayed in a random order.

For the community categories, each winning nominee will receive reddit gold!


  1. You are only allowed to make one nomination per category.

  2. For the community category, nominations must be a linked user, comment or thread from /r/GuildWars2 in 2017.

  3. Any comments that are not replies to the categories, nominations, or stickied comment will be removed.

  4. Please try not to repeat any nominations for a given category, ctrl+f to check if something has already been nominated for.

  5. For any general discussion, please reply to the stickied comment. If you wish to discuss a nomination, reply to that nomination.



  • Best non-Fluff Post - Nominate a /r/GuildWars2 non-fluff thread that you think has been the best of 2017 i.e. because it generates good discussion, has useful information etc.

  • Best shit Fluff Post - Nominate a /r/GuildWars2 post that you think has been the best of 2017 i.e. because it's funny, makes you feel good etc.

  • Best Comment - Nominate a /r/GuildWars2 comment that you think deserves to win best of 2017.

  • Best Suggestion - Nominate a /r/GuildWars2 suggestion for the game that you think deserves to win best of 2017.

  • Best Artwork - Nominate your favourite artwork that you've seen in /r/GuildWars2 this year.

  • Best Video - Nominate your favourite /r/GuildWars2 related video that was created this year.

  • Most Helpful User - Nominate a user that you have noticed being particularly helpful in the weekly question threads or otherwise.

  • Most Valuable Community Member - Nominate the most valuable community member overall of 2017 (devs allowed).

  • Best Unacknowledged Post - Nominate a /r/GuildWars2 thread or comment that really deserved a dev reply but didn't get one.


  • Best Content - Vote for the best content introduced this year e.g "Shattered Observatory Fractal" or your favourite PoF act/LWS4 episode etc.

  • Best QoL Change - Vote for the best quality of life change you've seen in 2017.

  • Best Bug - Vote for the best bug of 2017.

Good luck, happy voting and thank you for contributing!! Feel free to message us if you have any questions.

submitted by /u/poopeepoo
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BoSaSBSS - We need an alternative power food.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:43 AM PST

Anet WvW FAQ

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:53 PM PST

For all of my Asuran bretherans

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:31 PM PST

Isn't it about time that we're allowed to pick which Raid boss instance we open, if completed?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:42 PM PST

Currently, the system stands that if you've completed a raid encounter (and all encounters before it for the week), then you are unable to open an instance on said encounter. Did you full clear but now want command a squad of newer players on a boss that isn't the first in the wing? Fat Bad* luck.

I find that the system here is quite awkward, and nothing more. Yes, of course, you can get someone else to open the instance, but while this already appears to be a completely uneccesary step to get a raid going, it also becomes increasingly difficult as time passes through the week, since reset.

Why? Why are you punishing us for defeating an encounter, Anet? We're going to get into an instance that is on the encounter that we desire, but all you've done by locking us out is made that task so much more complex than it needs to be. You haven't locked us out of anything, you've just made what we're going to do (and should be encouraged to do), more annoying to set up. It seems to be an absolutely terrible design that we're being encouraged to start paying people to open instances for us.

submitted by /u/hmmmm_i_wonder
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Telegraphs for interrupted attacks are inconsistent, not something new players should have to 'learn'.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:50 PM PST

Opening with examples, skip to the line if you don't care.

If you're fighting the Grawl Shaman, and the telegraph (/ AoE circle) appears to warn you that it's going to use its "so scary, one-shot attack", you have no reason to walk out of the AoE if his CC bar has been broken at any time during the cast. It doesn't proc, and this makes sense.

Now, do 100cm (probably also any regular 25, 50, 75, 100). Skorvald lights up a portion of the platform in warning of 'Horizon Strike', and you break his CC bar. Do you stand in the 'telegraph' and expect to escape unscathed? No - not only does the attack still activate after Skorvald's breakbar has been broken (or, even if he's been phased to 66% or 33%), but it will also then proceed to light up the rest of the platform for successive Horizon Strike blasts, even if you broke / phased him a fraction of a second after the first one was being cast.

Now skip over to fighting the Legendary Imbued Shaman, where breaking or phasing the boss will interrupt the cast of any solid orange telegraph AoEs, and compare it once again to 100cm, where even if you kill the first of the anomalies on Skorvald's fight before the "personal" targeted AoE burning and agony stacks are applied, you must dodge this or else you will be hit with it - despite the enemy that applied it being dead.

This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list at all of occurences, just wanted to set the stage (and honestly, I can't tell if this is only present in 100cm, or elsewhere - haven't paid enough attention). My point for complaint, is that a newer player shouldn't be required to distinguish between a fake telegraph and a real telegraph.

Do note - I am not saying that attacks being interrupted is an issue - I fully agree with new players being expected to learn when a certain enemy / boss will be phased, and that attacks should be interrupted when the enemy has their CC bar broken. That's just part of playing the game. My problem is in the fact that having been phased / broken, you can't actually be 100% sure that the attack is not going to occur. Telegraphs are a saving grace for the case where we don't know exactly when, where, or how an attack will occur. If we can't trust these, we have an issue.

submitted by /u/ConfidentBullshiter
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Dear ANET: Can we please skip dialogue in the future.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

The original personal story let you skip the cutscenes which was great if you've already seen them 10 times but now with the new immersive style of "as we're walking towards the objective" dialogue there's often no way to skip it. Now I'm all for whatever style you prefer but I'd just like a way to skip the dialogue. Many other games use a method like "press space" or "action key" to skip the current line. It seems like it would be fairly easy to use "Press x to talk to this npc" as a way that advanced their dialogue by one line.

submitted by /u/brobrobro00
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[Spoilers] How will Tyria fair against an Undead Invasion.....again

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:40 PM PST

Personally, I think they would do very well against Jokos invasion. Tyrians have dealt with so much shit befor they already experienced enough to have some kind of deterrent in the future. Zhaitan, Scarlet, Mordremoth. at this point everyone probably has a flamethrower under their beds heck I can picture a quaggan burning down a few awakened with sunglasses on "CoooooOOOOO FooooOOOOO MOTHERF*CKERS"

submitted by /u/Xynker
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I don't think my cat appreciates how I spend my time

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

Massivelyop placed GW2 at #6 for 2017!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:09 PM PST

What is this, an airship for ants?!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:39 PM PST

Happy Friday! Here's a red choya pixel bounce bounce [OC]

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:38 AM PST

Are legendary weapons boring to craft?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:50 AM PST

Hi all, I've somewhat exhausted my current goals, and think I'm edging closer to going for my first legendary weapon. I kinda assumed they would be this epic quest, but looking at the steps to acquire the one I want (flames of war), just seems like a giant gold sink and craft fest, is that the case?

I understand some have collections, and some backstory? It's a real shame if there is no lore and adventure behind the later ones.

So, thoughts on that? Do you think it's worth changing the one I want to one with collections perhaps?

Did you enjoy your legendary, or was it a gold grind?


submitted by /u/CouncillorPhlunt
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[Request] ANet: Bring back Orbital Strike visuals!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 01:36 AM PST

It's been a while since ANet replaced the visuals of Orbital Strike to cull visual noise, as well as other skills. While I agree with the idea of having the option to cull visual noise, I think it should be just that; an option.

As such, my request to ANet is thus: Please let us choose the level of visual noise we want, even if it's just a checkbox in the options that, when checked, disables what has been categorised as visual noise.

ANet pls respond

EDIT: Glad to see this is getting some attention. For clarity, and in response to some replies, this ISN'T a request to put back the old visuals for everyone; it's a request to give the player THE OPTION of displaying effects that have been classified as 'visual noise' instead of what we have now

EDIT 2: For those wanting to know what the old Orbital Strike looked like:

submitted by /u/Kisagari
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Dhuum is sick and tired of babysitting

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:15 PM PST

Dragon hunter bow

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST

Why do dragon hunter builds never seem to use bow?

It's always greatsword/scepter, or just scepter.

submitted by /u/Tuktz_Nulo
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Dear Anet: Please make more achievements like "Brandstone Research"

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:49 PM PST

Typically, the achievements in this game involve repeating tasks over and over until you're done. Sometimes the task is to craft a thing, kill a thing, or avoid some thing but regardless it still feels like the same old thing (at least it does when you have burned through 10k+ AP). Sure there are some exceptions like the legendary collections which force you to go out and explore the world and those are great but they also probably took some time to develop.

I like what was done with "Brandstone Research", it is simple yet somehow deep. To complete the achievement, you are forced to acquire a new tool, learn to use it, upgrade it, and seek out a new (slightly) different item each day. This is an experience that you may not have otherwise had if not for this achievement (or the associated brand stone event). Better yet, I saw the community come together to help each other earn this achievement and get the materials they needed to craft the astral weapons this achievement eventually unlocks.

I'm not saying it's perfect but I wouldn't mind seeing more achievements like this, ones that force you to try something slightly different from the usual achievement tropes.

submitted by /u/CCullen
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Anyone know what Shrouded Bench of the Final judge does?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:37 PM PST

Did they forget about certain buffs in the new Raid wing?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:31 PM PST

Issues with some Engineer traits

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:32 PM PST

Because there's an upcoming balance patch I wanted to bring some issues with Engineer traits into focus so that people actually know about them. Basically:

Lock On never triggers Invisible Analysis (applies 10 vuln when hitting a target and stealthed).

Expert Examination (applies 5 vuln and weakness when dazing or stunning) activates on gyro death. Except the Blast Gyro death (weird).

It's really frustrating as an engineer main, especially with the first bug, because 10 vuln is a big deal. I'm probably one of the few people who use Sneak Gyro in open world. When they introduced Invisible Analysis last patch or so I was really excited because I could get rewarded for sneaking up on mobs with the gyro. Big let down when it didn't work. Double since the balance team wants to address play with vuln.

As for Expert Examination proccing on gyro death, it's probably vestigial from when gyros caused daze. That said they probably should still cause daze in pve. Without that functionality, the Impact Savant trait (increases daze duration) just makes little sense.

submitted by /u/gwjhc
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Windowed fullscreen mad stutter even when I have good FPS

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

Hi, I just got back to GW2 and bought a new PC a week ago.

Since then I have a big problem running the game in windowed fullscreen mode. The game itself stutters extremely even though my FPS are fine.

When I put the game back on Fullscreen I get the same FPS but not the stutter.

I tried to capture it via my mobile phone:

I couldn't screen record it because in the recorded video would be no stutter at all even though I recordered it.

I got no overlays, no MSI Afterburner, no anything that could do something about my computer.


8700k 1080 TI 64GB Ram Windows 10

I already disabled these XBOX Gaming settings in Windows which didn't help.

Does anyone know a solution for this? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Fureal
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Soul Shackles mechanic on Final Boss of Hall of Chains

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:37 AM PST

I'm the tank, so I don't have direct experience of this mechanic, but my friends are having trouble with Soul Shackles. Specifically, whenever Soul Shackles happens at the same time as Big Succ: the players who are shackled just instantly die to the combined damage of the Shackles and the Big Succ.

How are people handling the interaction of these two mechanics? I spent an hour going through kill videos with and without voice chat in them, and in every single successful kill, there is zero plan for how to handle these two mechanics together. I'm getting the feeling that people are just farming attempts and eventually get lucky with Big Succ and Soul Shackles not coinciding, and that ends up being their kill. I don't want our kill to depend on luck, I want to have a plan to handle this.

My tentative plan for tonight: if Big Succ and Soul Shackles will coincide, shackled players stay stacked and don't spread out yet, distort the Big Succ while dropping heavy heals onto the stack, then shackled players spread out during the Succ but after the intial first big hit. I think the problem may lie in that the shackled players are spreading out before the intial hit of Succ, so they miss the distort. If we can get them to eat a little shackle damage, but cover it with extra healing, so that they can stay stacked for distort, I think that will help.

submitted by /u/derek614
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can we get rarer exotics like Mjölnir and volcanus from mystic forge?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:22 PM PST

i have 200 mystic stones and 78 gold, i could probably try a few but everytime i dump 4 exo before i seem to only get cheap exotics

submitted by /u/captain_teemo1
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Last updated crashed my game

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:00 PM PST

Since last thursday, my game crashed 4-5 times a day.Never happend before the update. And the fps are pretty bad they go to 7fps down. I have a good graphic Card and a good processor i 7. Repair didnt help. After i reinstalled my min fps are 18fps. But i guess it still will be crash on the new and old ls3 maps

submitted by /u/involvex
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