Learn Dota 2 - Full coaching video (1hour) with support player going over ganking, warding, roaming, rotations, and thinking about support consciously.

Full coaching video (1hour) with support player going over ganking, warding, roaming, rotations, and thinking about support consciously.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:35 AM PST

How to play core hero if your team lost early game?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:34 PM PST

I often find myself in situations when my team is getting stomped early game and then winning feels impossible. I don't understand how I can push at all, the enemy will always tp and kill me. Jungling either side is unfeasible due to ganking, they practically dominate the whole map. I'm also obviously behind my enemy at this point. Underfarmed pos 1/2 have really low impact without items in fights. What am I supposed to do, without relying on teammates of course? And since prevention is the best solution, what are some tips to win lane if matched against strong gankers like SB, Clock, Mirana while still managing to get CS (other than jungling). I mean, I know how to avoid, but that makes me fall behind. I just really have no clue what to do when this happens.

submitted by /u/Silent_228
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I need an advice, please.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:25 PM PST

I need an advice.

If you want to know my background, please check this:


Now this is my doubt:

I would like you to ask you an advice about something. To be honest, this account was not mine from the beginning, and I was wondering if, now that I learned the basics and mechanics of Dota, should I start playing with a new account? Because I spoiled at least 2000 games learning how to play, and other times grifiing and feeding and like 500 LP games because I used to rage so hard and tilt back in the days. Now I just play for love to the game and the love for Invoker. What should I do? Keep the account or start a new account? Having a real new record of the stats is worth?

I climbed once to almost 4.7k MMR like a year ago, but I had really bad attitude toward teammates.

Here is my Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/66377405

I used to share this account when I was learning how to play Dota, about 40% of the games are not mine.

Please, give me your thoughts. Thank a lot.

submitted by /u/carloxart
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What things can I consciously do to avoid being ganked

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:07 PM PST

I am pretty good at landing. I consistently get 40+ lasthits at 10 minutes even against aggressive dual offlanes by abusing equilibrium etc, etc. However all the time at around level 6-7 I will get ganked and my lane will be invaded and my game seems to go downhill from there as a carry.

Are there any steps I can take every game to avoid this happening?

submitted by /u/Braxtapose
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tinker efficiency this patch 7.07 c

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:29 PM PST

as per my understanding which is limited, tinker is about split pushing ....pew pew pew burst ...instant perma lock down with guinsu ..... and etc. but heavily depends on mana management and efficiency with the new items what item order do you propose ? is the starting null still worth it on him? with the changes to soul ring do i still make it? aghs still situational? when do i make a kaya? and what is my combo from fountain rearm march soul ring then one more march? after march damage talent is one march enough to push out lanes .... any new builds? pls ur help will be really appriciated.....dont be afraid to mock me if i am asking something universally known but answer them atleast ty.🙃

submitted by /u/kael_cynic
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Why does stealth disjoint Fortune's End?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:55 PM PST

Seems pretty weird especially when part of the function of the ability is that it provides true sight of the target.

Another weird thing about Fortune's End is that euls disjoints it, even though if you target it on a euls'd enemy it works fine...

submitted by /u/Ace_InTheSleeve
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I wanna expand my game knowledge as a pos 5 support, any tips? (xpost r/dota2)

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:31 AM PST

I'm an Ancient 3 player playing mostly pos5 but still i feel like i'm not good enough, like I ward using my instinct rather than thinking where it will be good to place. Also, sometimes, i become really really poor because of buying unnecessary items. any tips so i can expand my knowledge? thanks!

submitted by /u/AntarticMonkeys
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Itemizing Spirit Breaker.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:02 PM PST

Out of 4 calibiration games, I've won two--with Barathrum no less. I rode off the fact I know how to use his abilities well (I think) but I'm always at a loss as to what to build. I basically rush brown boots, urn, treads. Then if there's a lot of right clickers, Blademail and Halberd. If I'm ahead or we need initiation, I rush scepter. I don't get shadow blade because I feel like I can surprise the enemy well enough with timing or wards. I know I should get the urn upgrade right after treads but I always forget.

When to get Vanguard? on Dotabuff it seems it's a high wr item on it.

submitted by /u/gnuforlyfe
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What are Sniper's ult, upgraded or not, interactions with disables, aghs, blade mail, ethereal, and euls?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:13 PM PST

Sure, while he's casting it, just interrupt him. Pretty standart. But what about after he finish casting, while the ult's projectile is in midair? How does it, his damage, reflection, etc, interact together? I'll leave a few questions to exemplify what I mean.

  • Does BKB block the damage?
  • Does it block after it's been upgraded?
  • Disarms can't stop his ult after aghs, but what about disables?
  • Can he Eul's to avoid blade mail damage?
  • Can he ghost scepter to avoid blade mail damage?
  • Does it still do damage if he's hidden? Inside slark's ult, smoke, SD disruption?
  • If he has deso, does it apply before or after his ult damage?
  • If he has linken's, does it stop blade mail damage?
  • If he has linken's, does it block reflected ult?
  • Does it still hit invisible enemies after upgraded?
submitted by /u/C_Sha
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What are Terrorblade's weaknesses as a hero and how can I play around them?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:58 AM PST

I always sortof/kindof liked the hero but I'm just too scared to pick him just because how easy it is to get counterpicked (or thats what it feels like, at least). Sven, Invoker, or basically any hero with strong AoE nukes/CC and I'm already fretting over how/when do I play teamfights.

Apart from the obvious ones like high magic burst, weak early game, etc. are there any other negatives that I should keep in mind about the hero? Also, is there any specific way to play him when I get countered? For eg. is it feasible to rely on pure micro skills to keep my illus alive when I'm against a Lesh/Lina, or should I just avoid fights vs those heroes till BKB. Also, is it ok to build a "less illusion-focused build", as I like to call it, vs other such heroes? Something like SnY/Pike/BKB/Satanic, where you don't have a bunch of stats that would benefit your illusions but your actual hero becomes much more survivable. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Why does Dark Seer have such a low pick and win rate in pubs?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:28 AM PST

DS is historically one of the most favored heroes in pro matches, yet he has a 45% win rate and is ranked around 100 in popularity. Why is the hero so out of favor in pubs? Judging from high-level dotabuffs, DS is one of the strongest farmers out of the offlane. The hero seems straightforward enough to execute--farm with ion shell, split push, buff allies, and use your combo in teamfights. Itemization is straightforward--greaves 100% of the time, followed by any auras you like.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How feasible is it to learn Dota 2 and Lol at the same time?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:49 AM PST

I just got my first gaming PC and am looking to expand into Dota and Lol. I've played HotS for the last year or so but I know it's a very different game. Both Lol and Dota seem interesting and I have friends that play League but I'd also like to learn Dota—in part because all champions are free. How difficult would it be to learn both games? Are they more similar than they are different?

submitted by /u/DwightKSchruteD
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A question about medals

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST

So the other day I calibrated party at Guardian 1. Seeing as I hadn't calibrated solo I also figured Crusader wasn't out of reach since I have friends that are Crusaders. So I play two solo ranked games and get notified that I'm now Guardian 2. I still have 8 calibration matches. Naturally I wonder wtf.

Is my rank now shared and it will be influenced by my calibration matches?

Also is there a list on how many wins you need to gain rank? If I lose 10 in a row do I then need to win 10 before I can start gaining rank again?

submitted by /u/storgodt
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Troll Level 25 Talent: Battle Trance Dispels

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:24 AM PST

Is this a basic or strong dispel?

submitted by /u/MustNotExceed20Char
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Do you guys use your pinky for any hotkeys?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:51 AM PST

just curious; my bindings are Q (ring finger on Q) W E Space (Ult). pinky on tab and ` (select all units) if I'm playing micro heroes but that's it

submitted by /u/rainshadow-
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Should I calibrate my solo to get a higher medal?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:42 AM PST

Sorry if is a noob question, last patch I had like 3k party and 2K solo mmr and since these things are still seeded. If I calibrate my party only, will the solo medal not factor in?

submitted by /u/GAMEISKILL
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How do you counter Axe?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

In my 1k bracket this hero is OP AF, a blink call with blademail can kill a hero with twice to three times his networth. I have 37% winrate against the hero, and in 7.07 he feels even more imba than before. I've tried picking OD, lifestealer etc but it doeesn't seem to matter, I still lose. Anyone have any tips?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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So is pango best given solo xp or being aggressive dual lane?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:59 AM PST

I feel like he is super strong if played aggressively, has tons of damage output and chasing tools, but I've played a few dual offlane games where we go in and somehow both die while all 3 enemies have 10% life, effectively losing us the entire lane.

I can't tell if we are super close to stomping, or if this is just how its often going to go, given all the AOE but no specific target kill power.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Dota 2 gaming server?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:45 AM PST

Ways of Playing Bounty Hunter

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 09:25 PM PST

Hello, How do we Play Bounty Hunter? I've encountered many players who build Battle Fury, some build Desolator and quite a times they build Dagon. Torte's Guide doesn't encourages the Battlefury Could anyone suggest me the build of BH and when to pick BF or Dagon or the build order and how His Ulti Works?


submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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Why am I getting the most dogshit quality of games I have ever seen lately?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:33 AM PST


First game, 2 low level legend players and an uncalibrated void somehow end up in my 4.5-6k game, all pick carries (drow picked 4th in THAT lineup) Feed their lanes, have either stupid items or NO items.Tinker ended up being unstoppable because nobody though of picking a hero that doesn't get counted by tinker. And if you're gonna say they maybe calibrated party, no they were definitely as bad as legend.

Game 2 I have an ANCIENT 1 jakiro who brought 2 kinds of boots and didn't know where to ward?!! Jugger was an uncalibrated swine who did nothing but farm jungle and die to LC, have almost no items and shouldn't be anywhere above 3k let alone 4k but somehow valve thought it was good idea to put him in a mid ancient game.

This is just the ones I played today but lately I've been getting people with no interest to win, throw games just from draft, be flamming assholes when they don't get their pos 1/2. Even the enemy team has been like this, in one game they picked 5 carries and another couple with 2 people mid. For a while I had sane people and was winning steadily but with these maniacs it's literally impossible to win as a support.

submitted by /u/BurnsyCEO
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