Overwatch - How it feels to 1v1 Moira

How it feels to 1v1 Moira

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:12 AM PST

Greed will get you S M A C C E D

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:07 AM PST

PTR - The new "Toast" Bastion pose is too cute!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:18 PM PST

Wait, what's that small dot in the distance

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

Doomfist saves the day

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:46 AM PST

Official minicomic: Yeti hunt

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:47 AM PST

Moira and Reaper have the same colour and this is bothering me more than it should

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:15 AM PST



submitted by /u/SirCaesar29
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I'm the rank 1 doomfist and here's my second montage :)

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:33 PM PST

[Engen] Incoming Bastion and Sombra Toast Poses

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:26 PM PST

Zenyatta should get Mondatta "skin" like Reinhardt got Balderich!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:31 AM PST

I'm sure it must have been posted plenty times already, but it would be nice to have this thing.

We all know Mondatta, yes, it's that monk who prefered go through crowd like if they were his shield, all the way slowly to his limo and taking a last look at his killer for no reason at all.

But he looked damn well while at it

I know, Zen already has plenty of amazing skins, but there is something I still prefer about his classic omnic look, as his legendaries usually make him either the most badass, or the creepiest thing in game (I'm looking at you, Nutcracker) and I think it wouldn't hurt to have more "Omnic-like" skins for him, well unless they have usually bird/tentacle heads

Anyone else would love to see that ingame?

submitted by /u/Maxson_
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Blizzard's Battle.net Silently Adds Root CA

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:39 PM PST

Original post by /u/chort0, who uncovered this story:

While running the battle.net updater for HotS this morning I got a strange prompt that Agent wanted to make changes on my computer and needed my admin password. I was immediately suspicious, so I checked Activity Monitor and noticed that the Agent process has open file handles to all the Keychain files, most notably to the System Roots Keychain, which holds all the trusted root CA certificates.

I opened Keychain and looked in the System Roots, searched for Blizzard, and sure enough, here it is. The expiration day is December 19th, and since certificates are usually generated for a certain number of years, that means it was just created.

In case you didn't know, a trusted root CA has the ability to create a certificate that is valid for any website or server and your computer won't warn you about it. The Blizzard Agent process can intercept your network traffic, create a forged certificate to allow them to decrypt the traffic, and you will never know about it.

WTF Blizzard?

I just want to add, if Blizzard now gets hacked and/or a rogue employee gets their hands on the master keys, all TLS (https, imap, and more) traffic from your computer can be compromised. That's right, Blizzard installed a security flaw on your computer.

Update: It seems like this might have been a reaction to Blizzard's previous certificate being distrusted by Mozilla. That's is actually really worrying, because it would mean the Blizzard employees behind this this could actually face criminal charges.

Update 2: Looks like it's not a CA cert, "only" a leaf cert. That changes everything, at least on first consideration. There might still be attack vectors I'm overlooking. OTOH it means that the private key for the cert is very likely included in Agent.exe, rendering the whole certificate at least completely useless and at worst dangerous. Still expecting an official statement.

Update 3: Actually, it is missing the part that would make it decidedly not a CA cert (it would need Basic Key Usage, critical, with CA bit turned off). So this is actually for all intents and purposes a root CA cert, and libraries that predate X509v3 Extended Key Usage will accept it as such.

Update 4: Keys are generated per installation, so it is slightly better than Lenovo's Superfish in that you need at least local filesystem access (thanks /u/theukoctopus). But see szastupov's remark on HN pointing out that Agent.exe is world-readable, so any unprivileged process can extract the private key.

Update 5: So after some back-and-forth it seems like most TLS libraries will not accept certificates issued under this root due to the following statement in RFC 5280. (thanks /u/achow101 for the hint)

If the basic constraints extension is not present in a version 3 certificate, or the extension is present but the cA boolean is not asserted, then the certified public key MUST NOT be used to verify certificate signatures.

However, it is debatable whether TLS implementations in the wild actually check for this. See also the comment from Bruce Morton on a Mozilla bug from 5 years ago:

The certificate without BCE worked for almost all browsers.

So old software especially may still see this as a valid root CA. See also The Grey Area:

For root CA certificates, it seems that the Basic Constraints extension is not required in order for the CA certificate to be viewed as valid from the browser's point of view. (I've observed this in Firefox and Internet Explorer) This most likely stems from the fact that there are root CAs that were created and put into operation well before X.509 v3 extensions were in wide use.

Update 6: Blue post here https://us.battle.net/forums/en/bnet/topic/20760626838

Our recent update to the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app made sure players could properly use features like logging in to Battle.net via a social network, or joining a Blizzard group via an invite link. To facilitate these features, we updated the local webserver to use a self-signed certificate to be consistent with current industry security standards.

For those interested in more detail, using these features requires your web browser to communicate with the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app. Previously, the desktop app used a certificate signed by a public Certificate Authority, meaning that no modifications to your system certificates were necessary; however, this technique is incompatible with Certificate Authority policies and we can no longer use it.

While some browsers such as Chrome and Firefox are equipped to handle browser-to-app communication techniques, the changes were necessary for other browsers. For the time being, the desktop app generates a self-signed certificate that's unique to your machine and configures your system to trust it.

They need to fix the certificate to include Basic Constraints (+critical bit) CA:false as well as Key Usage (+critical bit) with keyAgreement:true and all other bits set to false, and for good measure add the critical bit to Extended Key Usage.

More discussion: HoTS, HackerNews

More information re previous vulnerability: https://twitter.com/taviso/status/938503794098180096

Overly broad permissions on macOS: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOvhmJ1WkAAFCSD.jpg (credit to szastupov @HN)

Comment by revelation @HN, pointing out that this whole thing is snake oil security and a waste of computing power:

The first assumption of anti-cheat is that the system you are running on is compromised because someone is trying to cheat. It starts with memory being modified out of order, then code being modified, then syscalls and APIs intercepted, and frankly by now it probably goes all the way up to running a cheat hypervisor, because why would you not.

So HTTPS is just adding entropy through waste heat, it achieves nothing, whatever a client is sending or receiving is trivially intercepted after the decryption.

View the certificate: https://dpaste.de/tcF1/raw

submitted by /u/0rakel
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My team thought this play was reddit worthy

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:48 PM PST

When you have problems with low fps on Windows 10, try this

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:24 AM PST

Recently wanted to play Overwatch again. Started it and noticed that my fps were way lower than before. So I switched games and tried playing Rainbow Six: Siege. But behold: Same problem there.

I then found the solution on /r/Rainbow6: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/7l2kc4/fixed_my_fps_problems_with_the_new_update_now_i/

Just do this, but with your Overwatch.exe Worked for me and my frames are up to 60fps again.

€: Instructions for Overwatch:

https://imgur.com/a/B9McG by /u/theodoreroberts

submitted by /u/Pluffeluff
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Game breaking bug with Bastion that has been in the game since launch

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:36 PM PST

Finally Hit Top 100 - Dedicating this to all of the other full-time workers!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:37 PM PST

A few months after breaking top 500 I've finally hit one of my major goals in game, hitting top 100! The fact that I work 35-40 hours a week outside of the world of computer games made this achievement THAT much sweeter for me. Next goal: Make streaming my full-time job <3


I feel the pain of having to pay a mortgage and work full-time to make a living while trying to remain relevant in competitive gaming. So this one goes out to all of the other day to day grinders like myself!


I don't normally share stuff like this but I'm insanely pumped about it!

Top 100!: https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableKnottyGoldfishWTRuck

Strim Link: https://www.twitch.tv/tryhard_enmity

submitted by /u/TryHardNmity
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Borty and GreyThe66th, the Legendary Tale of Two Randoms in a Four Stack

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:10 PM PST

On the cold night of December 20th, 2017 (after drinking more than I should have.) I queued up for a game of Competitive Overwatch only to be met with something I'm sure we all hate, a four stack on the team who didn't want to join team chat.

This left me, Borty, and the legendary Greythe66th wondering how we could pull a failing uncommunicative team together for a win. An idea dawned on me as the first round came to a close, a loss. Me and Grey, unable to communicate with our team, would be our own team, a 6 man stack of 2, an unstoppable force of bullets and revives. For he would play mercy and pocket me playing solider and only me in the next round. What happened next will go down in history as my favorite game of Overwatch.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/211512204 (Turn down the video its kinda loud sorry im new to twitch streaming I need a better mic)

Thank you Grey, you will forever be remembered in my heart for making me realize how much I love this game. We went on to play many more games that night, using teamwork and communicating with every team. We won almost every game, and we lived happily ever after. Except I'm hungover now.

submitted by /u/diegosaurs
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forgive me for making this

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:25 AM PST

I might have gotten a 5k High Noon, but all i care about are those last 2 shots.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:57 AM PST

Well that's a new one..

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:01 AM PST

My Christmas Present for you - Free Streaming Overlays

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:17 AM PST

Hej, today is my last day in front of the computer, cause my family will be visiting me, so i have to post today and not on the 24th.

I wish you all a merry christmas! As a present i give out 3 different Graphic-Sets, that you can use in you channel - if you are streaming of course.

These Sets contains Offline-Pic, Description-Panels, Stream-Overlays, Webcam- and Chatframe.

It ist absolutely FOR FREE. Credits in your channel are not needed! Just click the preview-pictures you like and save them with rightclick.

Have fun with it! If wish you happy holidays and some days without too many salt. See you next year!

  • Btw... of course you can use any design of my site. Everything on this site is free to use, so browse and grab, what you need. ;)*
submitted by /u/BulTV
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Junkrat Droptire exploit

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:11 PM PST

If the enemy Zarya is suddenly being very confident and pushing to the front line. Typically it means that she has Graviton Surge and looking for an area to throw it.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:58 AM PST

One thing that I have noticed is when Zarya has her Graviton Surge, she will come up to the front line and start being very aggressive all of a sudden. Then she will throw it down and then her team will start pushing.

I've saved so many potential team wipes from the enemy by telling my team that Zarya is about to Grav and that we need to spread out of stop it somehow.

I highly recommend that you tell your team that she has Grav when she starts pushing up suddenly as it can help you in so many situations... you may even choose to tell them this information when you know the enemy has a Zarya.

Just a little fact that really does help. Hope someone takes it and uses it well!

submitted by /u/GotUsRaro
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Can we all take a moment to appreciate the fact blizzard consistently produces new skins, map, and heroes, all with out making it dlc?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

One of the only games I know of that we consistently get new things in this game for free. Thank you blizzard.

submitted by /u/Myfakeaccount90
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Genji feels like a brand new hero on PC (came from Xbox One!)

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:53 PM PST

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