Learn Dota 2 - Why are raindrops good on poor position 5 supports in the early game?

Why are raindrops good on poor position 5 supports in the early game?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:48 PM PST

I see pro players like Solo on Dazzle walk around with brown boots and raindrops early game and that's it. I know the magic save is good but not everyone in the early game has enough magic burst to nuke you down. Is it the mana regen then?
Also wouldn't windlace or a magic wand or even just a stick be good instead of rushing raindrops?

submitted by /u/akafooty
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what should i get to counter omnislash on drow?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:02 PM PST

Ghost scepter? Euls? this would also apply to other carries who don't naturally like to make items to counter it.

i realize drow has a silence but he can dispel that when he gets manta

you can also use invis but a good jugg will have dust

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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I think my problem is that I just do not know how to fight. Any resources for practicing this?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:59 AM PST

Basically I end up with a lot of games like this (Luna) or this (TA) where I will win the early game, absolutely beat the dogshit out of someone in lane. Then go on to throw the advantage away by poking myself in the eyeball in midgame fights. "Win lane, lose game" could be my own personal motto.

Long story short, is there a good way to practice JUST this aspect of the game to get more comfortable with it? In a 45-minute game there might be 2 or 3 of these fights before the become very lopsided, and it's a very S-L-O-O-O-W process to learn that way.

I do watch high-MMR videos, my own replays to see what I did wrong, etc., and get a lot of useful information from it; my problem is in actually executing that effectively under pressure.

I don't even think it's an issue of not understanding what heroes do or power spikes, etc. More that in the chaos of a big midgame fight, I lose track of things and make dumb decisions. Not targeting the enemy I should be; going in first or second when I should be going in third or fourth; being too aggressive in disadvantageous fights; being too tentative in winnable fights and getting killed without getting a key ability off.

I'm not looking for advice on these specific games btw, I know there are things that could've been better (BKB on Luna before Manta, for example, instead of Manta first and then being 800 gold away from BKB for the next 20 minutes while losing fight after fight). Just how to practice these pitched battles and get better at the actual fights.

Oh, also - this is not a problem exclusive to mid; I actually play mid only occasionally and those happened to be games where our team didn't have one. But it's the same problem as a safelane carry or offlaner.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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radiance in cyclone

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

Does radiance (and other pulsing dots) run while in eul's cyclone?

submitted by /u/tulth
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Learning material for offlaners

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:24 PM PST

I was just wondering, if you guys know where I could find some videos of who to watch as an offlaner. My previous MMR was 4,6k, I didn't calibrate yet, but I wanna try getting a bit serious again and start playing.

I was searching online but not many offlaners are streaming. I realy like Mind Control's style of play, as in, I'm not a "greedy" offlaner. I will play greedy if I'm on a hero that needs to be like nature's prophet. I couldn't find much of his videos though. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

submitted by /u/BladeCW
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Is there anything like Cookie's guides for improving at offlane?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

It seems to me that there are plenty of resources out there like cookie's guides and Bsj's coaching sessions for improving at mid and carry. Tons of mechanics guides for mid as well. There are also a lot of guides for supporting, and I'm not sure how good they are at teaching decision making, but at least they exist.

By comparison, it seems like there are comparatively few resources for learning offlane. I sort of understand itemisation--usually it's 1-2 core items to enable your hero then whatever counters the enemy--but beyond that I'm lost. Is there anything out there that explains the decision making for the offlane or position 3? When to farm, when to team fight, when to push? How heavily you should commit to pressuring the enemy carry and for how long?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How do i play as storm vs tinker in lane?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:02 AM PST

what i ve been trying to do is keep the lane pushed but ive been having trouble killing him early solo in the game.

submitted by /u/RafaelRkg
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2/11/6 mid looking for some advice

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:30 AM PST


I was Brewmaster. Fed horribly, did fuckall all game.

I'm just a Legend scrub, and I faced a Divine player mid. I don't expect to win a matchup like that without some huge advantage, but at the same time I don't want to lay all the blame on the enemy player's rank. I want to know what I can do better to at least give me a chance.

I picked Brewmaster after he picked SF, because I thought with the miss chance from Drunken Haze and Drunken Brawler I'd be able to trade hits with him and secure myself some farm. While putting beer in his eyes repeatedly did work out to some degree, it didn't stop him from killing me with Razes and becoming a monster in the mid game by power farming.

I skipped Blink because I thought there's no need for me to try to initiate when they have Blink on SF and Tide, and a Void, which will all look to initiate themselves. I just to need to survive, get Primal Split off and then somehow do some damage. Radiance is good for this right, because the aura persists through Split?

I guess Radiance isn't that good when you get it at 40 mins however. I bought back to defend the barracks at around 20 mins which set me back a lot, and at this point I probably should've just bought Blink and a Hood or something. However, I doubled down on the Radiance and continued to die every fight without ever dealing any considerable damage.


  1. Is there anything I can do in a matchup where I'm the worse player to improve my chances?

  2. Was Brewmaster the right pick versus SF? Would a hero like Puck or WR have been better?

  3. What are some item builds that would've been better? Maybe Midas into Blink Vlads and fight?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/prayforplagues9
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question about medal stars

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:07 PM PST

kinda odd, my mmr is lower than it was by around 50 but i just got two stars where before i had one starwit the slightly higher mmr

the mmr number displayed in my stats screen is apparently lower than the two star mark threshold on the wiki


any idea whats up with that? anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Any super in-depth guides on Pangolier?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:39 AM PST

Preferably released in the past week or 3, as people are only now starting to have serious amounts of experience on him and understand the meta a lot more.

I'd love to see them basically explain how swashbuckle works with and without quick cast and give us their preference etc, I've watched a bunch of replays in player perspective but because of the vector targeting I think I really need to see their screen to actually see how they use swashbuckle optimally.

The fact that pango works like IO, in that he doesn't need to turn to attack or use items or abilities, is something that doesn't seem to get mentioned much, so I'd love if they explained the benefits of that too.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Earth Spirit Questions

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST

I've been having a lot of fun using this hero even though its a hard time. I just have a few questions.

  • How does Aether Lens benefit this hero? I've seen JerAx and Gh build this and I only see his Geo benefiting from it. Any clarification would help.

  • How do you build the hero? I've been going 4-1-4 but I do remember a time when people went the 1-3-1 by Lvl 5 build.

  • Is Remnant efficiency something you can practice on or is it something that you develop the more you play a hero? I actually find myself losing remnants during the fight and I find myself walking to the remnants I already threw.

I definitely want to learn the hero until I find another hero to work on so any help in improving will be very helpful.

submitted by /u/jopaymc_
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Any suggestions/tips to calibrate my solo MMR as a support?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST

Just looking for tips from anyone who got their medals while playing support. I'm aware that you can definitely go high or at least maintain your rank even when playing non-core heroes but its probably just me being a bit anxious about the whole calibration thing. And I was just wondering if there's anything specific I need to do like putting wards, hero healing, etc. to calibrate well or just play normally (probably the latter I suppose).

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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how to handle Batrider as MK?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:39 AM PST

So I was playing MK carry, and it was a solo Bat, bat sticky napalm is super annoying, how to deal with this hero?

submitted by /u/themeepjedi
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Mangos as offlaner.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:24 AM PST

Hi, I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm not a high rank (guardian), but I was wondering about the viability of getting 4 mangos, tangos and 2 branches to start with some of the tankier offlaners. I tried it out yesterday with necrophos and it worked quite well, you upgrade to a wand in the sideshop within a minute or two, and then after that you have no problems staying in lane despite harrass. On top of that, the mangos can be used if you just need another death pulse quite quickly.

I want to try this on a hero like bristle where you can get the mana for quills if you need, but I don't know if it's just that my opponents didn't know what to do and there's some easy way to deal with it or not. For necro particularly, the mangos and branches replace a null talisman, which if I'm building into a dagon won't be unless I have enough hold it doesn't matter.

So what are everyone's views on it?

submitted by /u/edymondo
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Interaction Abbadon & spirit vessel & blink

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:06 AM PST

I have 3 questions about the interaction of two items with abbadon's skills. I have read a redditthread somewhere last 2 months, where someone stated that spiritvessel has a nice interaction with abbadon. They had a certain combo-order why it was good. Which combinationorder of actives+spiritvessel is most efficient? And the second question is that blink stays of cooldown so long abbadon's ultimate is activated, right? That way, just before abbadon's ultimate ends, he can always blink away so long he is not stunned/sheeped. And the last question is: What is the influence when someone (enemy or teamm8) spiritvessels abbadon when his ultimate is activated?

submitted by /u/scoobydoobymutley
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Best roaming heroes.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:30 PM PST


I just played a game as roaming Monkey King and even though I lost, I probably had the most fun in Dota 2 than ever. I don't want to play just Monkey King though, so can I can get some suggestions? Also what makes those suggestions strong at roaming?

Edit: Thank you all for the suggestions! Going to head into pubs and have some fun!


submitted by /u/Cloud2012
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Soul Ring on SF when you're behind?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:02 PM PST

I just watched a recent game of Miracle on SF, where he had a somewhat hard lane, died a few times during the early game and then made Soul Ring afterwards. I gave it a thought - generally people go bottle on SF for the regen/sustain, but now that bottle-crowing isn't possible and if you want to retreat to the jungle to farm up for a couple of minutes, Soul Ring actually sounds like a pretty smart choice. It also gives you a little Strength now which could help if the enemy comes to gank you in your jungle. Has anyone else tried this?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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How to necrobook Lycan?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:10 PM PST

How do you do it even? Every time I chase someone on ult form my necro units keep blocking me. Also at what point do you get the necrobook? I just go brown boots straight necro 3 but something feels very wrong about that.

submitted by /u/idunevenknowyouguys
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How do I deal with Clinkz?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:36 AM PST

Recently played a game where a enemy first picked Clinkz. No one in team went support (as usuall) and I picked Oracle (which may be a bad move here). Clinkz went like how most do (what I've seen at least) which is medallion and desolator. Good at taking single targets in my team and taking towers early game.

He then went early Hex (25min in) and it was basically game over at that point.

While picking something like Axe would be a good counter to him (btw, they picked Axe). You can't find him as he can go around invincible all the time. Soo you have to buy a shit ton sentries all over the map which will just get destroyed by the enemy supports or gem veilders.

Gem is pointless as you only had to die 1 time and it was also pointless having it.

Clinkz also dodge 3 projectiles now soo something like Oracles Root or Atos is pointless now. And becaus he had hex I can't do shit anyway. The only thing I can do is fate edict him before he attacks, and he could just run away if soo.

Soo the only thing left is ult my teammates. Which works somewhat. But all my faith is in my teammates by that point and that leads to a loss.

Communicate teammates was also impossible as they were russians.

Soo if same thing happens again, what to do?

submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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can tiny use spells while dismembered by pudge?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:31 AM PST

i had a game were he would cast his avalanche during dismembered .

submitted by /u/tiger187
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Hello all, can any one tell me if if there is a way to improve your behaviour score?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:13 AM PST

I tilt from time to time when people dont push or support properly and as a result have gotten many reports over the years i have played dota.

I feel my skill is improving, but I keep getting thrown into games where my team just constantly argue with each other for the smallets of things, and Im forever saying "chill out" "plz dont argue" ect. So is there any way to improve the behaviour score or will I be stuck in in this shit pit forever?

submitted by /u/LzVirtue
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