Civilization - Ship of the Line, am i doing it right?

Ship of the Line, am i doing it right?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:47 AM PST

Try and take my city if you dare

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:32 AM PST

When you hate someone but they are on the other side of the world.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:39 AM PST

Make your useless desert a gold mine with this simple trick!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:13 AM PST

This is what I get for picking Venice

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:55 PM PST

Interview with Anton Strenger- Dev for Rise and Fall

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:57 AM PST

Governor highlights: "There are seven different types of Governors, each covering a set of gameplay functions. For example, Liang the Surveyor allows builders extra charges. Going further down her promotion tree, there's the ability to unlock unique Improvements - the City Park and Fishery - that you cannot build in the game any other way. One of my favourite Governor promotions is for the Financier, and allows you to outright purchase city districts with gold."

"Governors play an active role in increasing Loyalty, though, as you can establish them in cities to increase the Loyalty of that particular city, or create an area of effect in certain cases."

LEADER TEASE: "There is one leader in particular that I'm thinking of, though I can't tell you who exactly, and she plays with the Ages system in a very interesting way."

Thoughts? Any ideas who she is?

submitted by /u/thegreatgodthor
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Why does the AI keep doing this in all my Civ6 games. Are there any mods to fix it? Never had this in 5 or 4 that I can recall but its every game in 6...

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:02 PM PST

best starting location? sorry Cyrus!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:44 PM PST

PSA to Mac users wanting to play fall patch

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:13 PM PST

Nvidia released GeForce NOW (i'm not sure how long its been out), and it allows you to play the game as if it were on a windows computer. I have not noticed any performance drops besides the occasional graphic blur, and it is better overall. It allows you to play other games as well, I haven't tried anything else though.

submitted by /u/SewageSquid
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Thanks Incas!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:51 PM PST

I created a civic to fill a gap, am still refining, any suggestions ?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:40 AM PST

Citadels are pretty cool

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:37 PM PST

Yesterday I made a great discovery in Civ V

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:46 PM PST

Destroyers in Civilization 5 can capture cities. Wish I had known this 6 years ago.

submitted by /u/DeusFever
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I wonder; what's the most influential, lifestyle-changing technological development in each era? (Also, a 'Super Techs' mod idea)

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:43 PM PST

So, a bit of explanation; I came up with this idea for a mod (that I have absolutely no idea how to create), where you would have two tech trees (not as in technology and civics, I mean two different technology trees).

One would be the normal tech tree, that you advance through using your Science, and would give you new units and buildings, little bonuses, and so forth.

But the other one would be 'Super Techs', things like Agriculture, Industrialisation, etc, that historically have had a massive effect on human history; they'd give huge bonuses and unlock mechanics to the point of letting you completely change your tactics (making various things like pushing for great people, conquering the world, etc, viable). Agriculture would let your cities start growing much bigger, Mathematics might greatly reduce upkeep for distant military units or improve returns from trade, etc.

I figured, to unlock these Super Techs and gain their benefits, rather than just feeding them science beakers, you'd fill them with a combination of things; discovering lesser technologies, positive food and gold in your cities, finding and exploiting new resources, cultural/economic influence from other civs, experience from battles, etc. And, because they'd be so powerful and significant, discovering each one would push you from one era to the next; discovering Agriculture would take you from Neolithic to Ancient, Education would take you from Medieval to Renaissance, etc.

...So, that rambling idea aside, a thing I've been wondering in conjunction with it: In each era of history, from ancient times to our IT-dominated era, what do you suppose would be the 'biggest' technological development? In terms of how it altered human lifestyles?

I mean, Agriculture is an obvious one, it enabled sedentary cultures in the first place. And probably the Steam Engine, with cars and trains and steam-ships revolutionising travel...what else would there be?

submitted by /u/Avaday_Daydream
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Possible civs for rise and fall?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:39 AM PST

I'm wondering what civilizations you people are hoping for in the rise and fall expansion. Personally I'm hoping for more new world civs like the Mayan or the incan empire.

submitted by /u/Dingkey190
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if an allied(vassal or whatever) citystate captures a city it should not be razed

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:07 AM PST

title. i just lost a perfectly fine city because aucklands warrior went ahead and just waltzed in. it could be because of all my mods or something, if not it should definitely be changed imo.

submitted by /u/Pizzaborg
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Civ:6 - Looking for a All World Rankings mod

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:34 PM PST

I found only one mode that is able to show me all world rankings regardless of what victory type do I choose (or none).

Sadly, it doesnt work for me. When I click it nothing happends. And seeing as its not being updated I'm not surprised.
Do you use any other mode for this?

submitted by /u/R4lfXD
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An all AI match

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:26 PM PST

Is there a way to observe an all AI match? Is it a mod?

submitted by /u/Quietstorm1989
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Is FreeCiv worth getting into vs. Civ V?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:40 PM PST

Hello /r/civ.

I purchased Civ V (with all the expansions) a while back and put about a hundred hours into it. I really like the game.

I recently discovered FreeCiv. As I understand it, FreeCiv is based on Civ II (which I havn't played). I read that FreeCiv is a little more complex, but offers a deeper game than Civ V. The graphics in FreeCiv don't really bother me, but I can already tell there's going to be a learning curve.

Should I stick with Civ V or learn how to play FreeCiv? I would rather not purchase another game for a while so I'd like to keep it between FreeCiv and Civ V - kinda looking for something to be my "main" game for the time being.

submitted by /u/tornreddit
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Civ VI Deity-Difficulty Scenario Videos

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:49 PM PST

Here is my thread featuring Civ VI Deity-Difficulty Scenario videos:

However, I'm unable to find those for Path to Nirvana.

submitted by /u/Civ_God_of_Kings
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