World of Warcraft - [Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

[Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

General DPS Questions

submitted by /u/Babylonius
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This is my archbishop. He sold us out to the Old God lobby for less than 100 gold pieces.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:46 AM PST

I suddenly get why the heritage armor is for one race only....

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:49 AM PST

We did it!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:14 AM PST

The only thing I could think of when I saw the new Undead icon.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:31 AM PST

This is Illidan Stormrage. He has not sold out to the burning legion and has sacrificed everything to destroy it. Be like Illidan.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:25 AM PST

Something inside me just died

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:26 AM PST

[Fanart] I made a painting of Queen Azshara, Light of a Thousand Moons as Warmup for BfA!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:01 AM PST

They really oughta update the rest of Stormwind if theyre gonna plop new assets down into it...

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:36 AM PST

Pretrnatural Calm - OP?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:45 AM PST

MRW I see Void Elf combat form:

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:06 AM PST

(fanart) Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent sculpture (commissioned)

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:01 AM PST

Commission of a frost mage I did that I'm happy to finally share with you all

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:37 AM PST

Finally, a real elevator boss

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:19 PM PST

Uh, so levelling a Nightborne in Legion is gonna be weird.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:31 AM PST

Questing in Suramar:

"An illusion! What are you hiding?!"

Illusion of a Nightborne elf is dispelled, revealing a Nilghtborne elf in its place.

guards go apeshit anyway

Edit: Yeah, I realize Suramar is a 110 zone anyway but still.

submitted by /u/jojopojo64
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I see 7.3.5 is shaping up to be the biggest content patch ever.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:53 PM PST

OH NO... PEPE!!!!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:37 AM PST

[SPOILER] So glad they allow this new convenience for one of the new armor sets

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:11 AM PST

I found the Circle!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:22 AM PST

"To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars"

It's in the Ruby Dragonshrine, you have to descend and the skybox will change to show blinking stars and this circle but no Argus.

Why I think it's the right one?

  1. Everyone can access it (unlike the shaman class hall)
  2. It's the only skybox with no Argus (I looked everywhere for it, but it's nowhere to be found. It only appears when you rise high above the shrine and the skybox morphs to the regular Dragonblight one. The skyboxes over other dragonshrines all have Argus in them, no matter how low you descend)
  3. Chromie scenario directs players to Dragonblight. They wanted us to find this.

: Here's what you see when you die in there. You can fly up towards it until you see the entire zone! As others pointed out, this one is unrelated.

EDIT: Aaaaaaand there's more than one circle of stars in Ruby Sanctum :( Back to searching!

submitted by /u/dreamfisher
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Glowing 1000 degree Knife vs Azeroth

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:41 PM PST

[Lore post] The Tragedy of Arthas Menethil

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:29 AM PST

This is a lore post about our favourite Prince, Paladin, Death Knight, King and Lich King, Arthas Menethil. I previously did two posts on dwarf lore: post 1, post 2.

The story of Arthas is one of the more tragic ones in Warcraft. The scion of a great house, noble prince and paladin. Ensnared by the Nath'rezim, corrupted by the Frozen Throne. He wanted to rule forever.

This is his tale.

Early years

On the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name: Arthas...

Four years before the Dark Portal opened and the First War began, the firstborn son of King Terenas Menethil II, was born.

He grew up in the court of Lordaeron, but during troubled times. War was brewing in the south, as the Horde spilled out of the Dark Portal. After the razing of Stormwind, the refugees were taken in to Lordaeron, including the young prince Varian Wrynn. Arthas and Varian became friends while growing up, often playing and sparring together. Arthas also befriended Muradin Bronzebeard, who served as a representative of Ironforge in the Alliance that Arthas' father called together to resist the encroaching Horde.

In the winter of the year Stormwind fell to the Horde, Arthas visited the Balnir Farmstead in the Tirisfal Glades. The Balnir family were renowned horse breeders, and most horses used by the royal family had been bred by the Balnirs. During his visit, the mare Brightmane gave birth to a foal, that the Balnirs gave to the nine-year-old prince Arthas. As knightly tradition dictated, the horse would need to be named after a quality. Arthas named the colt Invincible. He came to love the horse dearly, and would ride it as often as possible.

During the Second War, one of the member states of the Alliance, Kul'Tiras, sent the daughter of their Grand Admiral, Jaina Proudmoore, to study magic in Dalaran. She briefly stayed in Lordaeron on her way to Dalaran, and that is where she and Arthas first met. Teenagers at the time, they developed early romantic feelings for each other.

At the age of 19, during winter, Arthas was caught in a snowstorm while riding Invincible, en route to the Balnir Farmstead. Despite the conditions, Arthas decided to have Invincible jump an obstacle that the horse normally made easily. However, Invincible slipped on the icy ground, throwing both itself and Arthas into rough terrain. After recovering from the impact, Arthas noticed to his horror that both of Invincible's front legs were broken. His friend lay in pain, bleeding on the snow. Too far from the farmstead to find help, and unable to heal the horse, Arthas was forced to kill his friend to end it's suffering. After the storm cleared, Arthas was able to get help from the Balnirs, and Invincible was buried at the farmstead where it had been born.

Loyal and great of heart in life, may you find peace in death.

Pure streams and green pastures, devoted friend.

-Inscription on Invincible's grave.

Invincible's death was one of the events that drove Arthas to begin his studies as a paladin, drawn by the healing powers of the Light. Later the same year, he was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand. The order of paladins had been founded after the First War by Archbishop Alonsus Faol and Uther the Lightbringer. The induction ceremony was held at the Catherdral of Light in the rebuilt Stormwind City. In attendance were several notable figures of the Alliance, including Genn Graymane of Gilneas, Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde, Daelin Proudmoore of Kul'Tiras and his daughter Jaina, whom Arthas had not seen in several years. At this ceremony, Arthas received the holy warhammer, Light's Vengeance, which became his new weapon of choice. While in Stormwind, Arthas visited his childhood friend Varian, who had been newly crowned King of Stormwind, and sparred with him for a while for old times' sake. Arthas also met the newly born Anduin Wrynn.

Arthas and Jaina started spending more time together, and they became romantically involved. Arthas often visited her in Dalaran, and Jaina would occasionally visit him in Lordaeron. A public announcement was made that they were courting, and things looked bright for the future of Lordaeron and its prince. However, Arthas began to question whether the two of them were ready to be together, and whether their courtship was a distraction from more pressing matters, like Jaina's studies and Arthas' own duties to Lordaeron. He ended the relationship abruptly, so that the two of them could focus on their other commitments.

Arthas built his renown as a brave and tenacious fighter and leader of men. He earned the respect of the High Elves by repelling the raiding parties of the Amani forest trolls near the border of Quel'Thalas. He attended meetings of the Alliance leaders, discussing subjects such as the internment of the orcs after the Second War. The strange lethargy that had come over the orcs was a recurring topic, for the previously so fierce warriors seemed strangely subdued and even peaceful.

Beginning of the End

The tentative peace that followed the Second War did not last long. The orcs began to stir once more, breaking free of their internment camps. News came from the northern parts of the kingdom that a plague had started to spread through the land. The 24-year old Arthas and his mentor Uther were sent to quell the orcish uprising, in which they succeeded. After this, Arthas met up with Jaina, who had been sent to investigate the plague. In their brief time together, Arthas' and Jaina's feelings rekindled, but more pressing concerns prevented them from exploring them further.

The plague turned out to be magical in origin, and it was being spread by Kel'Thuzad, a mage that had been cast out from Dalaran due to his forays into necromancy. Indeed, the plague caused its victims to rise up in death, as horrid, mindless undead minions that the mage could command. Kel'Thuzad had formed a society called the Cult of the Damned, which helped him in morbid quest. Arthas and Jaina pursued the necromancer across northern Lordaeron, fighting the undead and trying to contain the spread of the plague, which was often introduced to towns and villages by means of infected grain shipments.

In the town of Andorhal, they cornered the necromancer. Kel'thuzad had already infected the grain stored there, and shipped most of it away to outlying villages. The necromancer taunted the heroes, speaking of a great Scourge of undeath that was coming to cleanse the world of all living things. Arthas struck him down. Before his death, Kel'Thuzad revealed that the Scourge was led by a demonic being called Mal'Ganis, who planned to infect and raise an undead army out of the largest city in the north, Stratholme.

By this time, Uther had rallied the knights of Lordaeron and came to Arthas' aid. Together, they made their way to Stratholme to stop Mal'Ganis. Upon arrival, Arthas discovered to his horror that the infected grain had already made it to the city. He believed that the people were doomed, and that there was only one way to prevent further tragedy; he ordered Uther and his knights to slay each and every one of the citizens of Stratholme, and burning their corpses. Uther was appalled by this, but he had not witnessed the plague as Arthas had. He protested, but Arthas, furious at the disobediance and delay, relieved Uther of command, proclaiming him a traitor. Uther left, with several other soldiers, warning Arthas about what he was about to do and the price this would have on his soul. Jaina could also not watch Arthas purge an entire city, so she left as well, dismayed about what was going to happen.

Arthas and his remaining loyal soldiers culled Stratholme, and fought the dreadlord Mal'Ganis. While the city burned, the dreadlord slipped away, taunting Arthas and calling him for a final confrontation in the frozen lands of Northrend.


Arthas and his forces traveled to Northrend, to hunt Mal'Ganis. They met up with Muradin Bronzebeard, who was there on an Explorer's League expedition. Together, they established a foothold in the frozen land. However, soon an emissary bearing orders from the King reached them that commanded Arthas to cease his folly and return home with his troops. When Arthas returned to his base from another failed search for Mal'Ganis, he found his men had abandoned their posts and were clearing a path through the forest toward their ships. Arthas enlisted some local mercenaries, went around the forest, and burned the ships. When his men arrived, he accused the mercenaries of the arson, and they were subsequently massacred by Arthas' human troops. Arthas told his men that they had no means of returning home, but through victory in Northrend.

Muradin revealed that he had come to Northrend in search of a legendary runeblade, Frostmourne. Arthas set out with Muradin to find the blade, and so they did. In the meantime, Mal'Ganis had appeared and led an army of undead against Arthas' troops.

An ancient guardian tried to stop Arthas and Muradin from reaching Frostmourne, saying he was charged with guarding the relic not for its sake, but to protect the world from its curse. Arthas defeated the guardian and approached the runeblade, which floated suspended above an altar, encased in ice. Muradin read an inscription on the wall, concluding that the blade was indeed cursed and that they should just leave it be. Arthas disagreed. He called out to the spirits of the cavern, saying that he would pay any price, bear any curse, if it would let him save his people. The ice encasing the blade shattered, a large shard striking Muradin to the ground. Arthas dropped his holy hammer, and picked up the runeblade instead. He moved to help Muradin, but the blade whispered in his mind, dissuading him and directing him towards his vengeance instead. He left Muradin for dead in the icy cave.

Arthas returned to his forces and, empowered by the runeblade, defeated Mal'Ganis and his undead forces. Confronting Mal'Ganis, he was told that the voice he heard from the blade was in fact the Lich King's, Ner'zhul's voice, the creator of the plague of undeath and ally of Mal'Ganis. Arthas replied, much to Mal'Ganis' shock, that the voice was saying he should destroy the dreadlord, and so he did. After this, guided by the whispers of the blade, he stalked out into the frozen wastes, leaving his men to fend for themselves. It is unknown what exactly happened to him there, but the blade warped his mind and soul, robbing him of his humanity and ensnaring his will to the Lich King's.

Several months later Arthas suddenly returned to Lordaeron. The kingdom rejoiced at the return of their prince, and celebrated as he entered the capital city, going to meet his father the King. There, he unveiled his betrayal. He pierced his father's heart with Frostmourne. After his patricide, he went straight to Balnir Farmstead, and raised his loyal steed Invincible, which became his mount once more, but now a skeletal horror instead of a proud, noble warhorse. Arthas was no longer a paladin, he had become a death knight.

King Arthas, the Scourge, and the Forsaken

As the kingdom descended into chaos, Arthas went to reclaim the remains of Kel'Thuzad, in order to raise the necromancer. By this point he was utterly driven by the Lich King's will. The dreadlord Tichondrius, who served as an "advisor" of sorts to the death knight, recommended that he should acquire a magical urn to properly preserve the remains until the resurrection could be completed. He also pointed out that Frostmourne was a blade that ate souls, and the first one it had claimed was Arthas' own. The urn Tichondrius mentioned happened to contain the ashes of King Terenas. Uther confronted Arthas when the death knight came for the urn, wondering if Arthas had come to desecrate the remains of his father. Arthas replied that he did not know what the urn contained, nor did he care. He slew Uther then, tossed away his father's ashes, and planted Kel'Thuzad's remains in the urn.

Kel'Thuzad's spirit appeared to Arthas, explaining that the resurrection of the necromancer would require tremendous power. Such power could only be drawn from the Sunwell, the source of the High Elves' magic. The Sunwell was located in the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas, so that is where Arthas traveled next. He invaded the forest kingdom, laying waste to everything in his path with his undead hordes. The elves resisted valiantly, rallied by Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner. She attempted to warn the city of Silvermoon of the coming attack, but Arthas stopped her emissaries, cornered her, and slew her. He would not grant her the peace of death, however, but instead twisted her elven spirit into a banshee.

Arthas continued to the Sunwell, and on the road there was intercepted by the elven king Anatheras Sunstrider. In the following battle Anatheras managed to slice through Invincible's bony front legs, bringing back painful memories from Arthas' past. Enraged, he shattered Anatheras' blade, Felo'melorn, and cut the king down where he stood. Luckily Invincible's wounds could this time be fixed with magic. Finally, he reached the Sunwell, placed Kel'Thuzad's remains within, and the necromancer was reborn as an undead lich.

While leaving the ravaged elven lands, Kel'Thuzad explained the full extent of his, and now of Arthas' purpose. The role of the Lich King and the Scourge was to prepare the land for the coming of the Burning Legion, whose agents the dreadlords were. The next step of the plan was to summon in a powerful demon lord, Archimonde. After contacting Archimonde through a demon gate captured from orcs in the Alterac Mountains, the eredar lord instructed his minions to acquire the Book of Medivh from Dalaran, which would allow them to summon him to Azeroth.

And so they did. Arthas and Kel'Thuzad attacked the city of the mages, destroying much of it and slaying many mages, including Archmage Antonidas, the leader of the Kirin Tor. With the help of the tome, they then summoned Archimonde. Archimonde used his considerable arcane might to further destroy Dalaran.

With the demon lord on Azeroth, and the Burning Legion invasion in full force, the Legion no longer needed the Lich King. Tichondrius was placed in charge of the Scourge. Kel'Thuzad reassured Arthas that everything was going according to the Lich King's plan, however.

Arthas traveled with the Legion to Kalimdor, where he informed Illidan Stormrage of the power contained within the Skull of Gul'dan and that should the demon hunter clain that power, he could use it to destroy Tichondrius (which he did).

Some time after Archimonde was defeated at Mount Hyjal, Arthas returned to Lordaeron to claim the throne. Three dreadlords that had remained behind challenged him, but his threats had them fleeing into hiding. He called Sylvanas and Kel'Thuzad to his side, and destroyed the remaining human refugees, placing Lordaeron completely under undead dominion. At this point, however, the Lich King sent an urgent telepathic message to Arthas. The Lich King was under attack in Northrend. The Lich King's power was diminishing quickly, and it affected Arthas too.

The waning power of the Lich King caused some of the Scourge to regain their free will, and Sylvanas was one among them. She had earlier found and possessed her former body, now walking around in her own skin once more, as a Dark Ranger. She met with the three dreadlords and was told that Arthas' power was waning too, and that she could now have her revenge against him. She ambushed Arthas when he was attempting to reach his ship to Northrend, but Kel'Thuzad managed to save Arthas and drive her off.

When Arthas departed to Northrend, Sylvanas rallied the free-willed undead, whom she named the Forsaken, and wrested control of large parts of Lordaeron from the Scourge.

Rise of the Lich King

When Arthas arrived in Northrend, he met with an undead Crypt Lord, Anub'arak. Together, they defeated an army of Blood Elves, led by prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, who had also come for revenge against Arthas for the sacking of their homeland. Anub'arak traveled with Arthas through the Icecrown Glacier to reach the Frozen Throne, where the Lich King was interred. Here, the threat to the Lich King surfaced. It was Illidan Stormrage, who was tasked with the destruction of the Lich King by the eredar lord Kil'jaeden, who wanted the rebellious minion gone for good.

Arthas' and Illidan's forces raced to open the way to the throne, and finally the two warriors dueled on the glacier. Arthas defeated Illidan, and ascended the long, winding ice stairs to the throne. There, he shattered the Lich King's frozen prison, then picked up the fallen crown, placing it upon his head, and sat down on the Frozen Throne. His mind merged with Ner'zhul's, becoming one with the Lich King entity.

For years, he sat frozen upon his northern throne, dreaming. His undead minions spread over the continent, constructing a mighty citadel around him. While he dreamt, the various minds within him fought for control: the death knight Arthas, the orc shaman Ner'zhul, and whatever remained of his humanity, personified as Matthias Lehner (=Arthas Menethil). Arthas destroyed both Matthias and Ner'zhul, becoming the dominant personality and ending the dreamstate, rising as the one true Lich King.

When he awoke, he journeyed to Sindragosa's fall, raising the ancient dragon as a frost wyrm, and prepared his massive undead army to invade the lands of the living. He sent the necropolis Ebon Hold to destroy the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Dawn, two organizations that still resisted the undead in Lordaeron. During the battle for Light's Hope Chapel, however, the death knights of the Ebon Hold turned against the Lich King. (This is a long story in itself but I won't go through it in more detail here.)

Arthas also struck out against major Alliance and Horde settlements. The factions fought off the invasions, and launched a counter-attack on Northrend. The factions fought their way to the gates of Arthas' kingdom, and there, at Angrathar the Wrathgate, a devastating blow was struck against the forces of the living.

Grand Apothecary Putress, of the Forsaken, betrayed his Banshee Queen and unleashed a newly concoted plague upon the combatants before the gate. It affected both the living and the dead, and Arthas himself was forced to retreat back through the gate to avoid the putrid fumes. Alexstrasza's red dragons were forced to purge the battlefield with flames to stop the plague in its tracks. Highlord Bolvar Fordragon of the Alliance and Warlord Dranosh Saurfang fell that day. They were both taken by the Scourge, Saurfang being turned into a death knight and Bolvar suspended above the Frozen Throne for Arthas to torment.

No king rules forever

With the assembled might of the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade, adventurers from the Alliance and Horde struck against key targets in Icecrown Glacier. Teams of adventurers were led by Jaina and Sylvanas into the Frozen Halls, attempting to find a way to Arthas' private chambers. Jaina wished to find any trace left of the man she had once loved, while Sylvanas only wanted to find a weakness to exploit. In the Hall of Reflection, they discovered that Arthas had left Frostmourne there, unattended. Uther's spirit emerged from the blade, and told the adventurers that Arthas could only be defeated in the place where he merged with Ner'zhul, atop the Frozen Throne. Uther also said that if Arthas fell, another had to take his place, because without a Lich King to control them, the Scourge would rampage across Azeroth unchecked.

Adventurers, led by Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade, eventually battled through the Lich King's defenses and reached the top of the citadel to do battle with Arthas himself. They fought for a while, but eventually Arthas grew tired and slew the adventurers with a single attack. He revealed that he had been waiting for Fordring and his adventurers to attack, so he could kill Azeroth's finest heroes, and raise them as Scourge. Tirion he trapped within a block of ice, and began the resurrection spell. Tirion managed to break free with the help of the Light and shatter Frostmourne with his own sword, Ashbringer. The spirits within the blade surged forth, immobilizing the Lich King while Fordring resurrected his champions, who then managed to defeat the Lich King. The spirit of King Terenas Menethil held his son in his arms as he passed from the world.

Father! Is it... over?

At long last. No king rules forever, my son.

I see... only darkness... before... me...

Thus ends the tragic tale of Arthas, who started out as a noble prince, wanting to serve his kingdom more than anything else, who would pay any price, suffer any curse to save his people. The curse he bore was too strong, however, and it drove him to destroy the people he wanted to save, and his beloved kingdom. He became one of the most powerful beings of Azeroth, the lord of death itself. His reign was supposed to last forever, but it did not.

An Karanir Thanagor (Long Live the King).

submitted by /u/Kuuppa
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Void Elfs have glowing hair :O

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:31 PM PST

7.3.5 PTR - Heritage Armor Set Models - Wowhead

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

Theory: Battle for Azeroth will further drive a wedge between the Alliance races.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST

There have been a lot of jokes post-Antorus about how the Alliance is probably going to forget they have an orbital bombardment platform as soon as they start fighting the Horde again. But that got me thinking: it doesn't belong to the Alliance, it belongs to Velen. And Velen is a huge proponent of ending this war. He definitely won't let his ship be used for that purpose.

But as much sense as that makes, how in the world will he explain this to his allies? To humans and worgen and dwarves who think the Horde is an enemy that must be purged? There's no way people like Greymane will take that sitting down, when Velen could destroy every Horde city within hours.

I predict that this will heavily strain the relationship of the leadership, and drag other issues to the forefront along with it.

submitted by /u/gnostechnician
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With the experience changes in 7.3.5 it requires roughly 69.8% more experience to go from 1-60.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:57 PM PST

Currently it requires 3,790,900 xp to go from 1-60. With the 7.3.5 PTR changes it will require 5,426,705. This means with full BoA experience it will take you roughly as long to level in 7.3.5 as it currently does with no BoAs. This is assuming they dont massively increase the experience yielded from quests/mobs throughout 1-60 content.

I, personally, am happy about this. I enjoy leveling and really hate how quickly we blow through 1-60 content. I really hope they make little to no changes to experience yielded, or honestly I would be happy if they lowered experience yield. I doubt that will ever happen but hopefully they do actually increase the length of the leveling process quite a bit.

Edit: After playing on PTR for a couple hours and reading through the PTR forums here are a few of the things that seem to be going on.

1: Mobs are stronger in general. Seem to have increased health pools and damage

2: Heirlooms are significantly weaker. They give less overall stats than live does.

3: Quests give less base experience but since quests will never turn green it is an overall experience increase if you continue to stay in a single zone compared to live. Mobs also give higher exp then live does. It seems they want to encourage finishing out zones since it might be a decent exp loss/hour to switch zones to a new zone because you are back to base experience(yellow quests and mobs) instead of previously reduced exp (green quests and mobs) that has been scaled to base experience (yellow quests and mobs). No point in wasting exp by traveling until you finish out a zone.

4: Leveling in general is noticeably harder. Dungeon mobs have also been buffed with the scaling changes making them stronger as well.

5: This is all pre-stat squish. We currently do not know how the stat squish will affect all of this. Will it make things harder? Easier? We dont know. From what was shown at Blizzcon this will be a bigger stat squish than WoD. 110s at Blizzcon seemed to basically have level 80 Wrath stats (20-40k hp) with abilities hitting for 2k and 110 gear had Ilvls in the 120 area but that could have also just been placeholder. We wont know until a further date.

Edit 2: Forgot an important one. Mobs scale to your item level now. People are throwing out numbers but using old raid bosses as a medium, they seem to have their health pools increased by roughly 300-400% stat wise. They also take much less damage. Honestly I am fine with this having done both Project 60 and 70 recently and being able to 6 man pretty much any legacy raid was kind of boring

submitted by /u/Pamelm
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