Learn Dota 2 - Who is this hero Leshrac?

Who is this hero Leshrac?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

No but seriously. I may not see heroes such as Chen, IO, Death Prophet, Elder Titan and etc. that often

But I think I havn't seen someone pick Leshrac in several patches now. And who can blame them?

He is super squishy, and has 2 AoE spells where he need to be very close to the targets. And I don't think those 2 things together is a very good combo. Yes he has a AoE stun, but it takes almost a whole secound to cast it, soo it's super tricky to pull off. And then, it's not that very good compared to say, Lion and Nyx spike stuns.

I mean, Leshrac stun radius is 225. Svens AoE stun which has less than a half secound cast animation, is 255 in radius. And also is 2 sec stun when maxed out.

Nyx and Lion stuns again. Fast to cast, can stun several targets, and stun durations are over 2 and a half secounds long.

The only thing Leshracs stun is better is that it's less than 100 damage stronger. Like, C'mon Bruh.

I mean, how do you play him? He is soo easy to shut down. Yes, he survive longer with items such euls and ghost scepter. But if he doesn't kill the targets before the duration of these 2 items are off, or the opponent pop up BKB. what then? He's dead.

submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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A tip for the offlane from another perspective

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:52 AM PST

Hi, you might know me as the one trick pony for every new major patch. However the only thing i spam that stays consistent throughout every major patch is as follows.

I wrote this in a comment previously and i feel like it would be helpful to just expand on it for more to note.

When you go to the offlane, it is known as a suicide lane for a reason.

The basics of the offlane:

2 Supports camping you and you're having an extremely hard time? Congratulations! You've already done your job by having both the supports camp you. You'd have to pull out some shanenigans by hiding in trees or staying further away to soak exp without dying. Most games the supports will get annoyed that they aren't netting kills and eventually leave the lane.

It is perfectly fine to die once or twice if it means drawing the creeps closer to your tower and wasting their supports and carries regen and time.

Now let's look at the offlane from another perspective.

You don't have to traditionally win your lane. You can't win it yourself, everyone knows that unless youre smurfing

Just by not dying and wasting 2 supports time have already won your safe and midlanes their lanes. If you see that your team's safelane got a kill, congrats youve already done better than their offlaner. Midlane not dying? Congrats again! You saved your midlaner a death and possible babyrage into game throwings because he died from a rotation. THIS is how you have won your offlane

There are many ways to perceive winning your lane and one thing most people don't realize are the psychological effects of what you can do as an offlaner. If you're a PMA player you should be able to handle the flame and frustration in the offlanes and still play to your best. By preventing your teammates from dying, you've already won an extremely crucial part of dota's early game, the tilt and flames. How many times have your mid laner's complained about support rotations and how 'theyre done with the game' and start tilting and feeding or giving up? You as an offlaner can prevent all of that from happening just by keeping the 2 supports on your toes at all times.

Furthermore, there is nothing more frustrating than not dying as an offlaner and having 2 of their supports soaking up their carry's experience and not gaining much from it. You don't know what's going on in their team. Their carry or supports could start arguing or tilting from this situation alone.

So don't worry about not getting last hits or getting kills and experience. You're the offlaner, your role is crucial. You dictate the game and the morale of the team. Stay positive and do your best.

tldr: keep your teammates happy by preventing them from dying and win games

submitted by /u/LenerDee
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As Enigma, in what situations should I use my Black Hole on only one hero?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:15 PM PST

As the title states, when should I solo Ult someone? Is it to secure the kill? Against specific heroes? Pre-emptively earlygame to gamble for a kill?

Also, any tips regarding Enigma in general while explaining your reply would be very appreciated.


submitted by /u/_Tates_
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This Week I Learned ____________

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

Posting because it's my favorite thread and I always learn something.

submitted by /u/zt666
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After witnessing some atrocious supports in the ancient bracket, after the new update, I've decided to share some tips

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:19 AM PST

Some tips assume you have a decent carry who knows about creep equilibrium. And in no particular order:

  • When the game starts immediately run towards the safelane and try to scout the offlaner warding your safelane.
  • When the creeps initially meet, make sure you do not aggro the enemy creeps (especially the range creep) when trying to harass the offlaner, as that can very easily ruin the lane equilibrium and subsequently the entire laning stage.
  • Do not sit behind your carry and share experience if you can be doing something else useful.
  • Do not dedicate yourself to denying ally creeps (i.e. if your carry can do it himself). That's a tremendous waste of time and space on the map and you're sharing experience from your carry.
  • Never single pull under any circumstance other than to intentionally push the tower. Either double pull or stack the small camp.
  • It's better to not pull if the lane equilibrium is maintained, (edit: highlighting this portion) unless you have nothing else to do on the map and your carry can tank the creeps. Instead most of the times, it's better to harass the offlaner out of xp range while your carry maintains the creep control.
  • Do not pull if a large number of creeps are approaching towards your tower, your carry will end up eating a lot of unnecessary harass.
  • If the offlaner is not showing on the lane at all, it's very likely that he's jungling. Ward his cliff near the secret shop and roam with your pos4 to try and gank him.
  • If for some reason the offlaner is getting free xp anyway (i.e. in an unfavorable matchup), do not share the remaining xp with your carry. It'll end up increasing the level differential between the offlaner and the carry. Instead it's better to stack and farm the small camp which is less likely to get contested (so you can stay near lane and disable the offlaner if he has kill potential on your carry) or roam other parts of the map (if you have no disables or the offlaner does not have kill potential on your carry).
  • When you have significantly harassed the offlaner out of the lane and create a xp differential between your carry and the offlaner, look to roam other parts of the map. Do not unnecessarily stay in the lane if you don't need to babysit your carry anymore. It's a huge waste of time and your early game potential.
  • When roaming other parts of the map, place a lane ward so your carry can farm safely and lookout for potential ganks.
  • Unless there's a guaranteed kill, it's better to avoid using TPs while roaming so you have them off cooldown when your cores get ganked.
submitted by /u/FusionX
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How can I make sure that I have a high game impact as an offlaner?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:45 PM PST


What should I have done differently this game? I don't feel like I had enough of an impact in this game, I tried to make sure that I did well in my lane and not let brood farm too much. I usually try to gank, I just didn't do that too much this game. I tried to communicate with my team in voice chat but they were quite unresponsive. Also, feel free to check any other ench games out and give me some suggestions on what I should do to improve.(I have not offlaned too much, just learning how to play it by going ench... which seems like it's going okay)

submitted by /u/ahtaj006
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How can I quickly move items from my backpack to my inventory?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:27 AM PST

Clicking and dragging gets kinda clunky sometimes especially since I usually keep items in the same slot for muscle memory.

submitted by /u/C0ncept8
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My hero pool is extremely small, any hero suggestions

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:58 PM PST

I play the following heroes:

  • Visage (mid);
  • Nature's Prophet (i used to play him jungle, i try to play him mid sometimes);
  • Keeper of the Light (anywhere, even jungle);

I might pick PA and Riki when i do not have a choice but i do not enjoy while playing with PA and my win-rate is shit with Riki.

I enjoy heroes that can push and do massive amounts of damage. I have considered playing Enchantress and Meepo, but i do not know when to pick them and i end up counter-picked, and could i play Enchantress mid?

submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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Help with Profectus's radianceless carry Naga build

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:43 PM PST


I noticed this guy on Sing's stream. He has a lot of success playing Naga without Radiance and from the looks of it he seems to go PT wand aquila, then drums, diffusal, sny, heart. Or sometimes he doesn't go SnY, just heart. And sometimes he'll pick up shadowblade, which I don't understand at all.

I enjoy Naga a lot so I'd like to learn this guy's secrets. Does this build play like a discount Phantom Lancer? I downloaded a bunch of his replays, but I think I'll need insight of someone higher in mmr than me so I ask you guys.

submitted by /u/AkiAdagaki
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Power went out, still had impact on the game after being out of the game for longer than 5 minutes

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:03 PM PST

In the match 3647427802, i decided that i want to play Visage mid, but my power went out at the later stages of the laning phase. I didn't do too well at the start because for some reason i decided to rush midas instead of getting boots and medallion, but it kinda helped at the end. Then my power went out and i wanted to throw my PC out of my window, so i went to bed, after a minute or two my power went back on, so i went back to my PC and started it, after two minutes my OS was fully loaded, but i didn't have an SSD, so Steam was a pain in the ass, it took a minute to load and when i saw the time, 5 minutes have passed, and unfortunately the game wasn't paused for long enough and i got an abandon. But at least my team didn't sell my items in time. After that i saw everyone having a higher net worth than me, and the worst thing ever - everyone was a higher level than me. Then i took every creep that i could and used my midas to the fullest potential. I got some kills and i died a couple of times, but it wasn't that bad. Then we got Roshan and we decided to push, but Void was an absolute retard and died, so i decided that it was better for the team for me to push instead of doing damage to the heroes with the familiars. And i took both mid barracks, after that, a teamfight started mid, so i decided to push top and i took both top barracks, and everyone except me died, then i saw that i couldn't defend against 5 people so i teleported bottom, and took both bottom barracks and we got megas. Then i realized that i had too much money on me and when i attacked sniper and a fat pudge with my full potential i saw that Visage should never be played as a support and after that we somehow won a teamfight and won the game with the help of our mega creeps.

I want someone to analyze this match and tell me what i could have done better.

submitted by /u/MagnetFlux
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I get frustrated watching Pro/Semi-Pro players stream their pub games

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:35 AM PST

I am watching EternalEnvy yesterday and today, and even BSJ yesterday, and why do their laning phases seem absolutely pleasant? They don't have a duo constantly spamming every spell and diving at them nonstop for the first 10 minutes whereas in my 1k-2k games, they are. If I had that kind of space, I could hit 50-60 CS in 10 minutes too!

EE is playing gyro right now in radiant safe, and I've seen his lane opponent Beastmaster maybe twice. In fact, the two times I saw him, he was getting chased to death by bounty and Jakiro (his lane support).

Ok so maybe that's it, the support and roam game are A+ at their level?

submitted by /u/newp
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Help in laning phase on safelane

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST

How do you guys find farm when you are getting pressured a lot? For example I'm using AM, Jugg, Spec and so on, and facing 2 heroes that keeps on harassing me, controlling the lane, ganks etc. How do you still manage to get key items on the right time? I'm a Legend 1, and I'm still having troubles when faced off with 2 aggro heroes, losing my cool when I can't get my last hits and just goes jungle, leaving the enemy free farm. Any suggestions would be a big help, thank you!

submitted by /u/jojirwr
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Help with lategame Necrophos itemization

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST

How do you build vs heroes like phantom lancer, Pa and antimage, this is in the 2k bracket. I've been having a lot of success with necrophos in the offlane, but I've reached a point where I can no longer carry my trash team when game goes late and my team mates are feeding as usual and refusing to listen to me because am toxic and they are terrible.

This is an example of a game that I lost where I am not sure what items I should have built instead or if my item build was fine. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3647134287

My item build that I am having a lot of success with is starting with tallisman tangoes, getting another talisman then wand, then power treads, then radiance by 20 23 mins, then veil, and depending on enemy heroes here my build differs, either I go Pipe (vs magic magic damage lineups) or get a ghost scepter vs right clickers or both, then I go Aghs or linkens, then heart or Octarine, sometimes I skip aghs because I need more stats.

How would a higher mmr necro player change my item build in general or in the game linked? in that game I was not very effective and though the loss is due to my team being absolute garbage as usual, I am wondering if a different item build would have changed the outcome of the game.

What should I go for vs heroes like antimage, Pa, PL? to be able to team fight if they focus me, in this game I was just stunned by pa (or pudge/nyx/invoker) and then critted in 2 secs before I could activate any of my immunities, I was wondering if getting aeon disk would have been good here or perhaps a bkb, is heart correct over octarine vs melee carries? is ghost scepter at all good or should I replace it with blademail?

I have seen people recommend getting solar crest vs melee carries, is this good/correct for nechropos as pos 3?

Also when should I be going for bkb instead of items like heart or octarine? I feel that I would have benefitted a lot from getting a bkb this game, but I was hesitant to make one (over heart) because when I do I would just be right clicked by pl and pa, I believe I should have made one but am not sure.

Another question I have is about veil, when should I sell it? I rarely do because I feel that nechrophos is much weaker in a team fight setting without it but I end up without enough itemslots for bigger items.

I would appreciate you guy's input.

submitted by /u/regularlyirreguler
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Help with Prismatic Gems?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:02 PM PST

Been looking at getting a techies arcana recently and seen most have the default explosive burst prismatic but some have different ones in them like Champoin's Green or Purple. I know that it changes the colour of the smoke in the cart and the colour of the explosions from his remotes but i'm not sure on how i can preview different gems within the arcana and if i do get a gem if i can easily put it into the arcana. Anyone able to give me a bit of help with this at all? Any help would be appriciated greatly

submitted by /u/4761_TM87
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Laning phase with Tinker

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:51 AM PST

Hello. I'm currently learning Tinker in my bracket (crusader) and I can do quite decent if I get fast boots but how do you farm decently with tinker against an opponent denying heavily ? For example this situation : an Invoker with raindrops (hard to harass) and no runes control (team not warding runes).

I had a tendancy to do the march build but recently I switched to a more 4-4-0-1 build to get more snowball is it better ?

submitted by /u/programme-zero
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killing storm spirit

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:52 AM PST

How do i kill a storm spirit with kaya and cm mana reduction during mid-game? He literally never runs out of mana. Can't hex or stun him due to his ball lightning

submitted by /u/qxxd123
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How to come online with Arc Warden in 20-30 minutes?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 09:15 PM PST

I really want to be a good Arc Warden player but he's really tough.

Starting Items:

Tangoes Wraith Band

Then I build:

Boots Ring of Aquila

Then I try for Midas (but usually by now, laning is over and people are fighting)

And this is where it all falls apart for me.

I like the ring of aquila because it gives me the mana to be aggressive in lane. I can zone people out or get kills on fleeing heroes.

I can usually get at least 1 kill doing this by the time laning is over but my last hitting suffers greatly too.

The next two items are usually:

Maelstrom/Mjolnir Manta

Then late and very game: Skadi Daedalus

But it seems hard to have both of these things by 20 minutes unless I'm allowed to free farm and am ignoring everything that's going on the map.

I would like to play this hero but it doesn't seem right to pick it with the expectation that the game waits for me until the 40 minute mark.

What to do?

submitted by /u/newp
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Learning New Heroes (BS and Doom) Help ME!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:38 AM PST

I'm rather unfamiliar with these heroes, although we won on both matches, I feel that my contribution is very very lacking. Can anyone help me point out some of the mistakes I made that made my late game potential less over bearing on the enemy team.



submitted by /u/switjive17
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How to pick and not feed as sniper in pubs

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:40 PM PST

Only Archon 3/4 right now, duo with a legend friend. I really struggle to stay alive as Sniper since I feel useless if I rush a SB/Blink/Pike. I can play really safe and far back but like half of the hero cast can gap close on someone like sniper. So I'm not exactly sure how to be playing him in all honest - safe or mid. Mid lane matchups feel decent, but easier to get ganked.

Any advice relevant to generally vsing low Legend players?

submitted by /u/HoldMyHodor
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Why do cores at higher level mmr's buy so much regen?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:31 AM PST

I saw some live games recently and in most games the core am or whatever hero spend a lot of money on regen with stuff like 10 tangoes and a salve with some other item. why is this?

submitted by /u/XxDirectxX
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Evasion and Radiance

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

I was a Brewmaster (learning Brew atm) in a game where I had Radiance and Halberd and the increased drunken brawler talent. Is this correct for chance to be miss:

.4 brawler + (.6 x .25) diminishing evasion on halberd + .17 Radiance (which stacks additively) = 72% miss chance at all times + guaranteed miss every 10 seconds from Brawler.

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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How do you guys play nyx?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 09:53 PM PST

Never played him before until recently in SD. He is unique, as im not sure if i shud like give him damage items or magic as i think he can go both ways if the game is going in your way. damage items as his ult can instakill a supp with sufficient items. or is it better to go something along like dagon+eblade etc.
the top player in dotabuff made SnY for him. miracle got him an eblade+manta and 2 butterfly. is he really that flexible?
Edit to add: why do pros get blink on him? as i dont see his ult come into play with blink. is the idea is to play him like lion/sk blink stun?

submitted by /u/Im_Nublet27
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How to Abaddon?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:47 PM PST

This should be relatively straight forward -

1) What position is ideal for him? I generally look towards 3 or 4 though I'm not exactly sure since he can do things even with just Tranquil+Soul Ring, but playing a greedier build with Midas>Aghs or w/e seems appealing too. Speaking of which...

2) How do I itemize him? Or, to be specific, is Aghs a core item in every game ('cause it seems to be really powerful)? Is it okay to go the xp talent w/ Midas even if I'm playing support in hopes of reaching my 25 faster, or should I just play him as a more standard utility pos 4 with Vlads/Solar/Force/Glimmer/whatever?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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