Learn Dota 2 - what heroes do you ban everygame and why?

what heroes do you ban everygame and why?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:58 AM PST

i personally ban nyx assassin, depise spiked carapace and hate how that hero has been good for 20 decades

Looks like antimage and tinker are the most hated.

submitted by /u/burnXgazel
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Hi guys. Took a few months off of Dota, everything changed, lmao. What should I know/learn to catch up?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:41 PM PST

So yeah, basically my last game was in September, around ~4K MMR bracket. Now new ranks, new heros, new items. So much to take in. Any advice on links/videos/etc to catch up?

submitted by /u/iHeartPros
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What are some protips that can be explained in a sentence or two?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:27 PM PST

I've experienced much more positivity than toxicity in the community.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:59 AM PST

I'm only about 1600 mmr but yesterday I had an awesome experience as a brewmaster where I was 1 kill away from a rampage. The pudge only had 1 or 2 hits left and my ally tinker could have easily taken that last kill but instead of taking that kill he eul's the pudge allowing me to catch up and grab that sweet sweet rampage. Only my 2nd rampage ever, the first being on CM. Over the course of all my dota games I've definitely had a lot of assholes but I've also had a lot of experiences like this. At the very least i'd say it's a balanced community.

submitted by /u/Cheeto717
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Some questions about 2k MMR Position 4.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:46 PM PST

I am a support spammer, most of the time CM. However, I normally mark my lane as enemy jungle and call position 4 only to waddle to the safe lane and force a trilane upon my team mates. Of course, I leave after 4 min, but normally I stay for a good while under the premise of "securing the safe lane" I would be constantly pulling, taking bounty, trying to kill their 2 offlaners. However, I would only roam after 4 minutes and I often take resource from the position 5. I often force my carry to participate in kills rather than farming, and sometimes the carry will die, and he always lose farm in the process. Is this efficient and effective position 4? Is this hurting my team? Is this an ass thing to do to the position 5 support and position 1 carry? What are some future steps to improve my game plan? What should I do when forced into a 2-1-2/1-2-2 before 4 min, either by carry or support telling me to get out of their lane ?

submitted by /u/Flyingzambie
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HELP ME: Offlane Pangolier

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:38 PM PST

Which skill should I max first and why? Swashbuckle for low cd escape / nuke? or Shield Crash for damage / tank buff?

submitted by /u/WhyDoTheyAlwaysWin
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Helping allied Medusa's

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:57 PM PST

With Medusa being picked a lot this patch, what things can I do as a support/roamer when she's on my team?

I thought about prioritizing stacking camps, getting arcana boots (EHP) and trying to secure her lane (2K Medusas always go safelane).

submitted by /u/ProfileMyData
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Road to Divine - please help!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:14 PM PST

Hi, I'm planning to set a resolution to climb to Divine - I calibrated at legend 5 and am currently Ancient 0 with 4.2k mmr.

All this while I've been trying to get to 5k and previously the highest I've ever been was at 4.4k mmr. There must be something I'm doing wrong.

Please help with tips to improve my game - my dotabuff is as follows: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/99912584

Heroes which I try to pick are offlane and supports. In my bracket everyone marks mid and safelane so I generally let them do their thing. I try to pick the following heroes if I have to pick first.

Pos 3: Omniknight

Pos 4: Rubick, Pudge, Riki

Pos 5: Vengeful Spirit

I realise that PMA is super important in winning a game of Dota 2, and every loss is a lesson.

Things that I feel I'm doing okay: Last-hitting, early-game core performance, staying alive in the offlane

Things I feel I can improve on: Hero picks, mid-game comeback plays, team-morale and teamfighting.

I hope this thread will also help all you former 4k players out there in your road to the coveted Divine medal.

submitted by /u/Avenu
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For the first time, I met with "Rankers" in Divine bracket, and....

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:02 PM PST

Can identify your hidden MMR on turbo mode?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:53 PM PST

Because I played my 2nd(uncalibrated) with good stats I'm playing turbo mode with Ancient tier. But on my main I played with Legend only (legend[0] my main account). Enlighten me

submitted by /u/Akashix09
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How to play and build Slardar/Mirana as a roamer?Is it a safe first pick?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST

First of all, I want to thank you everyone who spent his time to answer in my thread "1k struggle". I understood that I need to become a better player and I'll naturally escape this mess.

As suggested, I would like to learn and focus on a single position and few heroes to improve. What do you think about Mirana and Slardar as roamers? Are they a good choice if I have to first pick? Is there a recommended build for them ?

Thank you all!

submitted by /u/raff100
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Have Bots Been Made Even More Useless?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:47 PM PST

So, after taking a few months off from DOTA I got the itch to play again watching the major recently. This is pretty common for me with DOTA. I'm an on-and-off player. I'll obsess for a few months, then stop for a while, have my interest rekindled by a major tournament and start playing again, and so on. So I went to my SOP when returning from a long absence - few games against bots to get the "feel" back for the game.

What the hell happened to the bots? I played a few games against Unfair bots, as I always do, and it was just an absolute endless feedfest by my teammates. One game finished with the other team having 97 kills, Axe had 48 alone. I only died 7 times and 90% of them came at the end as I desperately tried to protect our base from the practically full team of 6-slotted monstrosities my bot teammates created (Axe with Blink, Heart, Crimson Guard, BKB and Satanic at 35 minutes - dafuq am I supposed to do against THAT?!). Pretty much every bot game I've played since decided to go back to DOTA has been like that. By the end of the laning stage, the other team is up by 10+ kills and I'm in a desperate race to farm fast enough to be able to 1v5 the other team because lord knows my bot teammates aren't going to do anything. What the heck did Volvo do to the bots? I mean they were always only marginally useful as a warm-up for live action but good lord playing a bot never used to feel like being stuck in Low Priority in the past.

Are there better ones on the Workshop anyone can suggest for warming up for live games?

Oh and as a side note, Axe needs to be removed as a selectable option in bot matches. The AI literally has no idea how to play against him. I've watched bots literally stand there and kill themselves smacking into Counter Helix in the middle of a creep wave.

submitted by /u/sabrenation81
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what do you build for mana on brewmaster?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:47 PM PST

is soul ring and basi enough? Also, treads vs phase?

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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How do I take advantage of my opponent running a dual offlane?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:21 AM PST

I'm pretty low mmr, so I wouldn't be surprised if this type of strategy isn't advisable or possible, but I was curious why a dual offlane is considered so bad. My initial impression is that by running a trilane you can constantly pull and zone which results in the enemy carries getting very little farm. Alternatively having a roamer helps to give an extra advantage to your mid, and your safelane. I know this is probably a common/very beginner question, but I couldn't find any search results for it so I'm curious, at a low level is there any way to exploit my opponents 2-1-2 lane setup, or alternatively why is 2-1-2 advantageous at a low level.

submitted by /u/notfluent
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Any tips on how to win with Dazzle in Turbo mode?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:35 AM PST

So I'm slowly progressing through All Hero Challenge but I'm really stuck at Dazzle! Lost 6 games in a row, I even tried playing him as a carry with Desolator and Daedalus (Dendi style), still lost even though I had highest KDA... How to stop this Dazzle catastrophe and finally win one game with him?

submitted by /u/Sn00ker_
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How does huskar counter storm?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:55 AM PST


Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:19 PM PST

ok so Im in discord right now and having a dispute between other peers discussing the items they put into the new badges. Herald is a tango (lul), guardian is a stout shield, crusaider is a RoA, archon is a euls, ancient is 2 mantas, and divine is an iron branch. Anyone have an idea for what the legend item is?

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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Veil of discord basic question

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

Hey im learning to play puck and it seems this ítem is a core item on him, i know the stats are really good but im wondering about the diference damage w/o the item for the basic combo, as i know this item destroy enemy s magic def is it how if works right? Un trying to be able to think how much dmg i can do and dont" just throw everything like a noob" lol

submitted by /u/rafac815
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Need help improving!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST


Played a match recently where i really tried focusing on lane equilibrium as well as micro skills. Any help appreciated. This is really only my first month of dota,so i still have a lot to learn. However i was a high tier league player so i already know a tiny bit wave control, punishing, warding, micro as well as mini map "observing". Im not sure how to post the match id, but here is one of the games where i tried a little bit more... :)

Match ID: 3600844088

Any help is appreciated as im hungering to learn more about the game and really try and become better. I feel as though ive already gotten a lot better but need help focusing on macro play in general (i.e, jungle creep pulling, what to do mid game (my biggest struggle etc.) as im becoming quite comfortable with my micro skills).

Here is my dotabuff for those wondering: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/103895054

P.S. I know i "need to play more" but i really feel im already playing above my teammates and want help focusing on what im trash at!


submitted by /u/axelsele
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I'm stuck in legend, 3.5k mmr, need some help pls.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

Hi everyone, I've been playing dota for some years and still being 3,4k mmr (legend[1]) :( .watching pro-players' games I can't notice the difference to the way they play and the way I play .I need help to how notice it, and how to improve . pls.

Is better to stay in one position, like core, support 4... , or I should keep variating.

Should I focus in specific group of heroes ?

Pls, I really need some help. here's my dotabuff : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/106011600

submitted by /u/MasterOfMonkeys1
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What could I have better this game for us to win?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:05 AM PST

Our zeus went 0-10 on mid making tinker extremely farmed and I was unable to kill him for a long time. All help is appreciated 3600767072 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3600767072

submitted by /u/1vanovicReddit
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Lost over 500 "mmr", slowly climbinb back. I'm by no means a great player, any feedback to my dotabuff is welcome.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:43 AM PST

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