Learn Dota 2 - Started at 1173 mmr this may, finally hit 2k today

Started at 1173 mmr this may, finally hit 2k today

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST

Need help with following issues. Badly.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:30 PM PST

I am a 1k player, have 250 hours in the game. have about 200 games played. Since I am a new player, I am still getting a feel for all the heroes, I play about 12 different heroes at different positions and I have the following problems with them.

Safe-lane Carry/Farmer - I usually don't get a support, if I get one they auto attack creeps breaking the creep equilibrium and they never pull, making it next to impossible for me to get some experience and get ahead of enemies. Since most safelane carries are melee heroes, my dumb supports usually tell me that they don't want to harass the enemy because they will be out of position to hit them and tell me that I am supposed to zone them... :Facepalm: Even if I win this lane or get good last hits, my mid or offlane teammate usually loses so hard, they die about 8-13 times. In this bracket, no one has ever known about rotations or roaming, they just go back to the same lane and feed the enemy more.

Safelane Support- My carry can not last hit even 1 creep. I played a game where I had one of these guys, he played Anti-Mage I supported him but we lost the game at 26 mins, this dude had a free lane for about 15 minutes and he got exactly 6 last hits. I believe this could be because of lag with most people because I find a lot of SEA players in my Australian servers.

Middle- Same thing as carry, no one teleports to help if you're getting ganked by 3 people and an added bonus is, no one calls missing and when I die (if I die) they ping me like 100 times...

Offlane- I usually want to go solo offlane as a strong offlaner, I pick strong heroes, tell my team I want to solo offlane and they put some random core with me and I have to give them the last hits that they can't hit anyway. This is because most idiots at my rank think that their hero is the one that is going to win the game and only they can win us the game, NO ONE ELSE MATTERS.

Thank you very much for reading, hope you guys can give me some good answers.

submitted by /u/DSPBOOM
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Why is Huskar the highest winrate hero in 5k+ bracket currently?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:10 PM PST

Haven't played in a while, just want to clarify, brood and spiderling has unobstructed movement even when damaged?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 03:38 PM PST

SF vs Veno Mid Matchup

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:13 PM PST

Hi guys. I'm a high 4k player and I find that I have a problem facing Veno as SF. So here is what I understand. Imo, veno's power spike starts at lvl 2 when he either goes 1-0-1 or 1-1-0. At lvl 1, I will focus on denying my range creep, collecting as much souls as possible and avoiding his Gale. Itemization wise, I will purchase extra tangoes instead of salve with 2 pooled ones from my team mates. After that, boots > bottle. I find that I have a hard time when max his wards at lvl 3 and idk it's such a fkn cancerous hero. Any advice/tips?

submitted by /u/XoAppleton7
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Discussion on different builds on SF (Items and Talents)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

I have been spamming a lot of sf lately. People go both magical and physical damage build, yet people tend to play this hero in very different styles. Please submit your item and talent build on this hero. This is a game I played on SF, my build is usually Aquila, Powertreads ---> drums ---> sny--->bkb--->satnic/butterfly/daedleues/mkb. Also the games I finished satnic + bkb before 30 mins, I felt like I was unkillable in team fights.

submitted by /u/theinevitable22
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How do I draw creep aggro?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:52 PM PST

I right click a hero and nothing happens

submitted by /u/RagingAcid
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How do you practice stuff like Invoker without feeding your first 30 games?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:12 AM PST

Even unranked its a dick move, especially mid.

Or am I just overestimating how long they take to get used to?

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Is it worth to sacrifice 1 lh so you can deny ur range creep.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:13 AM PST

Let's say u are 1vs1 it's early game top or mid or bottom, is it worth to deny range creep but to miss 1 lh.

submitted by /u/Volvothings
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Genuine question. How do I get better at doto

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:11 AM PST

I have made wayy to many of these posts, maybe i'm just in denial, but I have accepted that I'm absolutely horrible at this game, and maybe that's just how it is, I literally cannot get better. But in the case I can, how can i get better? I have looked at my general map awareness, my last hitting, my decision making, etc. And how my games go is usually that I go mid, and i play it flawlessly half decently, and basically win mid, enemy mid t1 down at about 13 mins ingame 50 cs at 10 mins and enemy mid walks out of midlane at lvl 8 and I walk out of mid at lvl 14, but, some shit happens, and I lose. I don't know how this happens, I'm really trying to get better because I just want to be at least above average at a online game that I enjoy, since I suck at all of them. Ok, vent over, thx guys, I'm gonna get downvoted to shitland but you know.

edit: Old solo mmr is 900, calibrated at guardian 4

submitted by /u/Lolenigmatic
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How does the new ranking system work? I'm solo 968 but just leveled up to Crusader 4.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:42 PM PST

Haven't played any party games.

submitted by /u/newp
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Need advice on improving, 3K

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:01 PM PST

I am stuck fluctuating from 2.9 to 3.1. I mainly play support cause no one else does and this is a hit or miss winning some and losing some. I want to improve so can anyone give me pointers on what to improve upon.

My dotabuff : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/196204709

submitted by /u/AnonMonster
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I keep getting ruiners in my games

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 03:08 PM PST

What should I do? Literally impossible to play with these creatures. Here are some of my last games: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3635231515 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3635183287 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3633278785 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3632750620

Thank you for your advices

submitted by /u/bonjo1
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How to play Tinker vs Nightstalker

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:27 AM PST

I find myself banning nightstalker every time I want to play Tinker. The silence and ministun screw me over so hard and most of the time our safelane ends up feeding the nightstalker until he has an approx 14 min basher and sometimes worse. What should I be doing to help out our safelane and not die repeatedly to him? Any tips would be appreciated!

Also please don't say don't pick Tinker, I am sick of people flaming me for it.

submitted by /u/dumbly_
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Carry matchups versus offlaners

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:11 AM PST

During the drafting stage as a carry player, I always struggle to decide who to draft against a particular offlaner. So, I want to enlist r/learndota2 's help in creating a chart to help me figure out what carries are good in what lane. Here is a link to a google sheets document that has every offlaner I can think of listed. If there is one I forgot please feel free to add it. If you want to add to the list and write down what carries are good versus an offlaner, go to a column and write your username at the top. Then write heroes that matchup well versus the offlaner in the same horizontal.


submitted by /u/TheGreenKnight13
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Mid hero pick

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:39 PM PST

Which mid hero fits into most comp and doesn't get countered much? Basically, the juggernaut of mid lane who is often a good pick in most scenarios.

submitted by /u/KhangEngio
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Ember vs Clinkz Matchup

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

I got dumpstered in lane by a clinkz yesterday as ember. Without rotations what can ember do in this matchup? Clinkz has so much damage that ember can't deal with especially without PMS. I tried building a lot of armour (2 RoPs, one into an aquila) but it didn't offer much. I couldn't find anywhere to control the lane favourably, pushed under his tower he farms fine with arrows and can still pressure me, in the middle he pressures me whenever i touch the waves, under my tower he farms fine and can pressure me and i'm still unsafe from a tusk gank.

Here is match ID if anyone wants to watch. 3633271290

Should I win this matchup, if so, how? Specifically, without support help.Thanks

submitted by /u/Muffin_Man69
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Is there any educational material on teaching brand new (under 100 games) players?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:15 PM PST

I would like to learn how to better teach these players.

I'm thinking of just core concepts like staying near your carry if you're a support, simple things like trying to think more about using your items, stuff like that. If anyone has any advice or insights please let me know!

submitted by /u/henry_rd
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How to improve a SNIPER game against Spirit breaker and rest carrying shadow blade?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:09 AM PST


  • match id, I was sniper.

Tips to improve the gameplay are much appreciated. My solo mmr is 2179

submitted by /u/holdthedota
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How to farm as effectively as possible when you’re behind and enemy has map control?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:04 AM PST

I struggle to get good farm because enemy has map control and most lanes either has someone farming in it or everyone is missing and farming a that lane might be a risk. Playing from SEA btw so there's no supports and nobody helps anyone

submitted by /u/rell_csgo
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How to use "chat phrases" during pick phase?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:53 AM PST

Hi, a quick question! A couple of times I've seen teammate using some of the common chat phrases like

I think someone should purchase: Pipe of insight


We need wards!

in chat during the picking stage. How is this possible? To my knowledge it's impossible to use chatwheel or alt-shop click when you pick your hero.

submitted by /u/Jem_Jmd3au1
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How to counter Venge Support

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:30 PM PST

Im on a 10 win streak as a vengeful spirit 2 manning with a friend. Apart from Riki being a sentry gold drain, what carries/ lineups counter Vengeful spirit?

submitted by /u/bobobboob
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Replay analysis analysis request (Trying to learn how to correctly analyze a game would appreciate feedback/reviews)

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:23 PM PST

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