Minecraft - Osgiliath with Mt Doom in the background. Osgiliath is the former capital of Gondor, it lays in ruin now.

Osgiliath with Mt Doom in the background. Osgiliath is the former capital of Gondor, it lays in ruin now.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

Know whats severely underrated and forgotten in current minecraft? The isolation and mystery feeling

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:31 PM PST

I may just be speaking out of my ass, or looking back fondly. But does anyone else miss the sense of mystery, isolation and slight bits of horror? I remember that the game used to have small amounts of horror to it that made it interesting. Like the creepy cave ambience, or the whole enderman debacle.

submitted by /u/Vadari
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Minecraft CPU I've made (8 bits, clock 0.5Hz, 8 registers) with screen

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:23 AM PST

Christmas of Tomorrow

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST

The World of Atlas

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:01 PM PST

Bright towers by the sea

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

Jappa: Send me screenshots of builds with blocks you haven't built with in the past!

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:49 PM PST

Gradient Beacon

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:00 PM PST

WARNING: If you cancel your Minecraft hosting with Fluctis, they don't stop charging your PayPal.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:01 AM PST

Cancelled my Fluctis Minecraft hosting, paid annually (never used it) well in advance of the renewal date. Come the renewal date, I was charged anyway for another year's service, even though my cancellation was confirmed and my status on the Fluctis control panel was "CANCELLED."

Turns out that the pre-authorized payment is somehow not connected to service status, which makes no sense to me. Nowhere during my cancellation was I notified of this or advised to go to PayPal and withdraw authorization to prevent being charged anyway for a service I've now cancelled.

I opened a support ticket right away, and was promptly told they'd "look into it." I haven't heard back from them since, despite making multiple requests on the same ticket for some kind of resolution or, at least, an update. That was three weeks ago.

If you're using Fluctis, or thinking about it, beware. I don't know why they didn't just immediately refund the money, and I don't know why they went silent after their initial pledge to "look into" it, but it should go without saying that this is pretty poor customer service.

submitted by /u/oneanddoneforfun
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The town begins! Feel free to suggest building ideas!

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:24 PM PST

Are we doing Markets now? My villager trading market - SSP Java

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:05 AM PST

Here's a castle I made in creative mode, let me know what you all think :)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:04 PM PST

Cliffside Village (WIP)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:30 PM PST

I can’t believe I’m a 40 year old woman who picked up the game Minecraft!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:12 PM PST

I can't believe I'm a 40 year old woman who picked up the game Minecraft just recently and has fallen in absolute love with this game. Sure I've seen kids tinker with it over the years and I couldn't figure out why they liked the blocky pixelated game such as this. Until I myself downloaded and literally played it for an e tire day! I'm now a fan 🤷🏽‍♀️

submitted by /u/poetlockedyes
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Spiders under the SUES with blindness effect (I'll call it the blender effect) look like an angry version of Tuartus.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

My bf’s 30th birthday Dirt cake.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:29 PM PST

Thank you Minecraft

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:56 PM PST

For all the memories, builds, Youtubers, and hours spent crafting and building. I don't play it very much anymore, but this game will always give me a wonderful feeling of nostalgia. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Peliclan75
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First Genuinely Upsetting Event

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:26 AM PST

I've been playing Minecraft on the Xbox 360 for about three months now. My girlfriend has been playing since alpha, but it just never appealed to me until recently.

Like everyone, I've had some devastating catastrophes happen to me. I've died and lost everything at least twice. I've had creepers blow up my home and belongings. I've had a ghast spawn in a cave I was minining out of netherrack, and blow me out through an unbeknownst-to-me thin cave wall to die in lava a hundred blocks below. But the following was the first genuinely upsetting event I've had happen.

I built an enclosed fungus farm room next to my regular farms, to try to grow mushrooms. The room seems to be a good place for various critters to spawn. A few days ago, it spawned a baby zombie villager, whom I was able to cure. I was able to keep the baby contained in the fungus farm for a bit, while I excavated an area to build him a house (my base is in a hilly roofed forest with no flat areas that I haven't made myself).

When he grew to an adult cleric villager, he got out and I had to contain him with fences while I continued construction, since he had a tendency to wander (I think the closet doors in a "nearby" woodland mansion confused the mob). Eventually, I built him a church exactly like the ones generated naturally. In the roleplaying aspect, he was the guy I went to every day when I got back from excavating or adventuring, and unloaded my woes on him. I imagined long conversations of backstory-explanation, punctuated by the occasional "HUH!" I found a name tag and named him Testificate.

Anyway, this morning I completed building a horse testing area -- modeled on the one in this video -- and realized I hadn't heard his "HUH!" in a while. I checked out the church and he's gone! Vanished without a trace! As best I can determine, a mob spawned in the unlit second-floor room of the church and killed him before it despawned. This is the first genuinely-upsetting thing I've experienced in this game. Falling to my death in the hellish Nether after being blasted by the most unfair mob ever didn't compare.

RIP Testificate 12/16/2017 - 12/22/2017

Does anyone know if there's a log in the Xbox 360 edition of the game that might tell me what happened?

submitted by /u/AAlHazred
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Who ever said armor selecters were complicated redstone devices is wrong. Just place redstone blocks on pistons then push them into dispensers.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:10 AM PST

Angel Wings Elytra Ultra HD a present for you :) Minecraft resource pack addon/module no mods

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 03:48 PM PST

I will draw anything minecraft related

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:12 PM PST

Tell me to draw something minecraft related and I will try! It can be anything your heart desires! Peace out.

submitted by /u/Z3NlTH
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Looking for people to test out a map that I've been working on. (PvP) (Bedrock edition)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:09 PM PST

What mod is this from?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:05 PM PST

https://i.imgur.com/084uuFD.jpg A long time ago I was doing a mod pack with a friend and crashed on this screen staring at what I believe was called a "fire penguin." I wanted to see if I could find out what mod this was from. This was probably around the time of 2011 - 2012ish if that helps. Sorry for the challenging question.

submitted by /u/epicness202
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Minecraft WTC Progress Report #1

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:19 AM PST

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