Learn Dota 2 - Is matchmaking broken today? |
- Is matchmaking broken today?
- How does carry naga item build look like in the late game?
- How did OG.Resolution get 400 CS in 25 minutes on AM?
- When should you pick Lifestealer?
- What heroes are strong against jug, ck and dk? How will jug, ck and dk handle them best?
- How could I have won this game?
- Itemizing & Playing Enigma
- Is a bad winrate early on normal(even if you aren't new to dota)?
- Tips on bloodseeker?
- What treads while attacking neutrals/creeps?
- Is magic wand still a thing?
- Help me get better, i'm kind of lost what to do to improve?
- Tinker-Kaya or Anther Lens....or both
- dk meteor hammer?
- Is there any way to send replays for analysis?
- Bloodstone on Storm Spirit. Is it still worth it?
- Just played a game and friend berates me for picking last pick drow. Who else should i have picked?
- replay coaching 3k support player
- Key Mapping
- Tips for Veno Carry?
- Who to watch to learn to play Storm Spirit?
- Does missing an attack still trigger counter helix?
- How do I improve with Dota 2?
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 10:36 AM PST Queue are more than 10 mins long ,while the other days I found games in max 3 minutes, and the games are extremely toxic . I have 1.5 k MMR and max behaviour score and never ever found this toxicity in my games [link] [comments] |
How does carry naga item build look like in the late game? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST Imagine playing radiance naga and having the game drag for just about an hour. You have almost unlimited gold. What items would you have by then? Last game I went for arcanes-basi-radiance + some small stuff. Then into yasha-travels-manta-octarine. Then i picked up diffusal and skadi. Late game i got 2 moonshards for me and my storm. Past that i was dumbfounded and didn't get to think on what i could swap. By the end of the game I had around 10k gold. Heart seemed like a good option instead of octarine maybe. Although whenever I was low on health after a fight I was low on mana too, so i would be pretty useless. I am sure I should sell diffusal. Maybe buy bloodthorn to give me kill potential? Butterfly? Something else? I have even seen people advocate for Eblade in here https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/726lj1/naga_siren_guidancegeneral_tips_on_how_to_play/dnis39r/ 3651225734 match ID for reference, although general guidelines would be preferable. [link] [comments] |
How did OG.Resolution get 400 CS in 25 minutes on AM? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST Ok, I understand getting loads of kills and a fast battlefury, but can someone tell me how you get 400 CS in a game of Dota, as well as keeping up with tons of kills? I don't intend to get to his level, but I'm super confused as to HOW he did it. [link] [comments] |
When should you pick Lifestealer? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:46 PM PST Judging from Dotabuff, he seems effective against squishy individual heroes, but also Viper, Lycan and Tiny. I can't seem to connect the dots. Also, any tips would be appreciated as I am looking to add him to my hero pool. [link] [comments] |
What heroes are strong against jug, ck and dk? How will jug, ck and dk handle them best? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:01 PM PST I just want to be aware since those are the heroes I'll be sticking with till I get comfortable with the game. Also how do you beat viper? And finally, I'm open to any beginner tips for the 3 heroes I'm using. P.s: I'm still not able to use ck due to beginner limit but I've tried him out and I really like him. [link] [comments] |
How could I have won this game? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:25 AM PST https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3651043326 I was playing tidehunter, doing kinda good in lane, managed to keep ogre in lane for like 15 mins, on the other hand other lanes lost hard and the enemy just snowballed [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:58 AM PST Hello, I've been playing a lot of off lane heroes lately and have come across enigma (majority offlane), he seems to be a good pusher and his ulti is one of the most fearsome Ultimate in the game. How do you build Enigma? could anyone explain his items and a few tips about this hero, how does his 2 & 3 ability works? Thanks a lot! [link] [comments] |
Is a bad winrate early on normal(even if you aren't new to dota)? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 12:06 PM PST I just got back into dota and I made a new account to start fresh. I am frustrated at the amount of games I am losing. Not only am I limited in my first 25 games, but it seems that my team gets crushed every game. I am always top on kills and networth(on my team) if I play carry and always perform when I'm a support. I don't understand how I have 8 wins out of 23 matches so far. Is this normal and when does it end? I think I'm going insane. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 05:41 PM PST Need tips on bloodseeker mid, as well as how to itemize him in the midgame-lategame? I get confused with items as the hero is so versatile in what he can buy. In early game i usually go phase, shadowblade into SNY. [link] [comments] |
What treads while attacking neutrals/creeps? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:57 PM PST Hi, I'm wondering what treads I should be on for heroes like CK or WK while jungling/clearing creep waves (str heroes I guess). Should I be on str for the extra damage/hp or agi for the extra attack speed? And if I'm just running around, should I be on agi to maximize hp/mp regen? And bonus question, what about on a hero like Lina? Would I be on int for spells/attacking creeps and then agi or str to regen mana faster? Cheers. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:19 PM PST Sorry to ask, but I've been asking this myself lately. I usually play sup and roaming, but sometimes my team decides me to go offlane or mid and I get faced agains picks like PA, Bristleback, Zeus, Batrider, etc. and I carry wand with me only to realise that I barely get charges in lane. Like, most heroes cast range has been buffed and can be upgraded. Wand range is 1200 and zeus arc lighting range is 850, why I don't get any charges at all? I even position myself to evade the arc.. but bristleback c'mon.. I'm standing at the exact point between getting hit and outrange his quills and I miss half the charges (Active).. Is it me? [link] [comments] |
Help me get better, i'm kind of lost what to do to improve? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:15 AM PST Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/47270559 (sorry, if this post has a lot of flaming and such but i'm frustrated) Whats wrong: So the best ping i can get is at SEA while playing ranked... So i mostly play there... And its very toxic specially in the 2k bracket and sadly these days i'm starting to behave like them... Everyone carries and no communication until they want to swear at you. Last two matches i wanted to carry, in one game i did it anyway and the other i chose offlane... So forced into unfavourable matchups this screws me up big time and its getting frustrating.. My 2nd last game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3650049949 Really cancerous game but we managed to win late game. I had to go solo safelane against a QOP and Pudge and got rekt hard in lane and still got no tps for help, had to leave the lane to get some farm jungle and where ever i can... i made some good plays near the end which i think helped us win... the wk had good networth but during early to mid game, he didnt show up anywhere when he could tp or something, he got all the farm because other team were focused by enemies. Last game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3650168830 We had two mid heroes (alch and sf) both fighting over mid, then we had troll and wk top... i could have picked support but i've had bad experience in sea playing support because of lack of communication... so i chose to pick dark seer because i thought his ult could be really good in team fights because their damage heroes were going to jump us... But then alch got dc and i died so much and we couldnt recover and they took whole base after we lost a fight and were ressing one by one and dying again... So what i'd like to know is what should i be doing? Previously i was in 1k bracket (before 7.0) and i started to spam jungle TB, as no one bothered me in jungle early on and i got all the farm i wanted, then i pushed towers and ganked lanes so team mates get farm as well... i basically used to farm for my team mates as well... i raised my mmr to 2.1k with that hero alone... but that kind of play is no longer possible, if you go into lane, you get rekt hard... if you play support, no one listens and goes passive farming, ganks are useless, friendlies will hit creeps if you help to get them a kill, they ask for wards everywhere and blame you for not having any sense of positioning and minimap usage themselves.... Plus you get a free report as well because they start to blame you for their failures and not the 3rd or 4th carry pick... My party mmr is around 2.6k (i've dropped that a bit as well form 2.8k) and its so much easier and effective to play with friends, i have some experience drafting for our team as well and i can synergize well with cooperative play because it adds to our strength... but then when i play solo everything goes to hell, no one listens to advice, no one wants to teamwork, everyone wants to carry... I feel more comfortable playing a carry, but i know there isnt going to any farm left for me and we gonna lose bad early game and will lose the match in mid game... So how can i have an impact like i used to do before? win my lanes, secure farm, help team mates farm (or take buildings), shut heroes down etc... [link] [comments] |
Tinker-Kaya or Anther Lens....or both Posted: 30 Dec 2017 10:37 AM PST Since kaya was introduced tinker,storm suddenly became a major pick considering that previous patches those 2 were incredibly situational heroes.but what makes kaya such a great item should i get kaya over anther lens?anther lens would be much useful lategame. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:17 PM PST so I'm uh building Meteor Hammer on DK (in the offlane) and ... it actually seems kinda good. The stats all compliment him really well; the str and int are both useful for him and the mana regen is really useful since he can be a bit mana constrained in the early game. The health regen compliments Dragon Blood. With the mana regen you wind up being able to use Breathe Fire pretty liberally, which helps clear waves, and being able to spam it helps make it hard for the enemy safelaner to farm. A value point in Dragon Tail means you can very early hit someone with Dragon Tail and then immediately start channeling the meme hammer; it's very easy to land the hammer this way. With Dragon Tail, your Dragon Tail cooldown starts, then it's 2.5 seconds channeling the hammer, 2 seconds stun on the hammer; that's 4.5 seconds where the enemy is stunned and your Dragon Tail is coming off cooldown. Since Dragon Tail has a short cooldown at lvl 4, this means Dragon Tail -> Meme Hammer only leaves the enemy 4.5 seconds before you have another Dragon Tail to their later in the game; this kind of CC stays relevant even into the late game. And of course, the hammer helps push, which compliments Dragon Form really well. Has anyone else tried this? Am I stupid for thinking this is a good item for DK? [link] [comments] |
Is there any way to send replays for analysis? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:21 AM PST Hey there. I played Dota 2 for a couple of months in 2012-13 (probably less than 15 matches total) and just came back to it. I've recently started playing unranked against other players and I'd love for someone else to look at my replays and tell me what I could improve. Not only on defeats but also on victories where I feel I could've done better. Is there any place for this? Thanks in advance and sorry if this is the wrong way to ask for this. [link] [comments] |
Bloodstone on Storm Spirit. Is it still worth it? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST Since they have removed the +200% mana regeneration which Storm Spirit benefited a lot from, is it now worth it to buy this item on Storm? Or it's better to go early for the new item Kaya, then Orchid, Scythe of Vyse, Linkens and so on...I just don't see the benefit from the Bloodstone anymore. What do you think? [link] [comments] |
Just played a game and friend berates me for picking last pick drow. Who else should i have picked? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:31 AM PST https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3650548494 [link] [comments] |
replay coaching 3k support player Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST 3649971927 jakiro 3649720618 ogre 3648137004 phoenix pls help me w improving support play, feel like i die too much and spend too much time pushing empty lanes thanks guys appreciate it :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 05:27 AM PST This is one of the topics I have not been able to clarify, so decided to ask the subreddit. Could anyone share their keybind or the hotkeys they use for specific tasks and how is it beneficial (QWERTY keyboard user) few youtubers have Spacebar as their hotkey, how is this advantageous and what is the most basic hotkeys that wont change from heroes (I'm not that pro in Microing as of now) A little Advise would be highly Appreciated Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:38 AM PST Itemization, strats, laning, skill build. Basic information that can help me play venomancer core properly. [link] [comments] |
Who to watch to learn to play Storm Spirit? Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:34 AM PST Aside from Sumail, that is. I need to learn mana management and farm patterns and stuff. [link] [comments] |
Does missing an attack still trigger counter helix? Posted: 29 Dec 2017 08:22 PM PST |
Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:50 AM PST Hello, I am a returning player. I used to play Dota 1 before but then started playing LoL for few years but recently I started playing Dota 2 more actively since I can play with my friends overseas without worrying about region lock and just worry about higher latency (but it's bearable). Anyways, I finally got my rank but it's for party mmr. My initial rank was Crusader 3 but I climbed to Crusader 5. I was playing with Crusader-Ancient as a support so that's probably why I got that rank. I want to know how can I improve fast. Whenever I play with my friend as 5, I tend to play roaming support (or utility item support) but when I'm playing alone I always random and play whichever role that hero is best at. So I'm pretty flexible in terms of playing a certain position. I am pretty shit with middle though as I have only played like more or less 5 mid games in my 200+ games. Here's my dotabuff if you need it: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/91294123 [link] [comments] |
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