League of Legends - How should I deal with being held hostage in a ranked game for over four hours by colluding duos?

How should I deal with being held hostage in a ranked game for over four hours by colluding duos?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:08 PM PST


If I just abandon the game, I get punished for AFK but there's no other in-game thing I can do to stop being griefed? During this match there were four players who paired as two duos, popped into each other (now they control both teams ff's). By the time anybody realized what was happening, the duos were farmed enough to 2v3. So whenever a team went to end, they would communicate to their friends on the enemy team and prevent a team from ending the game.

I've learned that this is something they've planned and executed before: https://twitter.com/mordeeasy2getlp/status/936469118097571840

and that Riot actually encountered this game and didn't look into any possibility of collusion. In fact, they arguably celebrated this here: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/2017/11/ask-riot-longest-game-ever/

Here's their youtube upload of the prior colluded game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahxwlzP0FX0

I just have no idea what i'meant to do against such organized and dedicated griefing. I can't submit a ticket, i'll just get told to report them in post-game and they do the usual nothing about a ticketed complaint. So I need to get to end screen to report them. Oh btw, the client has bugged on end screen and i'm stuck at "skip waiting for stats" so now I can't even report them.

submitted by /u/Plubbeh
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Royal Blue: The Return (Trailer)

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:06 AM PST

Iceborn Ashe Fan Skin Concept (With splashart and skills)

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:23 AM PST

  • Hey so i've made a skin for Ashe hope you'll like it :)
  • Image Link: https://imgur.com/a/wbCqW
  • (This is my first post on reddit if im doing something wrong please inform me, thank you)
  • (You can find me in instagram as: @cyansoulart )
submitted by /u/CyanSoulSwissCheese
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Just because it's called "mid game" doesn't mean that you all literally have to gather up mid and play Aram for the rest of the game.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 12:45 AM PST

If you are ahead go 1-3-1 and force mid fights while pushing side lanes. If you are behind go 3-1-1 and safe farm or try to deny baron plays. No need for the whole team to gather mid at 15-20min into the game and lose a ton of farm/gold from side lanes. Everytime my team does this the enemy team either just starts taking side lane towers or both teams literally play aram while nothing gets done for 10+ min.

Edit: Stop telling me that the strats i gave here as a suggestion/alternative can't be applied to every game, i know that. But anything is better than going 5v5 mid until one team throws. Take these tips to heart if you didn't know about them or ignore them if you know better. There is nothing else to this post.

3-1-1 is for a very defensive playstyle when you really have no other options to go for an offensive play (aka losing lanes and matchups). Top laner goes bot while adc/supp safe farms top and the Jungler chills on the top side of the jungle. The supp can rotate between top and mid to help out on both lanes depending on the game. Same goes for the jungler.

1-3-1 Is just a classic way of slowly getting towers on both sides (if you are ahead) without the risk of an all in from the enemy because they are forced to split up or just lose towers on both side lanes. Having one on top and bot automatically forces enemies to either give up a side completely, send multiple people to one side to get a kill (while your team can use this chance to fast push mid) or they try to defend mid thus losing side towers again.

I mentioned both these strats just as an example and a tip what you can do as an alternative to 5v5 aram. I didn't say this can be applied to every single game nor that all games are the same. Ofc every game requires situational strats and sometimes gathering 5 mid to get something done can be the right choice. But chilling mid for 10min at 15/20min into the game while not getting kills or towers is definitely just stupid and only done by people who don't know what to do with their mid game once they won their lanes.


3-1-1 or 1-3-1 basically means how many people go to which lane. The first digit is top lane, the second is mid lane and the last is bot lane. 1-3-1 basically means 1 top 3 mid and 1 bot. Just to clarify since i was made aware of by people that a lot of players don't even know what these numbers mean.

submitted by /u/Fish_Grillson
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Pharaoh Nidalee Cosplay

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 10:06 AM PST

This is my third League cosplay. Calling all Nidalee mains

I've previously made Sivir and Taliyah, also I'm working on Fire Elementalist Lux.

submitted by /u/MeltingMirror
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Google sees CSing under tower as an algorithm

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:45 AM PST

Aatrox is picked in Demarcus cup in China by OMG’s top laner casual!

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:48 AM PST

He solo killed the gnar(mouse) for a first blood too! Edit: I meant Demacia Cup god damn autocorrect

submitted by /u/SaveMeShenpai
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TIL: Urgot's Legs

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 12:12 PM PST

Runaan's on Urgot can cause him to trigger multiple leg explosions at once. Found this out today and thought it was a fun little fact.

submitted by /u/Jarumee
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3v3 could use some love

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 01:44 PM PST

I'm one of those 'only play 3v3 players' for numerous reasons. I think the main advantage of 3v3 is that's it's a lot simpler/easier to follow. While in 5V5 you have 10 champions to track/know, wards & buffs to track, 3v3 only has 6 and no wards and only 1 buff.

This is a big advantage for players like me who just have less time to follow the scene/meta due to work/growing up.

Another fun point for me is it's more reliant on 1v1 skill. Instead of getting ganked or having a 5 man bot lane party it's more 1v1 and 0 buffs to boost your opponent. It's you vs him, most of the time.

That being said here's what I would like to see for 3v3 in 2018;

  • Create altar timers. Altars are kind of a big part of this mode and I really like the concept. Timing them could be a bit better

  • Mastery Level 6 & 7 aren't possible on 3v3 for some reason. Please change this. There's no valid reason not to have it

  • Nerf minion XP when you pick smite. This will prevent the super stale jungler/support meta. Simple change but will do loads for this mode.

  • Bring back the chatroom for 3v3, makes it easier to find queue partners!

Thanks for reading & see you on the Treeline!

submitted by /u/Tab371
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TIL Zoe nuked a town in her lore

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:43 AM PST

Zoe glanced around, discovering the other mortals had similarly disappeared, but a commotion could be heard coming from a keep near the center of the town.

After a moment, a dozen men in armor came running toward Zoe with spears. They reminded her of Pantheon's weapon.

Local guardians, she surmised.

Assuming she was a spirit, they screamed warnings, while their leader attempted a banishing spell. It was a very good spell, in Zoe's opinion, but not one she wanted. She wondered if, perhaps, spirits frequently plagued the town.

When the men began throwing their weapons at Zoe, she manifested an arcane meteor and sent it on a flight path around the keep. Then, the twilight girl created a pair of portals to dodge the guardian's spears, before finally redirecting the shooting star at her attackers.

The meteor's impact created an implosion, causing a chain reaction with the small particles it had gathered while flying, which resulted in a secondary explosion that thundered through the guards and their tower—annihilating the area into a fine dust.

submitted by /u/Deckowner
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[True Story] Vayne Pays 4chan a Visit

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:57 PM PST

> Be me
> Shauna Vayne
> Heiress to House Vayne, one of the 5 major political Houses in Demacia
> We are the best one.
> Wake up in the darkness of my bedroom. It is morning, but the blackout curtains on my windows blanket the room in a veil of night
> Even in my pajamas, I am the Night Hunter.
> While laying there, think about parents for a while
> Why did they have to die
> Why did they name me Shauna
> They were murdered when I was young. Now I use their fortune to hunt evil at night
> Not a bad concept for a superhero character
> Tumble out of bed and look for my sunglasses
> Can't function without them
> Tear the room apart searching for them. Screech for my butler
> Butler glances at me to see if they're raised up over my forehead like last time
> They are not
> Eventually find them underneath a pile of forgotten invitations to extravagant parties with the rest of Demacia's aristocracy
> Never attend, because I loathe interacting with others
> Have less to say than Sona Buvelle
> Remove nightclothes and step into shower
> Sunglasses are still on
> My handheld showerhead with massage function is the only one that understands me
> Purge with silver.jpg
> Dry off and put on the usual bodysuit and high-collared cape
> Spend 30 minutes doing my giant hairbraid
> Go down to dining hall of manor for breakfast
> Butler cooked eggs in the shapes of creatures of the Shadow Isles
> I release them from their pain.
> Too much pepper and not enough salt, but they taste adequate enough
> Walk outside to fetch the mail
> The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I cautiously look around
> I smell black magics.png
> See Lucian across the boulevard retrieving his own mail
> Realize that we are both tortured souls hardened by the tragic loss of loved ones
> He acknowledges me with a nod, and I see the hard lines in his face soften a little
> My heart aches
> Nod curtly and attempt to smile. Contort face painfully
> Attempt to hurry back inside but realize I've locked myself out
> Lucian still watching and is increasingly aware of situation
> Act natural Shauna.
> Grab top of doorframe and pretend I wanted to do pull-ups
> Can't even do more than one
> Try not to feel embarrassed. Try not to feel anything
> Hang there, feebly kicking doorframe to signal the attention of butler
> Butler lets me in after ten minutes
> Lucian watched the whole thing
> Berate butler for inadequate support
> I equip my wrist-mounted bolt launcher, and harness my big girl crossbow to my back
> I leave my manor to attend the weekly assemblage of the Noble Houses
> It begins to rain on the way there, but the raindrops miss
> MFW hitting me is like boxing with shadows
> I arrive at the council chambers
> Sona Buvelle, Fiora Laurent, and Jarvan Lightshield are already there
> I'm the only one who brought weapons
> I take a seat next to Sona to avoid conversation
> Sitting beside her makes me feel inadequate
> Garen is the last to arrive
> He sits down next to me and immediately berates me about bringing weaponry to a council meeting
> He questions my loyalty to the Crown
> All of my what
> Jarvan admits that this meeting is an intervention for my self-destructive lifestyle and inability to get close to people
> Am sandwiched between Garen and Sona, so does not think this is true
> Garen glares untrustingly at me. Fiora says something, but she speaks foreignese and I ignore it
> I sit through their lecture with arms folded and sunglasses drawn down the bridge of my nose
> Prince Jarvan orders me to attend weekly group therapy sessions and give me a pass for a rejuvenating spa treatment
> MFW they want to send Shauna to the sauna
> Two hours later the meeting ends
> I ignore their advice and roll home
> Those fools have no idea that their efforts are in Vayne

Hello, if you liked this shitpost then I will make more.

submitted by /u/HolypenguinHere
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Ashe drawn on Microsoft Paint

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 06:05 PM PST

Here's the finished drawing: https://imgur.com/56mdHvW

Here's a youtube video of the painting being made for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXPmFwRZGQI&feature=youtu.be

Sorry the Video isn't from the start, I had no plans of making a video when I started the painting.

submitted by /u/Sayaman7
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The Periodic Table of League of Legends

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:20 AM PST

Here's the HD Download: https://lancetastic27.deviantart.com/art/The-Periodic-Table-of-League-of-Legends-722753901

My reference for this art is League of Legends Wikia and League of Legends Universe. Any misspelled, same symbol, etc. please tell it so I could change it. This will updated when the Next Champion was released. I hope you appreciate this! :)

submitted by /u/Lancetastic27
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I've created an app to make Heimerdinger fly on the screen and randomly place turrets all across the screen

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:02 AM PST

Mention a part of a champion’s kit that you find unnecessary and someone else tries to justify it.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 05:50 AM PST

Basically the title, for example:

I've read that people have complained abut Zoe where if she lands her E and puts someone to sleep, a percentage of the ability's cooldown is refunded. They find that part unnecessary since it already drops a circle at a location for people to step on, has a slow and a sleep mechanic.

One example of a justification of an ability may be in GP's kit where he gains additional gold for killing units. People justify that by saying that he's a pirate and tbh I'm okay with that as it fits his character/lore.

Any other abilities or passives?

submitted by /u/Banabanakankau
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Loco Lets Loose : Roster Rundown 2018 Teamliquid!

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:01 PM PST

Mythic Cassiopeia Statue - The search is over

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:12 PM PST

Mythic Cassiopeia Statue


Story behind the statue:

In celebration of the Greek Launch Event (that took place in Athens) Riot hosted a tournament for the best teams in that region back in 2012. One of those people participating was /u/Mastermind_ccv who played as ADC for Test Your Limits. His team managed to beat great teams such as Forg1ven's team at semis and finally took down inSpot Gaming in Grand Finals at Gkazi in Athens.

After the tourney Riot gifted 20 Mythic Cassiopeia Statues. One for each Grand Finalist at the tourney and the rest were given to members of the press covering the event.

I started my search for this statue years after all this happened (2017) and realized there is just no way one of these will turn up on ebay or collector forums. You just don't see stuff like this in circulation. I gave up and moved on with collecting what Riot figures/statues I could.

One day I decided to post my collection here on reddit, the collection went way further than I expected, reaching the front page of reddit. It was then that /u/Mastermind_ccv reached out and offered this ancient Rito artifact in exchange for all my money. I didn't even think twice about it and gave him my bank account information. I now live happily with my statue on the side of the road. Nobody can take this away from me.

In all seriousness, thank you Mastermind_ccv. You made my dreams come true!

submitted by /u/SitoSama
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C9 Sneaky the Corkster

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:49 PM PST

Talisman's Health Gating Needs to be Removed

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

Ever since the preseason patch, Hunter's Machete has been taking the jungle by storm. Most junglers in past seasons took at least some attack speed in their runes because of how much their clear speed and health depends on them auto attacking. When that attack speed was removed in preseason, it was given to junglers in the form of the buff to Hunter's Machete, where these junglers now get 15% attack speed after hitting a camp. Hunter's Talisman also got a buff in that it does 20 additional magic damage burn over 5 seconds (4 damage/sec increase), upped to 50 damage over 5 seconds if you have HP from items or runes (in other words: 50/sec with Resolve primary or Inspiration/Resolve). This health criterion is removed upon upgrading to any of the three smite items which most frequently is done on first back.

There's no reason for this health gating to exist. In terms of "feel", most junglers can tell you that the attack speed from Machete feels significantly better than 4 damage per second from talisman as it allows you to kite more efficiently and take camps more quickly than talisman tends to allow. The only way Talisman feels like an equal to Machete is when you get the increased burn from having bonus HP, which is a gate that makes no sense to me. Machete was mega buffed while Talisman was marginally buffed for all people and mega buffed for tanks. These two jungle items should be equal.

However, if you want to look at it in terms of the "gold value" received from these buffs (using Bami's Cinder cost & damage per second as a guide for Hunter's Talisman's damage per second), at level 1 the Hunter's Talisman buff provides 122.22 gold worth of damage per second to monsters, going up to 305.55 gold if you have Resolve primary, while the Machete buff provides 375 gold worth of attack speed.

I made a little Excel spreadsheet about it - using op.gg data of the top 5 starting items for each jungler, machete currently has 62.42% pick rate, talisman has 35.88% pick rate, and the other 1.7% is not among the top 5 starting item sets so it's not listed. Of the 39 champions listed as junglers, 25 currently "prefer" machete, and 14 prefer talisman. Several of the Talisman users are tanks and gain nothing from this buff to Talisman. That's a huge discrepancy between the two items, and I think it should be changed so that it's more likely to be even between the two.

submitted by /u/mabarry3
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we all forgot about the bear

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:25 PM PST

the bear has no friends

the bear has nobody to play him

the bear is quite lonely

the bear sometimes wonders to the good old days

The bear got a new brother, but he is more popular than the bear

The bear waits for every patch

The bear is starting to lose hope

The bear only wants to be noticed

The bear can do many things

The bear can flip people

The bear can make very loud yells

The bear can bite too !

The bear even makes sparky sparks

The bear wants a friend

The bear doesnt want be thrown away and remade

The bear wants to stay him.

The bear saw how gargoyle man and purple lady became so different.

The bear doesn't wanna die

The bear just needs a little help

Don't Forget About The Bear

submitted by /u/TheZets
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NA Spring Split Power Rankings

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 10:53 AM PST

Selling a broken stop watch does weird stuff

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:17 AM PST

What is your unpopular LoL opinion?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:57 AM PST

Jankos about EU LCS 2018

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:47 PM PST


Jankos said some things about the coming split on his stream. Here are some quotes from it:

I think our team has great potential. Everybody is trying to do their best and tries to be smart in game.

My bigest concern right now is the fact, that our duo bot lacks in knowledge compared to the rest of us. I mean, they played in Roccat before but we can try to fix it, if I can say it so.

Our coach right now was looking mostly at our communication and how we play together, and not how to make us better players.

I think that some strong teams this season will be: Schalke, Splyce, Fnatic

I also think that H2k's current roster won't be super strong, they might struggle a lot.

submitted by /u/xWangan
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Silverscrapes (Lol esports) Rock Version :)

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 12:36 PM PST

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