Heroes of the Storm - Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | December 28 - January 03 |
- Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | December 28 - January 03
- How to deal with Sylvanas 101.
- Blizz, make 2018 the Villain's Year!
- Heroes Brawl of the Week, December 29, 2017: Trial Grounds
- Enable spectating high elo games
- Grubby one-man wrecking crew
- Chromie's Bronze Talons is (one of) the most poorly designed talents in the game and here's why I think so.
- Local Hanzo Main Charged with Manslaughter
- How To Azmodan
- For Players Trying To Climb The Hero League Ranks, Here's a List Of Very Simple Things That Will Improve Your Performance.
- Woodcarved glowing in the dark logo. A fanmade real life art.
- Are people still getting misplaced in hero league?
- LoL-HotS comparison. How increasing snowball and solo-carry potential can develop the pro scene, increase twitch viewership, repopulate HL/TL, and lead to a better quality of matches overall.
- Entry Level Esports Episode 4 - How Can Weak Regions Get Stronger?
- LOTR themed skins and ideas
- BR Server dissapeared
- Clutch Heals?
- [PLEASE FIX!!] Hanzo becomes useless if he gets stunned or flinched while holding Q. Lost a game because I couldnt die fast enough to fix it.
- AI Bots seriously need a huge AI buff, or to be removed from anything short of AI mode
- Blizzard should do a lore based Quests
- What non-stealth heroes would become the most powerful if they gained the ability to enter stealth?
- [Hero Concept] Aysa Cloudsinger, Multiclass Assassin/Support
- Are players undervaluing the solo lane/melee bruiser role?
- First time master. Feels meaningless.
- Can we see our real rating please?
- TL in Australia be like
Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | December 28 - January 03 Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge. This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them! If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to deal with Sylvanas 101. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:59 AM PST Some controversy/balance discussion surrounding this hero all of a sudden... Just trying to offer some constructive input for those playing over the holidays and looking to learn and adjust their way past obstacles! Understand her Strengths
Understand her Weaknesses
Drafting for Sylvanas games
Good luck in the Nexus and best wishes for 2018! EDIT: [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blizz, make 2018 the Villain's Year! Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:37 AM PST Dear Blizz, make some noise at the Nexus! Enough of this "Heroes" crap, bring out the violent, ruthless and cunning villains we all know and love. Even if it isn't a new character, what about some new banners, sprays and brawls related to the evil aspects of our Blizzard Universe? A 10v1 brawl against a big boss would be super dope too. (Yeah, I know they probably have all 2018 stuff scheduled, but one can dream hearing Baal's laugh at the Nexus...) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heroes Brawl of the Week, December 29, 2017: Trial Grounds Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:08 AM PST
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Enable spectating high elo games Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:27 AM PST As the title says, it would be nice to be able to spectate high elo games. I think a lot of players watch hgc to learn and improve, and there's this contrast between coordinated evironment and HL, it would be nice to be able to watch high elo games, it would also increase the exposure of players. Would it be possible to implement, or does the game engine prevent it on the technical level? If there's a restriction engine wise, maybe there could be a bot that will observe games and stream them (with a delay to prevent sniping). [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:53 PM PST
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Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:46 AM PST Let's take a moment to talk about Chromie: many pros agree she has one of the poorest designs in the game with her W burst damage: walk left or right, and sometimes you die and sometimes you don't. However, what I find most frustrating about Chromie is that while she is supposed to be a high skill floor hero, Bronze Talons lets her output significant damage without ever hitting a single ability. Imagine Chromie had a talent that said "Increase Sand Blast's damage by 50%". This talent would actually be MUCH worse than Bronze Talons at level 2, because to get value from it you actually need to hit your Q. I did some math here, and I came to the following conclusions: Bronze talons increases Chromie Q's damage by 60% at lvl 0 with no stacks, and around 50% at lvl 5, 10 and 20 if she has 20, 40 and 80 stacks at those levels. In fact, if she Chromie only has 20 Q stacks at lvl 20, Bronze Talons actually becomes a 73%(!!!) damage boost to her Q. It allows bad Chromies to still dish out a lot of damage. In addition to not needing to hit her Q, this damage is also not negated by Spell Armor, AND effects non-heroes. This means she can actually damage heroes like Tracer and Genji who are supposed to be her biggest counter that are very mobile, or heroes like Anub'arak with massive spell armor. Heroes with extreme mobility should be very strong against her. However, with the crutch that is Bronze Talons (in addition to Time Out! and/or Bye Bye!) she actually stands a chance versus them, wearing them out if they don't force a hard engage. Not only that, but Bronze Talons' damage increase works vs non-heroes such as Punishers or Immortals, which a raw Q damage increase would not do. Even someone like Hanzo who should be able to out trade her as his damage is much more consistent than hers, if she trades auto attacks every time her Q is up, even if she misses her Q, she will deal more damage to him than he will to her if Hanzo does the same. If both hit their abilities, Chromie still comes out ahead. It's no wonder Bronze Talons has a 6.9% higher win rate than the next highest talent in its tier in HL and a 2.6% higher win rate than the next highest talent in QM. So Bronze Talons increases her Q damage by 50% if she had a 100% hit rate on her Q. What happens if she misses sometimes? If the chromie has a 50% hit rate on her Q with 40 Q stacks at lvl 10, it's an effective 95% damage increase If the Chromie is absolutely terrible at hitting her Q, and only has a 10% hit rate and thus only has 20 Q stacks at lvl 20, Bronze Talons actually starts being insane at a whopping 640% effective damage increase. My conclusion is that Bronze Talons is a ridiculous talent that completely shifts the dynamic of Chromie's power, letting her dish out a lot of poke without actually ever having to hit her Q and W which her (in my opinion poorly designed) kit is focused around. Heroes like Johanna have been losing Spell Shield because they could take too much damage from both physical and spell damage based heroes. Chromie, on the other hand, gets to have a talent that gives her massive physical damage boost, without having to hit any skillshots whatsoever. It's way too much power consolidated into a single talent. Please replace Bronze Talons with another talent, or switch it around with (a slightly nerfed) Shifting Sands (or Fast Forward) to actually require her to hit her skill shots to deal bonus damage until later in the game. Bronze talons should either be removed or be put at lvl 14, not lvl 2. TL;DR: Bronze Talons doubles Chromie's Q damage if she only hits half of them and shores up way too many of her weaknesses. It's a really unhealthy talent with a much higher win rate than other choices. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Local Hanzo Main Charged with Manslaughter Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:27 PM PST
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Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST Hello everyone! I'm a level 60 Azmodan, having played him since the public beta. I just recently hit my 400th game with Azmodan, so I thought I'd offer some tips on how to build and play the Lord of Sin himself!
Azmodan's design is fascinatingly unique: He's a high-health summoner/mage who can simultaneously be dealing massive team fight damage and push a lane. With the proper talents, your dunks will easily be doing 1K+ by the end of the game -- or if you prefer, you could go for a split push build and ruin the enemy's keeps while they're distracted in team fights. There are three primary builds for Azmodan:
Dunk Build 1 - Sieging Wrath 4 - Army of Hell 7 - Infernal Globe 10 - Black Pool 13 - Hellforged Armor 16 - Battleborn 20 - Forced Recruitment
The ever-famous dunk build starts off with Sieging Wrath at 1. Now, a lot of people have argued back and forth between Taste for Blood and Sieging Wrath; in my opinion, I prefer the latter because you can stack it far more easily, getting the damage earlier in the game which can greatly sway early-game/mid-game teamfights, and because the added 33% range makes it so much easier to dunk players between lanes even on large maps! There is a point to going for Taste for Blood, but that additional damage is only easy to stack if you have someone helping you while rotating between lanes, typically done best on Tomb of the Spider Queen. At Level 4, always go for Army of Hell, since it actually makes your W a viable talent and not a waste of mana. At Level 7, there are two options for this build: I highly recommend Infernal Globe, as it makes landing dunks a lot easier, but if you're really confident in your ability to land them without the lowered cast speed and travel time, then go for March of Sin. Why March of Sin in a dunk build? Well, for the most part, your E isn't that useful a component of your kit, but having March of Sin allows you to deal a lot of sustain damage by keeping up with enemies as they're trying to run away following a dunk. At Level 10, for this build you have to go for Black Pool: the 75% damage bonus is mostly intended for Q, but also provides benefits for your demon warriors, laser, and auto attacks. At 13, go for Hellforged Armor, which adds a nice burning aura to your demon warriors and makes them the single tankiest summon to soak up fort/tower shots instead of your minion wave. Then, at 16 go for Battleborn, which gives you a free W cast on your dunk if it hits an enemy. In combination with all of the other W talents you've gone for thus far, it makes casting globes incredibly powerful, especially for long-range sieging. Just keep casting globes and over time and you'll wear down buildings like it's nothing. Finally, at 20, I recommend either Bolt or Forced Recruitment. Choose Bolt if your positioning hasn't been great for most of the game or if you want to do the Bolt/Insta-Dunk combo. Choose Forced Recruitment if you want to push lanes to no end. This talent gives Azmodan so much power to split push since you can diversify lanes and push buildings down with buffed mercs in different lanes easily.
Laser Build 1 - Master of Destruction 4 - Gluttony or Army of Hell 7 - March of Sin 10 - Black Pool 13 - Infused Power 16 - Select Based on Circumstances 20 - Bolt or Forced Recruitment
Personally, I think this build is significantly worse than people give it credit for given how liable it is to interrupts and how difficult it can make laning and fighting around an objective. However, there are cases where it's best, one of them being Battlefield of Eternity since it gives you that single target damage necessary for wearing down the Immortal. At 1, you have to go for Master of Destruction since it enables you to keep using your laser efficiently and to chase squishy targets without having to get anywhere close to them. Gluttony at 4 doesn't do much for you overall, but if you won't be using your W much this game or you think you can get a lot of sustain out of your laser, go for it. Otherwise, still go for Army of Hell lest your W become mana spent with little purpose. At 7, go for March of Sin, which buffs your movement speed by 75%, allowing you to move around Immortal stuns, keep up with enemies, etc. The combo with your level 1 talent makes it incredibly difficult to escape from Azmodan if the enemy team doesn't have any stuns. At 10, you can go for either option: Demonic Invasion allows you to push down structures more easily, but Black Pool temporarily buffs your already-powerful laser. I personally recommend going for Black Pool on BoE, but in other instances Demonic Invasion is generally better. At 13, go for Infused Power to buff your maximum laser power by 40%. 16 with this build is the strangest one, since there's no talent that augments your E. Instead, I recommend Demonic Smite which will help with split pushing lanes or Sin for Sin if they happen to have a high health target just for some sustain in teamfights. If neither appeals, you can still go for Battleborn. At 20, I again recommend either Bolt or Forced Recruitment for the same reasons mentioned in the dunk build.
Split Push Build 1 - Sieging Wrath 4 - Army of Hell 7 - Bound Minion 10 - Demonic Invasion 13 - Hellforged Armor 16 - Battleborn 20 - Forced Recruitment
Now, this is perhaps the newest build to emerge for Azmodan, something that used to be popular back in the beta but lost popularity after Azmodan's reworked talent tier. In essence, it's just the dunk build with a few changes: At 4, go for Hellish Hirelings if you're with a team that's capable of easily getting mercs, else Army of Hell; at 7, go for Bound Minion instead of Infernal Globe to add a free Promote to your trait; at 10, go for Demonic Invasion over Black Pool; and at 16, go for Battleborn if you went for Army of Hell, else go for Demonic Smite. Doing this lets Azmodan push lanes down with ease, but be wary: It can be stopped by anyone with good wave clear, such as Kael'thas, Jaina, Gul'dan, etc. Generally, this build is best on large maps such as Warhead Junction where you'll be either in a one-on-one or left alone for most of the game.
Last but not least, here are some easily forgotten tips: If you go for Sieging Wrath, at the start of the game go mid and launch a dunk towards the enemy gate to get some free stacks on incoming enemies. Don't cast W when it's on cooldown before 4 or if you didn't go for Army of Hell -- Demon Warriors are so weak before being talented, making them either fodder for tower shots (about 4 per tower or 2 per if you send it down the center) or a good way to block skillshots from heroes such as Li-Ming. Keep your trait in the offlane, the lane you're not pushing and preferably that no one is currently in; this will maximize your trait value by allowing the wave to move freely forward. Also, your W can be used over walls and obstacles since it's not cast immediately in front of Azmodan and will walk forward; use it for scouting bushes or assisting your teammates with getting mercs. Using your trait with Bound Minion also heals the minion to full health, so choose a low health target. If you want to build up the wave, target a melee minion, but if you want to wear down structures more quickly target a ranged minion. If you're not pushing with the wave, always buff the melee minion, but if you're pushing with the wave and using your W to soak up shots, you'll get the fort down more quickly buffing the ranged minion. When catapults spawn, those are the best targets for your trait -- a group of buffed catapults on the Core can easily bring it down if the enemy team isn't careful!
One of the most important things to watch out for while playing Azmodan is your positioning: While he is an incredibly high health character, he has no escapes before level 20, so if the enemy team is missing from the minimap don't stick too closely to their fort or keep. The next most important part of Azmodan is learning how to predict where enemy heroes will be. This is something that really comes with practice and intuition; watch how they're running and throw your Q a bit ahead of where they are. If you get really good with landing dunks, you can always substitute Infernal Globe for Bound Minion.
That's all from me! I hope it proves useful in your journey to conquer the Nexus. If anyone has questions, I'll be happy to answer them! Edit: Updated with a couple of points on when to go for Bound Minion over Infernal Globe and how to use the former. Edit 2: Also, thank you so much for the Level 100 Azmodan replying to this! I was really happy to read your thoughts on how to build and play him. It's always great to learn more from players who are more knowledgable! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:42 PM PST 1.) When your teammates fuck up, don't say anything. There is a chance they are a decent player and they are already yelling at themselves so don't try and correct someone who are actively trying to correct themselves. There is an even greater chance that you saying ":meh:" or "This [heroName]..." will simply send them closer to TILT. You're better off being the pleasant silent player than the the boisterous jerkwad. 2.) It's not your job to teach other people how to build their character. If someone has a terrible build, there isn't much of a point in writing some long essay in-game on how their build is wrong or what they should do differently. It's a waste of your time and getting a stranger on the Internet to listen you is a lot harder than you think (yes I'm aware that I'm writing a list for strangers on the Internet). Just let them play their hero (poorly in some cases) and adjust your gameplay to suit the situation. 3.) Yes meta heroes are important and hero composition is also important, and sometimes you get a bad composition with non-meta heroes. That doesn't automatically mean a loss though. Look at the heroes on your team and see how they interact, learn to be like the Zerg and evolve your game. Being able to adapt to your fellow players sub-optimal hero choices and learn how to make smart plays with atypical heroes will have you skyrocket through hero league. 4.) Destroy walls after a good push, it's a great way to reduce the map visibility for your opponents. 5.) If 4 people are doing something really REALLY stupid and you aren't doing it, more often than not in that instance you're the problem. It tends to be better to fully commit to something risky that could pay-off rather not commit to it. By not committing the risky choice certainly becomes something stupid. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. 6.) Use the mute button. Don't try and talk to players who are toxic/salty/shitty. Don't egg them on, don't try and calm them down, don't capitulate with terrorist demands. It's not the time nor the place to explain to them why being a petulant dickshit is not acceptable. Hit that mute button, block communication and continue to focus on the game at hand. 7.) Report players who feed/troll/afk, especially if they are on the other team. Those types of mutants shouldn't being in ranked, they shouldn't being in our glorious HOTS community, and they shouldn't bring other players down cause they themselves are wastes of human life (assuming they are even worth being called human). Assuming that the report system works, you're indirectly increasing your chance of victory. 8.) Be willing to call it quits for the day. If you lose three or four games in a row, just call it. Do something else. Don't continue in a lose mindset. Do something else and come back fresh and renewed. 9.) Globes are your friend. 10.) Become more cognizant of your play style. Try and recognize your own patterns and behaviors in game and try and catch yourself before you do something stupid. Take half a second and think about your plays before you make them. 11.) Objective is generally more worth more than a chase. The reward of completing the objective is far sweeter than maybe getting a double kill. Please feel free to add this list. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woodcarved glowing in the dark logo. A fanmade real life art. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:48 PM PST
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Are people still getting misplaced in hero league? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:57 PM PST I was Plat 3 last season and after doing my placements today, I seem to have plummeted to Gold 2. Plat 3: https://imgur.com/MhMw3KH Gold 2: https://imgur.com/CSKJbtl Is it worth contacting support about this or won't they be able to do anything? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:50 PM PST EDIT : there is apparently a misunderstanding. To state things clear, I never want HotS to be a copy pasta of LoL either. I quit LoL because as people said it's all about snowballing during a tedious laning phase. I don't want that either for HotS. What I'm saying though is that HotS suffers from the reverse problem, where your individual performance has almost no outcome on the result of the game. Because of that people blame teammates. Because of that people don't try to improve since the reward isn't consistent enough. I believe a middle ground can be found, and should be found.
WARNING long post. TL;DR at the end. I quit LoL 2 years ago and since then I've been playing HotS. With the recent changes, HotS formula is getting closer to LoL's in terms of early lead reward (games are a bit more snowbally) and personal skill reward (through laning changes and PBM). I would like to discuss both aspects and how they can improve the game as my title explains. It is harder to maintain an advantage (snowball) in HotS compared to LoLIn HotS, a big lead comes in two forms :
In LoL, a big lead also comes in two forms :
We can see two differences :
In HotSIn HotS, we sometimes have this game where our team is winning very hard all game long, but after 20, you lose one big fight, and suddenly your team falls behind. Why does this happen ? Well, being 1-2 levels ahead means very little in HotS. Talent tiers are the primary form of snowball (mainly levels 10, 16, 20). So when both teams hit 20, any advantage you had is almost nullified. In LoLIn LoL however, if your team manages to get a big 10k gold lead, you will easily maintain a full item lead (about +20-40% damage / HP / healing) until the very late game (think lvl 27 in HotS). Even if the enemy team wins a fight, the gap would drop from 10k to maybe 6-7k gold. Also, it's worth noting that LoL provides another source of advantage : the drakes. They provide buffs that persist all game long for the team who kills them. Buffs are either speed, hero damage, siege damage, or sustain out of combat. While the HotS way allows more room for comebacks, there is a middle ground to be found. Right now losing almost all advantage when both teams hit 20 makes the early and mid game feel unimpactful. Sidenote : the keep advantageOne of the possible ways to snowball in HotS is to take a keep. However, a keep advantage promotes passive gameplay. The optimal play for the winning team is 1) delay objective without fighting 2) wait for catapults to stack 3) force an enemy to go clear them 4) claim objective 5v4. Since waiting is not interesting, people fight immediately, in a 5v5. If both teams hit 20, it's almost a 50/50. In the end having a keep lead doesn't help to win the teamfight. In practice taking a keep is just limiting push possibilities after a team wipe, which again promotes stale gameplay. It would probably be much better if keeps instead provides a PvP bonus : a HP and damage buff for example. It would help to maintain an advantage post 20. And to compensate for the catapults loss, the buff could also give massive bonus damage against the core. Thus if you stack all 3 buffs, the core is very vulnerable even for non-pusher heroes. 1v1 kill potential is much lower in HotS than in LoLIn HotS, I think we can all agree that, even with a lead as big as 4-5 levels, you won't see a Kael QWE combo 100-0 any tank. In fact, with Convection done, with double Q at 16, a full combo is 2500 damage at lvl 20 (we assume passive is used on Q to ensure the double hit). It barely kills a lvl 1 Sonya (!), whereas a lvl 15 Sonya would only lose 59% of her HP. The situation is completely different in LoL. It is possible for a Brand (fire mage with similar kit than Kael) to 90-0 a Mega Gnar (who is like a bruiser hero in Mega form), as it is shown in this clip. Here Brand has a 3 level + 1 item lead. Why such a difference ? Kael damage can only increase through his level 1 and 16 talents (and 7 but it is conditional). Meanwhile, LoL allows you to go full damage at your own risks. In HotS, defensive/offensive talent tiers limit how much damage/HP you can build on a hero. Talents give you various ways (playstyles) to increase your damage, but overall your damage is still very limited (compared to LoL items). In the end, 1v1 kill potential is indeed much lower in HotS, even when being far ahead. Along with the difficulty to maintain an advantage, this has the following consequences : How snowballing and solo carrying affect LoL positively ; How the (comparative) lack of it affect HotS negatively.HotS is less snowbally... thus less rewardingIn HotS like every moba, kills remain the first way to get the advantage. Not only it is harder to get a kill in HotS, but you gain little advantage (snowball) from it. Three early kills in LoL give so much gold that you can dominate hard during the laning phase. Three early kills in HotS = 2 minion waves, i.e. 2/5 of a level. The difference between the two games is quite shocking. If your team loses 2 waves of soak, it's as if the 3 early kills never happened. Because it matters so little, people like to brawl at the middle lane for no reason. They are often the same people that later go around alone and die at critical moments (like during objectives). If an early kill were to give a half level lead, I'm sure people would be more careful about it. Solo carrying is WAY harder in HotS, teamwork is necessaryIn LoL, it is definitely possible to kill an opponent with an outplay. Then you can rotate and help your team to get kills. Thanks to those kills, you and your team will snowball from here. Personal skill can absolutely decide the game outcome. In HotS, the main way to carry is by shot calling. You rely on your team to follow your pings. If they refuse to cooperate, there is not much you can do. Individual performance is much less rewarded. Blizzard recognized this issue, and tried to address it with PBM, but (imo) it's clearly not the right way to do it. Less incentive to watch, to follow esports, and to improveDue to how difficult it can be to solo carry and get kills, these quotes I found in an old HotS thread are still relevant today :
That's pretty much it. In LoL, the possibility of solo carrying (and getting a kill 1v1) is doing wonders to the game :
It's not a matter of popularity. Look at Starcraft 2 : many of the committed players know a few pro players and what race they play. They know a few build orders and how to counter some enemy units. Why ? Because it wins you games . SC2 is not so popular right now because there is too much mechanical skill involved. But if RTS was a genre as casual as moba, SC2 would be as popular as LoL. Sidenote : winning a lane is harderBlizzard does care about this with the recent globe changes. However, it mainly pushes an attrition war. Compared to LoL, there is still a fountain, coming back to lane takes less time, and it is easier for teammates to come from another lane and hold it. Even if you managed to force a recall and have a good push, a tower is not worth as much (1/4 of a level for levels 1-5, 1/6 for levels 6-10, 1/9 for levels 11-15, etc). TL;DRBlizzard should continue to improve solo carrying capacity and early lead reward. The best way imo would be to increase 1v1 kill potential, which would give more room for outplays and personal skill to come into play. If personal skill has more impact on the game outcome AND outplays happen more frequently, then watching HotS (both streamers and pro scene) will be a much better experience. There would be a much bigger interest for high level games, which would indeed increase twitch numbers. Thanks to that, it will give a huge boost to the competitive aspect of the game, and thus repopulate HL/TL. Players will be inspired by the individual performance of pros / high level players and will try to improve themselves, leading to higher quality matches, and better knowledge of the playerbase overall. The main risk is to create a "meta" where players always pick the same 10 heroes, with the same optimal build (like it can be in LoL). I don't believe it will be the case in HotS : 1) The HGC tournaments have shown a very diverse meta already. 2) Talents balance in HotS is easier than Item balance in LoL. 3) There are multiple maps. This is a direction I would like Blizzard to explore. HotS has already many advantages over LoL (shorter games, variety of gameplay, better balance, shared xp, supports do something). We are actually very close to the perfect formula ! HotS is all about defying conventions and traditions ? Then for once, try to walk into other mobas footsteps and see how it goes. Thanks for reading ! Merry Christmas and Happy new Year ! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Entry Level Esports Episode 4 - How Can Weak Regions Get Stronger? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:14 PM PST
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Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:02 AM PST Tl;dr Lord of the Rings skins ideas for Heroes of the Storm Hey, The 2.0 is amazing, now many people can actually appreciate the artist work behind each skin, amazing job Blizzard! After seeing some Marvel-themed skins, I started imagining with some friends what if Hots heroes could get Lord of The Rings themed skins...and this is the outcome:
Mounts: Hobbit's Pony, Eagles, Wargs, Rhinos, Mumakil (a mount that can hold 2 people?), Dwarf Ox, Elf Stag, Armored Lion. Nexus Lore: "Once a peaceful land, the Nexus is facing a terrible threat that could lead to its destruction: The Dark Firelord Ragnaros awoke in his dominion and aims to burn everything in his path…One by one all the free races of the Nexus fell to the power of the Dark Fire. But there were some who resisted: A last alliance of men,elves and dwarves led by King Varian and Lady Sylvanas is fighting for freedom, guided by the wise protector of the nature, Malfurion the White Stag. Many battles were fought but the power of the Dark Firelord could not be undone, he held its Black Ring of Fire that granted him an insurmountable strength. When all hope had faded, it was in that moment that the unexpected happened: Murky, a small and curious creature, attracted by the sparkle of the Black Ring stole it and took it deep into the Murloc tunnels of Westfal where it consumed him…. Ragnaros without the artefact could not keep his full devastating form, giving a last chance to the army of King Varian to free the Nexus. Ragnaros sent his strongest generals in the quest to find the Black Ring, he knew that the ring itself desire only one thing: return to its master. It abandoned Murky but something happened then the ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable: a small Pandaren, Lili that with its three companion, Olaf, Baelog and Eric, will shape the fortunes of all…." Please give suggestions, feedbacks and your thoughts, let's bring Tolkien masterpiece to the Nexus. Edit: broken link [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:23 PM PST um, guise, seems like the BR server exploded or something like that, it dissapeared, what happened? :/ [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:21 PM PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:25 AM PST Hanzo loses rhe ability to press ANY KEYS besides movement commands while he is EDITED IN: Watched the replay, Zarya's Graviton Surge was the culprit, I pulled back the arrow with Q and got stuck holding it indefinitely. Couldn't B, couldnt Mount, coudnt use any other activated abilities or even the attack/move command, only basic move command worked, and no other comands whatsoever. Incredibly frustrating, please fix this Blizz, I beg you. EDIT: On mobile. Sorry for spelling stutters and mistypes. EDIT 2: https://vimeo.com/248956135 replay of what happened, sorry its on my phone, im a bad person. EDIT 3: remembered another glitch, not EXACTLY sure what causes it but its related to Q's mechanics again, when moving by Clicking while aiming if stunned (I think?) then it'll force you to move by clicking instead of by holding the mousebutton for an undefined amount of time, or until cast again. Which is just kinda annoying. EDIT 4: I know I sound ungrateful bitching about this stuff, but thank you Blizz for implementing Hanzo, and setting a precedence for this kind of aim and move mechanic in the future, like with Reihnhardt in the future. Thanks fellas, and keep up the hard work :) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AI Bots seriously need a huge AI buff, or to be removed from anything short of AI mode Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST As the title says, at this point in the game, AI are more a detriment with any mode, then they are an aide. I'd rather the offending disconnected player's bot STAYED in spawn even. Providing targets for say Kel'thuzad to chain, targets for a Nova to Q off of, Easy Q targets for Hanzo (however that works), stack for butcher, etc etc. I just came off a match where a Zul'jin AI just stood melee-range to an ally chained off a kel'thuzad, I dun even need to explain how PAINFUL that is with a decently skilled Kelly. IN fact, I've seen cases of people trying to reconnect, only for them to get a "The Game is Over" message, but the game isn't over - making these situations even worse. I've seen this case a few times myself before upgrading my computer. So sometimes this isn't even anything BUT the game's fault. A rehaul is needed, and it's needed soon. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blizzard should do a lore based Quests Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:02 AM PST • It would work like these: While using an Alliance Hero: Kill 50 Horde Heroes - Rewards: Alliance Banner Portrait, Alliance Warbanner, & Armored Steed Mount While using a Horde Hero: Kill 50 Alliance Heroes - Rewards: Horde Banner Portrait, Horde Warbanner, & Direwolf Mount While using Zul'jin: Kill 40 Elven Heroes - Rewards: Amani Tribe Portrait, & Amani Tribe Crest Spray. While using Illidan/Valla: Kill 20 Demon Characters (Heroes, Mercs,& Minions) - Reward: Demon Hunter Portrait While using Illidan: Kill an enemy Arthas - Reward: Symphony of Flames Portrait (Wc3 Ref) While using Arthas: Kill an enemy Illidan - Reward: Symphony of Frost Portrait (Wc3 Ref) While using Uther: Kill (Participate a Kill) 10 Undead Characters - Reward: Silverhand Portrait And Many More•••• !Change Log: I've nerf some of the quests, & add additional rewards for the longer "Achievements/Quests". [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What non-stealth heroes would become the most powerful if they gained the ability to enter stealth? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:41 AM PST Just curious what heroes, given stealth on top of their pre-existing abilities, would become severely OP, or otherwise more difficult to deal with. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Hero Concept] Aysa Cloudsinger, Multiclass Assassin/Support Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:50 PM PST About Aysa Aysa is an important figure to Pandaren players in World of Warcraft, especially to Alliance players. As described by wowpedia, Aysa is "a master follower of the path of Tushui, which believes in living a venerable life through meditation, rigorous training, and moral conviction." She is the means through which Pandaren join the Alliance, as she admires their high ideals and values. She serves as a counterpart (and later partner to) Ji Firepaw, who enables Pandaren players to join the Horde. Aysa is designed to be a Multiclass Assassin/Support, embodying aspects of both the Monk's Windwalker and Mistweaver specializations, similarly to how Varian embodies the three Warrior specializations (Protection, Arms, Fury) within the game. Overview Borrowing a core design element of Kharazim, our resident Diablo monk, Aysa chooses her Q ability (rather than a trait) from one of three options: Chi Wave, which heals and deals damage by bouncing between Heroes, Chi Burst, which does a relatively large amount of healing and damage in a line, and Chi Sphere, which applies a heal-over-time effect to an allied Hero and does some bonus healing and damage at the end of its effect. Her W, Tiger Palm, provides a small bonus to her Movement Speed and does light damage on a short cooldown. Her E, Spinning Crane Kick, does moderate area-of-effect damage over a short duration. It's a channeled ability, similar to Sonya's E. Her trait, Roll, is my interpretation of the ability straight from WoW. Aysa rolls very quickly in a targeted direction for 0.75 seconds and is unable to change directions or perform any other actions while Rolling. Roll cannot be canceled once started, effectively forcing Aysa to travel a fixed distance. This makes it easy to undershoot or overshoot the ability when used offensively, and its mastery will separate good Aysa players from great ones. It has two charges on a relatively long cooldown. At level 4, similar to Varian, she chooses between two options which shape how she plays for the rest of the game. It makes either her more offensive or supportive: Xuen's Teachings dramatically increases her damage as a fight progresses, whereas Refreshing Jade Wind encourages her to clump near allied Heroes to heal them. Level 10 offers her Fists of Fury or Life Cocoon. Fists of Fury deals heavy damage over 3 seconds and provides a short stun on the first volley of damage. Life Cocoon provides a large shield and is supplemented by a healing-over-time effect. Abilities Q - Level 1 talent choice. Choose one of the following:
W - Tiger Palm: Deal 100 damage to an enemy and increase your Movement Speed by 15% for 2.5 seconds.
E - Spinning Crane Kick: Deal 42 damage in an area around you every 0.3 seconds for 1.5 seconds. Aysa may still Auto Attack while spinning.
D - Roll: Roll in a straight line for 0.75 seconds with an additional 125% Movement Speed. Aysa cannot be slowed while Rolling.
R1 - Fists of Fury: Deal 600 damage over 3 seconds in a cone facing a target. Reactivate to select a new target.
R2 - Life Cocoon: Give an allied Hero a shield for 876 Health for 8 seconds and heal them for 677 Health over 6 seconds.
Talents Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20
Potential Interactions To Chen & Li Li - "It is good to see another child of Shen-zin Su in such a strange place."
To Li Li - "Greetings, young one. Do you need a refresher on the ways of Tushui?"
To Garrosh - "I will never forgive you for what you did to Ji."
To Junkrat - "You... look like you could use some meditation."
To Kharazim - "Ah, a fellow monk. Would you care to meditate with me when this is over?"
To Varian - "Varian! You're alive!?"
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Are players undervaluing the solo lane/melee bruiser role? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:20 AM PST I'm going to start with quite a bold statement: I don't think Sonya is OP. Even if she is, it's marginally so. To give context I am a D2 TL Sonya main so I am biased but ... I've been wining games just because the other team doesn't draft a solo lane ... at all. On top of that they pick 1 tank, 3 ranged and a solo support. Those are nice games. Players go into a game and they get upset if the team is missing a tank or a healer. But miss out a second front line or solo lane and nobody bats an eyelid. Looking at the winrates of the 'top tier' solo lane type roles:
Out of the top 20 heroes on HOTSlogs, 13 can solo lane! (Counting Sylv as she can solo lane even if it's not the best use of her talents. I'd also argue Naz isn't great either but people do put him solo and he's okay). Go rank all heroes by popularity and only Sonya/Dehaka/Greymane/Sylv are near top. Arthas is up there but a lot of players pick him as main tank instead of solo. It's also notable that most of these heroes act as a second front line and either create space for their backline or pressure the opponent's backline. On top of that quite a few of them can do camps solo. One notable exception is Dehaka who sits on a 'measly' 47.8%WR. I kinda feel like Dehaka can't dominate many solo lanes and when games are uncoordinated you can't soak lanes separated from your team enough to get value. Dehaka needs good macro and I think many players are weak at it. It's why Abby's WR is so low even though I think the hero is strong. What do people think? Are solo lanes too strong and should they all be nerfed like supports were? Or should players be educated to picking these heroes more frequently? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
First time master. Feels meaningless. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:26 PM PST HotS was my first MOBA. I've been progressing consistently since I started playing last year. I've reached D1 multiple times in the last couple seasons. This season I placed at Master 1000 after a 6-4 placement record. I see people in Master with D5 and even plat as their previous high. What should be a proud accomplishment is now tarnished by the illegitimacy of the ranking system. FeelsBadMan. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can we see our real rating please? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:18 PM PST Rank (diamond/platinum/etc) is inconsistent. HotsLogs rating is inaccurate. I would like to see my actual Blizzard rating. It is the only number that matters. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:13 PM PST Any time of the day, any day of the week: https://imgur.com/a/hkavT Please help! EDIT: QUEUE POPPED AFTER 10k SECONDS BOIZ. LIVING THE DREAM! [link] [comments] |
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