Hearthstone - New Rules, Improved Wiki and Other Updates

New Rules, Improved Wiki and Other Updates

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:29 PM PST

New Rules

Well met!

As of today, a rework of the /r/Hearthstone rules goes into effect. The main changes, and the logic behind the changes are the following:

  • Images & Gifs may once again be posted as link posts.

    This has been a contentious topic for a long time, and there have been countless debates on the rule for as long as the rule has existed. We have decided to reverse the rule on a trial basis to determine whether or not the original issues that lead to its implementation are still valid.

  • Text posts must contain at least 50 characters or face automatic deletion.

    As part of an effort to reduce short, low-effort prompts, jokes and spam that lead to equally low-effort comments, we have chosen to implement a filter that automatically removes text submissions under 50 characters in length. We don't believe it is too much to ask that text submissions to the subreddit be more than a few words in length.

  • Repetitive parody threads are no longer allowed, specifically parodying threads that have already been parodied outside of the comments section of the original parody.

    It's a difficult and subjective task to draw the line between what is great humour and tiresome circlejerking, and an even harder task to do so without invoking the ire of those who found humour in that which others found tedious, and vice versa. We hope this rule will help limit reddit's tendency to overdo jokes, whilst still making room for fun parodies.

  • An extensive rewriting of existing rules for the sake of consistency and clarity. In particular, our rules on low effort content and behaviour have received some much needed attention.

This update has been in the works for a while, so please take a moment to review the updated rules. We are a small team of volunteers doing this in our spare time, and we rely on user feedback to determine what we get right and wrong. As the subreddit grows and evolves, so will the rules, so if you have any feedback, please provide it in the comments of this thread or as a modmail.

New Player's Guide

Our pitifully outdated New Player's Guide has been tossed in the bin and been replaced by our New and Improving Players wiki section, featuring an extensive list of resources for new and improving Hearthstone players, written by the venerable /u/syc0pat.
A big thanks to syc0pat for putting in the effort to improve our wiki.

You can check out the new page Here

Have any suggestions for additions or changes to the page? Don't hesitate to let us know!

Moderator Recruitment

Speaking of being a small team, we'd like it to be a tad bigger, so if you think you've got what it takes to help run an online community of over half a million users, we are currently running open moderator recruitment.
All the relevant details can be found in the link above. Good luck.

In addition to looking for new moderators, we are also looking for Hearthstone fanatics willing to lend a hand keeping our sidebar calendar up to date on the latest tournaments, card reveals and Hearthstone events. This is a volunteer position with no long-term obligations, so if you're interested in helping out, send us a modmail.



We recently updated our policies on card reveal threads. In short, card reveals threads should link directly to the source of the reveal if possible, and if not (i.e. it's revealed on stream), should be posted as a self-post with the card details and a link to the source. Card reveal threads should not link to third-party sites not involved in the reveal itself.

For the full explanation and what prompted this change, please read this thread.

Title Filter:

Following this thread and all the awful posts that preceded it, we've chosen to filter the word "petition" from thread titles. Calling a thread a petition is essentially a subtle request for agreement upvotes, and petition threads generally tend to be poor prompts for constructive discussion.

In addition, "PSA" has been filtered. Titles should be phrased with an informative, declarative statement that can stand on its own without the use of "PSA".

Verified Flairs:

Is there any interest in "verified" flairs for notable community members and Hearthstone personalities on /r/Hearthstone, akin to the flairs we have for Blizzard employees (though displayed less prominently)? Please discuss as replies to this comment.

Thanks for reading,
The /r/Hearthstone modteam

submitted by /u/powerchicken
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Not sure if that fits here, but Savjz just got engaged!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:33 AM PST

New card by Flurry: 수정 사자

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:01 AM PST


Card Name: Crystal Lion

Class: Paladin

Card type: Minion

Rarity: Rare

Mana cost: 6

Attack: 5

Health: 5

Card text: Divine shield, Costs (1) less for each Silver Hand Recruit you control.

Source: https://www.twitch.tv/flurry1989

submitted by /u/sjsjsj0910
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New warrior card from Poland

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Blizzard needs to blacklist card reveal delayers

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:09 PM PST

Blizzard needs to take notes of which groups get the card revealed on time, and which groups drag things out for no good reason - and then blacklist the ones that drag things out.

We should have already seen the card that follows Dragonhatcher... but instead we get to watch a bunch of Brazilians faffing about because they care more about using a card reveal to troll than actually revealing the damn card.


As an FYI, there's an official release schedule at https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/blog/21243323/kobolds-and-catacombs-reveals-unearthed-week-2 . That gives the date and time for the reveal, should have been 2PM PST on 12/1 (and not about 4PM PST when the release actually happened). Also, the stream that the reveal was on went offline less than 15 minutes after the reveal. The entire reveal around Ironwood Golem just smells fishy, and I'm calling out the group responsible for the reveal because (quite honestly) Hearthstone deserves better than this.

submitted by /u/Almagnus1
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[K&C] New Rogue Legendary weapon revealed by Tsuki - Kingsbane

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:11 PM PST

Fibonacci pulled a 63,9% winrate with N'Zoth Warrior last season across 260 games. Finished 14 at Legend.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:59 PM PST

AKAWONDER amazing lethal at dreamhack

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:18 AM PST

How much gold have you saved for Kobolds & Catacombs?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:10 AM PST

Blackguard synergy in arena

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

[K&C] New Druid common revealed by Rosicky

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:06 PM PST

Oaken Summons

Class: Druid

Card type: Spell

Rarity: Common

Mana cost: 4

Card text: Gain 6 Armor. Recruit a minion that costs (4) or less.

Source: Chinese streamer Rosicky. Weibo announcement post.

submitted by /u/czhihong
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New K&C Warrior weapon revealed - Bladed Gauntlet

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

This reveal season has been amazing!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:39 AM PST

Even with the triple reveals and the large amounts of reveals every single day. We STILL have ~50 cards to be revealed between today and Monday! This means final reveal stream will have at least 30-40 cards! That's insane, it makes the set feel so much bigger and diverse with the nice spread of cards. Thanks Team 5 this may be the best reveal season yet!

submitted by /u/HairyGandalf
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[K&C] New Druid Common Card (Finally) Revealed by Blizzard Esports LatAm: Ironwood Golem!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:15 PM PST

Ironwood Golem

Class: Druid

Card type: Minion

Rarity: Common

Mana cost: 4

Card text: Taunt. Can only attack if you have 3 or more Armor.

Attack: 3

HP: 6

Source: Blizzard Esports LatAm

submitted by /u/Sonserf369
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Top Cards of the Week from /r/customhearthstone (12/02/2017)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:13 AM PST


Happy December everyone. I've got a super special announcement today to share with you all. Now many of you might not know this, but I do more than just moderate /r/customhearthstone and post these threads, I also create custom cards of my own (shocking, I know).

These past several months though, I've been working with a few other card designers, like /u/Frostivus (you might know him from Go West, Young Brode), animators, voice actors, and many other talented people to create an exciting new set that is both voiced and animated. There are some great cards that I've helped designed like this one, though you'll have to wait a bit to see what it does. We're rolling Winter Veil Carol out slowly but you can find more cards as well as info about how this set came to be in one of our several previews.

submitted by /u/Coolboypai
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Big Time Hearthstone

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:35 PM PST

For people wondering where card reveal is

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:22 PM PST

The Brazillian overlords have deemed it appropriate to chat for 20 mins beforehand, have an entire showmatch and then reveal the card. I mean you could just show the card first then do your bs. Or do all your bs before the clock strikes reveal o'clock but ok...

Best checking Reddit in an hour maties.

Edit: Came back to see that the games they are playing are going to mean it'll be much longer than the predicted 1 hour till reveal. Keep an eye on the comments and reddit threads to be updated, I'm going to sleep lmao.

submitted by /u/ChunkofMetal
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[K&C] New Neutral Epic Card Revealed by Omnislash: Dragonhatcher!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:07 PM PST

Can wins be 5 gold each?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

As the game gets more expensive, giving 5 gold per win seems reasonable even if the gold cap is the same. This will also allow people to have gold in a multiple of 5 as well.

submitted by /u/BenChanin
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I finally found it...

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

The shyest card in Hearthstone https://i.imgur.com/bPAytJL.jpg

submitted by /u/BigBadgerz
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[Fluff] Hearthstone Design Decisions

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:54 AM PST

Hunters need more shooting cards!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:07 AM PST

Does anybody else feel like hunters need more arrow/gun cards? It feels like it's just about playing beasts and going face. It's just so satisfying playing a Quick Shot or a Snipe and making finger guns at the screen and timing it with the animation. And when you can Hunter's Mark and then On the Hunt you feel like a truly stealthy sniper. Grimy Goons were supposed to stockpile guns but we got piranha launcher which just whacks them in the face and makes fish! Why couldn't it be a spell that makes a piranha shoot across the screen at the target! And then Ungoro gave us only beasts. I want to hunt my prey, not have my little animal companions do my dirty work for me. Frozen throne gave us deathrattles and beasts. WHY DOESNT ABOMINABLE BOW MAN SHOOT HIS BOW? he just gets back beasts. And toxic arrow could have been cool but it looks so dinky and it isn't any good! We need more shots! Where are all my fellow hunters who want the thrill of the hunt?

submitted by /u/panton57
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The current state of the Bone-meta

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:35 PM PST

So I was playing a game as secret/tempo Mage with two Bonemares in my deck against a tempo Rogue with two Bonemares in their deck as well. Long story short, we're in the end-game, I draw a Bonemare and play it on my Valet. my opponent Bonemares his own Flame Elemental and uses it to kill my Valet. I then Bonemare my Bonemare and use it to kill his Bonemare. He then plays another Flame Elemental, and another Bonemare buffing the Flame elemental. I have an Aetish equipped (don't ask why) and I play my Firelands Portal which kills his second Bonemare, spawns a Scalebane and Aetish summons... you guessed it... a fucking BONEMARE! Ben Brodemare please save us!

submitted by /u/FrogZone
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their is a guy streaming while hes botting his way to legend

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:08 PM PST

so randomly browsing for someone to watch i stumbled upon this https://www.twitch.tv/botting2legend , apparently he's using aggro druid to bot his way to legend and told me he's gotten legend botting before. how is this fair?

the streamers bot program you can use here https://sb-forum.com/ , theirs a free trial to test it all out, legend capable every month!


submitted by /u/KillemKindly94
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TIL Desert Camel can pull out 2 drops with Renounce Darkness

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:28 AM PST

Today I noticed this when I watched my Camel bring a 2 drop (hyena) while playing Renounce Darkness in wild. It's working as intended but just wanted to share.

It could have potential if, in the future, we get some kind of deck discount.

Edit: video

submitted by /u/Buttcrank
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