Halo - Weekly Discussion Thread

Weekly Discussion Thread

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:10 AM PST

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this week's Weekly Discussion thread!

As long as the topic is related to Halo, you may discuss it here. This includes subreddit meta and things related to Halo.

If you have any questions please message the mods.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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During Halo CE, you play on an island in the mission The silent Cartographer. In Halo 3, you escape form the Halo that was the replacement for the first one. You have to drive around the same island!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:04 PM PST

Awesome 1920x1080 wallpaper of the E3 MCC trailer final shot

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:15 AM PST

Epic ODST Scene built in Source Filmmaker

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:20 PM PST

Halo 5 is not too competitive, nor is it too casual.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:02 AM PST

Hey guys, I'm MultiLockOn. I usually refrain from posting here because I have pretty strong opinions towards just about everything game design related (especially classic Halo) and r/halo has historically been very much in support of Halo 5's trendy mechanics until recently. Just wanted to share some truths that will hopefully speak to some people. I'll keep this as short as I can.

I see a lot of "Halo 5 is way too competitive that's why reason A, B, C, D (I don't like it, it's not popular, Halo is dying, etc.". Ironically, on the upper end of the skill spectrum you hear a lot of "Halo 5 is way too casual, that's why A, B, C, D." Let me just make it clear, Halo 5 is not too competitive, nor is it too casual. In fact I think people who make these claims don't have a strong understanding of what made Halo, Halo. First and foremost, the ol' saying "Easy to learn, difficult to master" is what builds successful video games.

Is Super Smash Bros. Melee a mindless button masher that you can pick Pikachu on and spam Down + B to thunderbolt your friends all day long and suck them up as Kirby? Or is it possibly the most skill and timing intensive fighting game that's ever been made?.... or is it both. Is Rocket League the perfect fuck-around to play with your friends when you're pounding beers in their garage? Or is it the most skill-based pseudo racing/physics based game we've seen in a generation? Probably both (if you've ever watched professional Rocket League you know this to be true). Did Halo: Combat Evolved shake the entire game industry and revolutionize/inspire every console shooter ever made because it's the most skill based console shooter to this day? Or was it made as a party game to be played for fun as testified by it's creator and designer, Hardy Lebel.

In good game design, the skill CEILING doesn't affect the skill FLOOR (barrier to entry). A well designed game will have a low barrier to entry and appeal to a mass market because it's simply fun, this is how Smash Bros., Rocket League, and Combat Evolved were all designed and marketed. The fact is each of those games also have an insanely high skill ceiling that KEPT people playing once they had the initial market. People come for fun, and they stay for competition. Look at every game at the top of twitch right now, or in the past several years. LoL, CS, Rocket League; with very few exceptions all well designed and popular games do exactly that. Easy to learn, hard to master. That used to be Halo, in fact Halo Combat Evolved had basically move, jump, shoot, grenade, punch. And it is to this day the most skillful console shooter ever made (if you don't know about CE go learn about it, search Missingno Halo on youtube). The fact that 16 years later people are still flying across the country to compete at Beach LAN for Halo CE is a testament to the game's depth. The fact that Melee just gets more and more popular with each year.

Halo 5 is neither of these. One of Halo's defining characteristics was it's charm in simplicity. It was a remarkably simple game to learn with a sea of secrets. In Halo 5 it literally takes 5 BUTTONS TO MOVE AROUND THE MAP (thumbstick > sprint > thrust > slide > jump ). Hell every button on the controller has two actions based on whether you hold it, press it twice, whether you're sprinting, zoomed in, hovering, who knows. It's ridiculous and if you were ever wondering why exactly Halo 5 sits anywhere from #20 - #35 on the Xbox Most Played List, there's your answer. The game is EXTRAORINDARILY difficult to get into for the average player. And yet at the same time the competitive community despises Halo 5. You would think the most competitive congregation of Halo players at TeamBeyond would love the supposedly "competitive" direction of the game, but they don't. Most of them can't stand it in fact, and the actual pro player sentiment is mirrored. Why is that? Because the game ISN'T too competitive, in fact in a lot of ways it's remarkably shallow. Nearly the entire sandbox is comprised of histscan weapons requiring no shot-lead that aim themselves with record high levels of aim assist/bullet magnetism like I've never seen in a console shooter. Ridiculous abilities like ground pound and shoulder charge are cheap kills that are frustrating to play against, and the melee lunge is at record high levels/speed so that double meleeing is basically the best thing you can do. None of that is indicative of a skillful Halo. And for how complicated the movement is most of it isn't even necessarily difficult to do. Slide boosting isn't hard, it's just needlessly complicated.

Complicated? Yes. Skillful? No. For the past two years of this game even the highest level of play has been plagued by; bullshit "precision weapon upgrades" like the Light Rifle and DMR that aim for you, radar in competitive play, automatics that win every encounter unless you LITERALLY shoot perfectly, insta kill splinters, a sniper rifle that aims for you, spartan charge/shoulder charge, clamber mechanic that basically invalidates any sort of skillful crouch jumping, and an unbalanced mess of maps ( why are Molten and Overgrowth even a thing 343). All of which creates an extremely shallow and frustrating competitive experience. So, no. Halo 5 is not too competitive. Because at a competitive level the game is a frustrating clusterfuck filled with cheap gimmicks. And no, it's not too casual. Because you'd need to be an experienced octopus to even move around the map at a basic level without using an elite controller. Halo 5 manages to alienate BOTH the casual market AND the competitive market with Halo 5 and form this strange tiny middle niche right around Diamond 6 where people would give their life for this game. It's a Halo game that abandoned Halo's biggest strengths in it's accessibility and skillful + meaningful gunplay in an attempt to chase trends. It's not easy to learn, nor is it difficult to master. And more important than vehicle physics, than proper playlist management, than working dedicated servers, than a good forge, than a functional UI, than a good story, comes the gameplay. The way the game plays at the most fundamental and basic level needs to be fun. If you don't have that then nothing matters. And Halo 5 does not have that. Which is why 6 months after launch the franchise that literally built the Xbox brand was sitting at #23 under 2 years of Madden, every EA sport game, 3 Call of Duties, and Naruto.

Drop the spartan abilities. Make a classic Halo with skillful shooting and a strong utility weapon. And 343 won't hire me because I said mean things on the internet.

submitted by /u/MawltyLock
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Aozolai addresses the issue of entitled pro players, I.e., the guy that said “ Casuals go play against covenant”

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:13 PM PST

You've seen him before, But I was Commissioned by Vien to take a crack at his Elite.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:09 AM PST

Everyone here is talking about competitive halo, meanwhile I'm sitting here hoping halo 6 will bring back btb back to its glory

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:54 PM PST

Or at least have dev made maps and not forge ones. And not just like, 2 or 3 either. It should ship with like, 5 or 6 on disc, then others can come in through dlc.

BTB is halo for me. It has the right amount of teamwork in an arena shooter while having the room for error with 8 teammates. It incorporates the vehicle and weapon sandboxes too. But damn has it been ages since I've last played a good btb halo map.

submitted by /u/Inferno221
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Commission Created by EzzellHaruspex for HiddenXperia's Video!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

One thing I've never understood about Sprint in Reach, 4 or 5....what gameplay problem is it trying to solve, or situation it trying to create?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:29 PM PST

One thing I've learned about games and gaming, having basically followed and been involved in them my whole life, is that when you're looking at something you need to, at least in part, ignore the form of a particular system/object and focus purely on the function of that thing. You'll see this a lot in Fighting Games/MOBAs/RTS etc. but it applies to all genres.

And what looking at any gameplay element the basic questions are;

  • What problem is this function/element trying to solve (if it is trying to solve one)?
  • What gameplay element/function is this function trying to create and/or enhance?
  • Does this function/element have other, easier and/or more effective implementation?
  • Does this function/element enhance the user experience and/or give them a meaningful new experience?

In fighting games/MOBAs etc. this typically either relates to characters (New playstyles, tools, counters etc.) or gameplay functions (things like Revenge mode, how blocks/counters work etc.) or how this new element changes a meta/build (new items/abilities etc.) and other areas.

The same applies to Halo and other shooters. In fact, in Halo 5 there is a perfect example of this - the SPARTAN Abilities. Thrust, Hover and Ground Pound answer each of these questions in their own way - typically in that they're trying to spice up the traditional movement system in some way by adding new options.

But Sprint...never really answers any of this. It doesn't appear to be solving a problem of any kind. If there WAS a problem, it was much more easily and readily solved by adjusting the base movement speed. It wasn't creating or making a new gameplay experience/function because again, we already had the option to do this through the in-game settings and it's not a terribly new idea - you're just moving faster, not in a new or exciting way.

And if anything, it's only introduced new problems into the gameplay of Halo, because now maps and design has to account for players having variable rather than constant movement speed.

I struggle to see how both 343i AND Bungie put this down on the drawing board, looked at it, and said "Yes, this function has a useful place in our game because it adds to the game or solves an existing problem."

submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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Survivor. (SFM)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:35 AM PST

Finished this doodle a little late but for day 4 I drew Lasky!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:03 PM PST

The Best Sniper Missions in Halo on Legendary

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:54 PM PST

Who made these maps in Halo CE?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:24 PM PST

I know Hardy Lebel designed a lot of the maps in the game, but I've never heard him be credited for Chill Out or Damnation. These maps are my two favorites in Halo CE, especially Chill Out. I've taken so much inspiration from Chill Out's design, and It would be awesome to know who designed it.

submitted by /u/VetroPanther
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Got this really cool glitch in the MCC. Hello new wallpaper!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:24 PM PST

This hit me real hard, I need a pickup. Anyone here make contact once again with their online friends they used to play halo with years ago?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:55 PM PST

How does making a more competitive Halo hurt casual play?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:55 PM PST

I'm seeing a lot of arguments in regards to how investing into a competitive Halo takes away from the casual experience. I never see details/ideas that support those instances.

What are some specific instances where making a more competitive Halo took away from the casual experience in the past?

Does investing into competitive play really lead to a less enjoyable Halo for casuals?

I think this specific question could have more organized and mature discussion for the interest of Halo 6. I've enjoyed the here and there batter so far, I'd love to see this tackled more appropriately.

submitted by /u/serpx
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Thinking of getting Halo 5 when I get my xbox, how many people still play the game?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:39 PM PST

What happened to this community in the last weeks?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:46 PM PST

It went from 50/50 classic halo people and modern halo people to 90/10 in the span of a week. Being a classic fan myself, I'm happy about it, but it's pretty odd. Did something happen that I miss? All of the sudden pros started to threaten to quit, even before the Greenskull video.

submitted by /u/ComradeVladislav
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Depressed promethean knight!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:05 AM PST

My thoughts on Halo 5: Guardians

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

Hello All, after a few years I was finally able to afford and X1!

I was wondering what did you guys think of Halo 5 because I hated it. I'll try to be clear in my point but please note that I am not an English speaker and any criticisms or suggestions on grammar and syntax are appreciated.

I'll start of saying that I loved the Halo 4 campaign. Multiplayer is another story as it took ages before finding a map. I loved the music so much! Arrivals was one of the best track I've heard. I was very fitting with the last mission of the game where you knew you had little time. Cortana saying: "You know chief, When that bomb is armed, the window for getting out of here will be slim." And chief simplay saying "I know." Was, for me, a very thrilling moment. I loved the story and the premise. The introduction of a new enemy. Seeing a knight for the first time on legendary as a ride!

However, lets get back on topic. Halo 5.

The story

I will talk mostly about the single player campaign. I have not had a chance to view the multiplayer aspect since I do not have X -Live.

I feel like nothing new was added in the game. You see what a guardian looked like, and that's it. Cortana as an enemy? I felt no urgency, no feeling that a powerful enemy was to be faced. I always had the feeling like : Oh, master chief is going to talk to her. Waiting for a big payoff, a huge fight, or a thrilling ending scene that just... never happened.

In Halo 4, You saw the master chief wounded. Emotionally and physically. You see him struggle, your controls unresponsive, trying to arm that bomb and save earth.

Here, you save master chief that is in a ball. With characters you don`t care about. The last mission left me a bit underwhelmed. I felt little to no urgency on how important that was. You saved master chief. Great, but what now? Nothing has changed in the grand scheme of things. Cortana is still out there, the danger is still there, nothing has changed. Unless I am missing a huge payoff from a deleted scene (I have not yet completed legendary mode yet) I feel that this ending is kind of... moot.

There is part in the game where I think buck and locke Talk about the fact that Blue team has the most mision that all the the spartan teams combined. That they are like family. I'm like man, why didn'T I play that instead? Now I just have these 3 spartans who "are loyal to master chief no matter what" and forced exposition.

Dr. Hasley was frigtening. In spartan Ops you see her cunning plan to get what she wants. You see how the Didact's hand cuts her arm off and she takes it like a bad ass. Now you see her wasting time, and pressing locke and palmer to do her bidding. Any badassery is gone with her also.

You see all these new spartans with a one line backstory that you play for hours. and nothing new about the characters you love and care about.

The gameplay

The gameplay is very similar to halo 4. Again, I was disappointed. Slight changes in weapons ( A new promethean handed weapon with little to no bullets, and remove the boltshot charge) You have the ability to charge which that was pretty cool. A little jet pack for aiming while in the air and a assasin creed style execution from above. The weapons were kind of underwhelming. They are the same weapons only with some redesigns.

You had awesome flying missions on halo 4. A pelican? Yeah sure! here's one! A fighter jet? There you go! Banshee? Got ya fam!

Here, in halo 5, One promethean vessel for half a mission, and a banshee for half a mission.

There is probably an awesome fight with a kraken, too bad you barely see any of it.

All the time I felt that something was missing . like I waited for a payoff that never came.

Graphics are impressive.

The music

Absolutely nothing stood out from the soundtrack. I don't even remember a new theme except from the usual generic Halo theme. Again, in Halo 4, the music from the last mission was amazing. You felt like it was the end. you even thought for a second : is this it? is this how it ends? And you battle trough all the knights in front of you.

The last scene you have a generic out of the mill movie music. Like, you are supposed to feel sad: here is some sad music.

Anyway, these are my thoughts. Please let me know how you felt about the game! I just had an X1 two days ago and I played the whole game. (55gb downlad? the hell is this?)


submitted by /u/DaxInvader
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