Guild Wars 2 - To help beat depression, I've been trying to learn how to use watercolours. Meet Quaggasaur, my second ever attempt with them!

To help beat depression, I've been trying to learn how to use watercolours. Meet Quaggasaur, my second ever attempt with them!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:45 PM PST

Orphanages hate her!! See how this young artist gifts ALL orphans within a few minutes with his this simple map.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

That feels better! (by Plavigmaz)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:08 AM PST

[NA][OCE/SEA/AUS/NZ]Want to learn to raid? Come, I'll teach you :)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:13 PM PST

o/ Hi there!

Do you want to do raids? Feeling too intimidated or anxious to join experienced pugs? Don't know where to start?

Well, I can help you out there! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ I can teach you wings 1 to 4(and 5 when I get to learn it fully myself).

  • No pressure into getting clears during my training sessions.
  • No need to meet hard requirements to join.
  • No need to join a guild or be online at certain times. Just hop in, see if I'm available, and off we go!
  • We can go get raid clears once you've got some experience under your belt!

\\ ٩( ᐛ )و // Brief Intro To Me

I was a trainer in a raid training discord, but I have since moved on.

Now, I want to start a more lighthearted group to teach and raid with. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I am located in the Aus/NZ time zone, so the group is primarily targeted at SEA, Aus and NZ players.

Other players in NA are more than welcome but I can't say if I am available to teach you in your timezones. :[

I do work full time, so please be aware that my available hours are generally in the afternoon and night hours. Sorry!

(σ・Д・)σ Where are you???

This group is NOT a guild nor is it affiliated with one.

Simply join this discord server!

I'm cheeky and called it my own university _(‾◡◝ )>

If you want to show your experience, ping your weekly clears in #gw2-bot and I'll give you a degree.

╭( ・ㅂ・)و What you need to do

  • Just bring in your minimum gear(exotics are fine)
  • Ascended trinkets are HIGHLY recommended
  • Know your optimal class rotations/usage

Checkout for all your build and gear needs!

Having multiple classes outside DPS(chronos, druids, banner) will be highly advantageous to being able to join one of my sessions and any raids further in the future

(ノ´▽`)ノ♪ Thanks

Thanks for reading! If you are joining me, I welcome you and look forward to raiding with you!


submitted by /u/KenOfNZ
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Drew a hunty's Mesmer for their birthday even though I was too late. Happy belated!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

[Release] Discord Rich Presence addon

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:56 AM PST

TL;DR This is how it looks like:

Download it here:

Discord Rich Presence addon

What it does:

Utilizes the recently added Discord Rich presence to display additional information in your status like this, including:

  • Map name (with it's loading screen image)

  • Character name

  • For fractals, fractal name

  • Profession/elite spec

  • Region (EU/NA) on hover of the loading screen image

  • Time spent in the current map


Simply run gw2rpc.exe. It will start in your system tray. The program needs to be running alongside GW2 for Rich Presence to work.

In the config.ini in the program's directory, you can input your API key so that your status can display region (EU/NA) and elite spec as well.

To make starting Rich Presence easier, in the download there is included an .exe called launch_gw2_with_rpc.exe. This script launches both GW2 and the addon. For it to work, it needs to be present in GW2FOLDER\addons\gw2rpc. You may then replace your normal GW2 shortcut with it for ease of launching.

You can also place a shortcut to gw2rpc.exe in your autorun to automatically start it with Windows

Can I get banned for this?

No, it doesn't interact with the game in any way - it utilizes the Mumble API to get the necessary data.

Questions, suggestions, bug reports, want to stay up to date?

You can join the support server here or by right clicking the tray icon > Join support server

Open source!

GW2RPC is open source, repository available here:

Some future plans and ideas

  • Localization

  • Multiple API key support

  • Ask to join feature (via copying party/squad invites to clipboard)

  • Copy nearest waypoint to clipboard

  • More customization options in config.ini


This is a joint effort together with N1TR0.

Website by Penemue

Icons by Zebban

submitted by /u/PM_ME_TOOTHLESS_PICS
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I don't think my neck is supposed to look like this with the new outfit

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:25 AM PST

[EU] Christmas Raid Giveaway: Full Clear, CM Title, and more!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

Hello everyone, with the recent discovery of the last item required for the legendary ring precursor, and with Christmas approaching, our guild [US] (yes we know, useful tag for an EU guild) decided to give away raid clears for Christmas.

This is your chance to get all bosses killed! The first prize includes a kill of every single boss, from wing 1 to the end of wing 5. That means you will be able to almost complete the first legendary armor collection in one go, as well as complete the precursor collection for the legendary ring!

How to enter:

  • Open to anyone on EU
  • Heart of Thorns expac required for Wings 1-4, Path of Fire expac required for Wing 5; you should probably have a level 80 char at least too :)
  • Post some related OC (original content) in this thread: for example write something about why you want to win, or post a cool screenshot with some description related to Wintersday, other content related to Wintersday, etc. Be creative! Great posts (subjective) may get double entries in the randomizer!
  • Deadline: Thursday 21 December 17 UTC
  • To combat duplicate entries (sorry): reddit account created before 19 December. If you created your account today, you have to include your GW2 account name in the post.


  • Grand prize: full clear of every single raid boss, from VG up to and including Dhuum (Almost full 1st legendary armor collection and full legendary ring precursor collection)
  • Second prize: choice of full Bastion of the Penitent (W4) Challenge Motes (Demon's Demise title) OR Soulless Horror Challenge Mote + 5 minute Statue achievement (or in agreement, different raid achievements if requested)
  • Third prize: your choice of any boss kill
  • Fourth prize: your choice of any boss kill from the first four wings
  • Fifth prize: your choice of any boss kill from the first four wings
  • Note: depending on the winners, prizes may be exchanged between them if they agree (for example if the grand prize and 2nd prize winners would rather have each other's prizes they can agree to swap).

We will draw the winners on Thursday 21 December around 18 UTC via, livestreamed (link will be in this thread). The raids will be done either before the weekend, or shortly after new year's, depending on the availability of the winners (some of our raiders will be AFK during the holidays). We'll also stream the winning runs :)

There will be some prizes given away in Twitch chat during the full clear too!

We will contact the winners through Reddit PM as well as posting them in here, so make sure to keep track of your messages!

Have fun and good luck!

[US] Samara (Dzjudz.9142)

Edit: edited this post a few times to add/clarify rules: added rule about account age (can still enter with new accounts but add account name in post); clarified OC rule with incentive to be original; added prize clarification about being able to swap prizes if agreed.

Edit 2: added a fourth and fifth prize after we received a donation ingame, very thankful for the contribution :) The donation will be given away in full as well in Twitch chat during the stream of the full clear!

submitted by /u/JusticiaDIGT
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Dev-update on current plans for GvG implementation

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:09 AM PST

Another released outfit has dyeable particle effects while legendary armor still sits untouched

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:18 AM PST

Remember that developer live stream and the backlash from Brazil+community and that dev comment in twitch chat about "I'm the owner of legendary armor and I assure you we will fix this" and the fact that dyeing heavy armor still does basically nothing and that this has been out for 6 months and still isn't addressed and the fact that it's asked pretty much every AMA and is still ignored?

submitted by /u/RUBIK1376
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Best MMORPG voting - Currently GW2 is 2nd

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:41 AM PST

Tony Hawk's Pro Guild Wars 2

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:37 AM PST

[Spoiler] Coalescence I: Last Item Found

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:39 AM PST

Hello reddit! After 2 weeks of searching and thinking and following /u/simbooty s thread. I finally found out how to get the last item.

Here is proof:

This is the guy you need to talk to:

And this is the location (map is Desert Highlands):

(edit1: /u/TairyHesticls made a nice album showing how to get here: Beware of multiple invisible walls if you fly too high!)

Thank you /u/ANET_Faerla for the hints. They were much needed haha.

edit2: A few users have had trouble receiving the item (no chat options pop up when talking to Hasara) - Switching to a different character solved this issue for them (relogging did NOT)

submitted by /u/kirjavan
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Gemstore Update - Glacial Glider and Winter Monarch Outfit

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

New Items

submitted by /u/dulfy
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What happened to Brazil?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:25 AM PST

I have noticed that his twitter account has been deactivated and his YouTube channel has gone. Has he quit the game?

submitted by /u/Raxzor
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Now that Istan farming has crashed the value of T6 materials, is it still better to spend Unbound Magic on Magic-Warped Bundles, or should it now be spent on Magic-Warped Packets?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:51 AM PST

Title. Data on this question is pre-Istan, so wondering what people do with their Unbound Magic now.

submitted by /u/Gayest_Charr_Ever
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All Ambient Dialogue in Hoelbrak Part 1

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

Fresh Winterberries Farming Route with Custom TacO Markers

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:52 AM PST

gw2efficiency down?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST

Question in Title

submitted by /u/XashijaShino
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sPvP -- please show me Profession icons on target selection

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:31 AM PST

In WvW you can see exactly who you're fighting -- a Scourge, a base thief, a Firebrand.

In sPvP on (target) selection, we get just the base symbol. Please show us what elite spec it is, if any! Doesn't have to be shown in the 5v5 panel, but it should certainly show when you click on someone in the game.

This obfuscation, esp in light of how WvW does it, is antiquated and pointless. People have a right to know.

submitted by /u/icy_tease
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[IvT] and friends kill Dhuum CM

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:35 PM PST

After a 2 week struggle trying to get a squad together to tackle this, we finally got a consistent group going the past few days (even got some from LFG lul) and got it down tonight.

Thanks to all the 20-something people who joined us at some point! Massive props to the raid team and hope for more challenges like this in future raids.

submitted by /u/Ponticello5368
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Optimal Strategy for Faster Jormag runs

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

Note: I'm referring to the Claw of Jormag whenever I say Jormag.

So over the wintersday, I've found some extra time for some Jormag runs. He's been a boss that I've somewhat hated because he had two annoying phases that required tons of people stacking just at the edge of the cold region, now and then getting feared, knocked back, or downed. I felt like it was too time consuming in all honesty.

One particular run, everything was proceeding as normal and we burning Jormag to his phase 2. As we were walking over to our usual 2nd stack spot to afk again, I saw a large group of people stacking close to where the dragon would land. To my surprise, Jormag's health went down quite fast despite not being stunned, and when the golems made it, he went down in no time at all.

I had to learn this strategy. We spent less than half the time of a normal phase 2. I assumed that anyone standing in the frozen region would eventually go down, but I realized that with a few healers, water fields and blast finishers, people could actually be kept alive almost indefinitely. In addition the frost only stacks up to 4 or 5 times, so the damage never exceeds a certain threshold.

So next run, I hopped on my healing druid and popped my commander tag. Long story short, with the cooperation of many people on the map, the boss died in no time at all, just as before. I also discovered a way to get phase 2 completed even faster.


  • Pre-event can be completed as usual. Nothing really changes.
  • Have a few mesmers with portal ready to port people from the explosives to the wall, and back.
    • Phase 1 requires the ice wall to be broken. Normally people just afk with bazookas and eventually get to dps. However, many people don't know that the explosives do quite a bit of damage when planted at the wall. Due to their 10s duration it can be difficult to reach the wall in time without the fuse going off, so a few ports one after the other should shred the wall quite quickly.
  • When the wall is no longer targetable, grab another explosive and plant it at Jormag when the burn phase fully trigger. High dps groups can get Jormag to 50% in one burn, but if not, repeat the above.
  • For phase 2, take a large group (at least half the zerg, but more is good) to stand near Jormag's 2nd landing spot. When he lands, stack near his left foot and dps that foot.
    • WARNING: I've found a bug where if you stack too close to Jormag early on, his legs become untargetable, and only his head works as a target, essentially reducing melee players' damage to 0, which will mess up that strategy.
    • Anyone with range should be destroying any ice pillars in the way, so the golems will eventually reach to trigger the full burn phase.

With the above method, burn phases are triggered in less than half the time they normally take, you have more dps overall, and much more fun :D

I dunno if this strategy is new to you all, so let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/dons90
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My wife knows the way to my heart.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:16 AM PST

Not only did I receive Taco Bell breakfast in bed for my birthday this morning, but I also got this bad boy! 0_0 (This link is not a pic of my statue, but of someone else's for reference because I cant put mine up yet lol.)

submitted by /u/CaptainAJ42
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Talk: Races - Be more than cosmetics!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:54 PM PST


Already in the base game, the races were only seperated by their starting areas and their first story steps. Racial differences were dealt with in different situations but never in real narrated story steps. This seems to be Anet's Style but I still would like to feel more attracted to the race I am playing and to the lore which is behind it. Thus I have some suggestions that could be made to increase the "diversity" between races:

General Lore

  • More interactions between races. This is not only of concern in the present time but also for the time when there were clear differences. A positive example to me is the Battleground Fractal. Still, in my opinion it could be more.

  • For Living Story: Missions with one race. Example: Jory and Kasmeer have some friends at Divinitys Reach, which can help in a certain part of the story. Thus our team now consists only of humans (Jory, Kas + Friends). We can see them interact on their own, maybe even gossip a little about other cultures and thus get some insight into the culture of this race. In my opinion we do not need to have a mission with every race at the first introduction, although with further development in a few episodes, some races should be covered.

Home Cities

  • Crafting boosts in Home Cities. This helps to fill eg the Black Citadel with more Charr than other races (as it should be by lore). This boost could be a simple speed boost or even something like increased efficiency (lower cost/chance to regain materials used - to be discussed and not thought through!).

  • NPCs will not talk to certain races. Example: Some Vendors in The Grove will not talk to Asura. This has to do with acquaintances beeing used as experiment subjects in the past. The same vendor may still speak to a human, but another (maybe even random villager) may not due to other reasons. To be honest, this is a more complex task to implement but may be very nice of a touch if it concerns vendors which players actually speak to on a regular basis. Personally I think it will not be a problem if certain items are not buyable in a foreign home city. This will also be no interference for new players, though the extent of this implementation can be discussed. Also NPCs might only talk to you if you have succesfuly gained their trust (in completing mini puzzles, games, etc.). (this might not be the best idea, but i wanted to mention it). NPCs in Lions Arch should be excluded from this (in my opinion).

  • NPCs can offer you additional items (instead of taking away certain others as explained above).

  • Teleportation cost is free to your home city

  • The home instance can only be entered via the home city (but you can still join others everywhere)

  • For future expansions: Specializations are obtained by speaking with your profession trainer in your home city. She/He will introduce you to the new facets which are playable and also provide additional information

  • Dungeons/Fractals inside Home Cities. This seems to be strange at first sight, but every city has a large amount of lore and rich history. Important past events could be made into a dungeon or future possible events could play there. Every Race can enter this dungeon, but will be transformed into the given race (like in the battleground fractal) if it is not the given race. Simple ideas are the standard conflicts (eg. Asura - Inquest, Norn - Svanir ...) which are finally brought to the city, or past events like the founding of Hoelbrak or the story of ventari placing the tablet inside the grove and finally his death.

Other Stuff

  • Achievements/Collections which can only be completed for your race. These do not have to be fully narrated (although they could be) and can be seen like the "Side Stories", which we already have. Their reward contains racial skins for the different armor classes and can be completed multiple times (like the "Knight of Thorn" Achievements).

  • More racial armor skins. This seems odd and surely is not a request which Anet would be pleased to look at, but with many clipping problems and most armors beeing optimized for Human, Sylvari and Norn this should be a step in the direction of more diversity and less frustration in choosing outfits. Of course this means more work overall since more armors have to be designed.

  • Racial mounts. You guessed it. My points with this are: Not every race needs a skin for every mount! Race A should not be able to ride Mount Skin of Race B. In fact the easiest solution to this would be to (first) only design skins for one mount (eg. raptor) for all races. The skin should be obtainable inGame and not via the gemstore. This is a great way to introduce more lore into the game! Every mount skin could be a little Gold/Material/Time sink to increase the assigned value to them. One after the other, more skins for different mounts can be introduced into the game. optional: Once the mount skin is unlocked a license for coloring the skin more diversely can be bought via the gemstore. This could also instead add another skin, which has minimal details more than the old one (and is more diversly colorable).


Some of the points made are fairly easy to implement into the game and would not harm any player in a drastic way. To make clear why I thought about these changes and maybe omitted some others:

  • Noone get's harmed in a way that would be disproportionate

  • It does not affect the ability to play together at low levels and enjoy the content together

  • The changes and additions are not in contrary to the game's current path/philosophy. They are ment to increase the depth and meaning behind the fashion wars.

  • I think the pros of the suggestions are not deniable. The certain cons are some work of course, but some of the proposals are actually quite easy to implement and do not need a lot of work. Often times I offered simplifications to make it more realistic to be added to the game.

Please discuss! It would be nice to get some Feedback! (And Sorry for my confusing English in some places. I'm obviously not a native speaker :p )

submitted by /u/FuGtoDo
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[Ideas] Streamlining itemization, Build Template infrastructure, and various quality-of-life additions

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:58 AM PST

Hey guys! For the past few months, I've been working on these documents as a bit of a pet project. I think I've finally got it done to a point that I feel fairly comfortable sharing it with the community, as it's pretty well polished, to my mind.

Basically, in the main document (a google doc), I have a bunch of ideas that I've wanted to see be implemented into the game. Some are major and foundational revamps to major systems, while other are minor features.

I highly doubt that anyone would fully agree with everything I say. I may, in fact, be completely mis-characterizing/mis-representing the community, and I may be way off-base. Perhaps the majority of people would be opposed to some, if not most, of my suggestions. But I do ask that people be constructive and respectful, as I have invested a lot of time into this, and do genuinely want to try to improve the game. If people have ideas that they feel may work better than what I've proposed, feel free to comment them, and I can try to work them into my own ideas to better reflect the community. Also, I acknowledge that many of the things I have suggested are not the easiet or simplest ways things could be implemented; I'm fully aware of that and don't necessarily need it pointed out; I'm trying to suggest what I feel would be the best ways to implement things, even if it isn't necessarily likely to happen (I think it's good to start with your highest expectations so that you can negotiate down from there, should you need to).

Also, if you notice any issues, inconsistencies, or things that lack clarity in the document, feel free to post a comment here about it, and I'll try to update the document to address it.

So anyways, here is the link to the main document (which, mind you, is a little over 50 pages long, and comes with a companion piece that's 25 pages long). I don't necessarily expect people to read the whole thing -- just the parts that they're interested in. Link here.

Also, here's 2 bits from the document itself, so that you can see what it's about without looking at it, if you want to:

My purpose for these ideas (there is some more detail for some of them in the document itself):

  • Provide infrastructure for Build Templates.
  • Give more control of Attributes to Devs, so that they can make many more Attribute sets in the future that can be relevant (currently, you can begin to mimic new sets by mixing and matching other ones).
  • Simplify itemization by removing stat sets and runes/sigils from items, leaving equipment with only skins, rarities, and universal Attribute contribution. Leave Runes/Sigils/Stat sets to separate systems that are more build-swap and build-experimentation friendly.
  • Provide less inventory and material clutter, such as through unidentified equipment, runes and sigils becoming materials, and more standardized components/materials.
  • Shift and reorganize areas of Build progression for both characters and the account, to reduce inventory clutter, simplify and expand build-swapping and build-experimentation capacities, and to encourage direct advancement and investment in characters, rather than just in account-bound items.
  • To preserve and restore the value of future (and some existing) content by keeping earning new Attribute sets and obtaining all Ascended item skins relevant.
  • To keep older content a bit more relevant, remove levels from creatures, and generally make the entire game roughly have a standardized difficulty. Player levels are now only for earning Hero Points from any content that gives XP and for unlocking certain features at certain levels. By removing level gating from zones in the game, it opens variety of options up for leveling through PvE content and experiencing non-trivial gameplay.
  • Make all crafting materials and equipment relevant universally and obtainable at all levels.
  • General QoL, especially for accounts with multiple characters. Managing equipment between characters, improved bank access and features, improving interface interactions, etc.

I would have included the Table of Contents, but unfortunately it loses formatting, so it'd be a lot of work to link it. The major sections, though, are:

  • Intro
  • Purpose
  • New Items
  • Runes and Sigil Changes
  • Attribute changes
  • Equipment changes
  • Salvaging changes
  • Build Templates
  • Experimenting with Builds
  • Crafting changes
  • Content Guide changes
  • Hero Panel changes
  • Game Menu changes
  • Inventory changes
  • Bank changes
  • Miscellaneous changes
  • Legendary item changes
  • Auras
submitted by /u/Pittcrew1
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