Learn Dota 2 - Tip: It is generally better to tank t3 towers than to fight all enemy heroes against high ground.

Tip: It is generally better to tank t3 towers than to fight all enemy heroes against high ground.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:59 AM PST

In many, if not in most of my games, I see people doing this mistake due to either not knowing how backdoor works or not aware of how to abuse it. They have a numerical advantage (something like 5v4, 4v3) in mid game, and instead of fightning enemy in t3 area or attacking t3, they prefer waiting for the creep wave, thus giving time for opponent team to have all heroes again ; then they fight against a stronger force against high ground, only to lose the teamfight.

First of all, I think it should be needed to explain backdoor rules which can and should be exploited. /u/bu3nny made a backdoor map , which will be used to point some strategies.

  • Whenever a lane creep enters the backdoor area, the backdoor protection stop working for the next 15.5s.

  • The backdoor area for high ground is shared and comes from a circle with 4000 radius coming from the ancient.

  • Notice that the backdoor protection aura coming from the throne goes from beyond the t3 attack range, and even beyond the t3 sight range. General rule, high ground gets deactivated when the wave reaches the side lanes t2 ramp or when it reaches t2 mid.

So, now there comes the strategies.

  • Whenever a core hero buybacks you get back. No questions asked. Forcing a core to buyback is as good (or maybe even better) as destroying a single t3 tower. Remember this when applying the strategies below.

  • The most basic strategy is to simply continue pushing if you destroyed a t2 but lost the wave. Within the 15.5s vulnerability window, it is possible to destroy the t3 if the enemies do not oppose you ; if they do with the numerical disadvantage, go for kills on fragile targets.

  • Go for another lane after a wave has reached the protection area. You can use smoke for this. People usually expect that you will be trying to destroy the tower in the lane that is pushed, and will position themselves to protect the corresponding tower, not the other ones, so you have gained some seconds of free damage on the other tower until the enemy go for the attacked tower. Since people will respond to the hero threat, in many cases they will not clear the wave, which makes the wave do some chip damage on the tower and increase the time in which base is vulnerable.

  • Another strategy is to make a divertion. Instead of having everyone together with the creep wave, push as 3 or 4 and put another guy (who needs to have decent damage against structures) tanking a t3 in another wave and doing damage on it. Since there are now two threats, they either go fight without numerical disadvantage and lose the tower that the solo guy is attacking, or they go for him and take damage from creep wave+3 or 4 heroes. The most important thing here is to stick with the strategy that you made and understand that casualties are normal when pushing high ground, so don't try to help the guy being attacked. Think on minimizing losses and increasing damage, not on having to win another teamfight to win the game.

  • Do a feint attack and force a Glyph by attacking a tower during backdoor. In high level games, this doesn't work, but for the majority of the games one of the 5 enemies will panic when you're attacking their base and will press the Glyph button immediately, even though your team is doing 0 effective damage because your team isn't able to bypass backdoor protection

If you guys have some other tips, please share.

submitted by /u/Marconidas
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Dota 7.07d Update Discussion

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:17 PM PST

Aeon Disc against Techies?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:54 PM PST

Would Aeon Disc counter a Techies mine stack? Or would the simultaneous detonation count as one nuke and do damage before the Aeon Disc activated?

submitted by /u/shaggysnorlax
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How to generally get better at dota2?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:49 AM PST

I'm a pure newbie, only clocked 8 hours into the game, but so far it's really fun and it helps that it runs on my laptop, only played a couple of online matches and obviously I'm pretty bad so I've been reported a couple of times. Realising I can't get better from online matches without people hating me I've been plying bot matches, a couple of medium, some won some lost but now I'm on easy and I've won every easy match (obviously not an achievement) and I think I've gotton better at the game, dying less, getting more kills, slowly understanding some heroes. But I'm wondering when I should progress back to medium and then further. I probably won't attempt online matches again until I feel comfortable on hard or unfair.

submitted by /u/SalmonMan123
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Tips on how to raise GPM?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:25 PM PST

I've been having some tough games lately. I've been forced to carry lately and I've messing up a lot of last hits, farming really slowly. I've been playing Morphling, Gyro and Medusa a lot, and although I usually get my items eventually, I have a hard lane and miss a whole ton of last hits. Specifically with Gyro and Morphling. I usually have to give up some lane farm to stack camps myself and end up wasting farm because I try to help my team, which usually ends in my death or I end up with a kill but still waste farm. I usually go heroes that kill early and get my farm that way (Chaos Knight, Clockwerk, Morphling) with Medusa and Gyro being the rare exception. Should I just get a completely different mindset? Should I let my teammates die and just AFK farm, even if it costs us a tower?

Does anyone have tips besides to get the timing better of last hits? I'm either too aggressive or too conservative and either miss out on last hits or sustain too much damage. Does anyone have a technique or something? When should I stack versus when to farm the lane? I know that the lane gives more farm, but how do I lane against a trilane, or how do I lane against an area denial hero like Bristleback? Is it alright to go back to base when you're low on health but not sure if the enemy is gonna dive?

TL;DR: How do I get better at getting gold as a carry and sustain in lane? TL;DRTL;DR: I suck. wat do?

submitted by /u/BLONIC_OC_DONUTSTEEL
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When to join a team fight as a safe lane carry?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:26 PM PST

How do I decide when I should fight or when I should farm as a safe lane carry?

I'm developing the bad habit to just care about every last hit and just split push my lane until I have my first big item, like blink on Ursa or manta on Jugg.

Any tip on how can I improve this aspect of my gameplay?

submitted by /u/raff100
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streamers to watch for high quality gameplay

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:07 PM PST

I usually watch a lot of top pros when they stream, but I am not familiar enough with the less popular high skill pub players to know who to watch.

English is definitely preferred so I can understand what they say about items, bad calls, to push etc.

If you know of players who are high rank / high skill but not necessarily getting over 500 viewers, please let me know

submitted by /u/negativory
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How to farm fast dag on es & slardar as a pos 4 or 5?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:45 PM PST

Medium-High(ish) level player, hit a roadblock on progress because i die too much

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:53 AM PST

As the post says i am currently an Ancient 0 that struggles to go up, mainly because i die too much, regardless of my position . As in, even if i am a core player, i die the most out of my entire team, because i get focused or simply, i go in whe i shouldn't. Thing is i am an extremely agresive player, who will chase down the slight posibility of a kill to my (usual ) grimm end.Sometimes i make a play and whipe them all, but more commonly everyone tps and kills me , or for some reason their supports magically appear and i die.

The problem, i think , is that if i dont go and hunt mofos, i feellike i am not having an impact in the game, and often it is so, the enmy gains momentum and simply steam rolls us because i didnt gank enought.

Are there some tips? where do you draw the line between feeding and being efective? i would really like some advice, since i feel this is " The big thing" defining my problems with the game currently

submitted by /u/cseijif
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Looking for tips/guides to play shadow demon

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:06 PM PST

Looking to improve in shadow demon. Really like the hero but am struggling with it.

What are some important pointers about this hero?

When are his peaks and when is he strongest as a support?

When should I do a defensive disruption on my teammates or enemies ? I feel at times I caused my teammates to die cause of a wrong defensive disruption..

Any advise is much appreciated !

submitted by /u/McEa5y
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Beastmaster Skill Build Priority

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:48 PM PST

Sup Gang, after a few Beastmaster tips. I've been practicing some Beastmaster recently to add him to my offlane pool and have been wondering about the best way of skilling him. I had been following Torte's guide which suggests a couple of points in axes, before maxing call of the wild and picking up the passive later on - I would often switch up the order of this depending on the lane and if I thought I could get away with using the boar to pull the creeps between my towers to get that juicy quick level 2, but it's pretty damn squishy level one and isn't always the easiest thing to do. But then listening to the panel at Summit and watching Pasha play him it seemed to be pretty much consensus that call of the wild is pretty weak, and you're better off maxing out either axes or passive first. I'm assuming it's very match-up dependant as well. Do you feel this makes you miss out on some of the early power of having call of the wild maxed out earlier? Or if you pick up a HotD and then necros you don't necessarily need your own little call of the wild army so badly? Appreciate any tips!

submitted by /u/willyfarmz
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With new BF why aren't Ember 100% picked?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:23 AM PST

I am trying to figure out why Ember have such a low pick rate with the new Battle Fury (BF). It seems like a major upgrade in building BF and Ember is such a good BF carrier.

What am I missing in the equation?

submitted by /u/oddj0b
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When to go Aghanims over Linkens on Anti-Mage?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:43 AM PST

I see why I wouldn't go Aghs on AM in a game where they have bat/tusk/LC and the like but can we talk a bit about when to go Aghs instead of Linkens on AM?

Linkens: Can put it on allies and dosen't reflect all the bad skills you don't want to reflect and you can put it on allies. It is however very obvious when linkens is broken which is, I imagine, a con at my skill level (mid 3k)

Aghs: Feels fantastic vs hex/burst/low CC teams because if someone blinks and tries to hex you, you just kill them or get away.

Can someone please just give me some more insight? I just recently started playing am and could use some more thoughts on this.

EDIT: Seems like the only time Aghanims is worth it is against Razor, tinker or facing hex with a lot of exceptions.

submitted by /u/MrNoman
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Invoker tips needed

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:17 AM PST

i played a lot of invoker games months ago and i know some of the combos really well. BUT, i really have low win rate with this hero and i think i need to learn this hero even more as i see this hero can sometimes single handled some games to victory.

For this post, i dont want to know about the combo and stuff. i just want to know in depth stuff like ''i will do this combo, when my quas hit ____ level'' OR ''i can do this combo, when my wex abiity ____ point'' .

For example : i don't know which patch is this but when u hit 4 point on quas and exort , u can have 2 forged spirit and can already engaged the cold snap combo.

I hope you redditors understand what im trying to ask here and can reply me with the best suggestion/answer. Side note : pardon my unorganized English/grammar . English is my 4th language tho xD

submitted by /u/kmksygktk
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Ranked at Level 15 ?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:19 PM PST

Hi, Most likely post already but couldnt see anything.

I managed to play a ranked match with my account level of 15 ? When did this change and is there a link to some info ? I logged on expecting to get back on the grind of Unranked to try and hit Level 20 before becoming a TriHard and trying to get them sweet sweet badges. Many thanks

submitted by /u/KingGaz33
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Shadow fiend against a sniper

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

I really hate going up against sniper, and I feel like I did horribly this game, so if you guys can just watch the first 5 minutes and trash over all my mistake I'd be grateful. I'd love to improve my SF in all the big and small things. https://www.opendota.com/matches/3627125712/combat

submitted by /u/DankusMerasmus
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Carry Naga laning ?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:03 AM PST


I loved played Naga mid before 7.00, but since she is hard to play correctly (I'm 3k), and she got a bit butchered with the illusion nerf patch (you can't imagine how much I hate Shadow Demon for that), I didn't played her for a while.

Now, she has been a bit buffed, but she lost the Poor Man's Shield, which I thought nearly mandatory for the mid lane.

Since she's not really popular as a carry in pro player either, I can't find a lot of recent datas: can she still be played mid correctly, or did the disappearance of Poor Man's Shield locked her in the safe lane (as a carry)?

submitted by /u/Yami9999
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Trying to improve from 3500. Would anyone be willing to give me pointers if I link dotabuff?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:33 AM PST

How could I win this game?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

How do I play Zeus support?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 09:40 PM PST

Even though support Zeus picks are few and far between, I've seen it in high level play from time to time and really want to know if its a situational pick, or something I can spam often since Zeus is one of my highest win rate heroes but mid is often heavily contested in low-MMR pubs.

How do I play him in this role, and more specifically, how do I work around the fact that I can't setup ganks? Seeing that he has zero CC and all burst damage, what should be my priorities, if any? Should I just look to stack/pull and contest runes? Sit mid and spam my Q to harass? Focus on dewarding? Any tips would be nice.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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