Guild Wars 2 - Ranger and Raptor

Ranger and Raptor

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:58 AM PST

Winners of the 2017 Design-a-Weapon Contest

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:35 PM PST

It's getting harder and harder to keep up with the casual playerbase

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:51 PM PST

Ban wave incoming

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:47 PM PST

"Let's talk about marketing..." - Anet looking for feedback on marketing

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:56 PM PST

Necromancer Sunscythe Graphical bug

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:25 AM PST

And thats how a fun PVP game looks like!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:47 AM PST

Was a separate LS4 tome really necessary?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:34 AM PST

I was really hoping that the devs would keep it to a single tome. I think the LS3 tome system is great but carrying around two tomes just feels like a total waste of one of my shared inventory slots.

I'm really hoping it's merged in to as single tome somehow.

submitted by /u/generally-speaking
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PSA: KB4051963 fixes the performance regression for full-screen DirectX 9 games and applications

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:59 AM PST

Game Release Notes - Dec. 1, 2017

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:39 PM PST

Not a suspicious looking rectangular area at all, in this area of Kourna... new section of map?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:54 PM PST

I've died before, its overrated.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:23 PM PST

Mystic Forge Conduit Myani tab?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST

Is there any reason why we couldn't get a Myani vendor tab added to the Mystic Forge Conduit? It kinda defeats the purpose to have to go to a mystic forge to buy certain items to use in the forge.

submitted by /u/M0ff3l
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Returning Player: This made my day

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:22 AM PST

Been back about a week and have slowly been exploring Crystal Oasis and reached Destiny's Gorge earlier. Had to go briefly so I put my character in /sleep. When I returned this awesome dog Tali was sitting near me watching over me while I napped! Maybe pure randomness but it was such a cool little tidbit to see. Thanks for the protection Tali!

submitted by /u/Brozine
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I can't tell if heavy bladed armor was intended to look cool or ridiculous...

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:46 AM PST

"Wow, that's quality armor!"

Now, I don't want to be a dick or anything, because clearly there are some Vigil Recruits out there who find it appealing, but I'm gonna level with you...
The heavy bladed armor looks dumb as fuck.
Maybe it's just because I play as Charr and the armor styles don't always translate well, but I have never been putting together an armor set and thought, "You know, this armor could use more blades. Like, at least 20 more blades. Fuck it, build a cage of blades around my head. Really fuck my shit up, fam. While you're at it, slap 10 buzzsaws on my shoulders. Oh, and those knee plates won't be enough. Throw some tiny blades on there too."

Mistward armor is the only set that I really like from HoT, but at least the leystone has a unique, rocky asthetic and those ley-energy effects. I could see those being useful in certain armor designs... but bladed armor? Really? It's gotta be a joke, right?

submitted by /u/Vandorbelt
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[Wintersday Charity Zine] Giveaway & Preorders For "Chimes" Close In 9 Hours!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:48 PM PST

To all of you Wintersday Fans!

The short TL;DR of this post: Preorders for Chimes, the 100-page illustration & short story fanzine end tonight, along with the book and gem giveaway on Tumblr, the twitter book giveaway and the reddit giveaway. Please consider getting one - for yourself or as a gift! All net proceeds go to charity (MSF/Doctors Without Borders), and we ship worldwide.

Click here for the store.

As of 9:30, there are 13 books remaining! Please note that this is a limited run, exclusive book. Due to how printing runs work, we cannot do a reprint at the same cost.


  • The final book is 100 pages in 4C (full color). It's perfect bound, UV coated-matte on the outside, glossy on the inside, and 7"x10" to match the original GW1 artbooks. There are 71 contributors in the book - both short stories and illustrations are featured.
  • ArenaNet officially tweeted about it here and here, and posted about it on Facebook here and here. (We know there are Grinches out there trying to ruin Christmas. We are doing our best to prove our validity + how excited we are to send this book out. :D)
  • The current contributor list can be found here. Previews of our book can be found on Twitter and Tumblr!
  • We ship the books in about two weeks! For domestic sales, they will hit your door before Christmas. Internationally, they should be the end of the year (or the start of next).


  • Reddit (Postcards or a zine): Either comment here or in this thread about your favorite experience in the game for a chance to win! We up the prize at 50 comments. :)
  • Twitter (Zine): Click here -- ends tonight.
  • Tumblr (Zine): Click here and reblog -- ends tonight.
  • Tumblr (800 gems): Click here and reblog (or any of the posts in that chain) -- ends tonight (yes, tiny bit of a trend).

More information can be found on the really long FAQ. I will be around and available to answer any questions, or feel free to email me at

Zorav -- @ZoravPOW -- @WintersdayZine

submitted by /u/Katoura
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I remember an Anet employee being hushed about the Wizard's Tower. Considering the portal in Garenhoff, any chance we'll go there one day?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST

Well, this is disappointing

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:22 AM PST

Pugging strategy suggestion for W5 B1: Specific pusher assignment.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:52 AM PST

Hi, I've been raiding the new wing for like 20 hours now and I've seen a lot of people failing on the first boss golems because of a lot of reasons, but mostly it's because they overwhelm someone doing a key role (like healing) with a secondary key role (Pushing). For example, I've seen 1 of the 2 healers/druids to be assigned for the push of the golems while they also need to heal the fight. This becomes a very big problem and it often leads into a horrible wipe because of the golem or because the lack of heals (this fight is quite demanding on condi cleansing and healing).

Along those 20 hours with PUGs I killed the first boss 2 times and left her at 5% a 3rd time (15% another one). I'm going to explain what we did, so others can take advantage of it:

Disclaimer: Is not a speedrun kill with min-max on DPS, so speedruners go to find another guide/thread before derailing this one because is not optimal for speedclears yadda yadda, please.

On my kills the smoothest strat I've seen has been to have a dedicated player doing the pulls. You need to change your mind for that encounter because pushing golems it's not a secondary role of the fight, it's the Key role of the fight. If you do that correctly, you pretty much have more than 50% of the fight covered (failing at walls is mostly because of a red field bad placed, etc).

About that key role, think about Deimos handkiter: we could deal with the hands all the time under us not having a kiter, everyone staying at range making sure we stay a bit far from boss so hands don't get to him and dodging them to not die.... but isn't that excessive complicated? Yes it's, it's a f***ng mess, so the logical way to deal with this mechanic was to make a dedicated player dealing with the hands; that way the others can just fight Deimos and ignore the hands part.
Well, at W5 B1 is more or less the same, the fight isn't a big DPS race and having a dedicated player for the key mechanic makes everything else a lot easier. We didn't even need voice chat for the kills.
Yesterday we had 3 druid magi healers (1 merely focusing on pushing, just healing when there was no golems to push), 2 chrono minstrels and 5 dps and we got it to 15% and 1:47 on the timer, it would have die in time even if we had very low dps, so please stop focusing on "just 2 healers, we need dps" and stuff like that, it mostly leads to wipes on that boss. PuGs should focus on dealing with the mechanics since we're not competing for a speedrun kill, we just want the boss dead, and sacrificing stuff for just a bit more of DPS is sometimes what breaks the line between killing it or not killing it. I'm not saying you should do this with a 3rd healer, but what I mean is to get someone to do that role and forget if he does DPS or not (I bet eventually the community will find the best class for pushers while also contributing for the fight).

So... suggestion: get a dedicated pusher and everyone will have an easier run.

  • If you go for druid pusher, what it helps a lot is using glyph of tides, then 4 from longbow and make sure you use Ancient Seeds trait (that basically adds root/inmobilize to your longbow 4. That way an enemy pushed far gets automatically rooted after the push) (Note: check jal0001 comment for this). As pets the jacaranda can help in case you need a bit of time to make sure golem dies far.
  • If you go for warrior pusher, we also killed it once with a 3rd warrior using Wild Blow and Throw bolas for the golems, the cooldown is enough and the push is decent.
  • I bet a lot of other proffesions like guardians with hammers or pushing skills can do it, but I didn't test it yet.

As to how, when and where do you push the golem... follow the next screenshot:

  • The tank must always move around the battlefield to deal with the walls, but the fixed distance from the Outside should be always staying at Arrow.
  • The main group must always stay at circle, always in the back of the boss.
  • The off-tank must be at heart (that way the golem runs to him, not to the main group, otherwise it'll get cleaved and you'll have a big problem). It's advised to coordinate tanking based on golems, not a timer. Swap tanking each 2 or 3 golems to be safe. The offtank can also move the golem closer to the edge with Focus #4 if he's a mesmer.
  • The pusher stays where I am standing in that screenshot, waits for epidemic to be on golem and then sends the golem to the Star with pushes. That way the golem will die on the outside, and the red circle won't appear in the platform (yeah, the golems can stand in the air where players can't stay), so you can effectively have no red circle at all, ever, in the fight; this allows you to move wherever you want for the walls and have the smoothest possible run.

Doing that you just rotate around the battlefield but always keeping the same positioning (as much as possible) for the strategy to work.

Notes: The golems appear each 20 seconds, always from the center, so Epidemic and most of the pushes align perfectly for this task. Don't waste epidemic on other stuff. The golems always follow the off-tank player. Some groups push golems from the inside of the melee group but that fails a lot of times if you got very cleave damage like DH traps, elementalist fields, etc. Some groups want that everyone can push but then at sometimes it gets quite bad because each person push it to any direction and golem ends up dancing to left, right, outside, pulled inside back, etc, it's a mess! (specially since stuns can make the golem don't move at all). Some groups just allow red circles to appear and then move, but that is quite sloppy and dangerous.

Happy hunting.

submitted by /u/shinitakunai
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The state of the Revenant/Herald/Renegade underwater is really bad

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:15 PM PST

  • 1 weapons with 2 autos Attacks
  • Only 2 legends working, not even the Elites ones.

They have the technology to transform "ground target" skill into "target a foe" skill. They did it for the Sand Shades of the Scourge, so they could do it for Element Blast of the Herald. They can do it as well for Renegade "Citadel Bombardment" and each of the summons.

I am glad that some players over there enjoy underwater Revenant. I actually like the few underwater skills we get, but it's not enough to have fun (I don't do damage, I have to spam auto most of the time, and fights are mostly long and boring)

We are already limited by the profession mechanics (a few skill access and limited personalization), and it makes underwater even more boring.

With the new map, there is underwater, and I want to enjoy underwater with this character. And if in the incoming new maps there is also underwater, I want to be able to enjoy it too.

submitted by /u/Neilug_Hyuga
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Fractals just got account augmentations. Is it time for Masteries and WvW to get the same treatment?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

The implementation could be very simple: new mastery tracks for Core/HoT that unlock after unlocking all other masteries. The track provides simple and small account augmentations (non-combat of course). Same deal for those champions (I am nowhere near that level) who somehow manage to max out their WvW points.

submitted by /u/latorn
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WvW exists... please stop treating us like we don't exist.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:46 PM PST

Another reset just as reset hits for the week.... literally locking guilds out of the server battlegrounds that were lucky enough to get in faster then others.

This is getting crazy... I feel like a mistreated child right now, i need Child protective services please someone hand me a damn cookie.

submitted by /u/justerab
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Just found these. How long is a term on the council?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:07 PM PST

Power Reaper PvP is back [vid]

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST

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