Overwatch - 4 or 5 golds should overrule all other cards.

4 or 5 golds should overrule all other cards.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:40 AM PST

If I get 4 golds including kills as Lúcio, I want my card to say that I got 4 golds as Lúcio, not that how much healing I did.

Roadhog shouldn't get a card for self healing when he gets 5 golds, Mei shouldn't get enemies frozen, Symmetra shouldn't get teleported uptime, etc.

Does anyone else agree?

Edit: good grief, calm down. You guys are salty. Just a suggestion for rewarding a good game.

Edit: thanks for the gold!

submitted by /u/Hcfielden
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I expect McCree was a little salty after this

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:27 AM PST

Only an expert Rein could waste 2 earthshatters in 1 POTG

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:12 PM PST

Sleep dart cooldown = 12 sec. Concussive blast cooldown = 12 sec. Mei’s timing = Perfection

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:36 AM PST

One shot, one kill (almost)

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:44 AM PST

Even 4-year-olds have to ask this about Reaper

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:17 AM PST

First thing my son says when I'm playing Reaper:

"Why does he throw away his guns?"

I don't know, buddy.

I. Don't. Know.

submitted by /u/twentyitalians
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Someone on the news likes overwatch

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:39 PM PST

It took over 60 hours to finish my D.VA colored pencil drawing, hope it was worth it!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

it's noon and i'm fucked

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:51 AM PST

Winter Wonderland Genji leaked in Korea?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

Appears to be a promotional image from Overwatch Korea, however not sure if legitimate or not. https://imgur.com/K5dxFsv Lower quality, but larger image: https://imgur.com/c9GvaOr

submitted by /u/OatmealismyFox
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To all Sombra mains

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:08 PM PST

Good job.

You're almost as hated as a Hanzo or a pre-fix Doomfist pick. You receive constant flak from your teammates. Before the match even starts, you hear a kid with a whiny voice say "ughhh why do we have a SOMBRA?" You constantly hear people call you useless. You hear people asking you switch even if you've been doing a good job. No one cares about the health pack you hacked, only the health packs you didn't hack. People don't care if you use EMP properly, and if they get good kills they'll pat themselves on the back and continue to say you're useless.

But people don't realize. People don't appreciate. And you deserve more than that.

No one saw that your hack shut down the shields of the enemy Rein and Orisa. No one realizes that the reason Mercy died was because you hacked her and she couldn't run away. No one understands that the reason they beat Zenyatta 1-on-1 is because he was hacked and didn't have Discord available. No one realizes that you prevented the Pharah from boosting back up, or the Reaper from ghosting away.

They don't see you denying the D.Va from her Defense Matrix. They don't see you significantly decreasing the utility of Junkrat. They don't realize that the reason Winston didn't jump out is because he was hacked. They didn't know that the reason Zarya lost her charge and eventually died was because she couldn't bubble anyone. They don't know the Mercy pocketing the Zarya died for the same reason. They didn't realize that the "team fight" was actually 5v6 because you picked off their healer on the side.

They had no idea that the reason the D.Va's ult was so successful was because Sombra timed the EMP perfectly. Or Soldier. Junkrat. Pharah. Reaper. Genji. Or pretty much most other heroes in general.

You guys are the real heroes.

Hack the planet.

submitted by /u/-Galvana
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Fix Mei's Ultimate! It is very inconstant and underpowered. (Long post with videos

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:10 AM PST

Mei is already a bad performing hero who has been F-tier for over a year. Does she really need to have an ultimate that is easy to interrupt and to escape?

Mei on release:

Mei was able to throw her ultimate without losing it when she was stunned or killed:

Buff to her ultimate:


  • Projectile now pierces barriers
  • Radius has been increased from 8 meters to 10 meters

(September 1 2016)

Nerfs to her ultimate charge:

Ultimate cost has been increased by 15% (November 14, 2016)

(Developer Comment: Mei's ultimate was recently given a much larger radius. Now it's coming up too frequently, considering the impact it can have.)

Ultimate costs have been increased by 25% for all heroes (November 14, 2016)

Cast time added in the April 7, 2017 patch. (Undocumented.)

Losing ultimate bug (in March 2017)

After the patch of February 28, 2017 had Mei a bug where she lost her ultimate if she was killed when she threw it:

This was the fix:

04/15/2017 02:48 AMPosted by Max Thompson

04/15/2017 02:14 AMPosted by Mel

Her ultimate used to activate even if cast right before death instead of refunded. The bug made it disappear. Now she gets refunded but it's not how it functioned before the bug was present.

Hope this makes sense, thank you ^

If that has been fixed as well then my bad!

I understand. The fix to the bug changed the functionality and added a cast time to her ability. There is now a window in which she can die before the cast time completes, but if this occurs the ultimate should be refunded. If you have feedback on the way that this ability was modified, I highly encourage you to voice your opinion on the General Forums.

This was an undocumented fix in the April 7, 2016 patch.

The fix to the disappearing ultimate was to give it a cast time and make it refund if Mei was killed in the cast time.

Return of the losing ult bug

With the Junkenstein 2017 event patch from October 7, 2017 has Blizzard changed the rules of all ultimates:

Ultimate charge is now immediately expended when a hero's ultimate ability is activated, instead of depleting over a short period of time

Cast-Time Ultimates:

These abilities require a small window of time to pass before they become effective. If they're interrupted during this window, they are canceled

Ultimates in this category: Ana's Nano Boost, D.Va's Call Mech and Self-Destruct, Hanzo's Dragonstrike, Junkrat's Rip-Tire, Lúcio's Sound Barrier, Mei's Blizzard, Orisa's Supercharger, Reinhardt's Earthshatter, Sombra's EMP, Symmetra's Shield Generator and Teleporter, Tracer's Pulse Bomb, and Zarya's Graviton Surge.

The reason for this change was to make ultimates feel more consistent:

Most abilities fit neatly within these categories but we did make some changes to outliers such as Genji's Dragonblade and Orisa's Supercharger to make them more consistent. Additionally, any ultimate that can be interrupted by a stun (Channeled ultimates and Cast-Time ultimates) can now be interrupted by Sombra's Hack as well. Overall these changes should make it much easier to understand the ultimate mechanics and how they interact in combat.

It doesn't feel more consistent to Mei. In fact, it feel way worse. It feel very inconsistent.

If you use your ultimate as Mei and you get stunned or killed in the cast time, will you lose your already thrown ultimate

Heroes who can escape her ultimate:

(Credit goes to /u/accountadministratorN)

Please fix her ultimate.

Mei's ultimate, which is already quite underwhelming, needs to feel more consistent and more fair to Mei players.

Either reduce the cast time or just remove it.

Mei grabs the robot first before throwing it. This should be the cast time. Everything after it not.

Sorry for reposting this. I accidentally pressed "Crosspost" and I noticed it made a duplicate of the original post. i pressed "Delete", but this also deleted the original. (What is crosspost?)

Sorry for any typos. I wrote this on my mobile phone.

Forum thread from this post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20759497711

submitted by /u/rubenburgt
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200 IQ play vs. 400 IQ play

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:51 AM PST

The Fattest Earthshatter of 2017

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:59 AM PST

Projectiles should NEVER disappear on death or being stunned, its completely ridiculous and happens in no other game.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:43 PM PST

I've never heard of such a silly problem. I've never shot an arrow in another game and had it disappear, i've never shot a rocket and had it disappear and i've certainly NEVER thrown a primed grenade and had it disappear all because i died or got stunned.

Its not balance, its just stupid. And i've never seen this happen in any other game.

When you play a game you expect that whenever you shoot or throw something it stays thrown... no?

Oh and lets not forget to mention that you lose your ENTIRE ult charge from a bomb you apparently DIDNT throw.

submitted by /u/Matroe1
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Mercy deducts a point in team deathmatch BEFORE resurrect completes

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:58 AM PST

I would like to report a bug with Mercy's resurrect. I'm assuming when Mercy's Resurrect cast time was added, the code in which handles the scoring system for TDM wasn't updated to reflect these changes. The bug is that the scoring system would deduct a point once Mercy hits E, not when resurrect completes.

I've attached a GIF of the issue that I would like to raise, courtesy of my friend who actually found the bug.


Just in case if anyone couldn't keep up with GIF, I'll break down what had happened.

  • Current score: 0-2
  • Roadhog first kills the enemy McCree. Scoring system awarded 1 point. Score at this point: 1-2
  • Enemy Mercy hits E to start the resurrect process for the enemy McCree. At this point, the scoring system deducts one point. Score at this point: 0-2
  • Roadhog kills the enemy Mercy before she could complete the resurrect. Scoring system awarded 1 point for killing Mercy, but made no changes to the score for interrupting her Resurrect. Score at this point: 1-2

The score should have been 2-2 by this point since the enemy McCree was never resurrected.

I would assume this is a bug, and that the deduction should have been made once the resurrection was complete. I'm assuming this because it just doesn't make any sense to kill 2 of the enemy team, and out of it, you only got 1 point.

Hopefully this will be seen by the relevant people and that this bug will be fixed as soon as possible.

Original forum post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20759497584

submitted by /u/brandinio
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Best Dva bomb spot in Oasis - Try it out

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST

Guys i just came from overwatch inven(Korean community) and i came here, to tell you why Sado needs to be banned from OWL.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:29 AM PST

  1. Sado was an elo-booster team and he owned it.

Sado(뜨용) is not just an Elo booster, but he is actually the person who ran a Elo boosting team.

It is really well known, and he actually used his nickname, DDuyoung(뜨용's pronunciation). His team's name was 뜨용team(DDuyoung team).

-i dont know how to send up the photo, so i'll give you the link(screenshot, since DDuyoung deleted all his pages)


He ran a team. He ripped off others points, and made some accounts to top-500.

If he was poor and was just an elo booster, Koreans wouldn't be so mad now.

However, he was the leader. Now, he changed his name and erased all his traces(which means that if he uses the nickname 뜨용*DDuyoung, he will cause major issues.) to become a pro.

In Korea, we get to meet elo boosters much more than hackers. They ruin the game, and turn into a troll when they meet people who beaten them. They dont care about trolling since it isn't their accounts. Most of the gamers in Korea have left Overwatch due to this.

  1. Even though you are poor, it is illegal.

There are extremely many pro-gamers who are poor. But not everyone does elo-boosting. Just look at Kaiser and Architect. Do they do elo-boosting? No. They try hard in their circumstances.

The world has rules, even though people all have different situations. The only situations that the rules could be not exerted is when you are in a serious situation.

Sado wasn't in a serious situation. He could get a job and earn money, not by doing elo-boosting. Therefore he must be punished.

  1. 30 games suspension is way too weak.

Before Sado came into OWL, he had no jobs. Only thing he did was earn black money. Now, he has one of the world's best progamer work place and he gets paid well and can go on air on TV.

Imagine you were him. Expanded for 30 games? It's worth it isn't it?

It's like having a debut a little late, and get all those good conditions that Knoxx should have had. We are thinking of it like he is doing his debut in the 31st game. Also, he gets paid while he is not participating the league.

Conclusion and my thoughts.

I am a teenager and I live alone in Burma. I once wanted to be a progamer, and I played overwatch in ping 200, 30 fps. I went up to 4508 using VPN to Korean server in season 5, and i applied for jobs in teams that were in APEX. However, I never got a chance. I tried... extremely hard to become a progamer. The ping, internet, even blackouts. They ripped off my points everyday. Blackouts occur daily, which makes me lose 50 points per day. However, I made it up to there.

Not just me, but there are hundreds of people who are more honest and trying way more harder than him to become a pro-gamer.

However, that jerk? Earns money in an illegal way, and now he is trying to be a OWL player, by just erasing his traces and not even saying sorry, and lying that he had no other choice but to do elo-boosting.

Pls reddit. Get that jerk off from OWL. It's polluting the OWL into a Elo-boosters' Overwatch League. Think if it was Aimhackers' Overwatch League.

To be a proper sport like baseball and basketball, the rules must be strict and fair to all. Even to Sado.

Thanks for reading to my writing, even though it is written in poor English. Thank you.

submitted by /u/shark_inven
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I did the reddit Dva bomb

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:04 AM PST

Easily the best Moira POTG I've seen

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

The perfect Doomfist POTG doesn't exi.......

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:37 PM PST

Ok lets try this again... it was my first post and i didnt know i shouldnt try to promote myself, but heres a boop i did that im pretty proud of

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST

Junkrat doesn't move with platforms when he ults.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:37 PM PST

"Come to me for healing!" command should be separate

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

I think this would make it alot easier for healers to show visually on the screen where teammates can go to for heals if this relatively new feature was instead a separate key to bind than the "I need healing" command. As a player who plays support a lot, I often aim at teammates and press the key only to have the wrong thing happen because they were too far away.

submitted by /u/Judith_Muncie
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Bleacher Report paying homage to Overwatch

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

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