Fortnite Performance Problems since V.1.9.1

Performance Problems since V.1.9.1

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

Fortnite friends,

We hear you. PC performance took a hit since the V.1.9.1 patch and we have seen an increase in hitching for PC players. We prepared and released an update on Thursday, Nov. 30 to address these problems but have not seen much improvement. Our response time on this has been poor. We misidentified the scope, details, and root cause of the issue. In other words, we were trying to investigate your reports of things being worse but we were looking for answers in the wrong places.

This is on us, and we want to apologize to every player who has been affected by these issues. The team is still working on solutions, and will continue to over the weekend. We hope to have a fix ready asap. Watch our social channels for updates and count on us to let the community know when we have made significant progress.

submitted by /u/S-LG
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The lag when someone joins is UNREAL right now (but it did show me a chest through the ground =D)

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:23 AM PST

Fortniters unite, we wont stand for this Lag

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:13 AM PST

Literally unplayable

Epic better hand out those sweet Gold Lamas & 1k VBucks


submitted by /u/Shaniilol
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There needs to be a limit to what matches low level players can join. Gotten worse with Vindertech event.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:30 PM PST

Title is pretty straightforward, and I'm sure it's been discussed before, but I'm sick of starting a 40+ match to have it fill up with level 19 players who are incapable of facing the enemies and/or completing objectives.

I'm all for higher level players being able to join lower level maps to help lower level players/friends/etc. level up, but people shouldn't be able to join maps that are well outside they're unable to provide real help towards.

submitted by /u/Kyric1899
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My FPS and overall performance have suffered after this last Update and Patch (1/12/2017).

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:23 AM PST

Why do the Vendertech llamas have the same "gloomy" quotes the Fortnitemares had?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:05 PM PST

If you tickle or destroy them they respond the same way as the other ones. Depressed.

submitted by /u/TrapTarzan
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A Player-made Fortnite Minigame -- Ridentlor's House of Jump Pads!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:34 PM PST

So I'm doing the Mutant Storm event, enjoying the tickets and the Vindertech Llamas that give you transformation fodder, dealing with Outlanders ignoring objectives to run straight for the chests, and failing to find that one last damn Troll for that Canny Valley Mission... when I see on Global chat, "Come Try out my Maze Castle! Prizes inside!"

So I go, "Maze Castle? Whaaaaaaaaaat?" and I do the obvious thing anyone would do in that situation and DEMAND TO SEE WHAT THIS MAZE CASTLE IS.

Turns out, the thing wasn't even a castle. Or strictly a maze. It's a maze obstacle course! With Jump Pads! And let me tell you -- I was expecting like a standard hedge maze that goes from one end and out the next. Oh no. This thing has a layer of verticality in it that you don't have in simple hedge mazes.

There was some platforming/jumping involved in the maze as well, but nothing crazy like the jump maps in TF2 or Counter-strike. And... if you happen to take a long time in one particular section, your kindly host will come over and activate EZ-mode for you... By making the jump easier if you just can't make it. Unless you insist on powering through like it's Dark Souls or something.

So after going through the maze, I ask the creator, "You planning on putting this on Reddit?" He hadn't. But, he welcomed me to do it, quite convinced it won't blow up. He even let me put his name on blast so anyone who wants to try out his maze can friend him when he comes on.

The whole thing was a fun little break from the game of Fortnite, when the grind can be quite... grinding. You can tell the guy put in a lot of effort into making the obstacle course work.

The guy's name is Ridentlor and I've included an Imgur Album of just a few of the rooms in his House of Jump Pads. He's already gone to bed now, but you can go Friend him -- just be sure to mention "Ridentlor's House of Jump Pads" or that Reddit sent you or something! Here's the album!

EDIT (8:07AM EST): Ridentlor's online right now and has seen this post! He says he's going to try to be online all day to let people come and play through his House of Jump Pads. If you've friended him already, go ahead and message him to play! He's actually waiting for people to come up to him and ask. (He doesn't want to be too pushy if you added him and haven't talked to him yet)

EDIT2: My first gold! And I did nothing except showcase another person's work! ...Which, if you think about it, is like reposting. There just wasn't anyone else's post before this one. Maybe. Probably. Regardless -- Thank you for the gild! D: You really didn't need to, though.

submitted by /u/Dreaming_Of_Fantasy
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Epic - Release Rerolls goddammit

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:31 AM PST

Reading some of the more recent posts about the rng and the new event I think it is becoming more and more obvious that this is the ONE feature that the game needs at the current moment. Especially now, that Fortnitemares is over and event Llamas giving weapons instead of people it is just blatant that without weapon rerolls the future looks bleak. The new perks (while not great) are not the major problem in my eyes - it is the inability to have a decent combination of perks. I realize that this issue has been discussed before but it has really gotten to the point where a reroll system is a necessity. So, please Devs, introduce such a system or at least give SPECIFIC information about the planned implementation.

So, what do you guys think - is this system coming, when and how?

submitted by /u/EnigmaPMS
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Epic please make traps cheaper to craft

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:20 AM PST

I feel like the resource cost of traps (at least epic and legendary ones) is way to high especially if you play alone and building traps is your playstyle. Sure you can go crazy craft shitloads and empty your inventory in that one map but then you go play next one and you just cant gather enough resources again to craft that same shitload.

Is it just me? Should i just get gud?

submitted by /u/doontmindme
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Where do I report afk players?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:46 PM PST

How do I play the new event

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:50 PM PST

I don't see any options for it.

submitted by /u/BravesHD
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Anyone got footage of vindertech blaster being used?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

see above =)

submitted by /u/salesninja72
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Chat & Kill Counts in Rewards Screen

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:31 PM PST

This has likely been suggested, but since we can't truly fast-forward through the after-mission rewards screens, it would be nice to implement two additions. Right now, I feel like the rewards screen (chest animation) is tedious. I should feel stoked to be getting those rewards and looking at the after-mission devestation.

1) Being able to continuously type in chat during the rewards screens would be nice.

2) Seeing how many kills and the number/types of enemies slain would be welcome. We often say, "I feel like we killed x number of these types." It'd be nice to know with certainty and also be able to snag screenshots of those numbers.

submitted by /u/JudoChopaholic
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What materials are ok to discard when creating room in your inventory?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:27 AM PST

Hey guys as the title says... I am just wondering what stacks of items are ok to drop when making inventory room. I know that nuts and bolts are super important but do I really need 10 stacks of planks and twine? What is a good order of items to keep? Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/SHiZauN
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Ideas for improvements. Long post! TLDR: The menus in this game are not intuitive, give way too much info at a time, and the controls for the menus are confusing and inconsistent. [Xbox One]

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:23 AM PST

I wanted to start by first saying, I am a HUGE fan of the Save The World mode! I love the concept, the game play, its a lot of fun! I understand that the game is still in Beta and has a lot of polishing up to do, before the "Real" Release.

I'm still fairly new to the game, and this sub, but what I've seen shows me that Epic Games really care about feedback and player experiences... That said, I'd like to highlight some issues I see currently with the game, this will focus mainly on the "Front End" Menu experience, and not so much "In-game" stuff, though I do have some ideas there too.

Before I break down each tab, I'd like to talk about the Chat panel, since it essentially persists throughout all of the game... Barely anyone uses the chat panel, why is it ALWAYS there?? I shouldn't even see it unless I want to chat! And the messages that are sent persist as well. they should disappear after a while. (Take a look at warframe for a good idea with that!)

1) Play Tab:

Once you enter "Save The World" Mode, you are met with a menu screen. It defaults to the "Play" tab. In this tab the only buttons on the controller that do anything are the triggers, the bumpers, the back button, the start button, and A. That's 7/17 buttons.

Three of which are the least commonly used buttons on the controller (Bumpers and Back).

The joysticks, D pad, X Y and B buttons do nothing.

This seems wrong. It feels clunky. When I open a menu, I shouldn't have to press a bunch of random buttons, or search on the screen for info, just to navigate the menu. Oh and if I press A it starts automatically matchmaking, and changes the screen I'm looking at. That shouldn't happen in my opinion

Why am I able to use the triggers to scroll through the different quest pages, but I cant select any other quests? Why doesn't the B button take me back to the main Splash screen? Why is there so much clutter on the screen? The white on light blue lettering is hard to read, and nothing really Pops out at me except the yellow flashing icon for my main quest. Which I can't even interact with.

2) Map Tab:

There's so much going on here...

Let's start with the cursor. Let's say you're in world view, and your cursor is on Stonewood, and you want to go to Plankerton, which is to the LEFT of Stonewood. To select plankerton you have to press RIGHT on the joystick to move the cursor, and conversely to go back to stonewood you have to move the joystick left to make it go right. or any direction at all. What about a floating cursor, not one that jumps from area to area? (Think the cursor in Destiny)

Ok so you selected stonewood. You're taken to a screen that has a small view of the area, you can really only see your home base. If you want to get to a high level mission, you have to scroll passed multiple mission to get to the one you want. Add in a couple pinned quests and a bunch of seemingly useless info (More on that later) and you get a really confusing and frustrating experience.

I should have the same floating cursor here as in the world view, That way my cursor goes where i want it to every time and doesn't jump around randomly.

All the quest info shouldn't be visible immediately either. Too much clutter on the screen. Just give me little tabs on the right hand side of the screen, maybe include the quest title, then I can press Right on my D-Pad to expand the quests tab and see more info if I want.

There is an option for "Find Pinned Quest" but what if I have more than one pinned quest? Will it find a mission that covers all of the quests?

3) Heroes Tab:

Again, sooo much info here. One of my biggest gripes with this tab, and others that have the same feature, is the god damn scrolling numbers for stats. If I switch my heroes around it can take sometimes 4-5 seconds for the stats to update. and if I want to switch back or something, or bounce heroes around to try different combos for different perks or whatever, you're adding 5 seconds here and 5 seconds there, it's time consuming and irritating.

Ok, rant over.

What is the purpose of defenders? It seems like I can only use them if there isn't a full match, right? Why are they the same size as the heroes? I hardly ever use them, they shouldnt be there.. maybe as a side tab accessible with the D pad?

Why does the slot description window take up a 6th of my screen? Once I know what that slot does, that's just wasted space, I could have a 3D model of my hero or something, instead I have cluttered wasted space.

3) Squads Tab

This is one of the better designed tabs, only 3 options, intuitive selections. Let's go a little deeper though.

Survivor Squads: We have a total of 7 squads, which boost 4 different stats. (WHY?? Why not 8 squads or 4 squads?) You (Again) have to potentially scroll passed multiple squads you don't want to interact with in order to get to the one you want.. All squads should be visible from the main window, and expand out with more info upon selection

Defender Squads: Again, whats the point of defenders? And do these defenders affect gameplay? (Yes they do, but ONLY on base defense mission in YOUR base) The design currently makes it feel like these guys are actually important and really, they're not.

Expedition Squads: I like this idea, the ability to gather resources without playing the game is nice, especially since you run out of them so fast. Though it seems I have a lot more options than I have heroes to go on them, and they're super expensive! 275 for a large supply cash, that's a lot of manpower!

4) Armory Tab

When you open this tab you are presented with 7 options, 6 square tiles laid out in a 2 tall x 3 wide grid and one double tile on the left. Your cursor is currently hovering over the double tile (Schematics) moving the cursor to the right always selects the lower tile immediately to the right (Collection book) Does anyone regularly go to the collection book?? idk but I know I go to my heroes, survivors, and defenders way more frequently. Plus it just feels wrong for it to automatically go to the bottom. A floating cursor would fix this too. I'm not going to go further into this tab because frankly, its a mess of spreadsheet looking screens and in my opinion should be completely overhauled to be more intuitive, less tedious and less redundant.

5) Skills Tab

This is the tab that hold your 2 different skill trees. One is a "Skill Tree" other is "Research".

These trees are very frustrating to navigate, similar to the map tab, your cursor can only move ONE NODE at a time, and you ALWAYS start at the beginning of the tree, which means if you have 80/100 skills purchased in a tree you have to navigate passed 50 something nodes to find the one you want.

In the research tab you can really only research a few things.. your 4 FORT stats, party FORT stats, squad slots, backpack size, and stormshield storage size... This tree is broken into 4 tiers, with hundreds of nodes WHY?!?! If I am just going to be adding to the same stat, why do I have to constantly (SLOWLY) scroll past so many already purchased nodes? This seems like a serious waste of time... So many redundancies.

6) Loot Tab

Not really much to talk about here, though I feel that if the Upgrade Llama is going to be a constant (unlike event llamas, or rotating llamas) It should stand out somehow. Currently they all look the same, just a little different skin.

7) Store

No problems here.

8) Quests

Holy info-overload batman! I currently have HOW MANY quests/side quests/hero quests/event quests/daily quests/challenges??

Get the point?

I currently have 27 active quests, yet some of those quests are the ONLY quest in their tab. Why so many different kinds of quests?

Do challenges EVER go away? If not, they shouldn't seem like quests, they should be constants. Quests are something you do once and you're done, challenges in this game are just counters that tell you how many times you've completed a certain action, then reward you for hitting milestones.

Ok that's it for the Menus, lets talk about stats for a second..

Whats with the skulls under the mission description? do they denote difficulty? What is the power level Lighting bolt for? Why do I see so many different power levels? I have a 23 at the top left of my screen what is that? why does my main hero have a power level of 58 yet in game his power level changes depending on the map? Which is more important? If I have to use research points to increase my Hero's damage and stats, why do I also have to use Hero XP to level my hero up? Why do some research nodes do the same thing as skill nodes? Why not have research nodes add stats, and skill nodes add skills? /rant

A few game play changes I'd like to see:

For Outlanders, If I have a Llama and 2 teddy bears, I HAVE to use the llama before the teddy bears, that's silly to me, I should be able to choose which one I'm gonna use. That way if I get jumped I can drop a bear to help me. Maybe both bumpers followed by right trigger for teddy, and left trigger for llama?

The in-game screen is VERY cluttered. Tutorial Style pop-ups (Deposit 3 Bluglo for a Team Boost!) are not necessary ALL THE TIME in every game.

How about moving the quests/medal progress off screen unless I use R3 (Upgrade Building) while I dont have an upgradable building in view.

Also I dont feel the need to see my build options unless I'm in build mode. Maybe minimize them until I switch to build mode, at which point minimize guns because I can't use them anyway.

At the end of the game I can select my hero with A to open mission stats, then I press B and... nothing happens?? I have to press A again to close a screen? What has that ever been the case? Also the Semi-unskippable animations, like the chests dropping, are annoying, why cant I just skip them all if I want to?

I hope my post is understandable, first time making a critique like this. I'd love to discuss this more!

submitted by /u/Kathend1
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Suburbs map crasher in macOS client

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:38 PM PST

Just a heads up. macOS client is crashing on Suburbs maps due to a bad or missing file with the 1.9.1 update. This isn't a patcher issue, re-downloading doesn't rectify the problem. The client either crashes while loading the map or a short time after entering the world. The stack trace suggest one or more files cannot be found. I've submitted a bug report, but for anyone encountering the crash, you can work around it temporarily by avoiding the 'burbs. This does limit map choice/gameplay by quite a bit.

submitted by /u/kurai_kage
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Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:34 PM PST

So about the future of Fortnite. Yeah I know that this is the beta before the actual game comes out, but I was thinking, at the moment I'm in Canny Valley coming up on ssd6 which will get me into Twine Peaks. Say I were to finish all the main missions in every zone excluding side quest, event missions, etc. When the game decides to roll out will there be anything for me to do? Will there be 4 more new zones such as Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny and Twine Peaks or will Epic leave it as is until after a few months after game comes out then decide to add?

submitted by /u/Excluusiive
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Any word on when raider headhunter is gonna be fixed?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:59 PM PST

It's really annoying that she is just useless because her shotgun bonus doesn't work . That's just wasted xp Is she even gonna be fixed at all?

submitted by /u/jad-dee95
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usless event shematics

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

i finished all the event quests and got 2 more lamas from just doing storm missions and getting the direct reward

got 7 legendaries and 10 epic shematics not one of them being any good

i got sniper shotguns with 2 times magazinsize, reload speed and fire rate i got a sword with dmage to slowed and snared targets times two + - durability decay and so on, its so frusttrating.

i was so excited for the new weapon since they look so good.

but all i got was garbage stats, which i dont want to spend xp on, since they wont match the weapons im currently using.

somethign has to change.....

submitted by /u/peterpan123x
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Potentially stupid beginner question:

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:33 PM PST

In mission, there are the bars (combat, building, utility) that you can get bronze to platinum. Are these based on me individually or everyone that is in that given lobby?

submitted by /u/SchwizzleMySchwartz
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player connect lag pc

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:28 PM PST

might as well afk 5 minutes after joining a mission for everyone to connect. pls fix

submitted by /u/bharris1978
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Is this worth leveling up?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:00 PM PST

Fortnite PvE Building Needs

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:00 PM PST

Irritating ongoing concerns regarding PvE Save The World gameplay...


  1. The destruction of player-built leveled pieces needs to be drastically shortened. When it comes to mass destruction, it can take HOURS to fully destroy a Stormshield fort with even level 2 wooden walls/floors, especially if the player has reached the building cap; and can take up to 3 HOURS to full destroy such a fort that is made of level 3 metal walls, which was build in prepairing for Stormshield defense #5 (self-tested/varified).

  2. There is a Stormshield building cap which players are unaware of until its practically too late. I have no clue what the building limit OFFICIALLY is, but it seems to be between 5,000 and 7,000 pieces (which include any size wall, floor/ceiling, pyramid, and trap (both player and anti-enemy). The game doesnt mention any limit whatsoever until the player has around 2,000 left to place at which time it will count and notify the player of every piece added and removed until exceding the notification limit. Its understandable having a limit like this to prevent performance and gameplay issues, but such a limit needs to be known to the player within the tutorial and should be constantly monitored on the HuD when at the Stormshield.

  3. Players need to be more aware the Stormshield amplifiers. Specifically how many amplifiers there will by the final defense, where ALL of them are located exactly including the restricted building area around them so the player can plan and build accordingly.

Addressing these 3 issues would DRASTICALLY improve Stormshield building and player creativity.

These suggestions are based on console gameplay. More specifically PvE campaign gameplay from me, "Cerberus x47" on Xbox One.

submitted by /u/47Cerb
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[Help] I recently won a 'Vindertech Slicer' which is essentially an event version of the katana. The last trait mentions +25%impact and 400 kickback magnitude. How does that translate to a fast swiping sword?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:48 PM PST

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