Fortnite Inventory/Storage Bug |
- Inventory/Storage Bug
- People of Fortnite, why do you do this?
- PSA: Max out epic heroes before upgrading to legendary
- 3 months ago I was regreting buying this game. But with christmas update i take that back.
- For the love of god, reduce Bees AoE duration
- There's nothing Mini about this one
- In-depth Comparison of Dragon Scorch / Sarah Hotep and Master Grenadier Ramirez as Top Tier AOE Heros
- Why is it even possible to get a roll like this?
- Snowball Launcher, possibly the best explosive weapon.
- This update is amazing finally upgraded my ranger from rare to epic.
- Sometimes everything just goes perfectly
- Teammate arrows disappears from the minimap
- PSA: Do NOT use storage when already in map lobby, the stuff you transfer is lost
- After buying the standard edition i want to upgrade.... but the price punishes you!
- Weekly items just reset with tonight's llama rotation.
- Backpack and Armory gone
- Inventory from menu removed?
- Kudos To The Fortnite PVE Devs With This Update!!
- [Question] Obsidian Vs Shadowshard
- Worth upgrading it?
- Is this a good Wall Pusher?
- Help a new player trying to get better at fortnite.
- look at this little puppy
- GLITCH?! - Lok's Book of Monsters: Floating Freaks
- Has anyone gotten any luck getting the Group Event (Present Drop) to appear in Save the World? If so which mission? I’ve completed the entire event and haven’t triggered this side quest once.
- Invincible ramp husks? (Aka the day my rockets failed me)
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:58 PM PST Where'd it go? If you lost any items due to the inventory bugs that have been reported today then please get ahold of our support team by visiting this link and clicking the "Email Us" button. In the meantime, we'll be disabling access to inventory/storage in the front-end while we investigate this issue. We'll keep you posted on all the latest updates here. [link] [comments] | ||
People of Fortnite, why do you do this? Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST
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PSA: Max out epic heroes before upgrading to legendary Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:37 PM PST Apologies if someone has already mentioned or this was obvious. I wasn't able to find anyone who had upgraded a hero so I just decided to test it out. At first I was worried upgrading rarity might reset progress, but it does not. I evolved an epic SMS from 3* to 5* with epic evolution costs and then upgraded the rarity. The result is a 5* legendary hero with less xp/evo mats expended. Edit: I'm not sure if this actually saves hero exp because I didn't check to see if the upgrade xp required varied depending on level, but it does save evo mats for sure. [link] [comments] | ||
3 months ago I was regreting buying this game. But with christmas update i take that back. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:24 AM PST Hi. I bought the game when i hopped into Hype train during the early acces release. At first I had fun but soon the many things that people were complaining in hundreds of threads here also killed the enjoyment for me. I was saying that this game isn't going anywhere when during first few developer updates there wasn't even a mention of topics that bug community the most. But I have to say, that this update is a HUGE step into right direction, and I am really enjoying it. Now all that is left I want to see in this game is Ninja passive rework into something usefull like regaining 10% of shield with every kill, and removing the energy cost from sprinting. Then this game will be perfect for me. So thank you devs for showing me that I didn't made a mistake when I bought this game. [link] [comments] | ||
For the love of god, reduce Bees AoE duration Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:19 PM PST I swear this is the only thing that annoys me the most in this game. Otherwise it's pretty enjoyable. [link] [comments] | ||
There's nothing Mini about this one Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:36 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:51 PM PST Hey all Fortnite fans,
Here is my comparison of Dragon Scorch (and his reskin Sarah Hotep) and Master Grenadier Ramirez as two of the top tier AOE users in the current version of the game (game update 1.11). I main both of these characters at 4 stars level 40 and switch between them depending on the missions and team situation. After using them so oftenly, I felt interested in a direct AOE comparison between them and here it is. Read and enjoy. :) I may also make a detailed in-depth comparison / calculation for other popular skill based or AOE heros in Fortnite. This could be a seperate post or included here - if some of you are interested in that write it in the comments please.
Let's start the comparison.
First notes and abbreviations:I will compare these two characters' mainskills (dragon slash and grenade repectively) to each other by mathematical calculations and furthermore add some personal comments from my experience with them. For all of those who don't know both of the heros and their skills: 1) Dragon Scorch / Sarah Hotep: Class - Ninja, Subtype - Dragon, specialized for a fast and very large AOE named dragon slash, which will clear most normal husks in front of you by dealing edged damage (up to 3 tiles far). Popular playstyle of this hero: Dragon slash + close combat or a combination of dragon slash + fast kiting. 2) Master Grenadier: Class- Soldier, Subtype - Grenadier, specialized in throwing grenades, which deal energy damage and leave a residual / ticking field for 10 seconds. Popular playstyle of this hero: Throwing grenades to the most concentrated husk population or in the direction of priority targets (propane huskies, smasher, blaster, bosses) + ranged weapons. Abbreviations:
Mind that all calculation values used here are base values of the skills/heros, since that's enough for an exact comparison. Tech or evolution level of the hero are not included, but scale linearly to the formular: Total damage output of a skill = HAD of Hero including squad (raised by level up and evolution) * (1 + Tech/100) * Skill base damage * Hero modifiers for the skill (f.e. damage bonus, dot effects etc).
A) Hero ability damage of Master Grenadier and Dragon:First of all we need the base HAD for both heros, which scales their skill damage output. For Dragon and MG this is: Base HAD of Master Grenadier = 1.33 Base HAD of Dragon = 1.60
B) Hero squad - support and tactical slot:Let's assume we give both of them a Shuriken Master in the support slot and another one in tactical slot (for max base ability damage). There is currently no very useful tactical bonus for dragon slash, so it's wise to choose the highest HAD hero for the tactical slot of Dragon. I'll have a talk about a tactical Izza for Master Grenadier later because she is not as useful in the tactical slot as most people consider her to be. Base HAD of Shuriken Master = 1.60 Bonus ability damage by Shuriken Master's support slot bonus (3 star evolution) = 20% = * 1.2 This make a total base HAD of (not considering Shuriken Master support slot bonus yet!): Dragon = 1.60 + 1.60 * 0.2 + 1.60 * 0.2 = 2.24 Master Grenadier = 1.33 + 1.60 * 0.2 + 1.60 * 0.2 = 1.97 Now that we have the total base HADs, we will have a look at the damage and areas of the skills (Dragon's dragon slash and MG's grenades repectively):
C) Dragon's dragon slash:
----> In total, including all bonuses from the hero, we have:
(It could even be a slightly bigger area than this, since it oftenly happens, that after jumping forward for the slash, it will kill a few husks directly in front of the character AFTER slashing.) ----> Including HAD of dragon + shuriken master's 20% bonus we now have: Total damage (dragon slash) = Total HAD(Dragon) * Shuriken Master support bonus * Improved base damage = 2.24 * 1.2 * 142.5 = 383.04 ----> You will make 383.04 base damage with dragon's slash every 10 seconds in an area of 6 tiles, which is a really strong and big AOE. This means a base damage of 38.304 damage / second in a large 6 tile area!
D) Master Grenadier's grenades:
---> In total, including all bonuses from the hero, we have:
----> Including HAD of Grenadier + Shuriken Master's 20% bonus we now have: Total damage (grenade) = Total HAD(Grenadier) * Shuriken Master support bonus * Improved base damage = 1.97 * 1.2 * 126.25 = 298.455 ---> You will make 298.455 base damage with the first impact of the grenades every 25 seconds in an area of 2.270 tiles. We do now add the 10 ticks of 25% initial grenade damage (= +250% additional damage) to the value above to get the total damage done by 1 grenade in the specified area of impact: Total damage (grenade + "keep out" field) = First impact damage * (1+2.5) = First impact damage * 3.5 = 298.455 * 3.5 = 1044.5925 ----> You will make 1044.5925 base damage with one grenade in total, every 25 seconds. Remember that this is the damage including the "keep out" field, so you need to apply the cooldown of one full grenade regneration here and not 25s - 10s = 15s (!). We calculated like doing an instant 1044.5925 damage, which is in reality delayed by the ticking field – this can be nice for small husks, but is very bad for bigger targets, which will move out of the field before the ticks are going to end! ----> Considering all of the above it will mean a base damage of 41.787 damage / second here, but in a smaller area of 2.270 tiles!
E) Conclusion:- Damage / second of Dragon's dragon slash is 38.304 in an area of 6 tiles. - Damage / second of MG's grenades is 41.787 in an area of 2.270 tiles. This means an advantage at damage per second of 9% for the grenades, while dragon slash covers a 164% bigger area! Clearly the winner here is dragon slash, since it is all instant damage and not applied over time like the +250% damage from "keep out" field AND the slash has a much larger area too. The effective skill damage per second (abbreviation: ESD/S) here is: ESD/S = skill damage / second * tiles covered ----> ESD/S (dragon slash) = 38.304 damage / second * 6 tiles = 229.824 damage*tiles/second ----> ESD/S (grenade) = 41.787 damage / second * 2.270 tiles = 94.856 damage*tiles/second ----> ESD/S (dragon slash) is 142% higher than ESD/S (grenade)! That is a very big difference for the effective skill damage, which makes Dragon the best AOE hero in game solely by the raw numbers. Of course it will depend on the personal playstyle whether you are going to main MG over Dragon (f.e. permanently ranged combat vs sometimes close combat / kiting is a huge difference in their playstyle). Another argument, which you might want to consider, is the fact that the grenades of MG do energy damage, while the dragon slash of Dragon does edged / normal damage. When facing a lot of elemental husks (later canny and twine), energy damage can mean a maximum increase of +33.3% total damage for the grenades compared to dragon slash (33.3% of total damage increase will only be in the perfect situation of 100% elemental husks, otherwise it is going to be slightly less).
F) Further thoughts on cooldown changes:To progress this comparison even further let's add some thoughts on cooldown changes of skills in the future, especially for grenades (25 seconds can be a long long time). I personally think a cooldown reduction of 25 seconds to 20 seconds would be very apropiate for the grenades ingame. Even considering the best grenade hero this would not be OP in comparison to top AOE hero Dragon, not to mention all the other soldiers that would profit from this little change. ;) Reducing the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds would improve the effective skill damage / second of grenades by 25% to ESD/S (grenade, 20s cooldown) = 118.57 damage*tiles/second; BUT even then Dragon would still be 94% ahead in terms of ESD/S – a big wow here! If we would want to achieve ESD/S (grenade) = ESD (dragon slash) = 229.824 damage*tile/second, we would need a cooldown of only 10.3 seconds for the grenade regeneration. But I personally think that short cooldown would seriously be OP, because it would mean that you can throw another grenade directly after the first "keep out" field expired. A healthy and fair cooldown for all grenade users out there might be something around those 20 seconds mentioned above. The cooldown of 10 seconds for dragon slash seems very fair and keeps a good balance of spammablility and breaks between skill uses for other damage (guns, sword).
G) Finally my comment to Izza's tactical squad bonus for the MG:The problem here is about the low HAD of Izza - she has the lowest possible base HAD in this game (base HAD(Izza) = 0.93). This leads to a significant lose of base grenade damage: Total HAD (Grenadier) + 2 Shuriken Masters = 1.97 (taken from above) Total HAD (Grenadier) + 1 Shuriken Master + 1 Izza = 1.33 + 1.60 * 0.2 + 0.93 * 0.2 = 1.836 Calculations show that the lower HAD of Izza will reduce the base grenade damage by 6.80% (rounded). Considering Izza's tactical bonus of 6 * 8% dot damage for the initial blast we land at: Relative Grenade Damage (double Shuriken) = 1 * (100% + 250%) = 350% Relative Grenade Damage (Shuriken + Izza) = 0.9320 * (100% + 48% + 250%) = 370.9% (rounded) We see an increase of 20.9% raw damage percents, which equals a relative damage increase of about 6.0%. These 6.0% are a nice damage bonus and you will also gain some shield / health from Izza in comparison to Shuriken Master (around 2-4% more each). It is depending on your personal playstyle and the situation if a 2nd Shuriken master (or any other base HAD = 1.60 hero) or Izza is preferable for the tactical squad slot. For min-max game in a perfect situation (perfect situation = all husks are concentrated in a small area; no husks trailing behind after those in grenade impact zone for the following 10 seconds) Izza is for sure better on the paper. But in reality I prefer the double HAD = 1.60 squad most times. This will not only give your first impact a little damage boost, but will also lead to a higher damage for the "keep out" field. It can benefit you a lot, since most of the common husks (not Huskies, Blaster, Taker or Smasher!) standing at the impact side are dead by the main grenade damage anyway. So you might want to add some more damage to the husks trailing behind them with the ticking „keep out" field.
End note: Thank you for reading my in-depth comparison of these 2 heros, which I both love for their own individual aspects they add to missions. Leave a comment and / or an upvote if you liked my post. :))
(I am quite new to reddit and need to check out the correct formatting again - it did not all work properly although I read the guide here. Sorry if that made my post harder to read than it should be.) [link] [comments] | ||
Why is it even possible to get a roll like this? Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:59 AM PST
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Snowball Launcher, possibly the best explosive weapon. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:26 PM PST The Snowball Launcher is easily the strongest explosive weapon we have seen even if it is not apparent immediately. Normally, a grenade launcher should not excite anyone considering how they compare to rocket launchers. Grenade launchers get double the shots of a rocket launcher but at the cost of dealing only 28% the damage. With such a huge drawback, SL has do something amazing to catch up and exceed, and it does. The stats of the Snowball Launcher are the exact same as the Thumper. Actually, that is not really correct as SL has half of the explosive radius. This does not sound good at all but it gets way better. Snowball Launcher uses 0.358 durability per shot. To put it another way, SL has 84 shots compared to the Thumpers 30. Anyone who remembers when explosive weapons got durability decay bonus should know how strong this really is. The bonuses the weapon gets are also pretty good. Two reload perks and three damage perks make for a nice combo. The last two are especially nice as they provide a snare and then follow up with 30% extra damage. Snare may not sound great but it makes follow up shots easier.
TL;DR Snowball Launcher has the same base stats as Thumper but with half the blast radius. Sounds terrible but the gun shoots 84 times instead of 30. Bonuses based around damage, reload, and snare. [link] [comments] | ||
This update is amazing finally upgraded my ranger from rare to epic. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:44 PM PST
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Sometimes everything just goes perfectly Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:01 PM PST
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Teammate arrows disappears from the minimap Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST Am I missing something? I can't seem to find where anyone else has this problem. My wife and I play together and about half of the time our green arrows on the minimap disappear completely. Sometimes even midway through a mission. Any ideas? [link] [comments] | ||
PSA: Do NOT use storage when already in map lobby, the stuff you transfer is lost Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:37 AM PST Whenever you are loaded into a map and 2 minute timer is started in the lobby, any stuff you transfer from your storage is lost, confirmed by another player and myself [link] [comments] | ||
After buying the standard edition i want to upgrade.... but the price punishes you! Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:39 PM PST So i bought the game 2 weeks ago, im enjoying it alot and when i first bought the game i saw the price was $90 for deluxe edition. Now looking to upgrade, it says the deluxe edition is $109, did they add the price of standard to deluxe instead of subtracting it? Is this how it is supposed to be or is this bad math on Epic Games? [link] [comments] | ||
Weekly items just reset with tonight's llama rotation. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:07 PM PST You can get your 100 epic flux already now, evolve mats reset as well etc.. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:49 PM PST Anyone else missing the new Backpack and Armory item in the menu? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:26 PM PST Was going to transfer some stacks of mats to my storm shield from the menu and the tabs for backpack and storm shield are completely gone now, anyone else noticed this? [link] [comments] | ||
Kudos To The Fortnite PVE Devs With This Update!! Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:44 AM PST This update has been a huge right step in the direction with the store and the rarity upgrade. The STW QOL changes. The inventory system. I am having a blast playing it!! Next would be the the "ENERGY" AND "SKILL POINT" Systems and we would be on our way to a polished game and out of Early Access SOOOON!! [link] [comments] | ||
[Question] Obsidian Vs Shadowshard Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:01 PM PST Edit: learned how to add the tag... for right now specifically the Halloween Grave Digger. but eventually everything. i see the difference, Damage Vs Fire rate/durability. is one way better? or is it better just to do every other weapon to help spread your resources out evenly? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:53 PM PST
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Help a new player trying to get better at fortnite. Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:52 PM PST So I am not a fan of 3p games. But this game caught my attention with all the building stuff going on. So I have many questions for you pro's out there.
[link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:01 AM PST
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GLITCH?! - Lok's Book of Monsters: Floating Freaks Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:28 PM PST I got this quest on the 2nd or 3rd day of playing, im now on Day 16 and killed at least 300 of these, progress on Quest has stopped at 8/20 datas collected. Anyone having the same issue? :) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:08 PM PST | ||
Invincible ramp husks? (Aka the day my rockets failed me) Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:06 PM PST Not certain is this has been mentioned. Has anyone noticed that husks on map ramps appear to take 0 damage from rockets and explosives? [link] [comments] |
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