Fortnite Global Inventory and Storage Update

Global Inventory and Storage Update

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST

Heya Fortnite Folks,

We recently needed to disable access to global inventory & storage over this past weekend in order to fix a troublesome bug which caused players to lose items. We are still investigating this issue and we'll keep global inventory disabled until this bug is fixed. Epic is taking a short break over the holidays, so expect this fix sometime in January.

Hit us up in the usual social spots if you have any questions.

submitted by /u/MrPopoTFS
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Give some cheer in Fortnite STW (Make guest appearances in the lower level missions and help out)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

Every event same story 24 hour cooldowns suck!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:40 PM PST

24 hour cooldowns suck.

They sucked in original STS, they sucked in horde bash, they sucked in fortnitemare and surprise surprise they suck now.

I like this event, it's great, I like doing STS, I play with 3 other guy all in the 90s, we can smash out a 3 day STS in 30 minutes and a 7 day in a bit over an hour.

However we're all adults, with events and schedules, say one of us has dinner a bit late one night, the next night we don't get to play STS... It's fun but it's also resource intensive so we're not going to play it unless we can get the rewards.

We have to time our STS starts on StormshieldOne so that we can end it soon after our rewards become available.

That's it, I make one of these posts every event, the solution is simple, I've said it so many times before, but seemingly EPIC isn't listening make lockouts 22 hours

submitted by /u/wubbbalubbadubdub
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Have you guys even seen the FORTnITE Murder house?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:14 PM PST

Save the World is 50% off! Has the price been reduced for anyone else?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:10 AM PST

Can we PLEASE have custom controls for console... I cant keep switching between PvE and PvP.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:24 AM PST

I'm doing worse in both because of this. I know it's been said before but Epic has yet to comment from what I can see. We paid for this game mode and I would like to see Epic on this sub more considering how often Battle Royale has Devs commenting. It's really not fair to the people who paid to support this game.

submitted by /u/Salguod14
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This is the save the world fortnirlte reddit.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

That is all.

Edit: also, I can't spell.

submitted by /u/Stoic_the_Covert
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Wall Launcher - No Perks

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:57 PM PST

It looks like things haven't gone as planned. The wall launcher doesn't come with perks. That's the bad news, the good news is we'll more than make up for it in the new year! We'll set that straight and be sure to compensate you once we do. More details to follow.

submitted by /u/MrPopoTFS
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Accidental llamas

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:00 PM PST

Epic please add a warning before buying llamas, I just fast forward through a mini llama and accidentally bought an upgrade llama then it happened again, just wasted 200vbucks

submitted by /u/zexionienzo1
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This Christmas sale hurts a little bit.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:37 AM PST

I bought the game a week and a half ago, then upgraded because I was enjoying it. Now, if I hadn't done that, I could buy a purple pack for cheaper than I now have my blue pack for. And I can't even get a discount on the upgrade because it's only for new buyers.

Pretty frustrated. You live and learn I guess. =\

submitted by /u/Real-Salt
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Teleporters can be very useful when dealing with mini-bosses and Smashers.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:06 PM PST

I'm sure a lot of veterans are already aware of this little tip, but I haven't seen it mentioned here so I thought I'd share.

During a game recently I went to check for loot in the 'hidden' cave by the cliffs. For some reason there was a teleporter inside. I didn't really think much of it until later in the game during the defense stage. A mini-boss smasher had spawned and was heading to Lars' Van. One of my teammates who was playing as an Outlander jumped right in his way and aggro'd him into charging. And poof. The mini-boss vanished. I'm assuming he either charged right off the cliff after teleporting into the cave, or if he just despawned after some time.

This can potentially be useful for folks that sometimes encounter those near 'invincible' mini-bosses that heal or have very specific damage requirements. Assuming you're able to find a basement/pit somewhere that they can't pathfind their way out of.

Disclaimer: /u/LouDiamond pointed out that you will not get credit for the kill if the enemy charges/falls off a cliff. It may also be worth noting that you can only get credit for killing 1 of the 2 mini-bosses that spawn on Day 3 and Day 7 when playing STS, so one of them should be fair game to teleport off a cliff/despawn, assuming you can find a spot for that. At the very least you can teleport the smasher into the underground cave near the house to buy some breathing room/time.

submitted by /u/This2x4Skeleton
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Mist monster kills with vacuum tube lightning pistol not counting towards kill quest

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:05 PM PST

Only vacuum gun I've got so far, epic version. Thought I'd start chipping away at the 50 misties on a PL40 encampments. Should easily be at 30/50 or so after successful completion, instead I'm still 0/50. Can it be any mission or just StS? Is this gun double-bugged?

submitted by /u/Grunnner
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Full inventory trap crafting bug

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:03 AM PST

So when you have, say 15/20 of a trap and your inventory is maxed out, you can no longer continue crafting that stack to 20/20

This is incredibly annoying for people who try to keep traps crafted in their inventory.

Any one else with this or any word on fix?

submitted by /u/LouDiamond
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So i bought the pve for full price a little before the sale went live

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:25 AM PST

Rip me. :( Still, game is hella fun, (and confusing)

submitted by /u/Doctor_Monty
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Xbox Fortnite not being discounted?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:12 PM PST

I want to upgrade to the super deluxe, but it still costs $30 and it's still $90 in the store. It says it's all 50% off, but it seems to only apply to their website... Any thing I might be missing?

submitted by /u/FlyingTyler96
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Daily Llama Thread 19/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Ralphie's Revenge rolls are not good

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

Ralphie's revenge stats are based off the one-shot; it then halves the base damage, and increases the HS multiplier from 2.5x to 6x (effectively doing 1.2x the damage on a headshot).

However, "moving" a lot of the damage from the base amount to the HS multiplier has very bad effects on crit bonuses and headshot perks, because those only add to the existing headshot bonus which is already very high.

For example, the 20% headshot perk the gun comes with only effectively increases the damage by 3.3% on a headshot, pretty abysmal for a perk.

The 75% crit damage bonus innate to the gun only effectively increases headshots by 12.5%. So the 28% crit chance perk the gun has is also pretty abysmal; a less than 1/3 chance to increase your damage by 12.5%.

So the gun has:

  • 10% damage - a good perk, but grey-level
  • recoil - garbage for a bolt action
  • 20% headshot - garbage for ralphie (see above)
  • 28% crit chance - garbage for ralphie (see above)
  • special head shot explosion perk - the main thing you want ralphie for

Given the abysmal perk rolls ralphie has, it's important to note that if you have a one shot with good perks, there's a very good chance it's doing more damage than ralphie even when comparing headshot to headshot. It only takes 2-3 perks divided between damage/HS bonus to accomplish this, and when you add in range and crits, the one shot pulls even further ahead.

So why use Ralphie's Revenge? Basically because you want one or more of the following:

  • A one shot without a scope (and you don't mind the range drop)
  • To handle crowds via headshot explosions instead of piercing.
  • You like the stun effect

But don't take it over the one shot if the main thing you're after is a hard hitting sniper rifle

submitted by /u/MuKen
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Power base Knox vs Mythic megabase kyle, who should win in term of active skillsets?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

As title.

submitted by /u/deadclimate
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Looking to purchase a spare copy

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:49 PM PST

With the sale going on, I figure there are probably gonna be a few extra copies floating around. If you're interested in selling yours, add me on Steam

Huge shout-out to /u/Andy_TT for tossing an extra copy my way!!!

submitted by /u/JaggerA
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More Useful Tactical Bonuses

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

The support bonuses are pretty good and widely useful to many classes of characters. Why aren't the tactical bonuses?

As a constructor, there are virtually no tactical bonuses. Ok, bloody bull and non-stacking power modulation. Already have PM, and I have decoy.

So right now, I just keep a constructor slotted for the sheild/health bonus.

Can we get some more perks in that slot? Or remove the support/tactical designation and just have class-based, general perks?

Or maybe we choose a permanent support/tactical bonus for each hero from a list of perks?

submitted by /u/alolio
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Anyone finished Twine?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:23 PM PST

Any feedbacks/tips or build recommendations for the Ssds?

What order and location of the amplifiers did you do?

submitted by /u/griff1014
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I heard somewhere that PVE is supposed to be free sometime in 2018, anyone know if that’s true or not? Or should I just buy it now while it’s half off

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:54 PM PST


submitted by /u/SchyTheGuy
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Anyone else having trouble finding a game on Xbox?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:53 PM PST

Save the World half price?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:33 PM PST

My game said that save the world is half price for 1-2 weeks, is it worth getting, or should I just wait until it's free?

submitted by /u/schmittyyyy
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CM/360 400DPI Sens 14

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:28 PM PST

Does anyone know how many CM it takes to do a full 360 with an in game sense of 14 and DPI of 400?

submitted by /u/FortMorning
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Epic Game Launcher freeze my PC

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:18 PM PST

Hello, I'm having this problem where I launch the Epic Game Launcher to start downloading Fornite (first time, trying to test this game) but sometimes suddenly my whole pc freeze and I need to hold down power button to shutdown my pc. What should I do? Was searching on google and saw some people having the same problem, but couldn't find a solution.

submitted by /u/SirKraken
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