Smite - Season 5 Conquest: Developer Update

Season 5 Conquest: Developer Update

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

Hey guys, MLC St3alth here!

For the last few months the team here at Hi-Rez has had their heads down focused on HRX, Patch 5.1, and the Season 5 Conquest map. Starting today, I will be stealing the developers from their work to give you a look into our major goals for Season 5.

This map, along with all our changes, will continue to evolve throughout the Season. This is a work in progress. Changes are happening constantly and we're excited to bring you in on the process. We'll be updating this blog as we get things to show you so be sure to bookmark that Tumblr page! Here's what we have lined up:

  • Later today: Map Symmetry & Addressing Snowball

  • Thursday December 21st: New Art & Gameplay Clarity

  • Tuesday December 26th: Jungle Camps & Bosses

  • Thursday December 28th: Technical Improvements

PTS for Patch 5.1 will start on January 17th, 2018 for an extended PTS. During this time we'll be monitoring gameplay and listening to your feedback. During the PTS and after the map goes live, we will continue to update the Conquest experience to improve gameplay throughout Season 5.

As a former pro player, I've really enjoyed seeing the team work on the newest map. The Design team is gathering lots of feedback and making tweaks for our daily playtests (which I get top damage in) to make Season 5 Conquest awesome. The artists are going 110% with the map, making it look and feel great. I am excited to see what you guys think! All of us here are looking forward to working with everyone as we continue to evolve this map for years to come.

  • MLC St3alth

Cool Season 5 picture!

Link to blog post.

submitted by /u/HiRezSt3alth
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Developer Update: Map Symmetry & Addressing Snowball

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:12 PM PST

With Ajax and PonPon

Our goals for Season 5 Conquest map are to improve gameplay and pacing through map symmetry and mitigating snowballing.

The Season 5 map will feature perfect vertical symmetry between Order and Chaos. Lanes and Jungle paths will have the exact same shape on top and bottom. This balances the map, and removes timing differences to each side. Overall, this creates a more consistent gameplay experience.

Snowballing is an issue we want to tackle in Season 5. Snowballing becomes a problem when players are completely unable to make a comeback. Currently, If I'm playing Scylla in the mid lane and the enemy Mage and Jungler kill me at level 1 I'm going to have little to no impact on the early game. In Season 5 I have more of a chance to come back from that.

Here are a few changes we are making to improve the pacing of the SMITE conquest experience:


  • Update: The Season 5 map is 20% wider

  • Goal: This encourages players to make more strategic decisions about their positioning. When you rotate as a team, it is a big deal; there is more risk and reward to this decision.


  • Update: Jungle Camps respawn faster, but are worth less XP & gold.

  • Goal: Junglers have more decisions to make. Skilled junglers can maximize their impact while early mistakes will not end the game.


  • Update: The values for XP sharing, or splitting, have been decreased

  • Goal: Currently, if you are not grouping up and sharing XP, you are playing wrong. In Season 5, players can tactically choose when to group up or when to make a solo play.


  • Update: Jungle and Lane Minions are worth more over time

  • Goal: We believe that the early game is too important. We wanted to slow that down without slowing down the game overall by ramping up the stakes overtime. This feature allows us to fine tune the pace of Conquest going forward.


When all of these changes come together in Season 5, there will be a much larger focus on the individual impact of each player. The changes to map size, camp pacing, and XP splitting create more scenarios where players need to split up. Grouping up early will no longer be the only option. Players will need to make more decisions about their position on the map. The changes will make the early game less punishing, while also allowing skilled players more opportunities to gain incremental advantage as the game progresses.

And the moment we've all been waiting for: the Season 5 map! Take a look and tell us what you think. We are looking forward to having a constructive discussion and hearing your feedback to evolve Season 5 together.

  • MLC St3alth <3

Season 5 mini-map!

Link to full blog post.

submitted by /u/HiRezSt3alth
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T5 Ullr skin glitched and ended up turning my axes super tiny. Hard to look bad ass with such tiny axes.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:16 AM PST

"Katharsis" - Skin Concept for Medusa

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:17 PM PST

What a Season 6 map update might look like if it was broken up into "Themes" based on quadrants of a Light vs Dark X-Axis and an Order vs Chaos Y-Axis

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:38 PM PST

Frostfire Ullr a “FREE” Odyssey reward

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:19 AM PST

You might sell us more cosmetics if you could preview them in client

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:12 PM PST

I am ready and willing to drop some sweet, sweet gems on that bitchin' jump stamp, level up skin, or fountain skin in the Odyssey... there's only one problem - I have no idea what they look like in game.

All it would take to fix this is a 5 second preview video on the store page. Better yet, let us play around with everything in jungle practice so we really feel our wallets burning a hole through our pants. Hell, put the buy button right there in jungle practice for people with no impulse control.

Make it easy for me to give you my money. I shouldn't have to track down an obscure fan-made youtube video in a language I don't speak, or dig through a patch notes VOD, just to see the content I'm actually paying for.

submitted by /u/bunny__bread
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My Reddit secret santa got me a 3D printed Smite logo!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:55 AM PST

A Nox Christmas

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:50 PM PST

I received this art piece as a Christmas present from a dear person in my life, and I wanted to share it with the community as well as propose that this artist's rendition be brought to life in the game!

The wonderful artist:

submitted by /u/talhu
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She's such a troublemaker (MS Paint)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:54 AM PST

[Skin Concept] Bounty Huntress Jing Wei

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:32 PM PST

Hello there,

At my request, my fiancee did a Skin Concept For Jing Wei as a Bounty Huntress (Imagine her with a freakin jetpack and a blaster!), and the result is, in my opinion, pretty neat ! So I decided to share it with you, and in case it could give some idea to some Hirez guys... rolling eyes (yeah I'm a big fan of Mandalorian armors indeed)

Here are the link of her DA :
Green version :
Blue version :

She also did some others smite related content so do not hesitate to follow her btw :)

Thanks for your attention, have some fun games !


submitted by /u/Imraelwow
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For those who were asking for the change: They actually updated Ninja Tabi's icon

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:46 AM PST

A sincere thank you to whoever thought of the idea of reducing bacchus' chug mana cost.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:51 AM PST

Honestly this has been my biggest problem with the fat guy ever since I started playing him,it's been 2k+ worshippers since but now it's fixed...Seriously,Thanks alot.

Now if we could have ullr's axe reverted my smite life would be complete.

submitted by /u/UsernameIzTaken
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Luckiest first roll I've ever had

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

T5 skin animated wallpaper?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:53 PM PST

May sound weird, but is there a animated wallpaper of ullr or anubis t5 animated loading frame for phones? I think it be cool to have it as my background

submitted by /u/lover87
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Infographic | SMITE Patch 4.24 Recap

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:00 AM PST

Remove Hachiman until he’s fixed

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:06 PM PST

One of the bugs Hachiman can get benefits him too much and gives him unbridled wave clear. His 1 acts like a line ability instead of a basic and as long as he has an item or two online with just two or three basics the entire wave is gone. It's frustrating laning against him since he basically has Ullr's 1 x4 so could Hirez just take him out of the game until you're done fixing him? There wasn't a problem doing it with anubis, neith, athena, or kali so why is Hachiman an exception?

EDIT: here is a clip demonstrating the bug i'm talking about

EDIT #2: From what I've been seeing I think for xbox his 1 procs on all aimed targets while on PC it stops at whatever entity is in front of it, no matter whether it's an allied one or an enemy one.

submitted by /u/Three57Lover
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Celebrate Smite’s Latest Patch With This Epic Skin Giveaway

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:30 PM PST

Sneak Peak At The Top 5 Vote Getters For “Which God Would You Say Is The Most In Need Of A New Skin?” The Answers May Surprise You!

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:02 PM PST

Stop resetting our HUD every other patch

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:07 AM PST

Or at least make the feature to save loadouts or something similiar.

submitted by /u/Frementem
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Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:47 PM PST

I'm not a pro player. My team is not a pro team. If I am not doing what you saw a pro team doing on twitch please do not flame myself or another member of the team. I'm a carry main and if my support starts with me that's totally fine, but if he gets fire the whole game and pinged and "you rock canceled" then the game just feels unfun. Meta exists as a standard for strategy, not the end all be all of how every game should be played back to back to back to back. Jesus.

submitted by /u/Gerbis
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Don't play ranked if you don't ward

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:00 PM PST

Even if I have good laughs reading your excuses :)

submitted by /u/Djola11
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The design team is running in circles.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:13 AM PST

Introduce a broken kit > refuse to nerf kit > Buff hunters > buff guardians > nerf previous kit > hunters are overtuned > nerf guardian items > remove a hunter item from the game even though it's used on other gods... > more skins.

submitted by /u/kavatch2
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An In Depth God Guide; Khepri

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

Khepri was my 2nd diamond, and is still my favorite support to play. This said, I'm tired of people doing him so much harm and playing him so wrong. So heres another guide for you r/Smite.

Understanding the Role

You are playing a support, and using the Beatle at that. This means you will should end the game with very little kills. Your job in the support role is to;

  • Peel for your teamates

Whenever your team is fighting, use the CC in your kit to hold back some enemy damage dealers, or prevent their escape. Often times by using your CC correctly your team will get a kill off the set up.

This also means you need to prevent your allies from dying using that same CC. By pulling enemies off them, rooting them, etc. All to ensure your allies get out of that fight safely.

  • Zone the Objectives and Tank them

You're the tankiest player on your team, as the build provides. When your team is taking the Gold Fury, Portal Demon, or Fire Giant, you should be tanking the majority of its damage.

That is until the enemy shows up, then, you should be using your CC to ensure they cannot steal the objective. Try to keep them from getting in range, or stop them from securing it entirely.

If the Objective is a Tower or Phoenix, you should be tanking if there are no minions, and your team is trying to steal the tower. If you pushed your lane into The tower, do NOT try to basic attack that tower. You are much better off taking buffs from the enemy jungle with your other player in lane, or, if they're attacking the tower, you should walk past the tower and stop the enemy minions from entering the tower until enemy gods arrive.

  • Build Like a Support

You're there to help your team survive, and to ensure they can actually take these objectives and get kills. So don't build Tahuti on a fucking Gaurdian. Stop that. You should be building cooldown, aura, tank, and core items. You don't need to end with 40% CDR, but 20% should be a minimum. You need to Be tanky, and aura items are REQUIRED for you to further help your team by just being there.

Understanding the God

  • You are a Khepri

Not a Sobek, Xing Tian, or Ganesha. So stop chasing kills. It will never end well, and even if you do get the kill, you couldve been helping an ally somewhere else do something MUCH more important than getting a kill for the support. The support does not need kills.

You do not do a lot of damage, and because of that, you are best using your CC to disrupt the enemy team, rather than just targeting the lowest health enemy.

You can target the low hp enemy, but only to secure the team getting the kill. Don't try to get the kill unless no one else on your team has the ability to get it and you do.

You don't have to save everyone. You will get flamed when someone dies, it happens. It's not always your fault, and you can't save them all. Your ult should be used to revive someone when they will be able to get out of that situation after revival. If you save them, and your in the middle of the team, they'll just die again. Be smart with your ult.


  • Leveling

As you level with Khepri, each ability has a different utility. The 1 increases the duration of the pull, the 2 gives more protection shred and allied mitigation, and 3 increases root duration, and the ult should be upgraded whenever you can.

In situations where your stomping the lane, and are securing kills on the enemy laners repeatedly, leveling the 1 or 3 could be most useful. The 1 is a very nice disrupt, taking Tyr out of Fearless, Izanami I pulled before she dashes away, etc. The 3 is more useful when enemies are chasing you when the lane is even, and you need to peel, or to stop junglers from picking off your allies. The 2 is generally what I level first, as the mitigation it gives allies is so useful, and has saved my teamates countless times.

  • The Pull {1}

Your pull is used in quite a lot of different situations;

To peel an enemy away from the ally they're chasing

To disrupt the enemies abilities, or to disrupt their combos, or to keep them off an ally(s)

To escape the enemy team after ulting an ally

To prevent the enemy from escaping so your allies can kill them.

All of these must be thought of in tactful ways, in which will it be the most useful?

If you have trouble hitting this ability, the 3 can help you hit it by rooting the enemy before pulling them.

  • The Ball {2}

This is arguably our hugbug's most useful non-ult ability. It provides a large protection shred, a great amount of mitigation to allies, and prevents the enemies from backing for years /s

When using this, always try to hit both enemies and allies. Do not underestimate the mitigation, if the warrior on your team is hit, he will essentially be unkillable for a few seconds.

  • The Root {3}

This can be used to prevent escaping, to set up your Pull, to keep enemies from chasing allies, and to annoy the fuck out of the enemy ADC or Mage/Jungler.

You don't need to use this before you pull, and its even better If you use it afterwards, although the pull is easier to hit after this.

  • The Ult {4}

This is the best support ability in the game. Ulting can and should change how a teamfight ends. If one of your damage dealers are being demolished by CC and enemy damage dealers, after they're revived, they enemy has full or almost full cooldowns, allowing you to turn the teamfight.

The hardest part of this is the timing, as if you ult to early the enemy will just wait for it to end, and too late, your ally dies. There is no way to get this perfect without practice in game, so don't beat yourself up over letting someone die as you play, you'll get better.

Just because you ult someone, that doesn't mean they need to Be revived. It provides movement speed, and cleanses CC, so it should be a safeguard more than anything.


The build differs between games, but as a basic outline;

Talaria Boots, Sovereignty, Aura, Aura, Tank, Cooldown Tank

Talaria Boots can be sold late game for Tank Boots or Cooldown Boots, depending on the Situation

The slots for Aura should be filled with things like Heartward Amulet, Shoguns Kasari, Pestilance, etc. Mantle of Discord is very useful as the last or second to last item, as the passive as well as the protections and Cooldown help a lot with Khepris teamfight. After Mantle, (if you get it) Mystical Mail can be useful last item as an aggressive choice if you need physical protection.

Thanks for the read, sorry it was such a long post but hey, I said it was in depth.

If you have any questions ill try to answer as fast as I can in the comments.

Edit: Build update.

submitted by /u/Misphitz
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[PC and Console]Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread-"Frostfire" 4.24

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

Damn, it's cold. Go here for some warmth

New Skins:

Skin Obtain
Frostfire Ullr Odyssey
Artic Seer Artio Odyssey
Crystal Gaze Medusa Odyssey
Krampus Cernunnos Odyssey
Fallen Angel Nike Odyssey
Tremor Tech Cabrakan
Giant Fist Merc
HRX Loki
Empress Nu Wa


Stone of Gaia:

  • "Stone of Gaia has become a very sought after item as of the last SPL split, providing a large boost to a player's health pool over the course of a fight. We are increasing the cost to better reflect its potency at allowing players to survive burst and sustain themselves throughout a game."

  • Increased Cost from 2000 to 2100

God Balance:


  • "Noxious Fumes is an ability that many players avoid levelling up, as the increased Mana Cost was not worth it because it rarely deals very many ticks of damage. We are bringing down the high end cost to make sure it is a better strategy to rank this skill up."

  • Noxious Fumes

    • Decreased mana cost from 60/70/80/90/100 to 60/65/70/75/80


  • "Similar to Noxious Fumes, Bacchus players who were maxing Chug could do themselves more harm than good. This should not be the case. Bacchus can now Chug for a much reduced cost, allowing players to feel good about ranking this ability."

  • Chug

    • Decreased mana cost from 40/65/90/115/140 to 40/45/50/55/60


  • "Odin is another character we wanted to address as we head towards SWC, as both his casual performance and his impact at the highest end of play are both above the curve. Ring of Spears is seeing a slight decrease to duration, lowering the amount of time he is keeping players locked down and debuffed in a teamfight."

  • Ring of Spears

    • Decrease Duration from 6s to 5s


  • "Sobek has been a pretty solid pick for some time, but when reviewing his Mana costs, we found the cost for Tail Whip to be a bit too steep. Sobek can use this ability more freely without relying as much on his Ultimate regen to keep him in a fight."

  • Tail Whip

    • Decrease mana cost from 70/80/90/100/110 to 60/65/70/75/80

Hun Batz

  • "Sacred Monkey, which is neither a clear tool or a major source of damage, was especially costly at early ranks. Hun Batz can now use this ability more often without running himself too low on Mana."
  • Sacred Monkey
    • Decrease mana cost from 75/80/85/90/95 to 60/65/70/75/80


  • "All of Isis' abilities were at or above 100 Mana at rank 5, but we only chose to bring down Spirit Ball and Dispel Magic. Wing Gust is Isis' primary wave clear and mobility move, and reducing its cost would have a larger impact, which is why we have left it alone."
  • Spirit Ball
    • Decrease mana cost from 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90
  • Dispel Magic
    • Decrease mana cost from 80/85/90/95/100 to 60/65/70/75/80

If you are reporting an issue with the game, make sure to leave your platform in the comment.

submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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Why isn’t the previous odyssey stuff on sale for console?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:04 PM PST

We only got one week for it to be on sale while pc got two I understand we got the patch early but come on I was about to buy that salt emote cause I got my 35 gems today.

submitted by /u/fourwinds7
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QOL/Small buff idea for Ymir wall

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:52 PM PST

Make it so that when you press 1 to bring up the wall it brings the targeter as it is now, then pressing 1 again makes the wall do a 90 degree turn, pressing 1 again returns it to the original position. Or go even further and allow diagonal walls, meaning 45 degree turns per press of the 1. I don't think this would be very hard to learn, in other words his skill floor would still stay low.

submitted by /u/Mojocatpro
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