Fortnite Daily Llama Thread 04/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Daily Llama Thread 04/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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When there's a troll loot llama but your inventory is full of survivors

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:54 PM PST

Finally found a safe...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

Captain Cold's Great Advice: ... Throw away the Plan

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:36 AM PST

The Outlander And You!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:47 PM PST

Heya everyone! Ridentlor checking in for here for a quick and semi-elaborate guide for you as an Outlander!

The reason I'm making this guide is because, let's face it. 90% of the community hates seeing an Outlander in-game, they have barely any awesome perks for damage output and most of the time, they just run around like a useless bot farming the entire game. And I for one, wants this to come to an end as soon as possible!

I started off my Fortnite days playing as a constructor, I love building and that's pretty much what got me hooked on Fortnite in the first place. And you know what? Reality hits you, it will hit you harder than when your legendary hero transform schematic bugs out and gives you a rare defender instead.(Yes this is an actual problem in game right now).

You will have to endure seeing that slow wobbling bum running from stone to stone, car to car slowly tearing things down in hope that someone will actually answer your plead of getting any help with supplying mats to the base. With a quiet chat, you start wobbling back to look for the objective that is yet to be found by the three outlanders running around smacking up everything, with their bags full of goodness they are leaving a diarrhea trail of metal, nabs, mechanical parts and sadness. As a constructor you must stay independent and strong, find the base yourself and hope to "Epic Games TM" that they AT least will be there when the mission starts. Cause if you fail, you're the one ending up on the bad side of the spectrum every single time.

Now this is nothing unusal, trust me.. I have my fair share of hours set on constructors and I was on the brink of stop playing this god forsaken game and just moving on. But then it hit me, I'll just try maining an outlander for a while just to switch things up a bit.

I just reached Twine now, and I've been playing Outlander since the start of Plankerton. Barely recieved any hate ever and people usually appriciate having me with them, made loads of friends along the way. How was this possible? I followed 2 simple steps.

The guide starts now!

  • 1. Communication!

Now this is something that ALL players should be doing, always. If everyone communicated in this game, oh my.. We would all be blessed now wouldnt we?

Start EVERY game by introducing yourself, and let your team know that. If they need ANYTHING from you, you will be there and help them out with it. You are one of the most mobile classes in the game and there is no reason ever for a constructor to run help out with a Empowered husk encampment when they are busy doing their thing.

Example: Hey guys! I main Outlander, I will be your personal Lady dog for today, I will be dropping all my stone and metal on the objective as soon as I find it! (Yes this is also your job, but it's great if everyone helps out)

By doing this you will have let your team know what you are up to, and that you're not smacking off to chests and all the pretty loot scattered around the map.(Don't worry, I will come back to this part later)

  • 2. Needs!

Your team now understands that they have an Outlander who is willing to commit to teamwork to achieve that sweet victory, your team and you have gathered up the required materials to build that awesome base!


Fair point! Well tough luck, do never, and I mean never go into a Fortnite mission and EXPECT people to cooperate with you, doing that will leave you sad and broken. You need to stay strong and independent as a Fortnite player, only the strongest will survive until Twine Peaks. Build the base yourself, and do it freakin good, no sloppy ass job with a wooden pyramid, set traps and do your thing.. When that's all done, inform your team that you have buildt the base, traps are set and you are ready to go whenever! Also let your team know that you will be resourcing now and they are allowed to start and defend the objective without you, but make sure to let them know that if they need your hard working Outlander ass, they will have to tell you. And if they do, you turn 180 degrees and go straight back to base, cause you sure as hell didnt do all this for nothing.

By now your team should love you, if they don't then you are sure as hell going to convince yourself that you would have loved you if you played with you!

Now some pointers that will make you one of the best outlanders in the world!

LLAMA FRAGMENTS: Smack em up and take the mats for yourself (Unless you're full, bring back to base) If you have a constructor on the team, always bring that llama straight back to the constructor and let them have the Copper/Silver/Mala/Shards/Sun. Why? Cause they do not have the luxury of running around the map gathering all kinds of resources, playing constructor should pay off in some way.

WEAPONS: Outlanders don't have that awesome damage output like ninjas and Soldiers, Make sure that you get yourself an awesome sniper/rocket launcher and a good melee weapon to help out with Flingers under defence, and good sidearm with that and you are good to go!

BAGS: Never fucking ever, run around with a full bag. Make use of your materials in any way possible so you can keep farming, trust me that you do NOT need 2500 rough ore and 3000 planks in your arsenal, ask someone to make some traps for you with your mats.. Ask someone in game if they would like to trade something, all items are always needed in this game, item value is relevant to each and every individual.

MAKING ROOM: If you are going to defend a point, you as an Outlander can be freaking awesome, tear down every single house or tree or anything blocking your teams vision around the base this will make all defences so much easier by all means.

DEFENCE: If you're gonna defend as Outlander, your prio targets will be the following order:

  1. Lobbers(Siege, purple) - Stay high ground and snipe those screaming lady dogs with the awesome field of view that YOU just made for you and your team!

  2. Beehives: Now these nasty lady dogs can really screw things up for your team, if you see more than one coming for your team you might even want to put your focus off the Siege lobbers!

  3. Petrol Husks - Now this is a sensetive husk with an explosive personality that you will have to play around, are they a good distance away from your base/team? Snipe that tank that they are holding and boom, you might just have saved the day! If they are not, just don't bother shooting them at all, unless you got nothing better to shoot at.

  4. Flingers - No ninja on the team? Well good thing you the arts of slice and dice! Get down from high ground and slap those grunting sticklegs silly!

  5. Lobbers(Poison, green) - Same as Siege lobbers!

  6. Normal husks - They are slow and easy to shoot! Why the hell not!

Now I don't have to go on forever with this and the rest you need to know, I think should come with common sense.

Playing an Outlander is Incerdibly easy

Playing an Outlander to their full potential is the roughest but most rewarding path there is.

Thank you for reading, and now go my new born Outlander, go and show the world that we can be as awesome as the rest!

submitted by /u/Ridentlor
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TIL: Safes can also be green

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:39 AM PST

My favorite guilty pleasure would be accepting the heartfelt thanks when you help their SSD

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:35 PM PST

I wonder if this is how volunteers who work for their probation hour requirements feel when they're thanked for their help by the site owners... right up until the site owners see the signature requirement on their hourly sheet.

submitted by /u/Severance_Pay
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Crazy amounts of Duplicates

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:44 PM PST

So who else gets a ton of duplicate legendaries? I just got absolutely burned on the troll trucks. I got a 5th revenants wrath, a 3rd Mr red, a 2nd dragonfly, a 5th hunter killer. Along with my 7 death rays and multiple other legendary duplicates. Oh and the like 12 lobbers, and 8 trolls and no smasher from Fortnitemares. There was also one time I got the same exact three leads in one Llama.

Out of so many items how do I keep getting the same few things?

I can't believe I actually spent more money on loot Llamas either. They make them so tempting and hard to resist but then you get burned so easily.

I'm just looking for good survivors and a legendary shredder but the game insists on giving me tons of melee and ranged weapons I already have.

I swear this game must have something that makes you get duplicates to make you spend more. Or I just have absolutely shit RNG. Or both.

submitted by /u/aZombieDictator
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World chat is the best.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:43 AM PST

I solo'd every Storm Defense in Stonewood from 1-6. I wanted to get help with 7 because shit is getting hairy. I built up around another amp (apparently we didn't even used it) and started writing.

I put "anyone want to do SSD 7 in Stone?" Immediately two people responded that they would help. I invited them to the party and thanked them, telling them I had 999 of very resource and plenty of traps already down(not really in any kind of way, just haphazard) so it shouldn't be too difficult if they just wanna camp my Power BASE and clear the walls. They said not to worry about it and one of them made a lvl 82 gravedigger and nightclaw for each of the three of us and I gave them permissions. I have a Gravedigger too. Didn't know it can be set on fire when leveled up.

They barely let the husks spawn dumping rocket after rocket into waves of enemies coming up the sides. I had to keep on my toes to get shots in Mist Monsters for credit towards my quest. They didn't ask for anything. Barely even spoke really. Just deleted every enemy until the end. I thanked them and they went about their day like the Boondock Saints or something.

So, to those players who are jacked beyond recognition and camp world chat helping new players, thanks! To the new players who want help: make an effort to at least build up your base before asking for a hand.

submitted by /u/Killtrend
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Cat 3 storms are easy if everyone works as a team

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:18 AM PST

I did a cat 3 storm mission today and my thinking was this was going to be a hard mission and I was going to have to do everything. I started making a base atound one of the atlases and out of the blue the oher 3 people started dropping 500 stacks of metal and brick. I was using my sweet sweet megabase kyle. Built the first base. Using the mats I build the 2nd and 3rd base. Again the other players dropped even more metal and brick so I made the kill tunnels. Trapped everything. I must have used 3000 metal and brick.

We started the mission and the whole affair was a breeze. It was actually fun to build optimally. So fortnite players we need more players like this. Chip in and you will find cat3 missions to be quite easy and dare I say enjoyable.

submitted by /u/ic_md
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Ridentlor's Jump-Puzzle Maze-Castle! A huge escape room! Anyone is welcome to join in! PC/PS4

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:51 PM PST

Loot Truck Question

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

I am just starting out (level 23) is it worth it to grab a LT Llama or should I wait until I am a higher level to invest in these?

submitted by /u/wrecluse
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Fortnite keeps crashing my 5ghz wifi channel, anyone else have this issue?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:35 PM PST

This guy had the same issue but he didn't find a solution. Not sure what to do here. Only Fortnite crashes every time without problem. It's driving me crazy.

submitted by /u/pavpatel
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[PS4] As time goes on, this patch gets more crashtastic by the day.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:06 PM PST

Can we get a solid release date for the Christmas patch? The game is unplayable in its current form. Going back to Fortnitemares would be an acceptable fix at this point.

I really hate to complain, but I can't play the game that I've spent money on.

submitted by /u/jabrahamcollins
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Traps, Building Pieces and the Build Limit

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:53 PM PST

I've run into this recently and I want to share and find out if this is a known issue and if so, for how long.

I have discovered that if you build a piece within the Build Limit it will add by one to the counter. If you destroy this piece, it will reduce by one from the counter. However, if you place the piece and set a trap on the piece it will add two to the counter. If you destroy the piece with the trap, it will be reduced by only one.

Is this new? I've been playing since launch and I never noticed or read about it.

submitted by /u/mtnlion74
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So many Mutant Stor.......... nevermind

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:02 PM PST

South African servers?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Is South Africa even bieng considered for server locations? Us south Africans are always left out

submitted by /u/GrimRaper6928
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Is this good? I'm super new.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:33 PM PST

Linked Accounts question

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:40 PM PST

So I initially bought the PvE on Xbox, played it for about ten minutes, and never touched it again. I have since played the heck out of it on PC using a different Epic account. Am I able to play my PC account on my Xbox at all? I see that I can unlink my Xbox gamertag from that Epic account, but I'm concerned about the account being 'locked' as they state here.

submitted by /u/TheCanadianDevil1
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Which is better?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:39 PM PST

I have Master Grenadier Ramirez as my main, Legendary Shuriken Sarah as support for ability damage but I'm having trouble picking a tactical hero between Legendary Special Forces Banshee (Grendades do damage on impact and stuns them) or Legendary Plasma Specialist Izza (Frag grenades afflicts target dealing 8% extra energy damage every 0.5 seconds for 3 seconds.)

submitted by /u/Excluusiive
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End of the event with 1.10?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

So they posted over on the battle royale reddit that 1.10 is coming on thursday. Did I miss anything about the date for the end of the mini-event or are we still waiting to find out when it will end?

I have a couple of safes to find, and alot of maps to explore to finish off the quests, just wondering if I need to play a shit ton over the next 2 days in order to get it, or if I can be a bit more reasonable with my playtime.

submitted by /u/mophisus
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Unable to build during SSD battle?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:37 PM PST

Is this a bug or part of the game? I remember being able to build before, or so I thought. As soon as I hit start on Plank SSD3 I was unable to edit walls or build anything.

submitted by /u/ddotnastie
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Can we have 2 person confirmation or a longer delay before activating atlas, bomb ect?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:15 PM PST

One of the biggest things that bugs me is when people are still building defenses one idiot goes ahead and activates the atlas without asking. There is never enough time to deactivate it and we end up having to start without being fully prepared.

It just sucks that one person can blow the whole mission so easily because they are stupid or impatient. Especially when you pour valuable resources into building a good defense.

submitted by /u/Sir_Beatles
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Pistol or LMG?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:10 PM PST

Question regarding survivors.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:50 PM PST

I just got my last missing mythic lead so now I am running 8/8 mythic, but now I have two matching personality pairs. My question is now that I'm just sitting on some legendary survivors of the two personalities I'm missing should I put them in non-matching squads to replace epics or are epics with matching personalities better?

submitted by /u/Seraph_CR
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Chatbox issue found after last update still not resolved for me. (Xbox)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:18 PM PST

This bug makes me completely quit and restart the game every time it happens. I can't quite identify exactly what is causing it, but ever since the last update I've had more issues with the chat box than usual. Sometimes when I am typing to my team in game the chatbox will close and my controller will stop responding completely aside from my "home" button. I've tried everything. My player will just freeze while everyone else still moves around me. I always have to quit the game, restart, and rejoin. It's super annoying and it's happening around 3 times a day now. (I use the chatbox often for helping with quests/stormchests) Also when you close out of the pause/inventory screen, sometimes you cannot walk forward on the first try. It's like a force field is preventing you from moving, and you air walk in place. But if you release, and try again it works no problem. Kinda odd but not as game breaking as that mentioned above. Please see this, I'm addicted to this game.

submitted by /u/TrapTarzan
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