Fortnite Daily Llama Thread 03/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Daily Llama Thread 03/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Vindertech Burster, inspired by Robocops iconic pistol!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

There needs to be a votekick option. I’m so over idiot people who don’t contribute whatsoever to a mission. Doesn’t matter that much up until towards the end of plankerton and up. Missions get pretty challenging and do require everyone’s efforts.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

This new event be like...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:03 PM PST

Not a huge fan of burst weapons and was holding out for good rolls on Repeater, but I may invest in this one. Worth it?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST

The guns may be subpar but I’m rolling in the V-bucks

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:29 PM PST

Bring on them super truck llamas pleaseee

submitted by /u/istillhatetrains
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Issues regarding this event.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:59 AM PST

  • The drop rate of legendaries in the Vindertech Llamas seems to be way too low. I've gotten like 1 out of 8 Llamas.

  • Obviously the anti-team quests...

  • There should be a way to "stall" quest rewards. Especially the quests where you get to choose between x number of legendary weapons. For example, I picked the Vindertech Slicer (sword) after a quest. The first Llama I opened after this dilemma I got another legendary Slicer.

In my opinion, we should be able to collect our quest rewards whenever we want. So we can pick which weapon we want AFTER we opened all of our Event Llamas. That way we could choose the weapons we still haven't gotten yet so we don't get unwanted duplicates.

I know this is a filler event and I'm actually enjoying it, but just needed to point this out. What are your thoughts on this event?

submitted by /u/springerrunt
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Fortnite set a new personal record on 2th December 2017 ! Fortnite had 3150 live channels on

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:06 AM PST

I have been working on a Twitch analytics website. Now it is possible to see top list of records for games. And you guys might find it interesting that Fortnite broke a new record just few days ago.


EDIT: I started scraping and saving data from 26.October 2017

submitted by /u/TwitchNewsCom
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Vindertech Blaster, not worth the investment.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:16 AM PST

Vindertech Blaster is the unique quest weapon during this event. There has always been a quest weapon that has fixed perks and this one is no exception. The problem is that the design of the gun and the perks applied to it do not make good enough to use over others.


Here are the base stats of the Blaster for those interested.

Stats Value
Damage 93
Crit Chance 10%
Crit Damage 75%
HS Damage 100%
Fire Rate 2
Mag Size 15
Range 3,840
Reload 3.3
Ammo Cost 3
Impact 150


First up are the fixed perks. In order, they are: +10% Damage, -30% Recoil, +21% Crit Chance, +26.7% Headshot damage, and headshots that kill cause an explosion dealing 30% damage to enemies within 0.5 tiles.

This is the first fixed perk weapon to have what I would consider a dead perk being -30% Recoil. Blaster at base is already easily controllable and doesn't fire fast enough to warrant this perk.

Most of the other perks are decent bar that final one. Every time you kill an enemy with a headshot, you will deal 30% of that damage to enemies withing 0.5 tiles. While it sounds good in theory, both the damage and range are too low to be useful. Before you get a headshot kill, it is another dead perk, and even when you do get the kill you might not be deal damage due to range. Even when the damage is applied, don't expect it to kill much if anything at all due to low damage (which can't crit).


The design of the gun also does not make it's situation better but far worse. Before this, there has been no scoped pistol and for good reason as pistols don't have the range to support scopes. The worst ARs in terms of range (Bar Hydra) have equal range to Blaster despite using iron sights.

Another issue is the mag and reload. It has a mag of 15 but costs 3 ammo per shot making it so you can only fire 5 times. With a reload of 3.3s it has the longest reload of all pistols only shared with Zap Zapp. Put these two together with a fire rate of 2 and you get a downtime of 57%. The only pistols with downtime worse than that are Freedom's Herald and Tiny Instrument.


The most comparable pistols are Judge for single target and Zap Zapp for AoE. Judge has most of the base stats of Blaster with the only differences being an increased mag at 6, a lower reload at 2.4s, and triple the impact. With the same damage and headshot multiplier, you are dishing out the same damage but far more often without costing an arm and a leg to fire.

Zap Zapp is only comparable in that it deals AoE damage and uses Energy Cells but it works. While it does twice as much to fire as Blaster, Zap deals far more damage, has consistent AoE, and is not limited due to range.



Vindertech Blaster is a hybrid of single target and AoE damage but lacklustre at both. Single target worse than Judge and Lawbringer. AoE is insignificant to the point of almost uselessness. First fixed perk weapon with dead perks. Blaster has the most downtime of all pistols outside of single shot. Not worth the ammo it uses.

submitted by /u/wolfenstian
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Can I get away with buying no llamas?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:18 AM PST

I bought deluxe edition to earn vbucks for battle royale.. so far I've earned about 3000 vbucks from grinding and have spent it all on royale skins. current legendary schematics I have are lvl 10 stormblade and dragonfly.. I'm currently surviving on whatever the daily llamas give me instead of using vbucks to better my loadout. am I at a loss? can I continue to never buy llamas, and continue to progress my character edit: spelling edit2: this question was about spending earnt vbucks, not bought with cash

submitted by /u/fortressnite
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Idea, Training dummies for storm shields.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

I just got a new gun and thought id sure love to test how much this would do as i made it in a storm shield so i could look at it. so Training dummies for storm shields :P

submitted by /u/UnityEvocade
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The Great Maze :)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:12 AM PST

Request: Sandbox and other game modes

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

I was thinking about some ideas and there are a few that I would really like to see some time in the future. First is some sort of sandbox mode where we could load in on the maps, place objectives like the atlas, or the van, or the weather balloon, all in a custom match with up to four friends. That way you could just build cool trap mazes and scenarios and try them out.

Another would be some sort of shared storm shield defense called Fortress Defense or something similar where you build your base on a layout similar to the way the radar dishes are layed out. When you complete one of the structures it gives you added defenses, resources, or maybe some kind of special trap that you could build around. You could work on your base with friends and just fight increasingly harder waves, unlocking more special bonuses as you expand and complete structures.

What other game modes do you think it would be fun to see in Fortnite?

submitted by /u/NolanVoid
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Game runs like garbage, or just me?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:53 PM PST

For context, I'm a player attempting to give Fortnite a second chance. Played for a couple months at launch, and quit well before BR was introduced.

First thing I noticed when I loaded up was the menus are slow and unresponsive - especially scrolling. I passed it off on the updated UI not being optimized. After that I load up SS. While i'm standing still everything is fine - locked at 60 fps. Try to move and my character will take about two steps and video locks up completely. Sound still plays. Stop trying to move and everything goes back to normal. Character position is exactly where it should be - advanced forward some distance in accordance with how long I held the button.

Before I left the first time I had zero issues running the game. None of the crashes that were so rampant. No slow menus, solid frame rate. It ran perfectly. What changed? Specs - Strix R9 390x, 5820k @3.3ghz, 8gb DDR4, 1080p.

submitted by /u/RayneD20
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[Serious] Serious fortnite'rs, what is your all time favorite weapon in the game? Screen shots welcomed!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:47 PM PST

Never getting Troll Loot Stash side quest

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:43 PM PST

Right now I'm level 50 and well into Canny Valley and every time I see a epic troll loot stash chest I open it and nothing happens. People tell me I need to do the side quest but I don't know how to force it come up. Help?

submitted by /u/Tanandproud
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Is any of these worth leveling besides the pistol ?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:56 PM PST

Is this worth it?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:30 PM PST

Character models

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:42 PM PST

Apparently battle royale was listening when people were saying the characters weren't unique enough and needed more personality and differences between the models but the campaign crew haven't addressed our issue with that. Halloween was ok but there's no added accessories when you level them up like other outfits. I don't wish for a full overhaul but I hope they get more creative with character models too, coop is what I got the game for.

submitted by /u/Goliath9013
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My problem with the daily vBuck quests

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:44 AM PST

I'm all for daily objectives to earn vbucks and can imagine a lot of people do them but the daily objectives are usually pretty stupid. destroy 10 propane tanks, destroy 10 teddy bears etc etc, your asking me to be no-assistant to my teammates and waste time destroying stuff that don't initially help towards an objective. If your going to throw dailys at us please atleast make them all objective based so we are not time wasting and lacking to assist our team mates to earn some nice vbucks.

submitted by /u/Myers95
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Has horde mode gone away? i️ just got the game last week and i’m power level 20, but no sight of horde mode.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:27 PM PST

i've briefly looked online and didn't see any end date, have i️ just not unlocked it yet?

submitted by /u/BustRecord
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Praise RNGesus!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:21 PM PST

It seems that the people who are most vocal about Epic's business model concerning Fortnite StW are the most thin-skinned. You have two options: stay vocal and toughen up patch after patch, or don't.

Ask yourself if you're having fun.

I have nothing to say to folks who are having fun, I'm one of them. To those of you upset with the slot machine premise of this game's business model: Do you expect it to change? Do you want this game to be like WoW where excellent items drop for everyone regardless of how much time/money you put in?


So recycle them and put in more time. Suck it up. The Diablo community has been putting up with this shit, shitty rolls, since June 29, 2000.

submitted by /u/jabrahamcollins
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Is this Slammer good?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:10 PM PST

Storm Shield Storage

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:40 PM PST

Someone has in their storage 300 out of 60 How is that possible and how did he exceed limit?

submitted by /u/ResponsibleFew
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Xbox One X - Can we please address these lag stutters on Xbox please? This is pve and it lags just as bad as pvp

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:42 AM PST

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