EVE Online Spotlight 3/15 - Dominix

Spotlight 3/15 - Dominix

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:05 PM PST

The focus of today's Alpha Ship Spotlight is the Gallente Federation's Dominix class battleship.

The oldest class of battleship still in service with the Federation Navy, the Dominix is a favourite among veteran and rookie pilots alike for its sheer versatility when it comes to damage application.

A heavy drone control platform with bonuses to drone durability and damage, the Dominix excels at applying damage, while offering the ability to engage at either close range, with a heavy tank, or at standoff range utilizing drones from a distance.

The ability to switch damage types by deploying different types of drones, plus a compliment of turret hardpoints for additional damage makes the Dominix one of the most versatile battleships available in terms of damage application.

In Detail:

Class: Battleship

Weapons: 6 Turrets

Slot Layout:
  • 6 High Power Slots
  • 5 Medium Power Slots
  • 7 Low Power Slots
  • 3 Large Rig Slots

(Per level of Gallente Battleship)
  • 10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage.
  • 7.5% bonus to Drone optimal range and tracking speed.

Spotlight 2/15 - Raven

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

In today's Alpha Ship Spotlight, we'll take a quick look at the Raven class battleship.

Considered to be the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy, the Raven is a hard-hitting behemoth designed to engage with torpedoes or cruise missiles at standoff range, dictating the terms of engagement and keeping its adversaries at arm's length.

Well known as a fierce damage dealer, the Raven's weapons systems focus around its array of missile hardpoints and a generous offering of medium power slots that provide ample room to load out with a heavy tank.

With bonuses to missile rate of fire and velocity, the Raven is adept at reaching across the battlefield and applying significant damage from a distance.

In Detail:

Class: Battleship

Weapons: 4 Turrets / 6 Launchers

Slot Layout:
  • 7 High Power Slots
  • 7 Medium Power Slots
  • 5 Low Power Slots
  • 3 Large Rig Slots

(Per level of Caldari Battleship)
  • 5% bonus to Rapid Heavy Missile, Cruise Missile and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire.
  • 10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo max velocity.

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