Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: The Asylum's Bow

[Daily] Set discussion: The Asylum's Bow

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

The Asylum's Bow

Obtainable as: Weapons

Type: Overland

Location: Asylum Sanctorium


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
1 When you deal damage with Arrow Spray, you cause enemies hit to take 45% more damage from the direct damage portion of your next Snipe, Scatter Shot, or Poison Arrow used within 5 seconds.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Workshop Wednesday - Give Crafting Tips, Offer Services, Help Your Fellow Crafters!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to Workshop Wednesday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Workshop Wednesday is a thread aimed at all things crafting, from sharing tips and knowledge, providing assistance, or offering crafting services to others.

Got a way to get more of those pesky crafting mats into your inventory? Have a rare recipe you're willing to produce for others? Just want to help with crafting as a whole? Let the community know here!

Crafting is a deep system in The Elder Scrolls Online with multiple professions, so be sure to participate in the thread whether you're a crafting novice or a master at sweetroll baking.

Please keep in mind the 'no personal attacks' rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

In addition, please be careful about posting in-game information about your account name/characters for conducting crafting business. We recommend contact information be shared privately to keep your account secure.

We look forward to your contributions!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Possible Unpopular Opinion: Is it just me or does anyone else hate the running animation?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:52 PM PST

Idk I feel like the characters are so stiff and goofy looking when they sprint and it just kind of kills the immersion for me.

submitted by /u/DoctorOddy
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One in a Million Stories: The Story of how I met my ESO Bff.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:13 PM PST

I never thought that I would make a post on The Elder Scrolls Online Reddit (I mostly come to the Reddit to see what adventures my fellow ESO players are up to) and every once and awhile stumble upon a heart-warming, or motivational post. I figured since today was the last day of the Ten Million Stories, I thought what better thing to do than celebrate by sharing with you all the story of one of the greatest people that I ever met.

Around August 2015, after the release of Tamriel Unlimited (Current PS4 player) I considered myself an expert at Normal Dragonstar Arena (Even though I was still an ESO new player haha) and would help people who had trouble running it (Also because M A S T E R W E A P O N S). Among the people I met there, I found a person quite different than the rest of the people that I met there. Someone who was kind and shared similar interests in what I wanted in ESO (At that time Boethia's Scythe). And since then we have been the bestest of friends. In a way, he helped become the ESO player that I am today, giving me the confidence that really no one in the game or just barely anyone to achieve greater. And in turn, I help him achieve greater, a tradition that we continuously exchange. Very few people have been such a friend to me or have cared in ways that a friend or any decent person should do. I guess, in a way, this is a simple thank you to one of the best people I know.

If you're reading this deebert2071 (I won't disclose his name for obvious personal reasons), know that you will always have my thanks for helping me, both for becoming a better ESO player, a better person and a better friend :). And I'll look forward to the next adventure that we shall undertake in this virtual world that we call The Elder Scrolls Online.

P.S. I would also love to hear any ESO stories that you all might have in ESO, if you want to share them :).

submitted by /u/IBAZOMBIEKILLA
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(Dungeon Event) Day 6 Plunder Log: 84 Mystery Boxes Opened, literally the worst possible ending

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:52 PM PST


Checking in with my final Plunder Log from this 'marvelous celebration.' I earned the max number of Mystery Boxes you could on one account during this event and feel left hanging, to say the least. I appreciate ZOS doing things like this, but the drop rate of crap nobody wants was incredibly high and I've heard of literally no one to have received the super duper cool prize of any houses whatsoever.

Here's to another 10 million, I guess. For my efforts in 14 dungeons tonight:

  • !Costume: Chef (Duplicate!!!)
  • Alchemist Survey: Shadowfen
  • Blacksmith Survey: Craglorn II
  • Blacksmith Survey: Vvardenfell
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Diagram (Green): Clockwork Shelf, Wall -- Unknown value
  • Dye Stamp: Frosted - Glacial Tinges
  • Dye Stamp: Metallic - Metallurgy
  • Dye Stamp: Metallic - The Fog of Sleep
  • Enchanter Survey: Grahtwood
  • Treasure Map: Bleakrock I
  • Treasure Map: Rivenspire III
  • Treasure Map: Stonefalls I
  • Undaunted Key
  • Undaunted Plunder (1,000g)
  • Undaunted Plunder (1,000g)

Definitely ended on the worse RNG so far, feels bad man.

Peace. 2/10, would not do again

submitted by /u/McAnnex
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I️ Love ESO

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:11 PM PST

I bought ESO back in August and have around 70 hours on it, I know it's not a lot but they have to be some of the most fun 70 hours of a game I have ever played. I started as a Breton sorcerer in glenumbra helping out tree huggers with their huge tree and I later killed some werewolf guy who was bad. I later discovered guilds and joined one with a bunch of amazing people, they helped me understand how to play the game (this is my first MMORPG) and there was even some drama in the guild. I was new to it and didn't know many people but I talked to the leader of the guild and he was a nice guy, but after a couple days I came back to see that the guild's leader wrote on the guild website saying "I know what you guys did" and everyone was confused. The guild leader left the guild along with almost half of the guild members. So decided to leave and just play the game without a guild for a while. I eventually made my way to bangkorai and saw that people were asking to become a vampire in chat! I had no idea that vampires were in ESO so I dedicated the next hour or so asking around and seeing if someone could turn me into a vampire. Later this one nice guy said that he could and gave me some helpful tips about using vampire skills and all of that. So now I'm a bad ass healer/sorcerer/vampire Breton running around having fun. I can't wait to start leveling up, discover new abilities, and eventually do end game content.

submitted by /u/will2519
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Dear ZOS: Please make a ship house

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:56 AM PST

I was just talking with my friends the other day about how awesome it would be to get a large ship as a house. Make it big enough to be a guild hall, give some appropriate new furnishings for a ship, and give any guild a piratey flair.

Maybe even let us choose where we're anchored.

ZOS plz. I'd spend so many crowns.

submitted by /u/ifockpotatoes
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A moment of silence for everyone who didn't get the Dark Shaman costume.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:25 PM PST

I guess dye stamps are cool.

submitted by /u/TheSwampStomp
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[DISCUSSION]Is Elder Scrolls Online is as resourceful and deep as other Elder Scrolls Games?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:43 PM PST

I am a huge fan of Elder Scroll Games especially Morrowind and Skyrim(10k+ hours) and now saved some money to buy Elder Scroll Online, I want to know if the game is resourceful and deep as Skyrim or Morrowind? Do you get the sense of living in a completely different world or is it just stiff like other MMO's?

Thanks for your time.

submitted by /u/ThePreacher19021
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Daily dose of DOOT

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:14 PM PST

[Discussion] Thoughts on dungeons - Why they are unwelcoming to new players, and how to fix it.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Hey all, with the latest event soon coming to a close, I thought it was as good a time as any to talk about my dungeon experiences from the perspective of a relatively new player.

For some background perspective about myself, I played this time a long time ago during the beta and shortly after launch, but didn't get very far - I quit playing with my highest character only in the mid-40's. About a month ago my SO and I picked the game up again on a whim and we both rolled new characters. Since then we've hit 50 and are still in the low champion points, each one of us is between CP 30-60.

To cut to the chase: I think there are some really odd design decisions that make dungeons unnecessarily hostile to new players. Now, don't get me wrong: I'm loving the PvE content so far, and I really do love replaying dungeons that we've already cleared. But I absolutely dread playing a brand-new dungeon for the very first time with a random PUG.

Short reason why dungeons suck for new players: the quests.

Don't get me wrong, I love questing in this game and playing through the zone quests is probably my favorite aspect of the game. And on a similar token, I love running through dungeons and fighting bosses. But these two systems, when combined together in ESO, rally drag each other down. Individually, both of these things are great; when they are together, they suck. The quests makes the dungeons shitty, and the dungeons makes the quests shitty.

  1. Quests are one-time only. Now this isn't a problem by itself -- most quests in ESO are one-time only. But as you see in the following points, this factor right here introduces a lot of things that screws with a player's experience. Point 2 below wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for this point, for instance. And on another note, dungeons are, by design, repeatable content; so to have something tied to the dungeon that's a one-time thing seems a bit counter-intuitive to me.

  2. Nobody pays attention to the quests. And why would you? Unless you're playing with three friends and you've formed your own group for the express purpose of slowly working through dungeons at a casual pace, you're not going to listen to the NPCs. Nobody wants to be "that guy" in a random PUG who everyone is waiting on to sit through the NPC dialog. Now I'm usually the kind of guy who actually does like to listen to NPC dialog and explore all the options when in the overworld doing zone quests, but while in a dungeon, I, like probably 99% of the playerbase, feel an obligation to click through and skip all the dialog. So in that case.... why even have them?

  3. Quests introduce a disparity in what the group sees and experiences. Think about it, you're in a very small group with only three other people, it's a bit more "intimate" than most other activities in the game as it forces you to work closer with other individual players more than most other content. To me, it would seem a no-brainer to take the fact that "each player in this small group should be working together towards a common goal, working on the same objectives, and seeing the same information" somewhat for-granted.... That sentence sounds so obvious I almost shouldn't even need to say it.

    Well, when you factor in how quests are handled, that "rule" is broken. Half the group will be seeing NPCs who are instructing the player to kill certain monsters or to throw certain switches or to backtrack to certain rooms, while the other half of the group sees none of that, knowing nothing except "the goal is kill the final boss." And this leads directly to the next point:

  4. Quest objectives are not aligned 1:1 with dungeon objectives. Some of the quests I've seen are just weird. Some quests will direct the player to go clear out a room and kill a boss, and report back to the NPC who gave the order, forcing the players to backtrack. Seriously?? Some quests will direct the player to kill a certain "optional" boss that is off in some side-room or corner that would otherwise be skipped by player who normally run the dungeon. Some quests require the player to literally do nothing other than wait around for an NPC to slowly walk up, play some animation, and speak some lines of dialog, before forcing the player to engage in conversation with the NPC to tick-off that objective and allow the player to move on to the next stage of the quest.

    All of these things are fine in the context of "solo" overworld zone content, but when you're running a dungeon with other players who don't even see the same objectives or NPCs, it just ruins the whole flow. I play dungeons to kill bosses, not to be forced to stand around and watch NPCs perform scripted events while my group mates are forced to wait on me or rush ahead. And these are mandatory actions if you want to complete the quest; if you don't backtrack through the dungeon to tell some NPC that you killed the boss, it doesn't matter whether you complete the whole dungeon, you won't get credit for completing the quest.

So to summarize the above points, the current system introduces a quest that can only be experienced once in the context of normally repeatable content, nobody pays attention to this quest so it adds no value, this quest introduces inconsistent goals and objectives for players within the group, and this quest slows down the entire group and breaks the flow by forcing players to do things - backtrack, talk to specific NPCs, hit a switch, etc - in a very specific order that is completely disconnected from the overall dungeon objectives of reaching and killing the final boss. And this is all from the perspective of a newer player who is struggling to drudge through these quests, I know it's equally annoying for experienced players to be dragged down by newbies whom you are forced to wait on as they wander around and talk to invisible NPCs that you can't even see.

So, am I missing anything? Is there an actual positive here to the quest system, am I making a big deal about nothing, or do others agree that it's a pointless thing that slows down groups and introduces needless complexity by forcing the group to have completely different priorities?

If I had to fix it, I would either make the quests a repeatable "group event" type of system -- basically, every time you run the dungeon, you do the quest, and completing the quest is just a normal part of running the dungeon -- OR -- get rid of the quests altogether and focus purely on completing the dungeon.

In any case, quests should work with the flow of the dungeon, not against it. Don't force the player to wait on NPCs. Don't force the player to backtrack. Don't force the player to fight "optional" bosses in quests -- either a boss should be OPTIONAL, or it should be REQUIRED. Don't introduce inconsistencies here within a group.


submitted by /u/JaxMed
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Spying in Cyrodiil is considered cheating?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:22 AM PST

I never tried "spying" before and never heard it was against the rules or anything. However I did have someone report me (he was in a different faction) after whispering him and telling him which keep his group were going to attack next, so I told everyone to defend it. Later on he knew I was a spy after he noticed I was in a different faction and reported me. Is spying against the rules?? I always considered it a tactic to use in cyro. I may be wrong though. If it IS against the rules I'm definitely not going be doing it anymore.

submitted by /u/ShadyLordx
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New player asking for tips of what NOT TO DO.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:21 AM PST

Hello, i always was an fan of elder scrolls universe, played all the games including the spin-offs (except the card game), but was fearful about ESO as i never played MMORPGs, haved experienced the steam free weekend and liked the game i bought the morrowind version.

Therefore im here asking for tips, not about classes/build, best gear or what is the best xp farming mode (no, i want to explore the game) but about of what i should avoid doing (something that you have done low level but now regret it).

Thank you in advance and have an good day.

P.S.: Sorry for any misspelling or grammar errors english is not my first language

submitted by /u/IberianLynxPT
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Looking for Clockwork Curator Runebox. Can they be bought?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:15 AM PST

I am not too great at veteran dungeons, and I'm thinking it just might be easier to buy the Runebox instead of re-playing the same vet dungeon over and over until I get a drop. However, I can't find any market info on the Runebox. Is it that rare? Is it not tradable? I really want to make a Factotums character, bit I might have to settle with a Fabricant.

submitted by /u/Ru5tyShackleford
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Shitty reviews.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST

I'm so sick of steams shitty review system. I just seem a review saying that this game is pay to win because of mounts and craft bag. He also said cyrodil is behind a paywall... plus like the bad reviews are because they think it's skyrim or because questing is boring. Like there's way more to this game then questing. Stupid people I swear

submitted by /u/ExleHD
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Dire frost keep final boss

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:45 PM PST

We did beat the final boss on vet hard mode but the boss kept healing. We basically just dps through it and killed the ads but what mechanic was it that healed the boss? Every guide I read didn't mention it

submitted by /u/pteam21
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Got this little surprise in my mystery box!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

[PS4] Is PS Plus required?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:22 PM PST

I was considering buying the game and ESO Plus membership for 6 months but noticed that there was a small detail in ESO's description... that Playstation Plus was needed to for online content. Does this mean ESO requires PS Plus? I had read previously online that it didn't. I'm a bit lost...

submitted by /u/Starrlie
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Easiest dps class to learn?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:15 PM PST

I'm a tank main looking to make a dps alt, any idea what's the most noob friendly class?

submitted by /u/ThaaCaveman
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[MEDIA] I present the Tinsel Colossus and Molag Baubles

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:32 AM PST

[Xbox] Targeting issues after latest update?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:22 PM PST

Has anyone else had problems using targeted skills on enemies after that last update? It feels like hitboxes are somewhat smaller now and I find myself having to click targeted skills more often in order for them to work.

submitted by /u/Sired_By_Wolves
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Beginning a stam tank build.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:00 AM PST

I'm making myself a tank (I play with friends, not solo) and I'm level 10 so far, any pointers?

submitted by /u/LurkerGuyMan
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Which race has the most honorable warriors?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:00 PM PST

Kinda thinking Redguard

submitted by /u/ZeroxSP7
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[PC] Finally finished Tel Hammar, my Telvanni home/Clockwork wizard tower/bachelor pad.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:35 AM PST

How long do elves live?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:34 AM PST

Someone says thousands and more, someone for a couple of centuries. I'm lost.

submitted by /u/Korus_Jove
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After reading Steam Reviews. I think there are 2 points people make which makes sense to me.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:53 PM PST

This post will either go unnoticed or going to get lots of shit on it but here it goes.

1- Steam double-download garbage. I can't understand why this is not fixed yet!

2- Non-existent introduction to trading guild system. Most of the newcomers think NPC prices are expensive and are frustrated with all the mats they are coming across. I think it's time ZOS introduces a tutorial to Guild Trader system in the game.

These are the complaints that made sense to me after reading mostly bs reviews. What y'all think?

submitted by /u/ergele
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