Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: The Asylum's Perfected Dagger

[Daily] Set discussion: The Asylum's Perfected Dagger

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

The Asylum's Perfected Dagger

Obtainable as: Weapons

Type: Overland

Location: Asylum Sanctorium


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
2 When you deal damage with Whirlwind, you add 10 seconds to your active Twin Slashes, Lacerate, and Blade Cloak over time effects. This effect can occur once per cast of those abilities.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Guild Fair Friday - Advertise your guild, Find a guild!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to our new recurring post to help you find a guild on the subreddit!

If you have a guild, you're allowed to post ONCE. If you're looking for a guild, you can also post. Your post should have -

1) Server (NA or EU), Faction (if applicable), and Type of Guild (Social, PvE, PvP, Hardcore Endgame, Trade, Mixed)

For recruiters, also include

2) Current member numbers

3) Guild recruiting message

4) How to apply

As always, be polite and respectful, and good luck finding a guild!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Saw that other people were posting some of their superhero inspired costumes, and i thought i would take a jab at it!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:54 PM PST

I built an xmas tree

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:31 AM PST

Anyone else wish they'd have some new homes be smaller instead of huge, sprawling mansions/caves?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 01:18 PM PST

Back when housing came out I really wanted a house in my favorite zone: Gold Coast. But when they finally added one I didn't buy it because I don't need a mansion. Why can't there be a smaller one in Anvil or something? The CWC one is nice, but it's too big. And now Pariah's Pinnacle has the same issue.

I get that they want people to have THE BEST HOUSE EVER(with the premium crown price a bonus for ZOS), but I don't want THE BEST HOUSE EVER, I want an affordable house that doesn't take an entire minute to go from one side to the other.

submitted by /u/Narrative_Causality
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Anyone else decorating their homes for Christmas?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:59 PM PST

Don't make the same mistake I made twice

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:52 PM PST

First attempt at vet maelstrom yesterday, made it to the last boss. Died 5 million times. Turned it off before I had a rage induced stroke because I read your progress was saved. Tried again this morning and was at the beginning of the whole arena. Thought maybe it didn't get saved since there was maintenance because I'm an idiot. Got to last boss again, lost 5 million times, punched myself in the knee because of anger, turned it off and went to work. Got off work, logged on, and wouldn't you god damn know it, RIGHT there back at the beginning of the arena again. Turns out I didn't pick up the god damn quest which is what saves your progress. Pick up the quest and don't be like me.

submitted by /u/Dr_Sterling_P_Ness
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Only one apt response to that statement...

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:21 PM PST

13,000 (16,250) Crowns for Pariah's Pinnacle, eh?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:21 PM PST

They must seriously be targeting whales with these new houses, and it's honestly a bit ridiculous that they also pressure you into making those decisions impulsively, by stamping it with "LIMITED TIME!". This hurts me a bit more than normal because I'm a big fan of the Orcs in TES, (only one I know personally, too, so I'd love to see the numbers on the amount of people that will buy Pariah's Pinnacle after it's gone).

submitted by /u/Orc-Father
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100 USD houses.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 12:21 PM PST

So, Pariah's Pinnacle. I wanted this house so badly, I figured it'd at least be able to be purchased with gold seeing as I already spent 15 on the DLC. While, yes, I do understand ZOS needs to make their money, but the game itself is 15, not to mention all the DLC purchases. Houses are purely aesthetic I get that, but I like collecting these houses. Kinda rubs me the wrong way to see a 100 dollar house in a DLC you had to purchase anyway, am I wrong for feeling this way? I just wanted some more insight on this.

EDIT: If you actually bought EVERY bit of content for this game (DLC wise) You'd spend 210 dollars and they want 100 dollars for a house, something that doesn't add anything amazing just a really nice looking house with a good view. Now if this house came with like some crazy stuff that no other house has like activating a wall and it doing something neat then whatever so be it, but it is just a standard big ol' house for all your furnishing needs. Highway robbery D:

EDIT2: All these downvotes, people really don't use reddiquette unfortunate really :(

submitted by /u/StarlightRemix
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Thank you Mr. Khajiit Master Angler!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:58 AM PST

So I was running around in Craglorn and I came across a person who had the title of Master Angler. I stopped and expressed my appreciation for all the hard work they put in to get there and gave a polite bow before going on my way. A few minutes later, there are 200 fish filets in my inbox and a note saying "This one shares the fruits of labor."

submitted by /u/ShiWhendi
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Need to transmute something and don't want to wait 30 days on research? See the tip that's driving the crafters of Tamriel nuts!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST

You can make/use a new/inexperienced character/crafter and research the trait you need first (5 hours or so) and then happily use your lvl 3 derp to transmute a CP160 item in Nirnhoned that your main was waiting 30 days to learn.

This is much less expensive if you need anything other than Nirnhoned, but it works and is worth the wait in many cases.


submitted by /u/McAnnex
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Still one of the best looking armor styles!!!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:12 AM PST

Thanks ESO From An Old Bean

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

Hey there ESO. I wanna say thank you to the community for overall being nice to me when I first started the game. I came from Final Fantasy 14 and I came over to ESO wanting a change of pace. As someone who was a Healer full time in XIV I was pressured to optimize my job's DPS capabilities 100% of the time I played. I'm sure some of you understand the "Healer DPS" Meta that was going on over there during the end of Heavensward and all through out Stormsblood (currently) I just had had enough and decided to quit.

I forced myself off the gear treadmill. I wasn't happy grinding out the same dungeons every week for meager gear upgrades. It felt like a job and at that point it wasn't fun. The Free Company I was in wasn't at all helpful and overall I just hated playing the game. I didn't hate FF14 at all. But the weekly cap and very toxic end-game made it not worth it.

Coming to ESO however as a new player, turned my world upside down. Everyone was friendly and a lot of the veteran players gave me a helping hand. I was skeptical at first, because I was so conditioned to be on guard in 14 that it took me awhile to really trust people. But I soon got into a really nice guild and everyone was just really happy and jovial, completely opposite of what I was used to. ESO has been a breath of fresh air for me and I am so happy to be here. I don't have to stand on pins and needles when healing like I did in FF14 and I can actually do my role as a Healer and it's even better because I can build into a hybrid if I so choose.

Thank you ESO. I thought I couldn't make friends on MMORPGs any more because I was jaded from playing 14 for years, but all it took was starting over and a little bit of a tailwind from guildies and now I am soaring.

submitted by /u/TemptingIcarus
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TIFU my writ: Legendary Assassin Guile Nirnhoned Rubedite Cuirass in HIGH ELF style... 60K+ in mats...

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:53 AM PST

Are there any super rare world spawns?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:26 PM PST

I remember in wow, there was a dragon that spawned (maybe) once a week, in a certain zone and pathed until it was killed. If you were there to kill it, you got a special mount.

Eso seems different in that there isnt as much open space, its not like i can go into the wilds..every 50 feet there is a new story...

Are there rare world drops to search for? I wish eso was more "open", less condensed, like skyrim.

submitted by /u/Chris00008
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im a new player, i have some questions about healing

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:59 PM PST

hello! :) i just got this game and am going to be playing with a friend. i want to be a dedicated healer but ive heard that the best healing class is the templar.. im not sure if that will fit my playstule cus i want to stay back and heal from a distance? is that possible as templar or should i chose a different class? thank you c: edit: oops

submitted by /u/tiffibelle
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[Discussion] New player - Red glow and Windy effect around enemies... what are those? (Pics inside)

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:53 PM PST

[ANSWERED] (thanks /u/Gylergin)

  • Red Glow (the red swirly effect around the mob, NOT the red outline when you get aggro) : https://i.imgur.com/DrLqviV.jpg -> ANSWER: Appears when the enemy is below 25% HP for the Assassin's Blade execute effect.

  • Windy effect: https://i.imgur.com/F99N1yH.jpg -> ANSWER: CC immunity buff for a few seconds after being hard CC'd.

That was not obvious at all (especially for the CC immunity, I didn't even know that was a thing!). They should probably explain that somewhere in the game.




Hey everyone,

Total beginner here who joined ESO following the free weekend, and I'm absolutely loving the game.

Quick question, what are those 2 effects around enemies:

As you can see there is not any debuff/buff icon, and I have NO idea what those means... This is not explained anywhere in the game (or I completely missed it on multiple characters) and I tried googling it but found 0 answer.

I'm getting those 2 effects on pretty much every mobs I fight so I would really like to know what they mean.

Any idea?


submitted by /u/amasokin
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Valkyn or Grothdarr?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:00 AM PST

Hello i have a Magicka DK and i am fine on the skills and other gear but i just cannot decide either Valkyn or Grothdarr i like both for different reasons, do you guys prefer one to an other? if so what would you guys choose i appreciate any help :)

submitted by /u/XCLASSGAMING
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How to change my guild name?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:55 AM PST

Hey there! Just wondering where the support page was to submit a guild name change request. Thanks.

submitted by /u/FoldingUserFerrariic
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Thank you from a noob!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:04 AM PST

So I've played games all my life (I'm only 17 so take that for what you will) but I have played solo games and strictly online game I've played for a while because it helps with my depression while the other games have just helped I loved the other Elder Scrolls games and I always wanted to play an MMO so I decided I will pick this game up and wow just the support from the discord and the reddit page is insane it makes me genuinely happy to play this game and I feel extremely happy when I do. You guys are probably the most noob friendly community ever from teaching me the game to giving me free stuff that helps it makes me feel like this entire community is my family so just thank you very much and I am always looking for new friends so feel free to add me on PC NA @Alustic

submitted by /u/Alustic
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Is there a way to make pets sit in your house?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:42 PM PST

Was gonna put my cat in my house but she just sort of stands there statically, anything I can do about that?

submitted by /u/ExoCayde6
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PVE Heavy armor, bow and 2H stamdk set options

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:21 AM PST

Hey, hope this title doesn't trigger any elitists - I understand that it is not optimal for dps dragon knights, but I preffer more survivability. So, could someone who run similar build share with us their experience or just give an advice.

Thank you

P.S. If there is already a discussion on this topic, please link it here.

submitted by /u/Capt_Ugluk
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New player wanting to make a "Paladin"

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:27 PM PST

Hey everyone, I've been leveling up a templar, and I really want to play something that feels like a traditional paladin. I'm not looking to PvP, and it doesn't have to be a meta build, just something that can get me through leveling and a few easy group dungeons. I was thinking about wearing heavy armor, with a sword and shield, and going into the aedric spear and resotring light skill lines. Can someone point me in the right direction, or link a build that is similar to that? Any and all help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Bezlak
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