Dota 2 - MDL Macau - Grand Finals

MDL Macau - Grand Finals

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 02:42 AM PST

MDL Macau

Presented by MarsTV

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Grand Finals (Bo3)

OG vs TNC Pro Team

Game 1

OG Victory!

Game 2

OG Victory!

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Competitive Meta Trends - MDL Macau

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:10 AM PST


Team Average Shortest Longest Total Radiant Dire
OG 41:19 29:21 62:46 10 / 12 (83.3%) 3 / 3 (100.0%) 7 / 9 (77.8%)
TNC Pro Team 40:13 24:38 59:34 7 / 12 (58.3%) 1 / 3 (33.3%) 6 / 9 (66.7%)
Natus Vincere 43:01 25:29 62:46 5 / 10 (50.0%) 3 / 6 (50.0%) 2 / 4 (50.0%) 38:50 24:38 70:16 5 / 10 (50.0%) 4 / 8 (50.0%) 1 / 2 (50.0%)
EHOME 32:47 23:39 54:18 4 / 8 (50.0%) 2 / 4 (50.0%) 2 / 4 (50.0%)
LGD.Forever Young 42:52 27:24 55:57 4 / 8 (50.0%) 1 / 4 (25.0%) 3 / 4 (75.0%)
Infamous 42:06 26:55 59:17 3 / 8 (37.5%) 1 / 4 (25.0%) 2 / 4 (50.0%)
LGD Gaming 40:14 23:39 70:16 2 / 8 (25.0%) 2 / 6 (33.3%) 0 / 2 (0.0%)
VGJ.Storm 32:32 27:45 41:58 2 / 8 (25.0%) 1 / 4 (25.0%) 1 / 4 (25.0%)
  • Number of Matches: 42
  • Radiant vs Dire: 42.9% Radiant
  • Longest Match: 70:16 vs LGD Gaming.
  • Shortest Match: 23:39 LGD Gaming vs EHOME.
  • Most Heroes Played: Natus Vincere with 32 heroes (10 matches).
  • Fewest Heroes Played EHOME with 25 heroes (8 matches).


  • Most Kills: 24 by Somnus丶M of LGD Gaming on Shadow Fiend vs
  • Most Deaths: 17 by RodjER of Natus Vincere on Earth Spirit vs OG.
  • Most Assists: 36 by Yao of LGD Gaming on Naga Siren vs
  • Highest KAD ((Kills + Assists)/Deaths) with Zero Deaths: 27 by No[o]ne- of on Shadow Fiend vs OG.
  • Highest KAD with 1+ Deaths: 26 by Dendi of Natus Vincere on Sniper vs EHOME.
  • Highest Hero Healing: 13749 by JerAx of OG on Io vs LGD Gaming.
  • Highest Hero Damage: 72614 by Somnus丶M of LGD Gaming on Shadow Fiend vs
  • Highest Tower Damage: 17590 by Raven of TNC Pro Team on Terrorblade vs Infamous.


Top Picks/Bans

Top Picks Record
Sand King 6 / 18 (33.3%)
Winter Wyvern 8 / 16 (50.0%)
Dragon Knight 9 / 14 (64.3%)
Batrider 7 / 14 (50.0%)
Razor 4 / 14 (28.6%)
Top First Picks # Matches
Winter Wyvern 15
Sand King 15
Earth Spirit 10
Elder Titan 10
Tusk 10
Top Bans # Times Banned # Times First Phase Banned
Bane 32 31
Omniknight 25 19
Morphling 20 1
Medusa 20 1
Enchantress 17 15
Shadow Demon 16 16
Bounty Hunter 16 16
Clockwerk 16 15
Night Stalker 15 15

Most Played Duos

Hero Record
Shadow Fiend and Tusk 4 / 5 (80.0%)
Morphling and Winter Wyvern 4 / 5 (80.0%)
Slardar and Winter Wyvern 3 / 5 (60.0%)
Batrider and Medusa 2 / 5 (40.0%)
Puck and Elder Titan 1 / 5 (20.0%)
Sand King and Batrider 1 / 5 (20.0%)


  • Most Obs Placed: 26 by Victoria of LGD Gaming on Witch Doctor vs
  • Most Sentries Placed: 39 by Victoria of LGD Gaming on Witch Doctor vs with No[o]ne- on Templar Assassin

Stats compiled by @artemklevtsov , @Dota_Science, @writingdaeja. Thanks to Open Dota, DotaBuff and datdota for the data!

submitted by /u/coronaria
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OD Pixel is on the chinese panel! PogChamp

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:44 AM PST

Your real MDL Macau Minor Champions

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:03 AM PST

Nyx Assassin Shadow Hunter Unlock

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:24 AM PST

So I've had this set for Nyx Assassin which I've always thought was super neat, because it has 4 styles, but the only way to unlock new styles is to watch games featuring the russian caster Casper.

There were guides to unlocking this, with compilations of MatchIDs to make the process smooth and easy but when source 2 rolled out all those replays were lost for lack of compatability with the old UI

So I went through a fuckload of forum threads and searched youtube to try and find which games he's commentated since reborn - I then made a list of these games and attempted to find them under Watch>Tournament

the extra fun part about this is that most of them are buried about 30 pages into the tournament ui, there is no way to pass more than one page at a time, and once you get there, opening up the match information for one game of a series will boot you fron the ui instead of taking you to the page and series you were just at - forcing you repeat this tedious task up to 5 times per series.

I decided to download all of the replays at once so that I could access them all from my saved replay folder and avoid having to use the aforementioned UI any more than neccesary. Upon finishing my task I started to run through the replays, but wait, something was wrong - The number count on the item isn't improving, that can't be right? thats definitely Casper commentating over these games?

Welp it turns out that all of the majors where I had sourced my replays from - while indeed the ones I had were Cast by casper, the audio and obs were being attributed to the ru hub, and not Caspers own account.

Fuck my life

Back to the forums to find 30 more replays and this time they're even deeper into the tournament UI - At this time I just gave up and started combing dotabuff for the Match IDs as the 3rd party site was infinitely easier to navigate

I came to the realization that I had been sitting here angrily trying to turn my Nyx Assassin purple for almost 4 hours

30 replays to unlock it all They register immediately after entering the replay so you don't have to sit there and watch them all haha

3369930606 3369858045 3362390555 3362331228 3357776843

3356461133 3356371427 3353994974 3353901258 1918839537

3258737947 3259012549 3258835977 3258915301 3258970732

3251652729 3251694636 3251406866 3251500957 3251572084

1919071372 1923189317 1923343030 1920504001 1920646508

1920844431 1918839537 1918959324 1883792064 1885596181

TL:DR reborn is nice but some people still haven't got any fucking idea how to do UX/UI and now i have a purple nyx + no self respect


If you're reading this in like 3 years, you're welcome

submitted by /u/Sans_Argonauts
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Open letter to Valve & Dota2 Community | About Match-fixing and SA Scene

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:08 AM PST

Hello, my name is Bryan Freddy Machaca Siña, also known as Smash. As many of you know, I have been pulled apart indefinitely from Valve's competitive scene. Up to now, It's been almost two years since the ban was announced and I feel like it's time to write a letter explanining lots of details that are still unknown by many of the public. I'd like to clarify that this text doesn't meant to create feelings of pity towards me or my teammates, nor even justify my actions. I just think that, after two years, it's fair that you guys know the full story and that we aren't really bad people.

First of all, I'd like to publicly apologize to Valve. I'd like to sincerely apologize for any trouble that we have caused to their organization and for tarnishing the names of pro players everywhere with our actions. Valve has always seeked to promote sportsmanship and fair play and our actions didn´t reflect those values.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize to all the members of the Dota community. Players, our fans, professional players, organizations, and all of those amazing people that compose this beautiful community did not deserve the trouble that we caused them and for that we sincerely apologize. I hate and blame myself for being such a naive person and for not fully realizing the consequences and magnitude of our actions at the time.

Currently, I have been banned for almost two years from the competitive scene. It is frustrating, you know? Not being able to compete in the game you love the most. I don't wish this feeling even to the worst of my enemies; watching your dreams fell down because of your own dumb actions due to immaturity, inexperience, and the lack of proper advice. It stopped me from reaching my dreams and from pursuing a career that I'm truly passionate in.

Maybe now it's too late to be talking about this but I never had the space or the opportunity to do it before. I was always terrified of saying or doing something as I thought this would only make the situation turn worst and that people would not believe my words. Now, two years have passed. Maybe the hardest years of my life, in fact, but a time that helped me mature in many aspects nonetheless. Living every day of your life acknowledging that you have been banned from your passion is a hard thing and it took me very long to accept this fact. Now, though, having fully accepted my current situation, I'd like to explain the circumstances that led to the events in question.

Back in the days, we were a group of youngsters that had a common goal - being professional Dota players and playing against the best. Back then, saying these kind of things seemed like a joke as everyone simply watched the videos posted by legengs like LodA, Vigos, or Yaphets (thanks to them I started professionally) and revered them as gods or something simply unachievable. However, this view we had changed when we formed our first team. We wanted to improve to become as good or, if possible, better than they were.

For this common goal I dedicated years of my life to this game and made many sacrifices along the way to follow my passion. One of these sacrifices were the ties to my family. I lived in a province that is quite far from the peruvian capital, called Tacna. Tacna simply did not have the players or the tournaments to sustain my dream so, not even a decent internet connection. Because of this, I was forced to move to the capital. However, due to the lack of economic resources in my family, I had to go there alone and sustain myself. There was simply no chance of playing from Tacna as the competitive level I was playing against was huge and I needed a proper training.

At first, gaming in Peru was not easy whatsoever. In 2013, there were no organizations that supported players that wanted to be professionals; only cyber cafes/lan centers and small teams formed by friends. Nobody wanted to invest in Esports in Perú and many players had to live off their own savings. However, when I was in my first team, Artyk Gaming, we were lucky enough to get a small space to play lent to us thanks to a friend of ours. Many teams back then lived in deplorable conditions, from little to no earnings, but that did not break the passion and commitment we had with Dota 2. Everything was quite harsh for me and my fellow teammates, especially since we all came to the capital from different parts of Peru. We were alone and we didn't use to socialize with other people either. It was hard as many days we were unable to fulfill basic necessities. There were even days where my teammates and I had no food to eat and no place to sleep. These kind of mishaps, though, helped us bond and created a very strong and united team. We survived all of this because we had a common goal - becoming a powerful team with global presence that could represent the Latin American community and further the improvement of such a community.

To be honest, I regret not speaking about this before, as many people believe that our actions held malicious intent or that we were attempting to take advantage of a bunch of people. Most people weren't aware of our living conditions at the time or even now.

Two years ago, our economic situation wasn't particularly great and that is why we decided to leave the Not Today organization to seek a better future. Before we left, however, the owner of Not Today asked that we return all the money that he had invested in us. I don't know how much he asked for from each individual player but I know he asked me that I needed to return all the money I made from the MVP title I won at "The Summit 2 by Beyond the Summit" tournament (10K dollars). I was very naïve as I could only think about one thing, and that was playing Dota. I was unaware of how a proper gaming organization functioned - how our earnings were handled, how they dealt with sponsors, etc. It's due to this that I was scammed many times, maybe even more times and I don't know about it. But in that time I believed that it was all good, that I could simply win more money by playing more - a big mistake. Even today I regret not fighting for that money I had to give.

After so many incidents we decided it was a best idea to play independently and a friend of ours, luckily, allowed us to use his basement to practice. Yep, no fancy house, just a small damp basement. On top of that, due to Peru's terrible and unstable internet, we had two options - pay large amounts of money for a good connection or stick to a bad connection and somehow make it work. We obviously chose the second option as we simply didn't have the money and tried to make it work. Again, the money was an inconvenience because the little money we had saved up from our trips was depleting and we were running out of money for food.

This is when we decided to seek a new organization to represent us so that we could at least have a stable diet (and by stable I mean eating every day). That is when we finally joined Elite Wolves and it was good for a while. I had a salary of $90 which was quite a lot for the time. Back then a peruvian proplayer earned between 30-90$ a month (and 90 was still a fringe value reserved for those that were lucky enough to find a generous organization). Sadly, with that amount of money we could not cover the basics. Especially regarding food. Most days we ate cold cereal or whatever we could muster. Most people thought that we made tons of cash, but they are now starting to realize that this is simply not true and we did not live the lavish life that everyone said we did. It seems like a dumb clarification but it is important to note that it was a huge sacrifice to be a pro player in Peru, back in the day. At the end of the day we kept at it because it was what we loved to do and the sacrifice was worth it.

Many organizations back in the day made a good amount of money and they took advantage of the talent and naïvete of many players. Nobody ever said anything because it might hurt one's career to speak out and they can't predict the community's reaction but at this point I think everyone deserves to know the truth. We fought with tooth and nail to improve the conditions of pro players in the Peruvian community and we gave it our all so that we could accomplish our dreams.

This leads to another problem. When the match fixing scandal occurred, it was our manager, someone with whom we had had many problems in the past, who spoke to Valve exclusively. He was one of the many people that took advantage of our lack of experience and we still had a couple unsolved monetary issues with him as well. To this day I am still unsure what kind of communication he held with Valve but we never had the opportunity to express our version of the story.

There were many things that motivated our team to match-fix. There's a point when you are close to shutting down due to desperation that you start to make bad decisions. Some people in the team had no money for food or to live on and what little we had to share was not enough to help them. I was not the one who coordinated the matchfixing, as I would have never been able to incite or motivate others to take such decisions. The truth is that I just followed my teammates, even if I didn't agree with them. That was my worst mistake and it led me to being involved with something that ruined my career.

I have always been an introverted person but I was recognized due to my Dota prowess and the advancements I made in the community. That is why people started to follow me and the hispanic community gave me a lot of their love. Some people still hold to that positive feeling to this day, despite everything that happened.

We have a great community that supports us, not just from Peru but from many Hispanic and non Hispanic countries as well. The support from these people and their words of encouragement are what help me keep going as a competitive player in Dota 2.

I don't look to excuse myself in front of your eyes, I am only writing this so that everyone understands the conditions that pro-gamers lived under in Peru. I want people to acknowledge that, back then, organizers took advantage of players due to their lack of experience and ignorance.

Recently, this has changed but only slightly. Many organizations don't say anything but they continue to exploit players and those who seek retributions are quickly swept under the rug. We were at the forefront of the e-sports movement in Peru and we wanted to open a path for the community to follow so that nobody would have to live under our conditions or suffer the exploitation that we suffered.

We were also the first Peruvian team to gain international recognition. We hoped, despite our failings, that we could help our community grow to the point that it'd be recognized as a powerhouse internationally for all the untapped talent that is still present here.

We are glad to see that new Peruvian players have managed to participate in big tournaments, such as The International, as it is a dream that we all share here, but we also feel frustrated at our inability to complete for the same dream.

In case many of you are wondering, we continue to play to this day and we compete in the few tournaments that allow us to participate. We dedicate ourselves entirely to these tournaments but every day there are stronger and better prepared teams as more and more teams are able to compete internationally.

These past two years we have fought against our own frustration for being sanctioned. Many people promised to help us, like the organization Thunder Awaken (the last team we were a part of). In the end, they were little more than snake oil vendors who did not stick to their word. We didn't publicly state this as some people still hope that one day our ban will be revoked. However, I have to continue forward but my emotional stability is depleting. My skill level has decreased, mainly due to the lack of motivation I feel due to being banned, and I wish you guys understood how hard it is for one to do their best with that burden on their mind. Sometimes, I even think that in our last tournament, The Final Match, we could have performed better. We did what we could, given our situation. Recently, though, I've met many people that been trying to guide me and that have cheered me on to continue improving and fighting for what I love.

Currently, I stream daily on Twitch. When I stream I teach and share my experience to whomever wants to listen. I offer classes to casual players, I share my matches, ... Essentially I do whatever I can to continue to support the community that has given us so much over the years. I love Dota and it is my only passion. I have not stopped playing Dota a single day since I was banned.

My last goal was to achieve 10k MMR before the ranked system changed to the new one. I fought day in and day out to achieve this goal. I fought against myself, against my own frustration, and I just try to carry on with my life. I was really close to the goal buy I didn't make it. I would love it if you guys could continue to support me in my journey.

Finally, before I conclude this letter, I'd like you guys to know that every word written in this statement comes accompanied with the grief that I feel. They are written from the heart and soul of a proplayer whose goals are no longer possible but who dares to dream and keeps his hopes up for a miracle some day.

Many people have told me to leave Dota aside. They said I should start a new path elsewhere. I don't know, I love Dota and I don't think it's possible for me to leave it. I will give everything I have until I am physically forced to step aside to continue with my life outside of Dota. Regardless, I don't want anyone to think ill of me or my team.

For now we are young but in a couple years we will be old. Events like these are the ones that truly make you mature and realize that a single decision can drastically impact your life. I have many dreams and goals that have become unachievable due to this ban. This is why I'm asking you, if this letter reaches anyone from Valve, please consider lifting or setting a time limit for my ban. I apologize profusely for all the trouble caused, both to Valve and to the community as a whole, and I will continue regreting my decision the rest of my life, regardless of what occurs going forward.

With this letter I pray that those who know me and those who don't, understand the reality of Esports and organizations in Peru. I also hope you understand the nature of my actions and what factors motivated me to commit them. More importantly, though, I hope that this letter reaches someone with dreams akin to mine and it motivates him to pursue them, as we are all dreamers at heart. I know that with this letter we won't make all the hatred disappear but I hope that those who hate us blindly at least question their feelings before doing so.

Thank you,

Bryan Freddy Machaca Siña SmasH

submitted by /u/smashdota2
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Congratulations to the Winners of MDL Macau Minor!

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:50 AM PST

OG wins in finals vs TNC 2-0

submitted by /u/Lepojka1
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Team Empire Twitter about Optic

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:14 AM PST

Congratulations to the Winner of ROG masters 2017

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:59 AM PST

Empire beats Optic Gaming 3-2

submitted by /u/ihearturtits
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Morph now steals the enemy hats as well.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:39 AM PST

All I want for Christmas is you

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:05 AM PST

Found this gem in Dota 2 gamepedia

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:53 PM PST

I started creating a drafting chart around my hero-pool to help me better approach pub. games with common scenarios and enemy picks

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST

path of exile just added an ice frog pet OSFrog

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:06 PM PST

Divine 5+ Matchmaking has drastically changed for the worse a few days ago

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:09 AM PST

A few days ago after a small update the matchmaking algorithm has changed. Ever since then players in the high ranks (1-200+~) have been matched with players of much lower skill. Although there have been quite a few LANs happening recently, I don't think the small amount of players missing is the cause of the problem.

Games went from looking like this:

Ex1 Ex2 Ex3

To looking like this:

Ex1 Ex2 Ex3

Sometimes (albeit very rarely) the games are like before; But most games post change look like the examples above.

And if the games I linked above aren't enough proof you can simply click on the watch tab and you will see games like this or this (these are the highest and first 2 games I clicked on).

I assume that this happened because Valve wanted to reduce the queue times for the top 15~20 players that basically queued an hour for every game. But another solution has to be found. Currently many of my friends that are affected by this have stopped playing solo queue, started playing party or even completely quit for a few days. (Also my dota feed over the last 3 days has looked like this: 1 2 3 4

And here are some quick examples of people quitting solo q because of the terrible matchquality: Luna 4k Storm 9k (pre-systemchange)

I'm posting on reddit because it's been ~4 days since the change and nothing has happened yet and I would really like to be able to play ranked solo Q games (esp. as a support player..), and so does everyone else in D5+

submitted by /u/Jabbz
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When you want to play a normal game but your party insists on playing Ability Draft

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:53 PM PST

It's almost 2018 and Valve refused to patch Particle exploit

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 02:14 AM PST

It's exist almost 2 years or something, Particle sent to local client from the fog. And valve pretend they didn't know about this and refused to patch.

How does these Particles exploit work?

So, basically if some unit cast spell from the fog it sends the Particles data to the client. Something like Lina spells, TP Particle, neutral creep that could heal, etc.

Why did this consider semi maphack? Because they could detect your position as long you were attacking or cast a spell under the fog.

This is really annoying when the enemy just know your position while you were performing Roshan, TP from the fog to the location outside enemy vision or jungling because it still renders its particle while attacking or casting a spell under the fog.

Proof? Check this:

Another proof? This one spell casting under fog

That was a feature called jungle maphack, as you can see it render particle when heroes attacking/castings spell under fog that makes jungle maphack possible to build.

And another things like why people still able to create hacks using modified VPK? Hello Valve? Patch please.

submitted by /u/naran48
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Bug: Crystalys and Daedalus Crit on Wratih King insta kills Creeps

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:35 AM PST

Funfact if you use the active of Bloodthorn on a crepp wk insta kills that creep because he crits. edit.: and yes he gets skeleton charges from those crits

submitted by /u/NiceTry-
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high behaviour-score trashtalk

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:24 PM PST

I don't know what happened but CK was stuck like this the whole hero pick.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:12 AM PST

Bulldog, Xyclopz combo so good.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:28 AM PST

Enjoying every second of the stream. Need more of this pls.

submitted by /u/Kenrockkun
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Server connection issues EU

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:10 AM PST

I keep getting the "Failing to ready up" message even tho i click the accept button, i just keep getting the red message. (im at 15 minutes wait time now)

submitted by /u/bmfalex
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MidOne is back

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:56 PM PST

Battle Cups - How Dota is meant to be played

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:19 AM PST

Jerax saves Notail's Tiny with ES kick (MarsTV league)

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:23 AM PST

Ever wondered what Tinker looks like without the mask?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 12:25 AM PST

OG Jerax escapes death twice

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:35 PM PST

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