Diablo - Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 12/05/17

Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 12/05/17

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 24 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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If Blizz ruins D3 with a new patch I will be very disappointed.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

This patch is amazing and has brought me back to D3 for a very long time if it continues to improve like this.

With so many viable builds I just want to try them all and push them all as high as possible. To actually do this with a "regular adult life" will take a while but that's ok and it will keep me invested in D3 for a long time.

But if the next patch undoes this awesomeness I don' think it will make me want to stick around. Just buff the lagging builds please and continue to reach that "perfect" balance point.

Kudos blizz team on the awesome patch. Loving Diablo all over again.

submitted by /u/Scylla1984
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Now for real, what's the best (smoothest / most enjoyable) Necromancer speedfarm build (set) for TXIII at paragon 1000

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:04 PM PST

Is there any at all? Some seem very clunky, some feel not so strong. I've fallen in love with the class after playing znecro for a while and now I wanna do everything with it.

submitted by /u/ivanthedevil
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Deathwish reroll advice

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST


Received this bad boy earlier today and unsure of what to reroll for.

Any advice is appreciated.

Edit: Thanks for all the advice. I think I am going to use as is for now. Once I get more used to the playstyle I'll decide what I would rather roll. Appreciate everyone's input, brought up some good points I didn't know about.

submitted by /u/slave0
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Which Furnace is better out of the two?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:32 PM PST

Both of these furnaces are rerolled with cdr on them and I was wondering which furnace is stronger.

 1st Furnace 

1868 - 2307 Damage

1436 Strength

1440 Vitality

10% CDR

45% Elite Damage

 2nd Furnace 

1773 - 2184 Damage

1352 Strength

1322 Vitality

10% CDR

50% Elite Damage

submitted by /u/LeanBrox
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Trying to push with Condemn Crusader

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:45 PM PST

I just had a few questions regarding Condemn Crusader. Dfans and Icy Veins both have similar builds but with a few major differences.



  1. For solo pushing GR, is it better to have Unity or CoE in the cube?

  2. I've seen different equip variations for this build. First one being: Equip Illusory Boots with Leoric's Crown cubed. Second is Aquila Cuirass equipped with Illusory Boots cubed. Which one is better to run?

  3. Which belt, between String of Ears, Vigilante and Witching Hour, is better to run?

  4. Which weapon, between Furnace and Blade of Prophecy, do you equip and which do you cube?

  5. Is rolling a slot on my shield worth it?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/hvrry3k
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New to Seasons, when should I jump to GR?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:00 PM PST

Hi guys , I just came back to the game a couple weeks ago.

Right now I have a 70 Crusader, DH and I'm leveling a Monk. The Crusader has the 4 set pieces from the Seasonal Journey.

I am running Rifs on T1 and I take about 5-10 minutes to get to the Guardian, an then he is dead within 2 minutes (so let's say it takes me 10 to clear the riff) at what point can I says : Lets do some GR, I have several keys but I think it would be a waste to try right now.

Is there a good rule of thumb so I can feel ready to jump on a GR?

submitted by /u/Ekudar
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Anyone willing to do the boss rush conquest tonight?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:16 AM PST

My interest is starting to wane doing the Years of war conquest. Looking for some people to do the 20 min boss rush conquest.

Griever#1346, NA server 730pm-10pm tonight.

Any takers? I have a fire bells monk and IK Hota so it should be a breeze with 1 other.


submitted by /u/Griever114
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So I'm Curious...

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:46 PM PST

I have been a long time casual diablo player. I have recently returned to the game and was wondering if there was any way to tell how large the remaining player base is? Does anyone know this?

submitted by /u/FallenSnipr33
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Looking for people to play with!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:42 PM PST

Hey everyone i am looking for some new friends to play diablo with so i thought why not ask here , i am in americas region and am 700 paragon . I am trying to gear my necro but i also have a dh that is decently geared. Atm i have nobody to play with and it seems my clan never wants to so let me know your battletag if your interested!

submitted by /u/Rispolii
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I think I have lost gems I have put out to level with faster character

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:22 AM PST

I have made a new HOTA barb and put out gems I had levelled a bit. Wanted to put them up with WW one. Put the gems out of HOTA and when I logged to WW one, the gems were out of stash. I remember I put them there. No armory used.

Seems strange. Lost lvl 70 Stricken, left as spare. And two others I was levelling for my HOTA. At least it wasn't the lvl 100 esoteric, which is still on my sup barb...

Anybody experienced the similar stuff?

submitted by /u/RadTang
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