Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-12-09]

Daily Questions [2017-12-09]

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

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Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Bungie, the Infinite Forest has the potential for a "Legacy Raid" System.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:09 AM PST

There is a big % of the playerbase that would love to re-play the raids of Destiny 1 on Destiny 2, but of course, that's not lore friendly, and you really can't redo the same DLC for D2.

That's where the Infinite Forest comes in.

Knowing the intro of CoO, and how the Infinite Forest works in the lore, its not really a bad idea to re-introduce old raids, it would be Lore Friendly, because after all its a simulation, so no lore breaking stuff happening here.

Also, it would give CoO the extra spice it needs, and of course, it doesn't need to be inmediate, an old "new" raid could come (for free if you own CoO) with each new Season.

For Example, at the start of Season 3 you could introduce Vault of Glass, with Season 4, Crota's End, and so on, same rewards, same mechanics, some updates required to make it work, but overall, the same thing we played on Destiny 1.

In my opinion the entire Infinite Forest is just potential waiting to be used, you guys already toyed aroud with a horde mode, I think this Legacy Raid system will do wonders, and will to some degree, the end-game activities problem, and of course it can coexist with the Raid Lair system of the newer DLC2 and such.

Your thoughts*?

submitted by /u/Ancop
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Its really ironic that we have a mic drop emote and we are mutes

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:20 AM PST

So the raid team are really happy that people loved the raid lair

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:31 AM PST

"The reaction to the first Raid Lair was a huge morale boost to the team today. We make Destiny because we love Destiny, and we want to continue to make experiences that make our community excited to log in."

submitted by /u/TheCancerousDrake
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If nothing else, this Prometheus Lens business is proof we need Mayhem Clash back pronto.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:51 AM PST

Because, yeah, the Lens is super broken, but it's awesome to feel powerful again.

You wanna make the entire rest of the game a wet noodle fight, okay, but at least give us one playlist where we can have fun and feel like actual space warriors.

submitted by /u/Nght-Nght
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Why is trials and heroic strikes behind a paywall with curse of osiris DLC? Like wtf? I paid $60 and i can't play trials now?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:15 AM PST

I know you did it for that sweet Eververse $$$, but consumable shaders suck.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:16 AM PST

I get it. With popular shaders being behind Eververse, players are more likely to drop money on Bright Engrams to get more of their favorites, and since they're consumable and behind RNG, they'll often come back for more. Gotta hand it to you, Bungie, the way you victimize people with addictive personalities, or those who just want to change their fucking color, is brilliant.

But it sucks. I'd love to put on my Tarnished Copper shader, but I've literally only gotten three of them. I don't even use shaders on my gear anymore because I don't have enough, and don't want to waste them. Not to mention the glimmer cost to apply.

Didn't have to worry about this back in D1. I mean, the ability to apply to individual pieces, weapons, etc. is a great improvement, but shaders really shouldn't be consumable. Please, Bungie, make shaders unlimited use again. I'd say free to apply too, but I'd probably be asking for too much.

submitted by /u/AlphaSSB
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For the love of Osiris, PLEASE make the “Past” Mercury a Patrol Zone

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:06 PM PST

"Make Mercury Great Again"

submitted by /u/cgrabowski
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[DLC Spoilers] This Alexa product placement is getting ridiculous...

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

This whole “micro transaction-gate” has blown up beyond this sub.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

Scrolling through my home feed I saw this post from r/gaming and it has over 40k upvotes! D2 is being lumped in with EAs shit show, SWBF2.

I'm not hoping this will all spark an honest response but I hope this sets a new standard going forward with publishers and game developers.

Edit: I'm glad people are chiming in. Please keep it civil and remember that just because you disagree or can't see where someone is coming from, doesn't make their opinions any less valid than yours. We love Destiny and through these discussions we can hopefully find a middle ground where micro transactions exist but playing a much smaller role than they currently do. Bring it in line with D1 EV? Who knows.

Edit 2: many commenting are right - that they are exaggerating the extent of the content lock out in this post. My posting this was simply to show that it goes beyond our little salt echo chamber and on a much larger scale. We are already a minority on this sub so I think more coverage is a good way to bring it to the forefront instead of a glossy fluffy TWAB post.

submitted by /u/Dirty03
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Bungie. Take a real good look at Prometheus Lens before the nerf. It's not broken in PVE.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:15 PM PST

Fun? Yes. Powerful? yes. Broken? No. Overpowered? No.

Having spent an excessive amount of time with Prometheus Lens since Xur has sold it, I've come to realize the only place it needs to be addressed is in PVP. The weapon does an incredible job with clearing ads and dealing some sweet damage. But it's become clear that there are still many moments where a normal primary or a power weapon is actually more handy.

Do right by us Bungie, and leave the gun alone in PVE. Don't make it another Vex Mythoclast. It was absolutely broken in PVP when it came out. That led to massive, ongoing nerfs that made it a waste of space. Your developers spent a great deal of time crafting the design of this weapon. Don't give us a reason to shelve it.

submitted by /u/billingsworld
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Bungie if you're ever going to add modifiers to heroic strikes please don't make them terrible.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:05 AM PST

Like the modifiers we have now are fucking garbage apart from maybe one or two, the worst ones are momentum and wells of light nobody wants to fucking run every 5 seconds just to regenerate health.

submitted by /u/phatballs911
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Prometheus Lens ttk is a little too fast. Everything else is just too slow. Can we meet in the middle somewhere?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:54 AM PST

[SPOILER] How to get double the damage phases for the final boss

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

Hi there, Just finished raid lair with my team and discovered something that might help a lot of people into getting the dps needed for the boss. The clouds that spawn to destroy his shield are in a sequence before his wipe-mechanic.
It goes like this:
Void -> Solar -> Arc.
So u can get 2 damages in between wipe mechanics instead of one!
Here is an example.
The arc plate guy sees 2 arc and 1 solar cloud. So u'll get the 2 craniums on the arc and 1 on the solar one. Then 3 the remaining should go like this:
2 arc -> 2 void;
1 solar -> 1 arc;
Simply said, u would require 3 arc craniums, 2 void and 1 solar. So simply place all the craniums and as soon u have the first 3 craniums that are required to break the shield use them for dps, then simply go and grab the other 3 and get another damage phase.
Btw what i'm saying is between wipe phases, not all during the fight. As soon the wipe mechanic happens and u defend against it, a whole new set randomly spawned clouds appear, this only applies between damage phases.

submitted by /u/Thizgo
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Weren't we promised a new social space?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:56 AM PST

Maybe I'm not recalling the pitch properly, but I swear they said the lighthouse was going to be a new social space. Are we supposed to start calling Devrim's perch a social space now?

submitted by /u/mabrown74
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Whoever designed "The Colony" give them a raise.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:16 AM PST

This weapon is really fun. Finally a grenade launcher that I'll use. I haven't stepped into Crucible with it yet, but I can say it's a lot of fun in PVE. Watching the spider bots climb walls and go around obstacles to find it's target is just greatness. Bungie, more Exotics like this, please!

EDIT: For anyone who hasn't seen this weapon yet, it's a Grenade Launcher that fires robot spiders that seek out enemies.

submitted by /u/Mattman_Fish
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If you're in the Eververse menu in the tower, Tess won't blather on incessantly.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:11 AM PST

If you're like me, once you pick up stuff from the postmaster it's time to play Inventory Tetris for 5 minutes trying to get rid of unneeded stuff. It doesn't take long to get sick of the constant repetitive VO lines from the tower inhabitants.

If you talk to Tess and go into the Eververse menu, she'll greet you, then all the VO will stop, even hers. No more "sent it back to Fenchurch", no more lost children, nobody's smuggling wormspore out to the city. You can go into the inventory screen and dismantle, remantle, and infuse stuff in peace.

Edit: As /u/MuhDrehgonz points out this works in other vendor screens too. It even works in the postmaster menu.

submitted by /u/Berzercurmudgeon
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Lady Efrideet was fighting with us during the Red War.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:11 AM PST

-COSMOS SHELL- "For Ghosts who wonder at the majesty of the universe."

Lore: The old doubts came back when the Light went out. But the iron in her bones, worn and rusting as it was, never buckled. The Light was gone, but holding a sniper rifle still felt right. She marched into the City beneath a refugee's hood, took up a roost in the building with the white rabbit, and killed 216 Cabal with 199 bullets. She cried when the Traveler woke up before her eyes. At her hip a radio blinked to life. It had gone quiet when the Red Legion attacked. She answered it with trembling fingers. "I know," she said. "I can see it. I can feel it.""Even the stars are brighter now," said the voice on the radio. "The whole cosmos is ablaze." She closed her eyes. "I can't wait to see it. I'm coming home. Efrideet out."

Lady Efrideet, the best sniper in Destiny and one of the last living Iron lords, who swore to be a pacifist, took up arms to help win the war against the Red Legion without many people knowing. Bungo, bring this amazing character back in to the game.

submitted by /u/iHM01u
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Bungie, Prometheus Lens in Crucible is a blast right now. A playlist specifically for crazy game modes would be something I'd never stop playing.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:20 PM PST

Everyone and their mother has a PL right now and for good reason. A buddy and I just ran about two hours of crucible and I'd say at least 6/8 people were using it as their main weapon each match including the two of us.

And you know what? I had an absolute blast. Yes the weapon is broken but when everyone has it it changes the Crucible into something completely different. The incoming nerf is well deserved but what if we could have it both ways?

Imagine a new crucible playlist specifically for overpowered and crazy modes. Bungie has shown their willingness to do that in the past with Halo and in the more recent past with things like Mayhem Clash. Let's take it a step further and incorporate gun types and environmental modifiers into the mix. A few suggestions:

  • Lasertag: trace rifles only
  • Paintball: sidearm only, one shot kill
  • Ringout: map is a raised platform, Tractor Cannon only, infinite ammo
  • Pike Wars: spawn on a pike, cannot dismount it
  • Shuffle The Deck: primary weapon changes on each respawn

You could even work the lore angle and say that Shaxx has cooked up some new scenarios to test our guardians' resolve under extreme circumstances.

What do you guys think? Who wants to see a fiesta-style playlist in the crucible?

EDIT: A handful of other threads from the front page echo this idea. The majority of comments seem to be positive in hoping for an action sack type of playlist. C'mon Bungie!

Suggestions from the comments:


  • To the Nines: no limit to number of exotics equipped
  • Lightning: movement speed and reload speed are boosted to 300%
  • Exotic Roulette: each time you empty your magazine your weapon is replaced with a new random exotic weapon.
  • Ordinance Rally: explosions from grenades, supers, rocket launchers and grenade launchers have +100% blast radius and do bonus damage.
  • Iron Legends: all players are equipped with gjallarhorn with unlimited ammo. instant respawns.
  • Watch your step!: explosive crates are placed all over the map, killing an enemy with an environmental hazard is worth 3x points.
  • Relic Museum: ascendant swords, aegis shields and scorch canons are placed all around the map.
  • Traveler's Gift: weapons are removed, supers recharge in 20 seconds and grenades recharge instantly.
  • Barrage: all weapons fire in full auto and gain a 50% boost to rate of fire. power plates: blue and red plates are scattered across the map, players only deal 50% of their normal damage unless they are standing on a red plate and can only recover health and shields while standing on a blue plate.
  • Joust: players can only have swords equipped. Players have unlimited heavy ammo.


  • Glass Cannon: decreased health for decreased time to kill
  • Mayhem: faster ability recharge
  • Empowered: guardians spawn and respawn with power ammo
  • Low gravity: higher jumps, and slower falls
  • Chosen: one player on each team is randomly imbued with a large buff to health and other stats, and killing this player grants the killer's team bonus points towards winning the match. The buff makes effected players glow (like an enraged knight), and it rotates to another player upon death of the wielder.


  • Ultra King: Think team King of the Hill, except ALL vehicles are allowed on the map. Pikes, Heavy Pikes, Interceptors, sparrows, and even the tank.
  • Stolen Light: Free for all. All players start with 20% Super energy and max load on all ammo. Kills 'steal' (just add to you but not actually reduce other players) 20% of the super energy of the players you kill. Incentive to kill fast and super often as you never know if you'll top someone off.
  • Highlander: Infinite ammo swords only with limited lives per player. Last man standing wins.
  • Slappers: Goldeneye 007 returns. No weapons, just melee attacks. Exotics to modify attack properties are kosher. (Karnstein, etc)
  • Corruption: Modified Zombie game mode. Any kill by zombies turns a guardian. Ability kills on a zombie return them to the light side. Regular kills just make corrupted guardians respawn.


  • Sparrow Jousting: Let people equip a sword on a sparrow and let the loose in an arena. Or maybe a giant lance on the front of the sparrow so you'd have to hit people head on.


  • Shotty Snipe: self explanatory


  • Dodgeball: sticky grenades only
  • Sumo: use interceptors to push each other off

Since a bunch of the responses are related to Grifball, here are my takes on a few Halo modes:

  • Grifball: essentially Rift from D1 but everyone has swords with unlimited ammo and orb passing is enabled
  • Oddball: same as above but the orb must be brought back to your own base and players have their normal loadouts
  • King of the Hill: only one of three control points active at a time. Score increases as you hold the zone and as you get kills.
  • SWAT: no shields
submitted by /u/valdogg21
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[Spoiler] The current Raid Lair takes place BEFORE the Leviathan

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:44 AM PST

My theory: After the first set of Puzzles, the Cabal instantly attacks you then Calus calls them off and says he's never met this Guardian before. This is in stark contrast to the reception you get in the Leviathan Raid where he prepares an honour Guard of sort to welcome you. He also speaks to you as though he's familiar with you.

At the end of the Raid Lair he teleports us from being destroyed and says something to the effect of "I won't let your death be in vain. Let this be a lesson: I can offer you something greater than Light. I'm beginning to think that there is more to you than the cosmic power you wield." He even mentions that you disposed of Ghaul for him, something he never talks about in the main Raid.

What's also interesting is that the Raid Lair icon is also to the left of the main Raid and the icon for the next lair is to the right. I think the next one is going to take place after the events of The Leviathan.

From a lore perspective, it seems as though we caught his attention in the Raid lair and he invited us back to face his tests to prove ourselves worthy. It would definitely make a lot of what he says in Raid make more sense.


submitted by /u/thematrixblue
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The ELI5 Problem, or Why Destiny 2's Writing is so Unsatisfying

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:40 AM PST

So, on the sub /r/ELI5 ('Explain Like I'm Five') one of the first rules on the sidebar is to not actually explain things to people like they're actually a five-year-old. In the context of the sub, 'ELI5' is a euphemism for, 'explain like I'm a layman (i.e., have no specific/professional knowledge of whatever discipline is being asked about). The rule has a dual purpose: it prevents answers from being condescendingly simplified, and it implies a certain base level of intelligence on the part of the questioner. Additional clarifying questions are encouraged, and ultimately the point is the questioner gets to a basic level of understanding through asking those questions.

The problem with Destiny 2's writing is that it is an ELI5'd universe that completely misses the nuance of the ELI5 sub.

To put it clearly, the writing in Destiny is so simplistic and straightforward that there is nothing of interest. It's just archetype after archetype, trope after trope. Cayde-6 is 'funny robot guy', Asher Mir is 'condescending intellectual asshole', Devrim Kay is 'gentleman with Received Pronunciation who is proper and encouraging' etc. etc. You've met all these characters before–once you've been in a single mission with them, you know exactly how they're going to act for the rest of the story going forward. To some extent, this is kind of a function of writing characters–it is incredibly difficult to write characters out of the paradigm in which you have spent your entire lives writing.

However, as any good writer can tell you, it is your job to take those tropes and make them interesting.

I think a good place to start with 'fixes' and constructive criticism is Cayde-6, because out of all the characters in Destiny, his characterization has suffered the most from having his main trait–his 'funniness'–incredibly, horribly, insultingly overwritten.

Listen to the Cayde-6 who does the introduction in the Vanilla Destiny strike, Winter's Run:

If anything, he sounds somber. Almost sad? Like, there's something there besides just the jokester that became the main focus of the narrative in D2. That single ten-second line is more interesting to me than the entirety of the Destiny 2 Cayde-6 because it makes me think about what happened to Cayde. Why is he so quiet (he's never quiet in D2!)? Is this a personal thing to him? Does the Queen intimidate him? Why isn't he joking about stuffing a grenade down the Priest' throat? Anytime Cayde speaks in D2, I know that I can basically tune it out because he never has anything worthwhile to say. It's just 'what was that, I've been turned into an idiot for cheap one-off jokes', or, 'ohhh, you're so serious, lighten up a little bit'. I understand that Destiny values its comedic relief, but it should be just that: relief. The comedic relief should never be the focus a character; it should be aspect of the character. Cayde-6 could absolutely be the irreverent joker of the three Vanguards, but that does not mean that he shouldn't be anything else. What if he was the 'class clown' most of the time, but there were times where suddenly (or not!) he got sober, and sad, and really really serious? Imagine the heft a moment like that could have. Cayde being serious about something could mean that there was a really pivotal moment in his character development, and that is a tool that is just completely tossed by the wayside in D2. Because I guess it's better to have jokes that fall flat on their face.

Another character I'd really like to talk about that is also incredibly mistreated by his characterization is Asher Mir.

'What? That asshole?!', you say. That's exactly the problem. Here, read this Grimoire card, released in Age of Triumph in D1:

Whaaat? Where's his connection with Eris come from?? What happened to his ghost?? Where's all this connection? What are the Gensym Scribes, why is Eris connected with them? What does Asher know about Eris and her job?? What's the context of their relationship?? His personality was so legendarily difficult that Eris smiled at the memory of it??

Those are all really interesting questions that have so many ways to be explored–maybe scanning a taken rift will prompt Asher to mention some of Eris' research into Oryx, and how he was just thinking of her, and he trails off, trying not to show he cared about another's research. Or maybe you find a similar stone like Eris' in one of the missions on Titan, and it sticks around in your inventory until Ikora suggests you show it to Asher! Or Ghost mentions seeing the faint trace of Eris' rebuilt ship, showing some sign of remorse about her original one destroyed in TTK.

Instead of that, we get this irascible jackass who pisses off 90% of players for no explained reason, and it's just ... it's just a waste. This could be a really cool character, who provides a real anchor to a (noticeably!) absent D1 character. Who has a horrible urgency about him because he is literally being turned into a vex à la Kabr, and only has a set amount of time before he is literally eaten alive from the inside out. How terrifying is that–and how much more of a sympathetic character does it make Asher Mir? By completely failing to explain why Asher Mir is a real jerk, Bungie has done him an incredible disservice.

Now, because this post will likely push 10k characters, I want to just do three examples. But, it's important to note that I could very easily write one of these blurbs about ... frankly, pretty much any character in Destiny 2. Any of them is simply the tip of the iceberg in-game. There are so many tensions, and histories, and depth to these characters that is only hinted at, or just ... left out, because ... ? I think so much of my frustration stems from just this ... incredible wasted potential.

On to the character who has been the most recent source of pure, distilled frustration (and arguably the spur to finally write this post): Brother Vance.

Whooo boy, okay, I need to go pour myself a glass of wine or something to prevent this from becoming (more of) a rant, but in the meantime read his transcripts from Destiny 1, when he was the arbiter of Trials of Osiris:

I wouldn't say that his character is the most fully developed in Destiny 1, but at least there's something there. He's been selected by Osiris (for whatever reason) to oversee Trials, he's kicking back with the queen, he 'was a Guardian, but no longer'? Like, there's stuff to explore.

In Curse of Osiris, Brother Vance has become The Big Bang Theory of Destiny. That is a very bad thing. He's not someone who you can laugh with about the mystery surrounding Osiris, or even learn about Osirian lore with. He's just this incredibly cringe-y fanboy. And that is super shitty. It's not funny. I don't why they did that to his character, but if it was supposed to be, 'hahah look at this nerd', I'm not a heartless asshole. Brother Vance in D2 is just sad, and playing on Mercury or missions where he's talking just make me feel bad. It's not a fun experience, even in a schaudenfreude kinda-way. Like, shit, he's written multiple books, annnd ... we're supposed to laugh at that. He's Osiris' public face, annnd ... we're supposed to laugh at that. He's never met Osiris, but would really like to, and Ikora is just a huge jerk to him, annnd ... we're supposed to laugh at that. Who at Bungie thought it would be a good idea to have a real character exist for the sole purpose of being laughed at? I don't laugh at Brother Vance, I just feel bad for him.

He could have been this cool, scholarly, mysterious Osiris-lore person, who actually has knowledge and interest in super relevant things to this expansion. Instead, he's been reduced to this Osiris-obsessed (but weirdly egotistical) sad nerd who just ... makes you feel bad. It just sucks, man.

The common thread with these three characters (and throughout Destiny 2 as a whole), is that the characters struggle to reach two-dimensional, and often are simply one dimensional. There is just no depth to any of the characters in game.

One of the exercises that I learned getting my literature degree throughout college was this idea of expressing characters in the most succinct way possible. The more succinct you could get, the less likely it was that there was all that much to explore. Obviously, that kind of evaluation is subjective, but still:

Cayde: 'funny'
Zavala: 'serious'
Ikora: 'collected'
Ghost: 'annoying'
Devrim: 'gentleman'
Sloane: 'businesslike'
Failsafe: 'crazy'
Asher: 'grumpy'

The list goes on.

I don't necessarily want to say that there is no depth and no good writing in Destiny 2, because that's not entirely true. But it very much does feel as if the player is being spoon-fed the story, and there's just nothing that we can't take completely at face value. Where's the intrigue, where's the depth, where's the room for speculation? I'm not advocating for cop-outs ('I don't have time to explain why ...'), but I certainly am advocating for writing that actually makes players think. Sure, plenty of young kids play Destiny, but many many teenagers and adults play it too, and it's not too much to ask for the story to be interesting to us, too. And why are we writing dumb for our kids anyways? Let 'em question a bit, please.

TLW; The writing of Destiny 2 is overly simplistic, which is a disservice to both the universe and the players.

submitted by /u/XKCD_423
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For the love of the Nine, the Traveler, Osiris, Oryx, Atheon, and other gods... please let me dismantle more than 1 shader at a time.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:20 PM PST

Please... the legendary shaders in my mailbox need me. Either make the dismantle a spammable for anything less than legendary or allow us a "Dismantle All" option... think of the children.

Edit: Spammable not flammable (no fires other than Prometheus Lens) and "make" not "male", we don't discriminate by gender.

submitted by /u/j0324ch
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I made my boyfriend a hand-bound hard-cover Grimore for our first meeting.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST

So me and my boyfriend are both cosplayers and met through mutual friends. He lives in Sydney, Australia and I live in Portland, Oregon. We decided to finally meet each other a few months back after we both got done with the conventions we were attending. (I went to PAX West and he went to DragonCon.)

Me being the best girlfriend ever decided to make him an Iron Lord themed giftbox since he was cosplaying as Lord Saladin. It included lots of PNW stuff and some cool themed stuff like a damascus knife and a Iron Wolf Pin that was hand made by a local blacksmith. Besides that it included these.

The Hardcover Grimoire was all formatted, printed, folded, sewn, glued, and bound by hand over a 6 month period. I used pleather and Gold Iron Vynil to do the Solar system design on the front. Sadly, I don't have very many pictures of the process since it was a well guarded secret. But I really am happy with how it turned out considering it was my first time making a book and it ended up being around 400 double sided pages.

The 2 other items you'll see in that album are a sketch book that I got signed by the bungie team while attending PAX West and a custom fur blanket made by myself. (I'm sorry u/DeeJ_BNG if I stopped you from getting somewhere important but you really made my year!!!)

Sadly, the sketchbook is destined to never be used it seems since its "far too valuable".

EDIT: Words are hard. 'Grimoire' doesnt exist in my spell check. Funny enough, because of this. Its mispelled in the fanzine i submitted it too lol

submitted by /u/NoviceRobes
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The Day The Crucible Died.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:04 AM PST

A long, long time ago...

I can still remember

How that gamemode used to make me smile.

And I knew if I had my chance

That I could make those red-bars dance

And, maybe, I'd be happy for a while.

But Curse of Osiris made me shiver

With every headshot I'd deliver.

Bad News on the doorstep;

I couldn't shoot one more step.

I can't remember if I cried

When I read about the Lens that fried,

But something touched me deep inside

The day the Crucible died.

So bye-bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy.

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

And them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

Singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies.

"This'll be the day Rahool dies."

Did you write the book of love,

And do you have faith in Deej above,

If the TWAB tells you so?

Do you believe in RNG,

Can a random roll save your sanity,

And can you teach me how to carry real slow?

Well, I know that you're in love with him

`cause I saw you Clashin' in the gym.

You both kicked off your shoes.

Man, I dig those MIDA's and blues.

I was a lonely teenage Stormcallin' Lock

With Vigilance Wing and a pickup truck,

But I knew I was out of luck

The day the Crucible died.

I started singin',

"Bye-bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy."

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

Them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

And singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies.

"This'll be the day Rahool dies."

Now for three years we've been on our own

Freelancers queuein' up on a rollin' stone,

But that's not how it used to be.

When Prometheus sang for the king and queen,

In a slot he borrowed from Pre-Ordering

And a shot that came from you and me,

Oh, and when Mythoclast was looking down,

Prometheus stole his Thorn-y crown.

The boardroom was adjourned;

Many nerfs were returned.

And while vendors kept a book of Marks,

The fireteams practiced in the park,

And we hunted Hive Kings in the dark

The day the Crucible died.

We were singing,

"Bye-bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy."

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

Them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

And singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies.

"This'll be the day Rahool dies."

Helter skelter in Supremacy's swelter.

The crests flew off with a fallout shelter,

Five minutes left and falling fast.

It landed foul on the grass.

The Guardians tried for a forward pass,

With the Matadors on the sidelines gettin' cast.

Now the half-time air was sweet perfume

While the Wormwoods played a marching tune.

We all got up to dance,

Oh, but we never got the chance!

`cause one Guardian tried to fake the field;

But Luke Smith refused to yield.

Do you recall what was revealed

The day the Crucible died?

We started singing,

"Bye-Bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy."

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

Them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

And singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies.

"This'll be the day Rahool dies."

Oh, and there we were all in one place,

A generation lost in space

With no time left to refund again.

So come on: Sturm be nimble, Drang be quick!

Hammers blew up a candlestick

Cause Solar is the winner's only friend.

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage

My hands were slammed in Fists of rage.

No angel born in hell

Could break that Exotic's spell.

And as the beams climbed high into the night

To light the sacrificial rite,

I saw Reddit laughing with delight

The day the Crucible died

He was singing,

"Bye-bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy."

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

Them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

And singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies.

"This'll be the day Rahool dies."

I met an Exo, with eyes of blue

And I asked him for some spicy news,

But he just smiled and ate his way.

I went down to the sacred store

Where I'd grouped with others years before,

But the man there said his clanmates wouldn't play.

And in the streets: some Cuban screamed,

The streamers cried, and the writers dreamed.

But not a word was spoken;

The voice actors all were broken.

And the Little Light I admire most:

He changed his voice, now he's not my Ghost,

They caught the last train for the Lost Coast

The day the Crucible died.

And they were singing,

"Bye-bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy."

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

And them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

Singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies.

"This'll be the day Rahool dies."

They were singing,

"Bye-bye, Mister Squidly-Faced Guy."

Drove my Chevy to Tess Ev'ee,

But the levee was dry.

Them good old boys were decryptin' engrams and rye

Singin', "This'll be the day Rahool dies."

super apologies to Don McLean

edited for formatting

edit 2: thanks for gold, it will help with the impending copyright suit

submitted by /u/wxyg
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CONFIRMED: Civilians think guardians are big dumb asses that dance too much

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:12 AM PST

I've always wondered what it would be like from a civilians point of view to see us all in the tower dancing and teabagging and doing whatever we do. The lore tab for the Electronica Shell proves that they probably think we're idiots.

What Do Guardians Do When They're Not Saving the Solar System?
by Ember Hadad, Senior Editor at the City Herald

When I started my research for this piece, I expected to find that Guardians, when not waging war against alien invaders with mysterious paracausal powers, were not too different from their fellow citizens of the Last City. Readers, I was wrong. Guardians dance a lot more than we do.

"That's pretty much all they do, when I see them," says Park Soo-Yin, a maintenance worker in the Guardian headquarters. "Just dance. Sometimes in groups, sometimes all alone." "Sometimes they kind of dance 'at' each other, if you know what I mean," Vanguard technician Kweku Aglah confirms. "I feel like I'm watching the nature channel."

submitted by /u/Crinklequeef
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Bungie: If you were going to nerf shoulder charge due to a Titan's extra mobility, why not make the distance traveled from Shoulder Charge based on our actual mobility stat? At least then the stat would be somewhat useful and Shoulder Charge wouldn't be a direct nerf.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:10 PM PST


submitted by /u/Iron-Wu
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