Destiny - [D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-12-01]

[D2] Trials of the Nine Megathread [2017-12-01]

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of the Nine.

When does Trials of the Nine end?

  • Trials of the Nine ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of the Nine Map

Shores of Server Maintenance (Beep boop awaiting results)

Game Mode

Repair Rumble (Beep boop awaiting results)

7 Win Options

Beep booo awaiting results

Flawless Options

Beep boop awaiting results

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I'm ashamed to say it, but as a solo player, my enjoyment of D2's Quickplay playlist has gone up immensely since I started backing out of matches against 4-man fireteams.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:46 AM PST

I struggled against doing this for a long time. I felt like I was leaving my teammates in a worse position and dooming them to lose, and that I should do my best against whatever the game could throw at me. At the same time, however, I wanted to bang my head against a wall every time I came up against a 4-man group that roamed around teamshotting and obliterating myself and my solo teammates, who were just unfortunate enough to be matched against them.

In the end, my own personal enjoyment won out, and now I watch the roster screen, and every time I see a 4-man pop in I back out.

Since I made the choice to start doing this, my levels of fun in the Crucible have gone up significantly, and I'm actually enjoying playing at night for the first time in quite a while, and therein lies the issue.

Consistently pitting stacks of 4-mans against random solo players is not a winning strategy, and it's something that absolutely needs to be addressed. I understand there is the prevailing notion that running as a fireteam should be something that is more fun than running solo (I believe the example used was going to the bar with 3 friends is better than going alone), but the current meta promotes team play so hard that solo players are basically doomed from the start against any barely-competent team.

Fireteams need to be given the priority of matching against other fireteams. Hell, even matching a 4-man versus two 2-mans would be better than what we have now.

For an example of just how bad it really is, I got on my secondary account and played 11 games, without backing out of any lobby that it put me in.

  • 8 out of the 11 games, I was matched with a 3 or 4-man fireteam (Four 4-mans, four 3-mans).
  • 1 out of the 8 games, the fireteam was on my team (the other team was all solo players)
  • We won that game. I lost the other 7 against the 3 or 4-man teams
  • During the 7 games I lost to fireteams, I never had anyone other than other solo players on my team.

4-man fireteams don't need to strictly just play other 4-mans. The wait times would be horrendous and the type of gameplay would basically punish people for playing in groups, which we don't want. But the prevailing idea that it's okay to match 4 solo players against pre-made teams is equally absurd.

This is something we pushed for in D1 and they made a change to facilitate it, and I think it's just about time we do it again in D2.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Bungie Plz Addition: Add Fireteam Member Locations to the Map

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Howdy Guardians,

This change has been added to Bungie Plz.
Going forward, all posts suggesting this change will be removed and redirected to this Megathread.

Submitted by: /u/Exodus_Black

Date approved: 2017-12-01

Examples given: 1, 2, 3

Criteria Used:

"...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being over 5 days old), that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)."

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Perhaps PvE and PvP SHOULD be balanced separately, and Iron Banner should be a PvP event where the PvE balancing is used instead.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:54 AM PST

It fits well with the philosophy of IB already; Saladin thinks the Crucible is too tame, and that Shaxx holds Guardians back.

Also, ya know, IB would actually be interesting and unique as opposed to just being extra armor and guns.

submitted by /u/themetaloranj
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The decision point that led us to where we are now was "Fatebringer / Black Hammer / Gjallarhorn is too strong as a loadout"

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:38 AM PST

Remember when that was everyone's go-to PVE loadout? Were we limited to just that? Was the game only playable with that loadout? No, but it was DAMN FUN. And yeah, some weirdos preferred Vision of Confluence over Fatebringer. That's OK, we'll forgive that.

By the time House of Wolves came out, they started to walk back the power fantasy (remember "shank burn" on PoE weapons?)

Taken King dialed it down significantly (no more elemental primaries)

To where we are today (Slayerage aptly names our dual-primary slots the "suckass weapons")

Instead of clipping our wings from the funnest point in the game's history, couldn't Bungie have scaled up the enemies, difficulty, and encounters to match that super-fun loadout?

submitted by /u/Joey141414
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You should be able to keep playing while wait for the Guided game

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:10 AM PST

I've been trying to do some NF on Guided Games due to the lack of friends playing, But I usually need wait 10, 15 minutes on orbit doing nothing! :(

submitted by /u/caiobrentano
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I'm all for armor ornaments, but most sets will put you at a disadvantage due to low recovery. We need meaningful changes to armor.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST

As it stands unless you are using a set with high recovery you are putting yourself at a disadvantage in end game activities (the small amount there is). Armor is a system that is currently boring and lacking from any meaningful customization or impact beyond being cosmetic. This is something that should be changed or else some of the ornament sets may not be worth chasing due to the fact wearing the armor rewarded from will disadvantage you.

submitted by /u/midkelts
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Deej on Raid Lair launch: I don’t think we’re going to call World First for this one. Play it for fun, whenever it fits into your life.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

"I don't think we're going to call World First for this one. Play it for fun, whenever it fits into your life."

Edit: For context, I would like to add that this tweet was in response to someone who was upset that Bungie won't be announcing the launch date of the Raid Lair until sometime after Curse of Osiris launches

submitted by /u/n0tm4x
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If chat was left out of the game due to potential for toxicity, why are so many emotes design specifically to troll or BM?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST


Bit of a shower thought. I like the emotes and don't want to see them change, but it feels like there are double standard or miscommunication of Bungie refusing us some features because of toxicity, and then explicitly providing us with features meant to troll other players. Salty emote being the obvious example.

Heck, emotes even drop a chat-like notification to make sure it's seen by everyone.

submitted by /u/HerbaciousTea
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Bungie: Ranked is a cool system but PVP needs sandbox work first.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:18 AM PST

I think many players like the idea of ranked. Casuals can go play quickplay and we can sweat in ranked.

I'm cautiously optimistic though... I want to be excited about it but I question a ranked game mode in a game that currently has one of the lowest skill ceilings and slowest TTK'S.

I wasn't overwhelmed by the removal of 6v6, nor was I happy that we are unable to choose a game mode.

But I can live with it if the PVP you offer allows for weak players to become better and better players to be able to outperform weak players.

Its a perpetuating cycle and a part of what makes online shooters fun.

When I first started playing D1 (crota dlc) in year 1, I got wrecked at first but it was by getting wrecked in a variety of ways that allowed me to learn, develop and get good.

Now I don't want to look at d1 through rose tinted glasses and say replicate it because this is 2017, not 2015- BUT what any game needs is a nice skill ceiling OR it becomes extremely stale for skilled players and extremely patronising, less rewarding and ultimately faux for lesser skilled players.

There is honestly very little to team shooting with whatever the meta is. People can scream that its team work but ultimately, its just a veil that masks weaker players.

Having a slower ttk is allowing poorer players to react and run which encourages camping, passive plays akin to that of the snipe meta in HOW. As in, peak and get team shot instead of peak and get sniped. Sniping actually took more skill than 3 players bullet hosing a toe, arm and foot and all having it count as a kill.

Slowing the TTK discourages flanking, this must be one of the only games whereby having the drop on two players and shooting first only to then be at a disadvantage resides.

Pre Bullet hosing a corner with a shield and rift towards a mirrored image is not rewarding. Getting a kill count for clipping a titans fur with a single mida bullet is not accurately feeding skill back to the player.

If I hadnt gone 0.3 back in 2015 and adopted flanks and learned how to be aggressive there is no way id be the player I am today (not saying im nkuch but im comfortable).

So the cycle will continue. Lesser skilled players will continue to play passive and team shot- think they are skilled because they dropped a 1.7kda when really it was a 0.7 ( assists are now kills.)

Simultaneously, skilled players are castrated by the slowed movement speed, castrated by the slow TTK (In that higher skilled play is now punished *In air accuracy nerfed because 'its easier for everyone when all players are grounded', *Flanking and shooting first on 2-3 players allows them to react and not be punished for watching their space, *high skill guns such as handcannons are inferior due to no damage drop off on a high calibur, bullet hose with high AA and high mag size (uriels) and 100AA mida.

Ill close with this:

Its not that good players cant beat lesser skilled players in this sandbox, its just like telling a highly skilled mathematician to sit there and write multiples of 10 when really hes skilled enough for rocket science. He is castrated and wants more. He doesnt want to sit there and write multiples of 10 because its boring. Meanwhile lesser skilled mathematicians are happy doing multiples of ten and they're good at it and think they are great at math at long last....But its not making them any better at math its faux

Edit: In TWO instances I mistakenly wrote 'lower' instead of 'slower'. These have been amended, I made a mistake- I'm human!

Edit: hi rain

submitted by /u/ILLZtheGOD
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Instead of Timer add Soft/Hard Enrage Mechanics on Encounters in Nightfall Strikes

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:13 AM PST

I don't really hate the timer mechanic in Nightfall Strikes, but it feels they arbitrarily increase difficulty without adding much depth

I believe adding soft and hard enrage mechanics will also increase the difficulty level but it wouldn't encourage players to use camping or safe tactics. You can still have anomalies, enemy kills and rings to prevent or slow the enrage mechanics.

Example: Imagine the room where you need to kill 2 major ogres in Savathun's Song. Soft enrage mechanic can be adds that are spawning periodically with powerful ones (orange knights, wizards) coming after 4th or 5th spawn cycle. Killing anomalies give the team a damage reduction buff for a duration. Killing anomalies in a small time frame can stack its effect and increase it's duration. 1 anomaly: %20 damage reduction for 30 secs, 2 anomalies: %30 damage reduction for +15 seconds, 3 anomalies: %45 damage reduction for +5 seconds. 4 anomalies %70 damage reduction for +0 seconds. So basically a team can choose to kill enemies in a steady pace having %20 dmg reduction for 2 full minutes. Or they can try a high risk high reward tactic by killing them all and try to burn ogres with power ammo without ever dealing with additional adds. Hard enrage can be something like a special powerful add (an immune wizard) spawn on 10th cycle which periodically damages all players. If you wipe to this mechanic you will transported back to orbit.


  • The game rewards execution over rushing forward.
  • It will still require a good team to finish this activity
  • There will still be fail mechanics for those who can't manage to execute tactics or chase game goals accordingly
  • More clutch moments when you have a hard enrage mechanic active.
  • More possibilities for different and interesting challenges

Obviously this require a lot of testing and overall mechanic changes for strikes but they will become much interesting this way.

submitted by /u/ozberk
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Mobility should be named Agility and affect reload speed/handling of weapons.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST

Change the name to Agility Dexterity to better represent what it would do and give the choice when building out your character for DPS, Survivability, or Recovery as the major options. Each are attractive enough that I would not mind putting in points into each and I would have to make decisions as to which to prioritize.

Completely cut out the strafe speed effect now also and make that option as a mod/perk on guns/armor.

Now you can have a character having snappier faster gunplay at the expense of taking less damage and recovering slower, a choice that some people might prefer. Or, you're in a prestige NF and you are dying too much, you give up some dps for survivability/recovery. All good choices to me and would make me make difficult decisions as to my main armor build.


/u/Fhorte is right, Dexterity is probably a better term. haha

Also, grammar

submitted by /u/thought8
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One of my biggest problems with Destiny 2 that I rarely see mentioned here: I really miss playing rift

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:36 AM PST

I know it wouldn't be the same playing 4 on 4, but it's the one game mode where a single guardian really good at the game could still carry a shitty team in solo queing. I'd say a good 80% of my many hours in Destiny 1 was spent exclusively playing rift.

submitted by /u/LordBeric
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The one about Scourge Augmentations.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:37 PM PST

This is my first time writing up something like this. I know this likely would not be considered by anyone at Bungie. However, I feel like if anyone has an idea, they should share it if for nothing else, just to get suggestions out there. I love to play Destiny 2. It just needs some work to keep me coming back.

I want Destiny as a franchise to live up to its potential. I feel that some opportunities for some pretty cool systems are there, but not being capitalized upon. Strikes are fun, and not to beat a dead horse here, but there's not much reason to do them over other activities. Public events are fun too, but feel less rewarding once you've attained everything you want. Gear mods also don't feel like they bring as much to the table as they could. The following is something I've been working up that I feel I would enjoy, and think others would too. It adds grind, a reason to do strikes, public events, and a way to customize gear.

Below is what I call Scourge Augmentation.

With the Traveler awoken, a great deal of attention has been brought to humanity's location from the furthest reaches of the Universe. Variations of current enemy races, the likes of which we have never encountered, will soon be at our doorstep. We must be prepared for every scenario. To begin, speak with Xur, Agent of the Nine. He has coordinated with a few individuals from our System and can guide you to those who are equipped to aid us in this endeavor:

  • Vex – Asher Mir
  • Cabal - Zavala
  • Hive – Eris Morn
  • Fallen – The Crow
  • Taken – Ikora Rey

Complete quest chains from each of the above to unlock ability to gain materials for each enemy type:

  • Vex – Coagulated Radiolaria
  • Cabal – Battle-Worn Cabal Plating
  • Hive – Expired Spore Dust
  • Fallen – Ether Residue
  • Taken – Diffused Blight

These individuals will be able to use a method gained from the quest chain to turn the gathered materials into item augments. The augments can be added to our gear to enhance our ability to bring destruction to our enemies.

Materials can only be collected from strike bosses, very rarely from public events and very rarely from lost sectors. Each enemy type strike boss kill drops 2-3 of the material. For example, a Fallen strike boss will drop Ether Residue. The likelihood of receiving 2 is higher than 3. Public events would see lessened odds (~15% chance). The type of material would depend on the enemy race of the public event. Spires would be Coagulated Radiolaria, Cabal Mining would be Battle-Worn Cabal Plating, etc. Lost sectors material would drop from the boss and be based off of the boss' race.

Bring 8 of a material to the appropriate champion. Turning in 8 allows you to craft an armor augmentation. The augmentations are 1 time use, consumed upon application to armor. You can choose the slot for which you want the augmentation:

  • Helm - highlight the enemy race's weak point (only when aiming down sights and only for you)
  • Arms - killing an (enemy race) with a melee attack instantly reloads your weapons and has a small chance to generate a small orb of light.
  • Chest - you take reduced damage from (enemy race) attacks.
  • Legs - when you are damaged by an attack from (enemy race) you gain increased sprint speed for 3 seconds.
  • Class Item - super kills against (enemy race) generate 1 additional orb of light.

An example of the final process would be: Speak to Xur -> Speak to Ikora Rey -> Grind strikes or public events -> Return to Ikora Rey and turn in -> Install augment on desired gear piece.

Scourge Sets

Slotting all armor pieces with the same enemy type (every piece has a Vex augment for example) will provide additional set bonuses. This set bonus applies to your weapons globally, regardless of enemy race. It instead adds a very low proc chance feature to your weapons and one additional effect. Having a full set will also add a visual effect to your gear based on the enemy type. This visual effect can be toggled on or off based on user preference. The individual armor augments stay specific to enemy race. These set bonuses DO NOT apply to PvP. Possible set bonuses are outlined below:

Scourge of the Vex

  • Visual – Radiolaria dripping from character
  • Weapon – Time Warped Rounds – Each round of ammunition fired from your weapons travels through spacetime, simultaneously existing in multiple timelines. 5% - 10% chance on precision kill to create a time rift, pulling all small enemies within the area inside, pulling them into an alternate timeline. Large enemies take arc damage. 1 small orb of light generated per 4 small enemies removed.
  • Additional Effect – Fanatic Death – Upon death leave a pool of radiolarian light, damaging enemies that pass through it and provide a small 1 time heal to allies that pass through. (Think: Alpha Lupi heal)

Scourge of the Cabal

  • Visual – Your armor burns bright red/orange. This would be similar to the flames of the flame vents on the public event.
  • Weapon – Psionic Blast – 5% - 10% chance on precision kill to leave a psionic grenade explosion at the corpse of the enemy, causing void damage and blasting enemies into the air (identical to the Psion grenades that can knock you over the barrier on callus.)
  • Additional Effect – Psionic Reversal – Upon death leave behind a Psionic Projection of Light that lasts for 4 seconds. If the projection is hit by an ally's melee, you will be instantly revived. (Can only occur once every 2 minutes.)

Scourge of the Hive

  • Visual – Cloud of black/dark green hive spores around character.
  • Weapon – Thrall Explosion – 5% - 10% chance on precision kill to create a thrall explosion (Think: Necrochasm) I hate reusing something that was already in the game, but it works well for the set and makes sense.
  • Additional Effect – Prison of Light – Upon death leave a Hive Trap of Light. Enemies that enter trigger the trap and are stuck inside until they receive a small amount of damage. (I cant remember what they are called but these would look the same as the Savathun's Song traps, but glow with Light.)

Scourge of the Fallen

  • Visual – Cloud of Ether effects surround character.
  • Weapon – Static Discharge – 5% - 10% chance on precision kill to create a static shank area of effect at the enemy corpse, slowing affected enemies and causing damage over time.
  • Additional Effect – Reconfigured Servitor – Upon death, call upon a Servitor of Light. The servitor persists for 5 seconds and channels and overshield to nearby guardians. This does not grant the immunity that regular servitors provide the fallen.

Scourge of the Taken

  • Visual – Tints armor with the taken color scheme.
  • Weapon – Arc Blast – 5% - 10% chance on precision kill to reset the cooldown on your melee and cause your next melee to unleash a Taken Phalanx Arc Blast, damaging and knocking back enemies in a cone in front of you. Knockback is disabled against named enemies.
  • Additional Effect – Light Exceeding – Upon death, leave behind a taken dome of Light. Allies who enter are granted the Light Exceeding buff and enemies who enter are inflicted with Exceeding Light, causing them to take more damage and deal less damage as long as they are inside and for 4 seconds after.

If you read all of that, I appreciate you taking the time to do so. If you have any questions on how different things would work or be balanced, I'd love to talk about some of this. If you have any recommendations for changes or feel the whole thing is stupid, tell me.

tl;dr – Complete quest chains, gather a large number of resources from specific activities, build gear specialized for killing specific enemy races. Gain bonuses such as visual enhancements and weapon procs and on death procs. All of this is disabled in PvP.

EDIT 1 - Ugh sorry it looks all wall of texty. I wanted more line spacing in a few places.

EDIT 2 - Wut?! gold? seriously? thanks person! Jeez

EDIT 3 - Updated proc rate of all precision kill effects to 5% - 10%. I intended for this proc to occur once every 5 - 6 group engagements and 1% was most definitely too low for that. The set bonuses are meant as a small incentive to use 5 of the same augment. Thanks /u/tokes_4_DE and /u/ToxstTheMad for the input!

EDIT 4 - Based on some commenter feedback, updated a few things:

  • Added the option to show/hide the visual effect obtained from set bonuses.
  • Added a visual effect for Scourge of the Cabal set.
  • Added more activities for gaining the enemy materials. (The added activities are just because of the current state of game content. I do not feel like it is lacking, but if we had at least one strike for each enemy race on every platform, I would prefer the drops only to come from strikes.)
submitted by /u/thatnoobgeremy
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[D1] Xur Mini-thread [2017-12-1]

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:21 AM PST

Location: The Reef

Legacy Engram: Primary Weapon - 31 Strange Coins

Titan Armor - Eternal Warrior - 13 Strange Coins

Hunter Armor - Young Ahamkara's Spine - 13 Strange Coins

Warlock Armor - The Stag - 13 Strange Coins

Weapon - Monte Carlo - 23 Strange Coins

Weapon Bundles - Monte Carlo and Royal Flush/Trespasser and Crucible Assassin - 30 Strange Coins + 25 Silver Dust

Plasma Drive, Void Drive - 23 Strange Coins

Found it a bit strange that the bot didn't post the Xur thread for D1 yet (I'm writing this 20 minutes after reset)

Since there's a sizeable number of people who regularly play D1, I thought this would help anyone who's looking for this info.

submitted by /u/SepiksImperfected
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Häkke is pronounced "Heh-keh."

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:13 AM PST

Apparently everybody from streamers and loremasters to the devs themselves are confused on this point, so as someone who comes from a country that actually uses the letter Ä, I just figured I'd set the record straight.

submitted by /u/Procrastinatron
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My coworker's Tattoo in honor of Destiny 1

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST

A Coworker of mine got this done over the past month. Throwback to the screen we all saw way too many times.

submitted by /u/Zewmy
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Shaxx should say the old Rumble intro: "Watch your back, Guardian! No one else will." at the start of any solo queue.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:31 PM PST

Bungie, literally all you have to do is make Mobility affect sprint speed and I would be all over that shit

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:10 PM PST

Seriously, that's the only thing they need to do. Maybe having it affect handling too.

Plus, it might be confusing to casual players wink wink that Mobility doesn't make them go faster

submitted by /u/Oscar_7
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Interactive Leviathan Underbelly map. You can set a Start and End location and it will plot a course for you.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:55 PM PST

Not sure if this has been posted before, but this map is pretty damn cool.

(Note edit: I didn't make this tool! I've been looking for a way to contact the creator. I know a lot of you have questions and suggestions. If I get a-hold of them, I'll point them to the thread and put their Reddit username here if they have one and would like me to.)

Edit: Trying to get the Creds right, I believe /u/Addesso created the original map and Lesacerise (not sure if hes on reddit) coded the app. Correct me if I'm wrong!

Edit2: GOLD! tnx u/noblesteeda

submitted by /u/Diarrhea_Dispenser
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Can we have a UI adjustment that displays both glimmer gained and current destination challenges instead of one or the other?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

I don't know if I'm the only one that's bothered by this, but I like completing challenges in D2. So occasionally (or often) I like to check my progress on said challenges. However if it's something like "Kill 75 Fallen", I check my progress often. Now the problem is if I pull out my ghost to check my progress immediately after killing minions of the darkness the entire challenges list is replaced by a really small section of text that displays how much glimmer I earned from killing said minions. If I check during combat it's even worse because I can't defend myself, and it takes awhile for the glimmer amount to go away.

Where it gets really frustrating in my opinion is during public events and strike playlists, where there are people getting kills out the wazoo and I can't be like "Pls stop killing things for 10 seconds so I can spend 0.5 seconds checking how many more throwing knife kills I need to complete this challenge".

So I really hope there's a way to display both at the same time, because they are both useful, it's just that having them both up won't be as annoying. It's just a little gripe I had and wanted to get out there.

submitted by /u/FootballKingInSpace
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When the shader is a little too shiny...

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:59 AM PST

Uriel's Gift + Iron Wolf Shader = a small sun

submitted by /u/AOD_DOOM
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[D2] Xûr Megathread [2017-12-01]

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:02 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk.


EDZ, Winding Cove

Exotic Item Class Power Level Cost
Sweet Business Auto Rifle 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x29 Legendary Shards
Lucky Raspberry Hunter Chest Armour 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Synthoceps Titan Gauntlets 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards
Skull of Dire Ahamkara Warlock Helmet 270 (265+5 Legendary Mod) x23 Legendary Shards

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector in each of the four Worlds, depending on planetary alignments and Bungie's whim. Xur sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Xûr visits every Friday at 9:00AM UTC and departs at reset. If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

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Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Destiny Server Maintenance - Downtime starting from 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm UK [2017-12-01]

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:08 AM PST

Destiny Server Maintenance 1st of December 2017

Expected downtime of 6 hours but may be subject to extension.

Timezone convertor for Guardians in need

  • Destiny 2 services will now be brought offline to undergo maintenance on Friday, December 1, 2017. Please see below for the timeline of the maintenance window.

  • For updates on this maintenance as it occurs, players should follow @BungieHelp, or monitor our support feed on

  • For Destiny Patch Notes players should monitor our Updates page on Patch Notes will generally release upon conclusion of the scheduled maintenance

Time UTC Action
8:00 AM Pacific 16:00 UTC Destiny 2 server maintenance is schedule to begin. Players will no longer be able to log in to Destiny 2
9:00 AM Pacific 17:00 UTC Players still in activities will be returned to the title screen
2:00 PM Pacific 22:00 UTC Destiny server maintenance is scheduled to end. No game play content or updates will be introduced with this maintenance period
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Token Reset?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:51 AM PST

Has Bungie said if the season 2 reset will also wipe out our stacks of tokens? I know the exchange rate is changing, but if they won't be wiped out, I'd rather keep them if new/different gear (like Masterworks, for instance) may drop in the new season. If they will get wiped, obviously I'd rather use them and at least (further) build up my shards.

submitted by /u/eddie_baby_68
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