Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-23]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-23]

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:05 AM PST

Note: At this time, the Destiny 2 API does not provide any of the info below. We have put placeholder data until the API is available and it is grabbed automatically. In the meantime, please feel free to post in the comments and we'll update the thread.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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For the love of the Traveler...Bungie, don't ruin heroic strikes with your lame, uninspired modifiers.

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

EDIT: front page boyssssss!

None of this momentum, time warp, attrition bullshit. We want modifiers that make the game fun! Bring back modifiers like....

Burns! Arc, Solar, Void. Hell, do triple burn weeks.

Lightswitch! More of a bastard but changes your play style in an EFFECTIVE way (looking at you momentum)

Primary, secondary, heavy burns? 100% increased damage and ammo for the selected weapon group?

Maybe some new ones?

Deadeye! Increased precision damage, decreased body shot damage.

Please make strikes fun!


From u/try_to_guess_my_psn

There are more modifiers than the NF have (they have, apart from the Timewarp stuff, a total of three or something?). Complete list of all modifiers currently in the game:

  • Timewarp: Zero Hour: The mission timer cannot be extended. Choose your battles carefully.
  • Elite Soldier: Power weapons and Kinetic weapons deal more damage and reload faster. Your Super charges slower.
  • Risk and Reward: Super, melee, and grenades deal more damage but recharge more slowly.
  • Timewarp: Anomalies: Strange anomalies have been detected in the area. Destroy them to release temporal energy and extend the mission timer.
  • Momentum: Health and shield regeneration stop when you're not moving. Sprint to speed up regeneration.
  • Torrent: Boundless power erupts from within. Your abilities recharge much faster.
  • Attrition: Health and shield regeneration slow down, but killing foes may create wells of Light that restore health and charge your Super.
  • Elementalist: Energy weapon damage increased. Grenades deal more damage and recharge faster. Melee damage decreased.
  • Prism: Attacks matching the periodically rotating focused element do more damage. Other elemental damage is reduced. Incoming damage is unaffected.
  • Classy: Super, grenades, and class abilities recharge faster. Power weapon damage decreased.
  • Timewarp: Rings: Vex time gates have appeared in the area. Pass through them to discharge temporal energy and extend the mission timer.
  • Justice from Above: Increased jump velocity and airborne acceleration. Your Super recharges faster and deals more damage. Melee recharges slower and deals less damage.
  • From the Shadows: Increased running and crouching speed. Melee recharges faster and deals more damage. Grenades recharge slower.
  • Timewarp: Killing Time: Defeat enemies to extend the mission timer, up to a limit.
  • Brawler: Faster melee recharge and health regeneration. Increased Power weapon damage. Slower Super recharge.
  • De-Powered: Kinetic and Energy weapons do more damage and more precision damage. Increased grenade damage.
submitted by /u/KevlarZach
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Even if you land all your shots, Graviton Lance Does Less Damage per Burst Than Similar Pulse Rifles

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 04:56 AM PST

I just tested it in patrol. I took Graviton Lance and an Encore-25 (both 360 rpm) and headshotted some low level legionaries. The Graviton Lance landed 52 for the first two shots and 345 for the last powerful shot, totalling at 449 per burst. The Encore-25 landed 154 per headshot, totalling at 462 per burst. So the Lance does less damage per burst compared to any other pulse rifle in its rpm archetype...

Why does this matter? Well the whole gimmick with Graviton Lance is that its DPS is terrible if you don't land your full burst, since the first two bullets do almost nothing but the third hits hard (and by the nature of pulse rifles that last bullet of the burst is the hardest to land). But you'd think if that was true, the gun would reward you with optimal damage if you do land the full burst, yet it simply does not.

submitted by /u/Rezetti
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I know bungie already states that Mayhem is leaving after Dawning but I vote to keep it

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 07:32 AM PST

As the title suggest. I understand they already said it is leaving but I still believe it should be kept or put into rotation. This mode has made crucible really fun and made it feel like D1 crucible.

I really just miss the chaos that was in D1 crucible. I don't always want to play a sweaty 4v4 match. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/tugreddit
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A League of Legends player has discovered a problem with drop chances in the store. Riot addressed and corrected the issue within 10 hours. Bungie, this is how you are supposed to treat your loyal customers.

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:34 AM PST

LoL forum post detailing issue and resolution.

This is an amazing example of how to treat your players when they call you out on bullshit.

submitted by /u/SaveToTheADrive
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Can we have D1 mobility?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 06:59 AM PST

I recently went back to D1 and played my hunter. I was bouncing all of the place, shade stepping around corners, flying across the map with three jumps, and running at an incredible speed (insert Lloyd Christmas voice). I then went on my titan and did some real skating. I enjoy the fast pace movement as it makes me feel powerful flying through the map. This may also improve PvP.

submitted by /u/eski1616
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Posted: 23 Dec 2017 10:10 AM PST

This is what we all really want for Christmas. My little contribution to mankind... You're Welcome World!

GIFV Version

submitted by /u/I--XEROPAIN--I
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Apparently, these are the Iron Banner Ship, Sparrow, and Ghost Shell.

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 03:32 AM PST

Even though the shader situation makes us all angry, I like how Datto tries to give a neutral perspective

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 07:40 AM PST

Generally I tend to like Datto's videos more than other Destiny YouTubers for a couple of reasons. Generally, he is far less click-baity, his delivery tends to be calmer and fact based, and he tries to present both sides of an issue. If you watched one of his recent videos in which, like the community, he got angry about the 7 bright dust situation. In this video, he clarifies that while he still thinks it sucks, he wanted to do due diligence and try to see what was going on from Bungie's side. I know Datto may not read this but I think he should know that community members like me appreciate what he is trying to do. We understand he isn't taking Bungie's side, but rather trying to show us both sides of an issue which I believe can be incredibly important in giving our feedback to a developer we have trouble communicating with.

submitted by /u/AceWolf18
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I think Tess made up Fenchurch just to make it seem like she has a family

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST

She talks about him like we're supposed to be impressed every time Fenchurch sends her a text. She reminds me of that kid who tries convincing people he's dating a Canadian model who we wouldn't know because he doesn't go to this school.

Seriously. Tess, you thirsty. Nobody thinks you're cool just because you drop your uncle's name into every conversation.

submitted by /u/DrunkPugsley
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My homemade Destiny Grimoire

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 05:38 AM PST

Link is here: Hey guys, I just finished making my D1 Grimoire, Years 1-3. Credit and inspiration goes to user rustwoodstudios for uploading the PDFs, and copyright goes to Bungie.

submitted by /u/_Monzation3130_
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Our guardians are now mute. Tess Everis should be too

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:50 PM PST

If our guardians don't (can't?) talk anymore, can we at least never hear about Fenchurch ever again? Or why the Cabal are lucky?

Let's face it, Eververse isn't going away anytime soon. I'm not that into the cosmetics since I still think there are only 3 models of ships and 2 sparrow models that get recycled with different shaders. Maybe an extra antenna. Emotes are cool (they'd be better with a wheel selector). Being able to customize each weapon and armor with a shader is cool too (a non-consumable one preferably), but I digress.

Tess drives me crazy everytime I have to cleanout my post master which is pretty much everytime I login to do milestones. I am trying to manage my collection, but all I hear out of my right ear is some BS about a dude named Fenchurch.

Here's my request: can we find Fenchurch's body and start an elaborate quest to discover what killed him and why someone was covering it up? It climaxes in the not-so-heart-breaking moment when your guardian confronts Tess Everis that Fenchurch has been dead a long while and she's split her ego to compensate. The confrontation merges her and the "Fenchurch" personality. Her psyche breaks. She never speaks again. Now your guardian must make the deliveries to her to keep the Eververse going as she can't bring herself to speak again or leave the tower for fear that "Fenchurch" might take over and she'll be lost forever.

The end result ultimately is she never says another fricken word. If she wants to express herself, she can give a thumbs up.

submitted by /u/FaceMcshootyV
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I Wish we had a Way to Turn Rare Weapons and Armor into Legendaries.

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

Back in D1, there were some rare gems inside the game that I really liked and that is the same case for D2. For instance, the Armillary PSu scout rifle, Sand Wasp-3au auto rifle, Fussed Dark Mk.21 shotgun, and some of the hunter cloaks, which are all rare items, have been some of my most used in my loadout recently for PvE and PvE. I find these weapons worthy to base a grind around them to make them legendary somehow. This would just only add on to content available to players. Once the weapons are legendary, they could have a blue border around it.

submitted by /u/gurupaste
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I urge you to try and combine Mask of Nohr with Kerak Type 2 armor

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 05:17 AM PST

Apparently, Titans need no neck.

submitted by /u/FragranceOfPickles
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Eververse Protest

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

Pretty cool to see a community come together like that and raid Bungie's forums. Shows the power of organizing action against something and I think we might finally see some change coming in the next few months.


submitted by /u/scomar1221
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Ever wanted to play Destiny in 3rd person? NOW YOU CAN!!! (Snowball Glitch)

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:58 AM PST


edit: Not my video, didn't mean to get all "click-bait" on everyone. Just thought it was super cool and wanted to share. My bad :(

submitted by /u/drocm
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Barrett on twitter just now

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:27 PM PST

Ships, sparrows, ghosts, and shaders being added to the faction loot pools AND raid drops are coming. Love.

EDIT: link to thread.

submitted by /u/xBLASPHEMICx
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Destiny Legal News 5.7

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

Lawyer guardian here,

I thought it would be appropriate that everyone be aware of proper snowball etiquette before kicking off the holidays.

Happy holidays to everyone. (Unless you're Rahool. Then go fuck yourself.)

Destiny Legal News 5.7

submitted by /u/ACbullman23
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Daily gifts dropping without having to do the quest now?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:08 AM PST

Both my hunter and titan just recieved a sparrow/ship, logging into my warlock to check for a third time.

EDIT: Here's a clip of it happening on my warlock

EDIT 2: Appears that once you done each daily quest once it will simply hand you the items instantly, cool!

submitted by /u/DICTATUSNORDIC
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Make more of the loading screens color-neutral.

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 07:37 AM PST

Why do we spend 15000 glimmer to put a shader on a ship when almost every loading screen makes our ship a different color anyway?

submitted by /u/LoyalLegionnaire
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Pretty please can Dawnblade get fixed or reworked?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:52 AM PST

Warning, long post ahead.

First off I'd like to say that the concept of Dawnblade is fine. Attunement of Sky, the ability to attack effectively while airborne (something no Warlock has ever been able to do aside from the olden days of "Blink shotgun") is really cool. Attunement of Flames on the surface of having a very long duration of Daybreak sounds cool too. (Also, in the first reveal of the subclasses, Flames Dawnblade used to be able to hover WITHOUT using an Exotic).

But in execution it just hasn't worked. Let me run down the good points aka "the reasons to use them" of Stormcaller and Voidwalker and then finally Dawnblade.


  • Nova Bomb is the only "shut down" Super in the game, very quickly putting out MASSIVE damage and then being done, giving it a unique flavor
  • Both the Attunements perfectly capture the 2 themes Voidwalker had in D1: wanton chaos and energy vampire
  • Chaos Voidwalker is great at, well, chaos. A single grenade can wipe out a group of adds thanks to Bloom. In the Crucible an overcharged Axion Bolt can send the entire enemy team scrambling to avoid the seekers. Entropic Pull makes sure you can keep this up. "Slowva Bomb" is effective and fun to use, being able to more easily get multi-kills than the other version since it kills in a huge AoE and then will seek out more targets. It's awesome watching it hunt down your enemies and then hunt them down again!
  • Devour needs no introduction, it's 99% OP for PvE activities and is also very good for PvP
  • Blink gets around the traditionally "slow as fuck why Bungie why" Glide mechanics
  • Grenades are good, you got a lingering AoE, an easy to use Bolt seeker, and a high damage in a small area option (especially with Chaos)


  • Grenades are similar to Voidwalker, with good and varied options
  • Attunement of Ions feels like another kind of Chaos Voidwalker--you have a lot of crowd-clearing abilities thanks to Chain Lightning and Arc Web. Transcendence (if you pay mind to your cooldowns) turns Stormtrance into a terror especially when there's also Ionic Blink to help you avoid damage and close distance.
  • Attunement of Elements feels like a great combo of damage dealer and team support. Charging your Rift quicker for your allies while also giving out Arc Souls makes you a team favorite. But you also aren't a damage slouch since Rising Storm helps charge your abilities and Landfall can easily make Stormtrance keep pace with the Ions version--use that mini-Fist of Havoc to get kills and then have a full Stormtrance to get even more.
  • Stormtrance by default is very nice, it offers no instant kill but makes up for it by extremely easily taking on single foes or damaging groups all at once. Arguably the best add-clearer in the game and effective in PvP too so long as you avoid mass-damage or Power weapons and Supers.

With both of these subclasses they have great Exotics to boost them. Nezerac's Sin can make them all bring the pain or support more often with the right weapon selection, Eye of Another World is a nice passive boost, then there's Dire Skull, Vesper of Radius (holy hell does this help the Arc Soul build), and so on.

And then there's Dawnblade.


  • Grenades are just...not good. Solar is fine (nice little DoT on targets if you land the first hit) but Firebolt is inferior to all other bolt grenades. It has NO unique, useful effect. It just does damage, and only in the immediate area. Arcbolt can do that, but it can chain to enemies in an unexpected way! Axion can do that, but even around corners and obstacles! And Fusion (and all sticky grenades) are just awful, you're far better just tossing an AoE grenade like Solar/Pulse/Vortex directly on your enemy and you'll do far more damage and offer much more utility.
  • Daybreak is just...bad. It feels like a dumbed down version of Hammer of Sol. Do the swords fly in an intuitive way? No! They spin in the air and then lose all momentum after a certain distance as if they were flung by a limp-wristed anemic. Can you melee attack with it? No, why use a blade like that? Do you have as many swords as Sunbreakers have hammers? No! Do they have the damage potential of a hammer? No, of course not! Can they fly as far as a hammer? No!! Do they fly faster than a hammer? No!!! Basically the ONE unique thing about Daybreak is you don't break flight by attacking, but this is incredibly neutral. It's not necessarily a good or bad thing, in fact many times I see active Daybreaks just staying on the ground (and getting close to enemies) just to make sure they HIT with the wonky-ass swords.
  • Dawnblade offers no team support, like Voidwalker, but without the damage and sustain Voidwalker can have
  • Winged Sun+Heat Rises is great if it works because of how fast you can charge abilities but the airborne accuracy you suffer make this impossible in anything except easy PvE content with Better Devils. Anything else is so inaccurate you have to be dancing on the enemy's head to consistently hit anything with your gun. So the one unique factor of Attunement of Sky feels impossible to use, gated-off by the inherent game mechanics.
  • Icarus Dash is also rather useless since you really don't want to be in the air very much anyway
  • Both melee abilities available to you are unimpressive or niche at best
  • Attunement of Flames has no neutral game. When you don't have your Daybreak you have nothing but your gun, average-to-bad grenade and melee, and the ability to dive down to heal a bit. That's it. Every other skill is funneled into Daybreak. Phoenix Dive is quite niche since often jumping up to use it invites even more damage to hit you, and you WOULD have to jump to use it because you're certainly not attacking from the air. Daybreak even with Flames feels like it has less impact than Stormtrance or Hammer of Sol. It's only good for killing "trash enemies" and you really don't need a Super for that very much. And if you do, why not just easily electrocute things with Stormtrance instead of trying to precisely hit every sword, with every miss draining your Super meter and making the very choice of Attunement of Flames pointless? A Flames Daybreak that doesn't kill a shit ton of enemies is no better than a Sky Daybreak (and by default, far worse than other roaming Supers). The one time I felt powerful using Daybreak was when I was killing wave after wave of War Beasts but...I was just killing War Beasts. Hardly something to brag about.
  • Dawnblade has no great Exotic options. Sunbracers is meh. Wings of Sacred Dawn is meh. Any other Exotics are better paired with Voidwalker or Stormcaller. Starfire Protocol did give ONE niche use for Dawnblade (the Calus fight) but now Vesper of Radius will let Stormcallers do the same thing but better! And without being locked into a shitty grenade option!

Dawnblade really needs help to stand out from the other Warlock subclasses and Sunbreaker, which feels like a more powerful and better team support option. (Rally Barricade and Hammer Strike outpaces any support Dawnblade has ever done.) Here are my suggestions.

  • Winged Sun increases airborne accuracy
  • Icarus Dash lets you travel 1 meter further
  • Firebolt weakens the defenses of the enemies it hits (10% debuff for 5 seconds, doesn't stack with more Firebolts but will stack with Hammer Strike, Shadowshot, etc)
  • "Everlasting Fire" gets combined with "Fated for the Flame"
  • The slot Everlasting Fire occupied now augments Rift with significantly improving grenade/melee cooldowns of those inside it (name it "Stellar Furnace" or something). Will have an indicator above it like an Arc Soul Rift does to let allies know it has this effect
  • Daybreak's projectiles fly faster, fly through the air more like hammers do (so no more plummeting to the ground instantly after X distance), and you get 8 of them
  • Casting Daybreak instantly and fully heals allies near you (because the break of day brings new hope)
  • The current effect of Wings of Sacred Dawn is added to Phoenix Dive (which gets renamed to Phoenix Flight or something like that)
  • Wings of Sacred Dawn gets a new effect where it speeds up the velocity of Glide while Dawnblade is equipped


submitted by /u/Faust_8
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Bungie: Why So Many Bubble Ghost Shells? Where are the D1 Straight Line Ghosts?

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 08:40 AM PST

Dawning brought in a lot of new ghost shells. But they're all bubble shells. Really wide ghosts with curved lines.

Where are the D1 style traditional ghost shells?

submitted by /u/Hollywood_Zro
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Kill Tracker Ghost from Tess.....whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is that even a thing!!!

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 11:57 AM PST

i didn't even know it was possible to get a regular vendor item outside of mods from Tess on her bright engrams. doesn't even dismantle into anything cause it's a damn vendor ghost!! seriously, it's time to exile this unwholesome snake oil merchant to the sun!

submitted by /u/Valyrissa
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If I get one more damn Rattler I’m gonna lose my freaking mind.

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

Is there a worse gun than the rattler in this game? I'm getting real tired of having to use two sidearms and a grenade launcher because they have the highest light. Is there a better strategy out there?

submitted by /u/icakeisgood23
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Bungie, WHEN you bring back SRL, can you make it a permanent edition to the Crucible?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:31 PM PST

SRL is, by far, the most interesting part of Destiny's Crucible. It was a gamemode that:

  • Everyone has an equal shot of winning
  • No weapon balancing
  • No heavy weapons that no one will have a chance to stand up against


BUT....These improvements have to be made:


Make Amanda Great Again:


  1. Have the SRL record book for free through Amanda.
  2. Have the average sparrows and horns available through playing SRL w/ RNG
  3. Have all the exotic sparrows (with selectable mods e.g. insta-summon) attainable by:
  • 100% completion of the SRL record book (one of the exotic sparrows)
  • Full set of SRL gear (one of the exotic sparrows)
  • 50 wins (one the exotic sparrows)


It's just a little thought. Bringing back SRL without the use of Eververse would help get angry fans off your backs and make every cosmetic available through playing the game.


BUT. ABOVE. ALL.: Make it permanent. It's such a fantastic mode that so many players who are tired of the same, old Crucible could enjoy.


EDIT: Make SRL a Faction Rally event where people could fight on behalf of the Factions? Maybe an exotic sparrow for the winning faction with an SRL-exclusive perk, along with double XP per race?



  • Dead Orbit: Black boost effect
  • FWC: Blue, yellow, and red boost effect
  • NM: Red and white boost
submitted by /u/HiddnAce
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I opened 20 Dawning Engrams, here are my results (including valuation study)

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 12:22 PM PST

DISCLAIMER: This is not me venting or bitching, simply trying to provide the masses a few numbers to help them make a few decisions, and not mistakes.

Let me start off stating I'm the jackass who posted the previous thread on valuing the Eververse. Much of what I found remains applicable, but there are many notable changes. Frankly, the last thread was convoluted and full assumptions; this felt like the cleanest way to approach sharing. My Data Table for anyone curious to farm information. Sheet 2 focuses on the 20 Dawning Engrams, whereas Sheet 1 is based on valuing Bright Engrams.

Also, I realize 20 Engrams is hardly enough to prove statistical significance, but it's informative regardless.


The Dawning Engram loot probabilities differ significantly from Bright Engrams. For example, while Optimacy Armor drops ~ 5% of the time, Dawning Armor drops ~ 30% of the time. I was able to complete a full set on my 17th engram. This coincides with my previous thread, which states you should expect purchasing 11 engrams with your main, and 17 with your alternates (since they cannot benefit from milestone engrams), to complete a Dawning set. Similarly, if you opt to dismantle Bright Engrams, you can expect enough Bright Dust dismantling 16 engrams for your main, and 25 for each alternate.

I'm happy to see the higher drop-rate than seasonal gear, but this obviously comes at a sacrifice to other drops. Bright Engrams nearly guarantee you 3 shaders each, while Dawning engrams drop half this value. It appears you have a 50/50 chance of drawing a stack of Shaders or a Transmat effect (not both). The other drop will be guaranteed an emote, ship, ghost, etc.

Another observation is the lack of Dust awards. I saw one Medium Gift, which also contained 3x shaders, in 20 engrams. This means you can expect over 3 times as many bright dust offerings in Bright Engrams than Dawning Engrams.

As for comparing value, I noticed the Dawning Engrams could dismantle into significantly more dust, though this may also be in part of it being a fresh loot pool. Dawning Engrams averaged 172 dust a piece, while Season 1 Engrams averaged 154. A big reason for this significant boost in value came from drawing an exotic ship and sparrow, and medium gift of dust. Without these three outliers, you can expect 107 dust per engram, constrained between 100 and 130 dust. Because of this, I theorize Gifts of Dust may be awarded when you roll a duplicate ghost, sparrow, or ship. This would also explain why I didn't receive a Gift of Dust until my 19th roll.

Many of the other drop-rates are comparable, though it would take extensive testing to fine-tune exotic rates. Not only would this require loads of data, but I believe it's linked to your exotic collection (ie, do you already own 3/4 exotic ships, or are you starting fresh?).

Description Season 1 Drops Season 1 Probability Dawning Drops Dawning Probability
Huge Dust Gift 2 2.67% 0 0%
Medium Dust Gift 2 2.67% 1 5%
Small Dust Gift 8 10.67% 0 0%
Exotic Ship 2 2.67% 1 5%
Exotic Sparrow 0 0.00% 1 5%
Legendary Ghost 13 17.33% 4 20%
Legendary Ship 14 18.67% 5 25%
Legendary Sparrow 10 13.33% 3 15%
Optimacy Gear 4 5.33% 5 25%
Shader 201 268.00% 27 135%
Transmat Effect 24 32.00% 11 55%
Emote 5 6.67% 2 10%
Rare Mod 124 165.33% 0 0%
Weapon Ornaments 5 6.67% 0 0%
Average Dust 154 - 172 -​


One last analysis I would like to address is the value of purchasing 1, 3, 5, or Bundles, as there is some interesting correlation. We can assume 1 engram is worth ~154 dust and vice versa, as this is the most accurate data I know of. Using this, we can value Tess' inventory, and find that the Dawning Bundle is horribly overpriced, nearly even worse than buying a single engram. In fact, it almost feels like this was an intentional price-point, as the remainder are valued much differently. I can understand implementing this if there was a guaranteed exotic bundled, but the legendary Sparrow is hardly attractive. However, if any of you are hard-pressed to throw money at EV, the Season 2 bundle is looking pretty good.

1 Engram 3 Engrams 5 Engrams Dawning Bundle Seasonal Bundle
Cost (Silver) 200 500 800 1500 900
Cost (Dollars) $1.72 $4.31 $6.90 $12.93 $7.76
Reward (Dust) 154 462 770 1,158 1,057
Value (Dust/Dollar) 89.32 107.18 111.65 89.51 136.24


  • Dawning Engrams awarded ~ 172 Dust a piece, as opposed to Bright Engrams' 154.
  • Dawning Engrams have a 50/50 chance of gifting either a shader or a transmat. One additional item will be provided, with slim chance of one more.
  • Gifts of Bright Dust are 3 times less frequently rewarded on Dawning Engrams. I theorize Dust is awarded in place of duplicates, and likely much more abundant deeper in the loot-pool.
  • Dawning Engrams have ~30% chance of Armor dropping, as opposed to Bright Engrams' 5%. With this in mind, a full set will cost you ~ 16 Bright Engram dismantles, or purchasing 11 Dawning Engrams (in addition to free engrams rewarded for milestones/gift). You can expect the second set to cost ~25 Bright Engram dismantles, or 17 Dawning Engram purchases. The same applies for a 3rd set.
  • It's clear that it is significantly easier to complete the armor set with $ than the equivalent Bright Dust.
  • Do not buy the Dawning Bundle unless you are hell-bent on that Sparrow. You are much better off purchasing 5 Dawning Engrams.
submitted by /u/DocPringles
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