Destiny 2 Wednesday Weekly LFG/Clan/More - December 13, 2017

Wednesday Weekly LFG/Clan/More - December 13, 2017

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:11 AM PST

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Call in the calvery, Guardians! Need help completing that Mida Multi-Tool quest? Look for a few members to flesh out your clan? Need two more for the raid this weekend? This is the only authorized place on this sub to ask!

You can set the sort method of this post to 'new' to see the most recent clans/fireteams, etc!

If you would like to use more LFG resources during the rest of the week, please check out /r/fireteams, /r/DestinySherpa, or our Discord server

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Re-spawned back here after the boss died. Grabbed a Screenshot for you fellow guardians

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:19 AM PST

Darkness and Light

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:47 AM PST


Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

Opinion: Mercury Flashpoint is the best Flashpoint so far

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:49 AM PST

Hear me out.

When I first saw Mercury had Flashpoint this week I groaned. There's only one public event, I complained!

Then I noticed that the Flashpoint was more than just spamming public events. It's also searching out high level Cabal and Vex and destroying them as well.

Suddenly it became a game of hide and seek. I roamed freely around the (I know, smallish) Mercury, finding those yellow bars and battling with them and their mini guards. Oh, also the freaking massive Hydras that show up from the Infinite Forest that are basically mini bosses because between me and another Guardian we barely got its health down 25%.

This is the future of Flashpoints and I'm excited. To date, FP has been so boring because it goes Event -> Director -> Zone -> Event -> repeat.

I hope they implement more stuff like this, maybe adding in Lost Sectors and collectibles for the Flashpoints so we aren't JUST doing Events.

I'm also stoked this is going to take me more than twenty minutes to bang out. It'll probably take, at my pace, a day or two to get this Milestone, and I like that.

submitted by /u/Cory-B
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Origin Story is my favorite, loyal, trusty gun in Destiny 2! Anyone else share the love?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:26 PM PST

3D printed a 1:1 ghost and it turned out quite well

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:28 AM PST

Masterwork Day 1: I Am Complete

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:28 PM PST

Any update on the hidden Sagira’s Shell Exotic Ghost?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:45 PM PST

It’s not week one, but pretty happy with my Titan now.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:22 PM PST

This whole clan vs 4 randoms has to stop.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:21 AM PST

What in the matchmaking is going on when it puts a clan of 4 against 4 random individuals? In what way is this remotely fair? I like to play individually but when I notice the whole other team is a 4 man, I more or less check out. I still play and try to win but the communication difference is staggering. This needs to be fixed. That is all.

submitted by /u/Delta_F508
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Guardian brutally murdered by reckless skiff driver (nsfl)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:05 PM PST

Still broken. GG.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:40 AM PST

Got the selfie emote last night. So here's a picture with Cayde

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

Masterwork weapons

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:50 PM PST

Hi everyone!

Here is some of the early information we were able to gather about Masterwork Weapons:

Orb generation : It seems to happen every two kills, as long as they're within a few seconds one of another. There also appear to be some kind of internal cooldown between each proc (2-3 seconds or so). Orbs generated seem to be less effective than the ones we can generate by using our Super, but as we can collect the orbs we generated ourselves, this is quite good.

Aquiring a Masterwork Weapon : It can be acquired by various means which includes dropped engrams and reputation vendor engrams. It doesn't seem to be able to proc when we're buying a specific weapon from a vendor. For instance, I bought over 25 MIDA Mini-tool, and over 15 "Call to Serve" from Devrim in EDZ, and none of them were Masterwork, but my sample size is quite small, so don't take this for gospel. ;)

Dismantling a Masterwork Weapon : You receive 1 to 3 Masterwork Core when you dismantle a Masterwork weapon.

Upgrading a Legendary weapon to Masterwork : Costs 10 Masterwork Core and 25 Legendary Shards. You can choose between a version that shows Crucible kills or a version that shows PvE kills with this weapon. Bonus stat are randomized between a small pool of possible stats (see "Possible bonus stats" below).

Rerolling a Masterwork bonus: Costs 3 Masterwork Core and 25 Legendary Shards. The new bonus is randomly selected.

Possible bonus stats (This is unclear what Bungie means by "points", but as far as I can see, it's a flat 5-10 points value to the base stat except in the case of magazine size, which is a 10% increase. It might also be the case for impact, but I cannot confirm.):

  • Impact : 5 points (Might be restricted to Sniper Rifles, Fusion Rifles and Swords. Will need more information.)

  • Handling : 10 points

  • Range : 5 points

  • Reload speed : 10 points

  • Stability : 5 points

  • Magazine : Increases magazine size by a fixed amount (It seems to depend on the weapon type or archetype more than anything. For example, a Hand Cannon and a Scout Rifle could end up with +1 ammo per magazine, while Auto Rifles, SMG and Pulse Rifles could get +2 or +3 depending on their archetype. This will need more testing.)

  • Blast radius : 5 points. For Rocket and Grenade Launcher only.

  • Velocity : 5 points. For Rocket and Grenade Launcher only.

As far as I can see, it may be possible to have every base (non-hidden) stat as a bonus stat, except maybe Rounds per minute. I will edit my post as soon as anyone gather more information.

Also, don't forget to chime in if I made a mistake!

Edit : Some typos, some changes and added new information collected by other players. ;)

submitted by /u/Tournilol
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It turns out there was another way to get to Xur in the EDZ (I’m not an intelligent person)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:46 PM PST

I got all five of the new exotic weapons in curse of Osiris DLC

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:21 AM PST

so we went from laser tag to afk farming meta in crucible ?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:34 AM PST

decided to take a few games today to chase for the better devils mastercraft.. boy did i make the wrong choice doing that - 4/5 games i had half my team "afk farming" - just moving around occasionally and letting themselfs getting killed..

was i just unlucky with my games or is anyone else experiencing this ?

submitted by /u/dacookiemonstahz
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Any OG Destiny players want some nostalgia?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:21 AM PST

Ghost voice change

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:50 AM PST

What if we got the option to change the bass, tone, and pitch of our ghosts

submitted by /u/Dawson9705
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Unoriginal New Sub-Class Idea

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:39 AM PST

At the beginning of the game after the first mission, we're left with no light and when we go into the character equip menu and hover the cursor over the sub-class it says "Lost Light". All of the sub-classes are light-based powered by the Traveler, so what if in the new DLC launching sometimes next year we'd be getting a new sub-class that is powered by the Darkness. In the campaign mission of the Curse of Osiris we're hinted at a world without light nor darkness, so what if the darkness gives us its power in order to bring back the light-dark balance to the world. Love it, hate it, saw this post already from the OG destiny. Lemme know.

submitted by /u/sserpentt1
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I feel the Riskrunner is very underappreciated.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:48 AM PST

Imagine the size of this game with the D1 locations + more

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

Here's a list of possible areas that D2 could end up with by it's end

In game already:

  • EDZ (Earth)

  • Archology (Titan)

  • Nessus

  • Io

  • Lighthouse/Infinite Forest (Mercury)


  • Cosmodrome + Plaguelands (Earth, D1)

  • Hellmouth (Earth's Moon, D1)

  • Ishtar Sink (Venus, D1)

  • Meridian Bay (I think this is the region in D1 Mars, can't remember)

  • Dreadnaught (Rings of Saturn, D1)

  • Phobos (Mars moon, D1, would need expansion on open area)

  • Europa (Another Jupiter moon, lots of lore around it)

  • The Reef (D1 social space, but an explorable area would be awesome)

This game would become so massive and fun if all these areas became open!

(There's many other sections of the solar system brought up throughout both Destiny's, but this is just what I felt had a chance. Feel free to suggest areas to add!)

submitted by /u/FenderBender55
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I make it an endeavor to get my Sparrow where it shouldn't be

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

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