DayZ - Sunrise at St. Joseph's

Sunrise at St. Joseph's

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:26 PM PST

sad, sick and poor

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:26 AM PST

"BIS released DayZ:SA too early into EA" - here is why I strongly disagree

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:35 PM PST

Hey guys, the recent announcement of the 0.63 delay showed how differently the development process and the length of the EA phase (4 years) is perceived within the community. Take me as an example for someone who is not disappointed at all. I'm a software developer myself and I'm usually confronted with coding complex pipelines and things alike. There is only little certainty in such projects even if you carefully devise a concept, write a detailed specification etc. For example, one might have coded some cool database query which runs super fast (few seconds) during early development phase, but which suddenly started to take minutes once some tables in the database reached a certain size. What a disaster, rendering the app literally useless! Reason: the database application simply didn't scale and this usually means to invest a lot of time to optimize the query and (in the worst case) to restructure your database schema and to re-code larger parts of your app. This consumes a lot of extra time and this might foil your planned release date.

Such situations happen in game engine development even more often because there are so many componentes that have to be developed from scratch and all of these need to work together flawlessly. However, many problems (see above) will only be visible once certain parts are finished and are ready for testing. I think the same holds true for the DayZ development process. But can one actually blame the devs for things which are super-hard to anticipate?

At that point some can surely relate, others not. Those who can't will argue that they should have released DayZ into EA 1-2 years later. And I think here we have one of the biggest misconceptions, because the only reason why we actually get such a DayZ:Standalone, based on a complete new engine, is the huge success of the EA during the early months. BIS stated numerous times that they had never anticipated such numbers (IMO they expected at most 250,000 EA copies) and only after 1-2 months into EA, they decided to significantly expand the development goals, simply because they now had way more money to risk that step.

Finally, as someone who played almost any BIS game, starting from Operation Flashpoint, I think once the game is mostly done, it will literally blow everything else out of the water. Many games tried to copy DayZ but IMO failed greatly because there is simply a reason why complex game mechanics, network/server architecture, a huge open world etc. take so much time to develop and to finetune. BIS already announced some time ago that after the release of 1.0 they will support the game for at least 5 (!) additional years. Knowing the Arma modding scene quite well, I'm super certain that we will see many mods and many new maps which will only be possible because, and only because, of the highly customizable new engine.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/bionicowl
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Noob questions, please help

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:33 AM PST

I played a lot of the arma mod, and have about 120 hours on the standalone since release, I've not played the standalone for about 9 months and I'm kind of trying to get back into it but I've been having a couple of issues and I'm hoping someone can help me out.

  1. I really struggle with finding enough food in the starting few hours of playing, I'm always really hungry as I can find bits of food and always kill the zombies to check for food but it's not enough for my guy, how do I survive without dying of starvation?

  2. How do I get a 'long stick'? I've needed it for cooking raw food on a fireplace I've made about 3 times now and each time I've tried to cut one from a tree for I don't know how long and just passed out from hunger.

  3. My first character was on a 'public' server, however this character didn't carry over to other public servers, why is this? I made sure to double/triple check that I was only playing public servers, but for some reason this one server was as if it was private. how?

  4. The server list, how do I know which server I was on last? It drives me up the wall that I can't see the last server I was on on the server list.

  5. I was recenly at the Military base south of Vybor, I bumped into 3 people who didn't shoot me on sight, I was trying to ask to trade for food and I had to ALT TAB to turn my twitch stream volume down, when I tabbed back in the game crashed, I closed it down and opened and again and just clicked the 'play' button as I had no idea what server i was previously in and assumed it'd take me to my last server, it didn't. why?

  6. This new server I was in, I managed to check 1 building before just being lit up on sight by a guy with an AK when I had spoken on mic and asked him not to and didn't have a weapon in my hands (sporter and an axe on my back, not exactly threatening...). Obviously people will shoot on sight, I get it, but why be such a dick to a clear noob? (This is just a rant i guess... It was the furthest I'd managed to get too).

  7. Any tips on survival for a noob? Generally I loot everything I can that could be helpful, my priorities are food first, water pumps are great so hydration isn't a problem, but food really is, I've tried to forage but as mentioned previously, I can't cook the meat becuase I have never got a long stick from a tree (I've looked on guides and shit, I have an axe or other appropriate item and I'm selecting the right option to cut a long stick from a tree, but I've never managed to get one... Am I just super unlucky?)


submitted by /u/barksyx
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For those playing the village server last night

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:36 AM PST

I had one of my best dayz experiences I was the guy that killed the first intruder (I'm uldis) I watched the stream back and it's a shame Rene got sniped while I was re logging (damn that que).

I tried to sneak the guy that was at stand off with everyone else while he was shit talking in the guard room but I think his sniper might've called me out on radio or 3rd party so got shot comming in.

Hope to meet some of you again.

submitted by /u/Petrolsniff
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Where’s all the action in DayZ nowadays?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:08 PM PST

My friend and I just got back into dayz and we were on a full server the other day and we went to both Elektro and Cherno and we saw or heard not a single soul, where's the action at nowadays?

submitted by /u/Exisartreranism
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how to fix DAYZ

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:26 AM PST

  1. Disable 3d view and "walling"
  2. Disable server hopping
  3. Make game about zombies again, lots of zombies who are actually thread to you
  4. Fix damn netcode for once and lock it from any future changes and updates
  5. Copy most critical RPG elements from Project Zomboid such as barricading etc
  6. Profit
submitted by /u/antonserious
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Anyone know how the hell to get in this spot?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:49 PM PST

DayZ Series: Episode 2

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:19 PM PST

I’m new and I need help

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:02 PM PST

Hi, I'm new to the game and I could really use some help.

submitted by /u/nmkoza
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"New" player looking for some guidance.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

New player here I've had lots of games with stupid deaths but now I've gotten to a point where I dont know how or what to do. Basically at this point I have way too much good loot. Im still a bambi but previous characters would die somewhere along my journey to get geared.. this time It seems Im surviving (can be quickly done if I walk into a pack of wolves but still), and now I feel stuck. Is this the point where I find something to stash my loot in and continue? I have things I want to do in DayZ but more for a different life.. upping the difficulty of survival. But I'm a walking rambo now with 2 assualt rifles and an smg in my backpack, lots of ammo etc. Can I go search somewhere for a tent?

Im a PVE guy, so Im at a non popular server, minding my business. At first surviving was my main goal.. then loot, but now.?

submitted by /u/Maciejk8
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After all these Shitposts

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:09 PM PST

i thought: hey, lets continue and say. 90% of people visiting this reddit, are pretty much fucking retards, or maybe just mentally challenged. i dont know what fits to you guys. its on you to find out. i used to like click on dayz-reddit, to see something interesting and of course, to see some news about dayz. but after last status report. i found out that most of the people here seem to 1. cant read properly and 2. are way too retarded to gather informations about the development Bohemia is doing. go on and downvote me, i give a shit. its just that i really start to hate this community on reddit here. im still waiting patiently for beta patch. but i think im going to take a break for this cancerous reddit right now. im tired and also upset from these low-quality shitposts right now

submitted by /u/Alistair86
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DayZ coming to the XBOX! YEAH!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:46 AM PST

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