Dark and Light 12/7 Update - Patch Notes Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:27 PM PST Greetings Adventurers! On Thursday, 12/7 at 1:00AM~ PST, we're going to be rolling out a small patch with a few quality of life changes and a number of bug fixes. Be sure to finish up your tames and log out before the update hits to reduce the risk of data loss! Patch Notes General Updates  - Searing Edge - Attack AOEs increased slightly to improve accuracy.
- Volcanic Hot Springs - Adjusted the location of seating and Hot Spring Eggs.
- Uncommon / Rare Wood, Stone, and Grass - Icons updated.
- Wyverns - Improved animations.
- Turkeys - Now have additional SFX.
- Guardian Tree - Decay timer increased to 30 days.
Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug where guards would not attack hostile creatures or players in cities.
- Fixed a bug where the character model would be bugged after eating / dismounting from a creature.
- Fixed a bug where characters could get stuck on eggs in the Volcanic Hot Springs.
- Fixed a bug where Unicorns would cause character Food to deplete more quickly than intended.
- Fixed bugged terrain on the Floating Islands.
- Fixed a bug where characters would revive with extremely low Stamina, Hunger, Thirst, Health, Mana, and Focus.
- Fixed a bug where Hunger was depleting much more quickly than intended.
- Fixed a bug where doors wouldn't load in when a character first loaded into a server.
- Fixed a bug where Bytorg and Bel'Xahl weren't spawning in their respective lairs, or were spawning with unexpectedly large health pools.
- Fixed a bug where Horses weren't spawning in the correct locations in Estel, Ironfast, and Talos.
- Fixed a bug where Grut Stag wildness would deplete rapidly while taming it.
Known Issues We're aware of a few outstanding bugs that will be resolved in another patch in the near future, these are the most major issues that we're working on at the moment:- There is a bug where some houses near the stables in Talos have incorrect collision settings. Entering one of these houses can result in your character getting stuck. Collision will be corrected for all of the houses in this area.
- The Volcanic Hotsprings will occasionally fail to provide its healing buff to players. All players / creatures in the springs should receive a buff that refills Health and Focus over time.
- There is a bug where Pegasi have a tendency to spawn at level 1 only - once this bug is resolved, all Pegasi will spawn at higher levels.
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