CS:GO - Valve revamps Major stage names to include qualifier

Valve revamps Major stage names to include qualifier

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

Stewie2k: "Qualifying for the major was always an accomplishment, regardless how we finished. Earning your own sticker and having it be a symbol of yourself in the game is when I knew I put my foot through the door. 24 teams at a major devalues the importance and competition ��"

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST

All 24 teams will receive stickers under the new Major format change.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:22 AM PST

100 Thieves Proposed Stickers

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2017 by EzStudios

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:33 AM PST

ANGE1: "A lot of people missed the fact that FlipSid3Tactics made it to major again! Gz Seized, I knew u will do it"

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST

BnTeT won't attend ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018 due to visa issues

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:14 PM PST

Magisk on the new major changes

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:58 AM PST

Can we please have sv_grenade_trajectory 1 available to all members in a server?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:46 AM PST

Makes it really hard (or at least harder) to teach my friends grenades in realtime CS. I know this must have been posted before, but Valve have been listening recently so I hope this gets through.

submitted by /u/Stylised1
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Give us the ability to rate our teammates after the the game

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:56 AM PST

If I may say so I find myself to be quite a good teamplayer. I give info, I try to lead the team but quite often the team does not give a damn. Since trust got released I thought matches would become better, nicer teammates, better coms etc... (SPOILER: They didn't, it got worse)

So to improve the trust system they should give is the ability to give our teammates a rating to give them a trust boost, that makes nice and competitive people play with each other.

For example!

player a:

  • Friendly: Yes( ) No ( )
  • Communication: Yes( ) No ( )

player b:

  • Friendly: Yes( ) No ( )
  • Communication: Yes( ) No ( )


To avoid abuse valve could analyze a players behavior through rating. And when the system notices that a certain player gives a lot of negative rating but also receives them. It could decrease the efficiency of the players rating, like decrease the score.

For example. You rate 4/5 players for the last 10 matches a bad rating your rating impact should be decreased to minimize your "toxic" rating. Just like the overwatch system. If people have a super good and consistent rating it'd be odd if they god rated bad. Ofcourse everyone is toxic every now or then but it still can be used to value the importance of the players rating.

I know that you can report people for abusive voice and text chat and that you can commendate people, but those systems / options get neglected most of the times.

Let me know what you think about it and give me your opinion, I think it will improve the MM environment a LOT.

EDIT Markup

EDIT 2: Cleared up my idea.

submitted by /u/MUK99
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Lurppis: "The major could have peacemaker playing for TyLoo, zonic playing for Astralis and zews playing for Liquid... Plus SK with a stand-in. What a joke."

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:34 PM PST

Gla1ve: "We're crossing our fingers that Dev1ce will come back for the major, but if not we'll probably play with Zonic."

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:37 AM PST

Coldzera's Badges

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:21 AM PST

SK Lineup Confirmed to MiBR https://twitter.com/ltktito/status/941009574907215877

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST


Starting live with a shirt of the greatest team of all time and will be the best top 1 HLTV next year! Today has @GamersClubBR, my team @ltkgamingbr will play, meanwhile it is warm up in DM

The conversation under this tweet points Fallen's brother Marcelo Confirmed to Tito the brazilian lineup will play under MiBR orgs (AKA New Immortals), and teamplay owner alex pretty much confirmed aswell #RUNMIBR

submitted by /u/cess500
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Hey Guys made you all a wallpaper thanks

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:02 PM PST

I think Hazed wants to tell us something?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

I predicted the inclusion of minor teams with stickers when the major was announced. No one else believed.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:51 AM PST

Former Cloud9 player n0thing conflicted on returning to CS:GO

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:00 PM PST

Do FaZe have the ugliest jerseys in CSGO?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:35 PM PST

Steel:"I'm trying to give Liquid what I know from Brazil CS"

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:34 PM PST

If you get kicked for using cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 try -no-browser (launch option) instead

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:20 AM PST

Just add -no-browser to your CSGO launch options and it will completely disable the MOTD browser.
And now you can use cl_disablehtmlmotd 0 to not get kicked.
This will also give you an FPS boost and less FPS drops if you used to play with ads.

EDIT: It will NOT disable your overlay browser that browser is integrated with the Steam client not CSGO.
This parameter will do the same as cl_disablehtmlmotd 1

submitted by /u/gioucs
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ELEAGUE Major to Utilize RFID Badges to Attach to Steam accounts and award drops

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

The Unnoticed Patch Update Part 6.5?(Survival Island Map/Gametype)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:22 PM PST

Well ok… This is a first for me...

I have never posted one of these updates with only 1 finding before because I usually like saving multiple items from a few months gap. I thought what the hell though since I had a off day and this data builds off previous info I had found before so that means there would be more detail in this post. So that's why this one is labeled '6.5'.

A Little Backstory First

  • There was a lot of information I included back in my first 'Unnoticed Patch' post that detailed first information on Legacy Voices, Dust/Dust 2 Remake, and more. But after the patch of 'October 10, 2016' I had also found two new map references which included "de_canals" and "survival_island". We knew about 6 months later what Canals actually was since it was released in March this year. But since my first finding there hasn't been any additional information on this "survival_island".

  • Below is the link to my first post with this information

-The Unnoticed Patch Updates(Dust2 Remake\2 New Maps\2 Music Kits)

12/1/2017 Patch

PatchVersion =

Before this update it was possible to modify a map's soundscape script. The soundscape script basically has all the data in it to control all the audio levels around a map; this includes ambient sounds, tone sounds, certain sound effects, etc. Since these scripts were not located within the VPK's of the game it was possible that somebody could change or turn off all of the ambient sounds located on a map. So Valve fixed this exploit by first moving all these soundscape scripts within the VPKs but also change the format of the file from a simple .txt to a .vsc format.

Additional Survivor Map Information

  • Now onto the beef of this post. When doing my usual checks of seeing what has changed between patches I skipped over this at first by accident. It mostly has to do with the new .vsc file format.

  • I was looking at the difference of code in 'soundscapes_manifest.txt' (This file dictates to all/which soundscapes scripts to load within the client).

Located below is a example of 'soundscapes_manifest.txt':

 soundscaples_manifest { "file" "scripts/soundscapes_dust.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_dust2_new.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_compound.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_train.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_general.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_inferno.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_inferno_new.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_training.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_mirage.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_overpass.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_train_new.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_nuke_new.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_cementplant.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_canals.vsc" "file" "scripts/soundscapes_rialto.vsc" 
  • I noticed there was one additional script that was not included in the manifest update but was in the VPKs now called soundscapes_island.vsc. It appears the original name of "survival_island" has been changed to just "island". Even when I first found it this information all we had was a name but back in October 2016 most of us thought this would be some type of survival of the fittest/last man standing game type map. And yes this was many months before PUBG was given to streamers and it's early access release date. Kappa.

  • But after looking at the actual script of the soundscape I personally think it must really be some type of survival gamemode or it is a very different coop map. More inclined toward the survival because the one map that was built by Valve for coop was the cementplant map. And your clearly able to see that all the entries are pre-labeled with the term coopcementplant. Maybe a bit of a stretch but a example of it is located below:

    //--coopcementplant.drainage_stairs //--coopcementplant.forest_tower //--coopcementplant.entrance 
  • The soundscape for "island" looks very different from all the other soundscapes even from the coop map. For example if you look at a previous soundscape for let's say the brand new Dust2. The Dust2 one looks closely to any other soundscape script with listing different locations around the map for audio to play like BBomb, BDoors, MidDoors, CTstart, ABomb, LongA, UnderA, and many more. It is a lot more specific to condense areas on a map.

Full soundscapes_island.vsc script located below:

 // Island soundscapes //"island.outside.generic" - used inland //"island.outside.coast" - used near coastline //"island.outside.forest" - used in forest //"island.outside.industrial" - used in industrial areas //"island.inside.house" - used inside regular buildings //"island.inside.industrial" - used inside warehouses and other industrial buildings //-------- // // Generic outdoors ambience // "island.outside.generic" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.5" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\inferno\exterior_01.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\inferno\exterior_02.wav" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "inferno_new.Birds" } // seagulls "playrandom" { "time" "30,60" "volume" "0.05,0.1" "pitch" "95,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/seagull_idle1.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/seagull_idle2.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/seagull_idle3.wav" } //-------- // // Generic outdoors ambience // "island.outside.coast" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.5" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\inferno\exterior_01.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\inferno\exterior_02.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "13, 35" "volume" "0.3, 0.5" "pitch" "95, 105" "position" "random" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_01.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_02.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_03.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_04.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_05.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_06.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_07.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_08.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_09.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_10.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_11.wav" "wave" "ambient\dust2\sand_gust_12.wav" } //-------- // // Crawlspace in house on the hill // "island.inside.crawlspace" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.45" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/css15_amb_baggage_spooky.wav" } // random noises "playrandom" { "time" "10,20" "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/rodent_scratch_short_3.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/rats4.wav" "wave" "ambient/inferno/house_creak_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/inferno/house_creak_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/inferno/house_creak_06.wav" } // breathing "playrandom" { "time" "20,60" "volume" "0.05,0.1" "pitch" "95,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "hostage/huse/hostage_breath.wav" } "island.inside.generic" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\tones\office_room_tone_01.wav" } 


  • The top of the script is a summary of what is included even if it's not all there yet in this build. The rest of the script only points to island.outside.generic , and island.outside.coast so far but you can see that there will also be island.outside.forest , island.outside.industrial , island.inside.house , and island.inside.industrial . Next to each name has a description of the location and you can see the expanse area that it seems this map will take up. From being in the interior of the island, the beach/coast, a forest, houses/regular buildings, and a industrial area with warehouses. So it seems you have a pretty big map in addition of many enterable buildings which is pretty rare for many.


  • Nothing to special with this entry other having sound effects of birds and then seagulls (This is a island)


  • Again nothing to special other than a windy sand sound effects since this is tied to a area that is either going to be on a beach or by the coast.


  • Now even if the island.inside.house doesn't have a entry yet it appears that a crawl space within one of the houses has one. It seems 2spooky4me also. The description of this area is "Crawlspace in house on the hill" and it seems that this area is suppose be creepy. You will have sound effects of rats and them moving around plus house creaking noise. But you will also have the sound effects of humans breathing. Currently they are using the sound effect of when you are carrying the hostage. Not sure if this is suppose be just a creepy ambient breathing effect or a actual spooky dungeon where people are kept. Who knows.


  • Even though this is the second time I have found information about this map it doesn't guarantee that this will be released one day. This could just be a personal/side project of one of the devs or could have been a test for a certain operation game mode.

If you want to, follow me on twitter to get updates when I do post more patch content.


submitted by /u/MaxReiger
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