Legion TD 2 v1.64 Patch Notes

v1.64 Patch Notes

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:50 PM PST

New Features

Bots 2.0
- Save Detection: Bots now value up and avoid pushing workers when their attacker or enemy team is saving
- Mid Detection: Bots taking over a mid builder will now build in the correct area
- Smarter Sending: Bots are now smarter about what mercenaries to send
- Varying bot difficulties will come in a later patch

Client Updates

Chat Rooms
- Added a checkbox option: Automatically show chat windows - use this if you don't want the chat to pop up automatically
- Now smarter about case sensitivity. If you try to join "global chat" when a chat called "Global Chat" exists and is populated, you will join "Global Chat" instead.
- Added a command "/list" to list current chat rooms
- Fixed a bug where it wasn't autoscrolling properly

Friends List
- Should load much faster now (experimental change that loads friends faster, but retries with a dynamic window if throttled)

- Added more tooltips to describe what cards, trophies, badges are

Help Menu
- Added "Game Systems" guide that explains details for Matchmaking, FairPlay, Cards

Lobby Stability
- Tweaked "no connections" failsafe, so the Lobby will restart more responsively if it stops accepting connections

Black Screen Bug
- Continued debugging with Coherent GT team. We're making progress - we can now semi-reliably reproduce it. Hopefully we'll have a fix in the next few weeks.

Party Updates
- Fixed some visual bugs where the party list (bottom right) would have missing names
- Added additional debugging information to help debug other cases where this may happen

Game Updates

Pathing & Targeting
- Fixed a rare bug where the King wouldn't target a new unit after its current attack target went out of range

- Fixed a bug where protons/atoms would linger after their death

Art Updates

Dark Mage
- New Mindwarp VFX to improve clarity

Game Balance

- Attack speed increased: 8% -> 12%
- Now gains 1 stack for the middle lane and 1 stack (2 total) for leaked units

In v1.63, cross had a 65% win rate and was being played in 40% of games at high Elo, so we're nerfing it. This change makes it harder for cross to get more workers than solo laners early game, which is what caused the strategy to snowball out of control late game.


- Health increased: 1030 -> 1080


(14) Killer Slugs
- Health increased: 1700 -> 1750

(17) Metal Dragons
- Attack speed (attacks per second) increased: 0.96 -> 0.99


- Maximum stock decreased: 3 -> 2
- Stock timer (refresh rate) increased: 15 -> 20

- Maximum stock decreased: 3 -> 2

- Maximum stock decreased: 3 -> 2

- Damage decreased: 170 -> 165

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