CS:GO - mOE removed from Rank S

mOE removed from Rank S

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:32 PM PST

CSGO Wild is rigged

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:59 AM PST

My 77-year-old dad just bought himself a NiP HeatoN mousepad. NiP is his favorite team, and any time he sees them in the local newspapers he comes and asks me about the CS scene. :D

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:45 AM PST

Move downs in Rank S reverted.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:17 PM PST

Swiss system at Boston Major

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:26 AM PST

GuardiaN and olof injured at MLG and NiP had to use their coach. ESL One Cologne 2016 Astralis had to use zonic and a stand-in. Guess we are still waiting for a Brazilian team to win a "legit" major

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 10:33 AM PST

I was looking at my pictures of NY and I found this. Maybe those two guys lurk reddit and would like to have this.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:03 PM PST

Mythic - WIRED (CS:GO Fragmovie)

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 01:06 PM PST

Last time kennyS,apex,NBK made it out of groups at a major they won the major.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:47 AM PST

Yep that was in 2015 and they haven't made it out of the groups since lol.

submitted by /u/levji_kralj
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Mikey: ''You won't be able to recognize pugging scene of #CSGO in 2018. Thanks to ambassadors like @jwCSGO @rubinoeu and many more, how you play CSGO will forever change''

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:33 AM PST

flamie really on that grind

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 05:46 AM PST

For all wondering, Emirates updates their ESL section so now we have Cologne 2017!

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:27 AM PST

Maikelele gets killed by a flashbang

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:44 AM PST

Does nobody care about reova?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:25 PM PST


I watch rank S streams often, from a variety of streamers perspectives. From the day I first saw Reova in Rank S I noticed he fit in. He did not argue, he took the criticism and he made the effort to play well. He was not an "I know it all asshole" and from what i saw he had great games, good games, and bad games just like everyone else. Of course hes no stewie, but how is he supposed to get to that level if he gets tossed out of a rank that he has earned, and shown that he is capable of playing in.

I have no connection to Rank S, Reova or anyone. I am a nobody, but I am someone who plays this game for 40 hours a week and like the rest of us, dreams of being at the top. I am pretty disgusted that they kicked him out. I am heartbroken for Reova because its one thing to be a shit player who doesn't listen and doesn't want to grow. Its another to earn your spot and work hard to be better. I feel like there is no point of me playing this game, I feel so unmotivated from seeing someone be tossed out of a rank for what reason?

I don't know what discussions you will have, I know there is a lot of people who have favorite players and will want reova out just because he does not have a following but really think if that was you. What if you played hundreds of pugs to make it and got tossed out for the same reason Reova was tossed for.

I think we should help him get back, i dont know but im really upset about this.

PS. he recently got Rank S player of the week? lol.

submitted by /u/coltsfan63
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When it is not your day...

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:22 AM PST

Rank S Player of the Week "REOVA" gets removed from Rank S.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:23 PM PST

Tyloo's Nicknames in Chinese

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:20 AM PST

So I was watching the Chinese stream for the StarSeries SL i-League Asia qualifier match between MVP PK and Tyloo - and I was reminded once again that the Chinese fan base has their own cute little nicknames for the Tyloo players that don't really seem to relate to their in-game names. Casters for Chinese streams exclusively use these names and never make any reference to their actual in-game aliases. I just wanted to put these out there, and see if any other Mandarin-speaking fans around know where these names came from.

  • BnTeT is 大哥 (da ge) - literally, "big brother".
  • somebody used to be 小鬼 (xiao gui), or "little devil". Casters today just called him "somebody" instead.
  • CaptainMo is just M-O - the casters say each letter separately, which is probably because although the mou sound already exists in Mandarin, it's never written as "mo".
  • DD is just... DD (滴滴 = didi)?
  • AttackeR is 白菜 (bai cai) - Napa cabbage. No idea where this comes from.
  • HZ's name is just his initials in Chinese, so the commentators pretty naturally just referred to him as such - 黄振 (Huang Zhen). Might look weird compared to his name on HLTV (Zhen Huang), but keep in mind that in Chinese, family names come first.
  • Karsa didn't have a nickname as far as I can remember - he's just 卡萨 (ka sa). :(
  • I actually don't remember what fancy1/Summer was when he was on Tyloo. Whoops. Casters called him "C-Y-一" (cy1) today during Flash vs. Eclipse. Incidentally, those are his initials in Chinese (蔡誉伦, Cai Yulun).
submitted by /u/Neotanks
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Best shot of my life: 3k Collat

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:00 AM PST

mOE on Twitter: no offense, but i more than held my own in RANK S games. When you let players who have been cut from pro teams their whole career make decisions, its not a fair system. sorry to reova as well he deserved to be in there more than anyone. i guess the non active players stay in...

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 05:32 PM PST

So, what happened to the Old VeryGames vs Old NIP showmatch?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST

Subroza gets fcked by fl0m

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

My mm prime data of 2017

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 12:52 PM PST

Hello, since a few years I download every fishy or lost mm game and check it later for bans. It's around 50% of the matches that I played (I play on global with prime, eu servers)

Today I want to present you my collected data of 2017 (without steam ids) https://pastebin.com/gjGuJbnm

240 demos -> 1645 different players

~160 bans -> ~10% of all players are banned today !

a few important facts

  • not everyone cheated in my match
  • not every cheater got banned

57 gamebans vs 103 vacban (36% vs 64%)

I made a graph about the time between a match and someone got banned https://i.imgur.com/cowhUCW.jpg

Over the time the bans get less (watch the graph)


submitted by /u/extraleet
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Thorin's Thoughts - The Multi National Team Revolution (CS:GO)

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:08 AM PST

Mikey: "With the kick wave incoming in FPL for players who aren't playing competitive CSGO and FPL, who do you think should be invited to FPL in 2018 from young talents?"

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:36 AM PST

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