Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:08 AM PST
CS2D version is now online.

ATTENTION: Due to a bug the game offers you to auto update the client! Do NOT use the auto update feature with Steam! The game will be updated via Steam instead. Restart Steam if it doesn't update automatically.

Non-Steam users can get the update the usual way at www.CS2D.com/download

The new version contains tons of bugfixes, improvements, some new scripting features like HTTP requests and 3 new achievements!


[FIXED] Steam achievement progress did not save properly
[FIXED] Crash when hovering UI text field and starting loading the map at the same time
[FIXED] Better stability for servers with longer uptime
[FIXED] Lack of lag compensation precision since introduction of 60 fps
[FIXED] TileFX for 64px tilesets
[FIXED] 3D graphics mode with 4:3 gameplay ratio for 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions
[FIXED] Autobuy did not allow to buy AK-47 when autobuy list contained a M4A1 before the AK-47
[FIXED] Main menu language flag sometimes opened the options while scrolling the serverlist
[FIXED] Offline serverlist cache did sometimes not work properly under certain circumstances
[FIXED] Spawn projectiles appeared out of sync between client and server
[FIXED] When using "Free Look" it was impossible to select player to spectate from scoreboard
[FIXED] Wrong flag was displayed for Czech localization
[FIXED] Env_Light size was limited to 128 instead of 256
[FIXED] Some rendering issues in DirectX mode with high resolutions on maps with Env_TileFX entities
[FIXED] Shotguns now fire correctly when mouse1 is held down with an empty clip
[CHANGED] User name is now updated in ranked data list
[CHANGED] Blood spray and ground snow particles fade out quicker if there are many (performance optimization)
[CHANGED] Default lag compensation divisor is now 16
[CHANGED] Rank command now shows user type (U.S.G.N. / Steam)
[CHANGED] Improved hudtxt font sharpness when using mp_hudscale (1 or 2)
[CHANGED] Serverlist: Only the real player count is now used for sorting by player count, bots are ignored
[CHANGED] Linux: Default color depth is now 24 bit instead of 32 bit for better compatibility
[CHANGED] Fancy round end messages (cp_roundend) are now enabled by default
[ADDED] Korean translation, thanks to Zeisen (U.S.G.N. #53832)
[ADDED] UTF-8 support for hudtxt and sv_msg commands
[ADDED] Lua UTF-8 support for print, msg, msg2 and parse commands ("hello" = "UTF-8:\x68\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F")
[ADDED] 1440x900 resolution support
[ADDED] 1360x768 resolution support
[ADDED] Lua image flag when using path "<flag:iso>"
[ADDED] Lua command reqhttp(url, path) to request http connection
[ADDED] Lua command player(id,"mousedist") now returns mouse distance from player with in-game measurement
[ADDED] Lua command "addbind" (adds a key bind which the server can listen to with the "key" Lua hook)
[ADDED] Lua hook "httpdata" (when http data is received afer sending a request with reqhttp)
[ADDED] Lua hook "assist" (when a player receives a kill assist)
[ADDED] Lua hook "key" (when key bound via "addbind" is pressed)
[ADDED] Command/setting "steam_login_timeout" to control how much time to use for login request
[ADDED] Additional ammo parameters for spawnitem command
[ADDED] "hudtxt" command additional vertical align and font size parameters
[ADDED] Entity property to ignore fog of war for Env_Breakable
[ADDED] Selected player in the scoreboard blinks in the radar
[ADDED] Spectator icon in the scoreboard for the player that you are currently spectating
[ADDED] Assist argument in "kill" hook
[ADDED] Small X button in main menu for quitting (top right corner in main menu)
[ADDED] Small arrow for window/fullscreen switching (top right corner in main menu)
[ADDED] 3 new Steam achievements ("FIRST BLOOD!", "So bright!", "I can see you!") [REMOVED] IRC Chat (wasn't used properly by anyone)[/quote]

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