Civilization - A nice welcome for tourists

A nice welcome for tourists

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:45 AM PST

Every time I don't play as Australia.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

You always gotta one-up your competitors

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:34 PM PST

Deity mode... finds a way.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:39 PM PST

Temple of Poseidon overlooking the coast

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:59 AM PST

This (new?) natural wonder from the Rise and Fall announcement looks amazing.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

Is there a Civ VI minimap mod to remove culture on water?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:32 AM PST

I'd love a Civ V style minimap where culture is only shown on land. The current Civ VI minimap is ugly. Thanks for any assistance.

submitted by /u/XavierXavier1
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Got Food?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:13 AM PST

T267 Deity Pacifist Win Kampung/Auckland OP with seed

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:06 AM PST

Interesting spawn location

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:42 PM PST

An idea for a leader DLC pack to introduce new leaders to take advantage of the new features in Rise and Fall

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:46 PM PST

It was confirmed on another post that the Rise and Fall expansion will introduce 8 new civs and 1 extra new leader to be added to a current or new civ. Given that a lot of people on this sub would like to see more leaders (myself included), I thought I'd post an idea that popped in my head since reading the new expansion details.

Rebels and Revolutionaries DLC Pack

With the new Loyalty and Emergencies mechanics, a leader pack focused on historical revolutionaries would be a great way to bolster the leader roster with abilities geared towards these new mechanics and possibly add some new civs from underrepresented areas of the map that also aren't obvious choices for the expansion itself (like the Mongols, Inca or Ottomans).

There's little point in devising what their leader bonuses could be since the details of the new mechanics aren't out yet, but here's my shortlist for new leaders I think might be interesting additions. Keep in mind inclusion in Civ isn't necessarily an endorsement of the figure, otherwise Firaxis has some explaining of Attila the Hun to do.

America: We've already seen Washington, but Thomas Jefferson would make a good addition as the author of Declaration of Independence and 3rd President. Martin Luther King, while not ever holding office, was an enormously influential cultural and protest leader who I think would make a good addition.

China: Mao Zedong is the obvious candidate, but since he's been China's leader in the first 4 games already, Sun Yat Sen could be a contender as well since he saw the transition of China from dynasty to republicanism.

England: Stephen Langton was the Archbishop largely responsible for the signing of the Magna Carta after the conflict between King John and rebel barons. Oliver Cromwell would make a controversial choice, but he is ranked highly in lists of influential Britons and is definitely more well-known than Langton.

France: Napoleon Bonaparte is another obvious choice, but like Mao, he's been in several Civ games already. I'd rather see the Hero of Two Countries, the Marquis de Lafayette who played a role in both the American and French Revolutions and is more generally viewed with favor than Napoleon.

Kongo: This isn't quite technically a Kongolese leader as I'm not super knowledgeable of that kingdom's history, but I think Agostinho Neto could work as he was the 1st President of Angola who led them to independence from Portugal (and was a poet to boot).

Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution is definitely one of the most important events of the 20th century, but it's hard to justify putting someone like Stalin or Lenin in charge of Cossacks (as pointed out to me in a thread a while ago). There's no easy answer for this short of having the leader ability completely replace the Cossack as a UU (which is itself a little unsettling). That being said, Leon Trotsky doesn't carry quite the same baggage of his fellow Bolsheviks (to my knowledge) and while never the Premier of the Party, did assume leadership positions and an influential role in the early Soviet period before being purged by Stalin.

And here are some ideas for a new civ along the same theme:

Sioux under Sitting Bull: This one is actually a return of this civ/leader from Civ II, and his resistance to the US military and government policies of the time is legendary and tragic. I think I read somewhere that representatives of the tribe declined to represented in later Civ games, and if that's true, that's fair. But I do admit I'd like to see the return of Sitting Bull.

Haiti under Toussaint Louverture: He led the only slave revolt that successfully became an independent nation. I would also love to see a Caribbean Civ (Cuba would be great as well, but in keeping with the theme here, I don't think enough time has passed for Fidel Castro to be considered. Maybe in Civ XXVI).

Gran Columbia under Simon Bolivar: One of the most influential figures in South American history who liberated most of the continent from Spanish colonial rule.

South Africa under Nelson Mandela: This might be too recent to be included seeing as how Mandela died very recently, but he was a tremendously famous and influential figure for his resistance to apartheid.

Thanks for reading if you read through all this. I just wanted to get this out somewhere. I welcome any discussion on the ideas I brought up or if any of you have additions or ideas of your own whether to my theme or something different.

submitted by /u/Metatron
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Are we gonna get civ reworks in Rise and Fall?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:07 AM PST

I remember back in Civ 5, some civs got changed or reworked with expansions. I wonder if the same will come with Rise and Fall? Because I know a few civs certainly need tweaking. Just off the top of my head:

  • America, a civ that should really be a jack-of-all-trades is geared strictly for culture, but with weak bonuses. With supposed government changes coming, this would be an even better area to focus America on (if we can't make it a jack-of-all-trades), and I know the unique unit and infrastructure could certainly be improved (or swapped out, like the German Landsknecht in Civ 5).

  • Russia, the only civ in the game (aside from America) that would fit perfectly with a focus towards Science Victory, but instead chooses to focus on religion (which, like America, is important internally but isn't their greatest achievement or focus IRL). It's not even that good at religion, it can just get it quickly...except Japan can do exactly the same through a leader bonus, and then some. It's okay to have religious aspects of a Russian civ, just include some of the production and science bonuses that made it a superpower!

  • France is very underwhelming. What should be a military/cultural powerhouse is limited to mid-game/late-game strength on the home continent and literally a single time frame for acquiring Wonders. I feel like there should be an encouragement to go colonial (like England), as that was one of France's biggest aspects; perhaps using luxuries to increase strength (akin to the Aztec bonus) and/or culture and gold? Also the Chateau is kind of outshined by Persia's UI in terms of Culture and Gold, so it should get buffed.

  • China is definitely good, but I feel its UA could be better designed to fit the thematic idea of dynastic cycles. Like, maybe accruing bonuses through successive eras?

Hopefully we can see some changes here and there to existing civs. Any thoughts on what aspects of existing civs could/should be changed?

submitted by /u/-SpaceCommunist-
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TIL that Globalization doesn't work the turn you get it

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:16 AM PST

I wish I could say I'm surprised

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:51 PM PST

During the pre-expansion PR phase, journalists need to ask hardhitting questions on AI diplomacy. New alliance mechanics sound great, but will there be actually positive change?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:23 AM PST

Even though I actually enjoyed civ VI so far (put 90hours in), I will not buy the expansion if the singleplayer gameplay will still treat diplomacy as a tack-on and you are better off just abusing all AI civs, being unable to establish any truely friendly/mutually beneficial relationships.

submitted by /u/chocopaw1
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DAE feel like a mob boss when going for a Diplomatic victory in Civ V?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

Seems like I can beat anybody by making a bunch of money and paying off other people to support me.

submitted by /u/nihilo503
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Stepwells; allowing India to thrive in their traditional biome of... tundra and snow?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:41 PM PST

Can we deduce new Civs in the upcoming expansion based on the new game mechanics and the scenarios likely to be based on them?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:29 AM PST

So what do you guys think? I think we will get Ottomans and Mongols in this go, maybe some type of Central Asian Turkic scenario. This is just speculation but I am imagining a scenario where you are Temujin with your horde and no cities. Through conquest and the new "loyalty" feature, as well as a few Free-Cities (new game concept) to flip to your cause you try to control Asia.

Got me thinking: there would probably be other scenarios. What other civs would you think these can be based around considering the new game mechanics and what civs are likely to take advantage of them?

submitted by /u/TheCapo024
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Trajan is OP

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:11 PM PST

Not complaining, but the auto-build of monuments and roads for new cities is so good for early expansion. It saves 10-15 turns of production and lets me train archers or builders instead of worrying about culture or trading posts. Im sure I'm not alone in thinking this, but these bonuses are way more helpful than most.

submitted by /u/WhySoSyrio
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Science Slingshot Mod

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:25 PM PST

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I'm looking for a mod that gives a boost to science the farther behind both you and the AI are. I searched the workshop and google, but found nothing.

I usually play on prince or king, but still want the AI to keep up with science, often they are severely lacking by the Modern and Information era. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/queglix
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Château Maucaillou 1975 vs Civilization VI [xpost r/france]

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:37 PM PST

Civ 6 needs a Auto-decline trade proposal from certain civilizations feature

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:58 AM PST

Im sick of being asked by Harald if I want to trade all of my income (98, at the time) for 1 luxury ressource and 4 gold or something like that. Srsly, why do they even try? Same with demands. I wiped out all of Kleopatras cities except 1, and she's demanding some diamonds from my 13 cities spanning empire. Keep dreaming bitch.

submitted by /u/3Skilled5You
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