World of Warcraft - Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:08 AM PST

Are you looking for more people for your guild? Are you looking for a guild? Put your recruitment posts here! Don't forget about /r/wowguilds in the meanwhile; sometimes you can't wait a couple of weeks to find a guild.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Me on Classic: "I'll do a quick dungeon before bed"

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Blood Trolls look really sick. (Hopefully they're a future allied race)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

Didn't give Sylvanas a clean death so she can hype us with Banshee powers at Blizzcon reveal. Still to this day, he is the one true king in our hearts doing wonders.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:36 AM PST

Big WoW botting tool has been discontinued due to Blizzard new anti-cheat system!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:32 AM PST

With Jaina gone wonder what Bolvar is doing ... oh never mind

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:51 AM PST

Vanilla Manual Explains 'Walking' Perfectly

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:26 AM PST

Worgen tinkerer

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST

For those who never played vanilla, the "big bad list" of quality of life changes you might take for granted in modern wow

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

I'll preface this whole thing by saying I KNOW there are lots of reasons people want to play on a vanilla server, and a lot of these things will actually add to the experience. But I also know many people on here have forgotten just how good we have it now. Here are all the horrible awful inconveniences I can remember that they've fixed over the last decade!

Plus, for vanilla veterans its funny to look back on a lot of this crap

  • Paying to learn new skills and new ranks, often costing more than you could make while leveling

  • Bag space taken up by hunter ammo, shaman totems, warlock soul shards, mountains of paladin reagents... while the largest and rarest bags in the game were 18 slots.

  • unaffordable mounts at lvl 40, not 20. extremely unaffordable epic mounts at 60

  • Hunter dead zone! Not only did you require limited (and expensive) ammo to actually... attack. but they had a minimum range. There was even a lovely deadzone where you'd be out of melee range but less than minimum gun range.

  • Soul shards! Almost everything a warlock did took a soul shard. every soul shard had to be farmed with drain soul. They did not stack.... on an average raid night you'd want 40-50 of them essentially taking up every empty slot in your bag.

  • Multiple fights requiring both fire and nature resist gear. And some even made use of arcane resist gear! all of these were extremely expensive or hard to hunt down

  • There weren't enough quests to actually get you to the next zone and you were stuck doing frequent grinding to level up for the next quest hub. In fact most players spent their last 3-5 levels purely grinding

  • World exploring! The lost art of wall climbing was strong in vanilla, with secret holes and unrendered lands to explore, and finding these always felt like a lot of fun. areas like inside the dalaran bubble, underneath ironforge, etc.

  • Another raid inconvenience, Nefarian! remember it was a tough fight yeah? do you remember.... onyxian scale cloaks? You needed one for all 40 raid members and if someone didn't show up, well.... I hope you made spare cloaks to hand out!

  • PvP balance was hilariously bad. enhance shamans and arms warriors would just obliterate anyone they touched. Rogues could stun lock someone for at minimum 5 minutes

  • BUFFS!!! You know those buffs that cover the whole raid in one cast? yeah nope. used to have to buff each person 1 at a time, or in some lucky cases group by group in a raid. And in the case of paladins this cost reagents (And I think the priest party buffs too?)

  • 16 slot dot cap. 8 in early vanilla. if you put up a dot at the wrong time you could knock off something critical like sunder armor

  • After spanning general and LFG chat you'd eventually get a 5 man group together. Once you got one together you'd need to manually run to the dungeon and hope that nobody gets bored and leaves. From starting the group to entering the dungeon you could be looking at 20-30 min.

  • Weapon skills! Remember skilling up unarmed in case you got disarmed in pvp? 400 ranks of skills that had to be leveled up per weapon type

  • No quest assist of any kind. you'd need to read every quest description and use external sites which were in their baby phase to help out. both a positive and a negative!

  • On a good day, most dungeons would take you 1-2 hours. or 6, for a full BRD run

  • your class was stuck in one role. you're a druid? congrats you get to heal.

*as per the previous point, tanking was incredibly difficult as threat generation wasnt really what it is now. and paladins didnt even have a taunt

Any other fun memories of vanilla people have to add?


  • Respeccing talents cost gold. at the top end it cost 50g every time you changed soemething, and considering the massively unaffordable epic mounts were 1000g.... 50 was significant

  • Mage food! crafted into your inventory and you handed it out one stack at a time. and created it one stack at a time

submitted by /u/MrGraveRisen
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"For the Horde" in multiple languages

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:34 AM PST

So... What's your clipping life like?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:36 AM PST

GF made me this awesome sweatshirt !

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:57 AM PST

How the world tree actually burnt down

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:46 PM PST

Came home from university this weekend, my father was very excited to show me the mug he made

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:07 PM PST

When Vanilla comes, can't wait to get back to the old gnome models.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:46 AM PST

Request: New Hunter Animation

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST

I would like to make a suggestion:

  • That hunters hold their unsheathed weapons in a patrol ready or port arms position. Meaning, that guns are held at a ready position with both hands and bows are held facing downward but with an arrow drawn and string pulled halfway back (ready to fire)-- similar to the way Sylvanas holds her bow when she moves around in Heroes of the Storm. This is how my hunter looks holding a gun right now... It looks sort of awkward!

What are your thoughts? Let me know.

submitted by /u/gwizinfo
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Blizzard, thank you for the Mage Tower. Challenges. I'd love more robust single-player challenges going forward for nights I want to play by myself.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:17 PM PST

When I first beat the mage tower on my main, I thought that was all I wanted to do. With Argus available to get my alts to a reasonable ilvl, I've been running a few of my characters through and it's been an absolute blast. Although the challenge aspect is getting easier as gear progresses, it's still not a complete walk in the park and has actually widened my scope of what my abilities can do (plus, they can be a real pain in the neck if you don't have the right legendaries).

Maybe going forward they could even have challenges scale to your ilvl so that it's an accomplishment no matter when you're able to clear it. Just wanted to share my appreciation.

submitted by /u/CastDivineStorm
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Why do we need flying mounts when we are dead?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:19 AM PST

We are ghosts, can't we just... levitate? instead of getting a ghostly gryphon or rylak or hippogryph.

If you got no idea what im talking about, when you die in a zone that lets you fly as a ghost, you get put on a mount (unless you're a night elf then you are just a wisp). Just let us fly while dead with a normal levitate animation or something. Minor nitpick but still.

submitted by /u/38dedo
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Azerite armor really feels like the path of the titans system we were supposed to get for Cataclysm

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:40 AM PST

Is a trenchcoat a new armor model in Battle for Azeroth?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:48 AM PST

Some musings on continent sizes

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:11 PM PST

So, I was curious about the relative size of continents vs. their mapped appearance in game, and I decided to do some measurements to figure out the land masses of the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Lost Isles. Here's what I did:

First, some constants:

  • Same computer
  • Same settings
  • Same game client
  • Same timer

And some assumptions:

  • Base movement speed = 8 yards per second or 7.315 m/s.
  • 310% flying movement speed = 22.68 m/s (For comparison, this is almost exactly 50 mph)
  • No speed altering items

Methodology used:

First, I flew a high altidute a straight-path flight across both Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, north to south, making sure the path was straight, uninterupted, and as level as possible. I repeated this 3 times on each (Down, up then down again) and they averaged out to 619 seconds to traverse the Eastern Kingdoms, and 625 seconds to traverse Kalimdor for the same flight paths. We already know our movement speed, so we can discern the height of the continents are:

These numbers are probably slightly fudged for the EK because Quel'Thalas is instanced and might be to its own seperate scale, in addition to whatever inaccuracies I have made in Photoshop or with measurements. I had quite a bit of difficulty with Kalimdor due to the terrain, especially Hyjal, which got in the way. The areas around Mulgore-feralas are far higher in altitude than some of the zones in the north. I also discovered during this process that Lordaeron generally is at a higher altitude than the southern part of the continant, and the invisible wall on the upper limit on height is surprisingly inconsistant - that, or I'm doing it wrong.

Next, plugging this into Photoshop, knowing the size of screenshots and using the histogram, it's possible to figure out the area of the continents which works out to:

  • Kalimdor: 89.63 km² (Teldrassil: 3.99 km²)

  • Eastern Kingdoms: 72.58 km²

Now, using the same methodology for the Broken Isles, we can find out that it is 23.14 km² (plus an additional 0.88 km² for the broken shore). This was a staight line path from Faronar to Haustvald, using the same 3-step average, which came to 309 seconds forming a 7008m line.

It turns out that on the world map, the Isles are actually not that poorly scaled, but if they were accurate relative to the old world, the map would look something like this.

All of this, of course, is subject to a lot of innacuracy but it's a good rough comparison.

Food for thought, some other game world sizes:

  • Witcher 3 - ~136 km²
  • Breath of the Wild - ~64 km²
  • Skyrim - ~37 km²
  • Manhatten Island - 59.1 km²
submitted by /u/zcomuto
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Printed and painted some Skulls of Gul’Dan to keep Ilidan company.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:56 AM PST

Considering we're going back to Kul Tiras, Thrall, Jaina and the Proudmoore family brought back into the picture, I really want to fight alongside Misha and Rexxar once again.

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:46 AM PST

I mean they're bringing back Vanilla servers, yet our boi, the Champion of the Horde, Rexxar, is still out of the game.

Just imagine Rexxar and Zappy working together.

submitted by /u/CODEeon
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Logging onto an old character is pretty saddening.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:53 PM PST

Should.....should we tell him?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:42 PM PST

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