World of Warcraft - Black [Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

Black [Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:39 PM PST

Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

General DPS Questions

submitted by /u/Babylonius
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[Speculation] Anduin's lies, Saronite and the World Trees.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 06:37 AM PST

TL;DR at the end.

I posted a map of the possible location of N'Zoth a few days ago which got some traction, so I've decided to get some other thoughts down about the possible future of our dear Azeroth and how things may come to pass. The main focus of this is on a few of Il'gynoth's whispers and a new interpretation of them.

  • "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it."
  • "The king of diamonds has been made a pawn."

We receive "The Heart of Azeroth" from Magni (who is clearly the King of Diamonds) right at the start of BfA and immediately start filling it with Azerite, a mysterious, massively power dense ore made from the Blood of Azeroth. That stuff sounds awfully similar to Saronite, the solidified blood of Yogg-Saron that drove people insane.

So, we have Magni giving us a "gift" from Azeroth for protecting her and are asking us to fill it with something that he promises is Azeroths own blood? I don't buy it. The Old Gods, for whom Magni really speaks, are using us to empower an artifact with Old God corruption. To what ends they would use this artifact i could only speculate, but I doubt we'll enjoy it.

  • Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path.
  • Its surface blazes bright, masking shadows below.

The World Trees are pretty damn mysterious. We know they used to be the font of the Night Elf's immortality once blessed by The Aspects, but not much else. They're based on the Norse Mythology of Yggdrasil, a World Tree which trapped a dragon, Nidhogg, beneath it's roots and provided a place for life to flourish. Again, sounds pretty familiar. Now one of them has mysteriously burnt down. We're made to believe The Horde did it, but if it was to be that transparent, I doubt it would be steeped in mystery from the off.

We have 4 world trees confirmed to exist in our realm on Azeroth, and a 5th that's a little more ambiguous, but we've encountered it all the same.

  • Nordrassil - Mount Hyjal
  • Teldrassil - North east of Kalimdor, home of the Night Elfs
  • Vordrassil - Grizzly Hills, Northrend. Torn down by ancient druids because its roots reached into the prison of Yogg-Saron
  • Shala'drassil - Val'Sharah. Links directly to the Rift of Aln, where we fight Xavius and find the "Remnant of the Void".
  • Un'Goro Crater - World tree corrupted by Il'gynoth himself. Seems to only exist in The Dream.

Using the Norse mythology that they're based from, as well as some other hints in game, I'm pretty certain these 5 World Trees are playing a big part in keeping the Old Gods at bay.

That would make them the 5 keys, and by destroying them, say, by setting them on fire ("It's surface blazes bright"), they would also become the torches that light their path.

  • The boy-king serves at the master's table. Three lies will he offer you.

The Old Gods draw power from death. Xal'atath, the Shadow Priest weapon, bangs on about it quite a lot, so something like a world war would only serve to empower the Old Gods on their return, as well as weaken any opposition. Thankfully Anduin is all too happy to oblige.

The three lies he will offer will be the lies he uses to justify his crusade:

  • The Horde abandoned us on the broken shore
  • The Horde burned down Teldrassil
  • The Horde... Watch this spot.

Anduin is literally serving power to the Old Gods on a silver platter directly to their table. He's not choosing to help them, but in sparking this conflict, it directly helping them return to power. He's serving Azeroth to them.

The Old Gods are coming, and N'zoth will be the first to rise.

Battle for Azeroth is the staging ground for their return, seeded by their corruption, whispers and meddling throughout Legion and previous expansions. We, just like the characters in the game, have no inclination that they're about to return. Our focus is on our own petty conflicts, conflicts that were steered and driven by the Old Gods.

They're playing the long con and they're almost ready to kick off.


Azeroth's Heart is given to us by Magni, a pawn of the Old Gods, who asks us to "empower" it with Azerite, which is too familiar to Saronite, the blood of Yogg-Saron, to be a coincidence. The 5 keys that unlock their prisons are The World Trees, steeped in Norse mythology alluding to a similar story, The Torches that "light our path" are these very same trees burning to the ground. Anduins three lies are the justifications he gives to his people for his crusade against The Horde, two of which have already come to pass: The Broken Shore "abandonment" leading to the death of his father, and the burning down of Teldrassil.

submitted by /u/Vorsa
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This rare mob in Duskwood has a point.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 11:17 AM PST

So... Do demons eat breakfast?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 08:33 AM PST

How I feel on Black Friday

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:35 AM PST

Chef of Meatcraft

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:18 PM PST

Warcraft movie

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:11 AM PST

It's been a year since the Warcraft movie released, and I'm disappointed that no one encourages the sequel, literally not one. I would love to see a sequel to this because I am in love with the lore

submitted by /u/Abe_duh_babe
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[Self] Alexstrasza Cosplay (Sam Hogg's redesign) by Bastet Cosplay

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:12 AM PST

Project 70 Crashing Sisters of Elune.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:22 PM PST

I have hope that Blizzard won't do the biggest mistake of BfA and make these two fight against each other. They're only at the war tables to convince everyone to stop fighting right? :(

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:03 AM PST

My Vol'jin Fanart!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:10 PM PST

Another great love story in wow

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:11 AM PST

EU: Don't build the nether disruptor

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:07 AM PST

The EU nether disruptor just restarted it's construction. The next buff is the "Fate Smiles Upon You" buff. If we manage to hold off on completing this building until atleast monday, we will have the chance to refund our failed bonus roll coins on the first day of Antorus. Please share with your guildies and friends.

submitted by /u/Arganar
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A Story for Those That Hear that The Social Aspect is Gone from WoW

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:37 AM PST

I often hear that the social aspect of WoW has been gone or missing since Dungeon Finder and LFR were introduced into the game. While these tools provide a path for players that either don't have the time or resources to put together a team, I don't think they subtract from the possibility of having really fun social experiences in the game.

Like many players, I am not a cutting edge raider, and so over the last week I have spent my time putting together PUGs to tackles some Normal and Heroic Raids in Legion. I didn't really expect much other than maybe getting 10 people together to tackle some of this stuff, but I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself in a full Emerald Nightmare Heroic run with 24 other friendly people who were working on completing some long-languishing quests in their log.

It took all of 15 minutes to get a full group going using the in-game custom group tool, and by the end of the raid we were all having such a blast just chatting and joking around about the encounters and the mechanics. With many people at 900+ item level, this content wasn't really very difficult, but it was so nice to see this group of strangers come together and just have fun playing a video game for a few hours.

I friended a few people from the raid, and at the end I received some whispers from people saying things like "I wish more people put together stuff like this." and "Thanks for helping me finally get that transmog I wanted but thought I would never get.". It just warmed my heart.

I've since done the same with The Nighthold and plan on running Tomb of Sargeras later this weekend. I can't wait to bring some of those people I ran with back in for another fun evening of killing bosses.

For those of you feeling discouraged about the social element of WoW, I would encourage you to put yourself out there, find some PUGs in group finder and be friendly and social, I bet you will find a surprising amount of good people in there!

TL;DR - WoW is still very social if you know where to look! PS FOR THE ALLIANCE!

submitted by /u/GreenLeadr
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Antorus Boss Mechanics Notes (Heroic)

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:50 AM PST

I wrote notes on each mechanic in Antorus and made GIFs of the ones I felt would be nice to have visualized. I wanted to share in case anyone wanted another option for studying. Strategy-wise there isn't much commentary, so if you already know the fights there won't be anything new here. I basically watched the Fatboss videos, then went through the dungeon journal and wrote down each mechanic in a way that was most helpful for me to learn and understand them.

Note: These are just for Heroic and under. Mainly written to prepare for the first week of Antorus.

submitted by /u/Chuong9
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TIL: Survival Hunter's "Forest's Guardian" appearance is an updated model of the original Grand Marshal's Glaive from vanilla

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:33 AM PST

holy cow

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 12:31 PM PST

What do you like best about your main class?

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 10:26 AM PST

Trying to decide what class to play when I come back for the new xpac and would love to hear you guys' thoughts.

submitted by /u/Honor_Bound
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Logged into my old alt using a weapon higher level than her

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

Small rant about EU players who are matched with / against Russian players in PvP.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:50 AM PST

I have made jokes about this before but now I'm genuinely annoyed. As an EU PvP player I most commonly see Russian players in two ways:

1 - When I'm matched against an opposing team composed entirely out of Russians from the same realm (Supposedly through the exploitative addon)


2 - When I'm queuing for Arena Skirmishes and I get put with a Russian player.

The problem with this system is that from personal experience, the vast majority of Russian players in Arena Skirmishes are bots or players that play like bots. While in Random Battlegrounds the enemy 10 man premade is playing like it's a ranked match while they whipe out your completely disorganised RANDOM team just for Honor Kill farming.

In both instances, EU players are getting the bad side of the deal. Please can something be done about this so either the addon is banned or Russians will no longer get matched with EU players.

Additionally, I forgot to mention that the world lag when matched against RU players while in the EU feels much higher, and often leads to situations whereby I'll be chasing a Russian in PvP but none of my abilities will hit when used because the server can't keep up with the movement of both players. (Example: being in-range of an enemy target but unable to use Mortal Strike on them because you're constantly being given the "Out of range" error).

submitted by /u/AvatarIroh123
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I cannot unsee this every time I use the priest mount

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:19 PM PST

This is how I feel as pandaren main doing arenas in Legion :(

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:27 AM PST

I feel this has been my life whenever I don't heal or tank.

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 02:52 PM PST

Ever do this Quest in Azshara? It's Hilarious!

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:38 AM PST

What’s the website that looks at your mounts then tells you what dungeons to get the ones you don’t have and tells you best route by telling you what order to do them

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 01:28 AM PST

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