True Dota 2 - Who would use a S&K or K&Y?

Who would use a S&K or K&Y?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:48 PM PST

This is obviously a 'What if?' situation, so I apologize if it's not considered an appropriate topic for this sub.

But I would think a combination of Kaya and Sange or Yasha is not an unreasonable thing to expect in the future once it's been determined if Kaya is good as is or needs rebalancing. So, who would benefit from these possible combinations?

submitted by /u/Ashtronaut12
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Do you think Dark Willow requires further nerfs?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST

my only experiences were when playing with low mmr friends, so I can't really tell

submitted by /u/AkiAdagaki
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Is the 'Global Strat' still a viable strat?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:50 AM PST

You know, the one where you pick heroes with global skills to potentially have a good team fight. Is it still doable?

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Tidehunter Lv 25 Talent: Which one is better?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:20 PM PST

The 25% CDR is obviously pretty good. However, especially with the other tank talents, Tidehunter can survive long enough to do serious damage with the +250 damage, and Tidehutner can always pick up an Octarine anyways.

submitted by /u/Kurry_King
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Does Mirana talent stack with diffusal?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:38 PM PST

Ive seen 3 5k miranas build both with no other apparent uses for the diffusal, and i wasnt sure if it stacked.

submitted by /u/Uberrrr
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Best DPS item for medusa?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:54 PM PST

I am torn between the new mkb and mjolnir. MKB seems better lategame when carries are getting their evasions but mjollnir is a lot better at teamfighting and farming. I am choosing over these two because now they both give attackspeeds as well as damage.

There are times you cant get both, heres my dusa 7 slot: Skadi, Bloodthorn, Butterfly, Mkb/mjolnir, Satanic, BoT2, Moonshard. Rapier if going into the super late game.

submitted by /u/dendelion
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Self-cast with quickcast and alt+ bindings for items

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

Is there any way to do this? I play a lot of invoker, and alacrity + now cataclysm is a nightmare with this setup. I have to literally click on my hero portrait. Is my only option to bind the two spell keys to actual keys? Or is there a way to use ctrl+ click or shift+ click?

submitted by /u/Novu
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aspd vs bat

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:15 AM PST

Confusing about those thing.... here the attach picture with achemist with 936 attack speed but can reach 0.13. is it because of the lowest bat making him the fastest?..

but here another picture with troll warlord with 1438 attack speed but only can reach 0.28..

that mean, eventhough your attackspeed reach 9999 but still cannot be the fastest hero in term of attack speed? if your bat is high?

submitted by /u/Qasther
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Some thoughts about Morphling

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:53 PM PST

Initially I like nearly everyone else thought the new ult was plain stupid and killed carry Morphling, but recently I've been thinking that it more-so just killed his old playstyle. I think he's less of a split pusher now (though still very good at it with waveform charges) and more of a utility carry.

He kinda reminds me of what core Rubick wishes he could be, core Rubick isn't very reliable because he really needs to steal a nuke or high impact stun in order to really feel like a core. Morphling however can get any stun or nuke provided it isn't an ultimate.

Switch to Naix and you can rage TP (while morphing to strength and you are near unkillable) or infest gank with Eblade. If you're playing against a blink initiator, buy a blink as your first/second item this allows you to use whatever strong disable the hero may have (crush, burrow strike, hex) along with Morphling's naturally high damage. If a mobile hero comes to gank you while splitpushing then you morph to them and you're gone (blink > mobility spell > morph > waveformx2 for incredible distance). Pugna can provide you with an incredibly strong amp for your Eblade combo along with an extra nuke and a huge teamfight ability. Or one of my favorite interactions: TA, use refraction then blink meld strike then morph back to use the rest of the damage charges on your faster attacking hero (buy a deso for extremely high burst potential). Almost every hero can provide Morphling with something valuable, most of them require you to buy blink though.

Imo Morphling should now be itemizing more like his enemies than himself. There are only 2 items I would consider nearly core are Blink and Eblade. Almost every enemy team will have 1-2 heroes that benefit from blink (usually more), and if they do so do you. Eblade is now even stronger than it was since you can Eblade combo someone then switch to an enemy nuker (provided one is in the vicinity) and get even more damage on them without wasting either Waveform. You can also do cool stuff like blink disable with some hero's stun morph back combo them then switch to that hero (morph CD starts when you morph to them not back) and get even more nuke damage in.

There are just so many damn possibilities it seems like it could be incredibly strong vs many different lineups (it may need a cast range buff is my only complaint).

submitted by /u/N-DUB
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Combining zeus + natures prophet ults

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:47 PM PST

What's the best timing for this? I assume that if zeus ults first then furion instantly ults it will hit?

submitted by /u/arthur301
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Winter Wyvern in 7.07

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:18 PM PST

So I have seen a lot of WW play in pro games and seen discussion on /r/Dota2 about how the hero is "low key broken." Just curious what makes her so broken and what exactly pro's leverage about the hero to their advantage.

submitted by /u/stale_oreos
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Urn/Spirit Vessel on Core Venge

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:25 AM PST

I haven't had a chance to try this out yet, but it seems strong in theory to me. The early build would go something like:

Treads/Phase -> Ring of Aquila -> Urn -> MoM -> DLance

Between Urn and RoA you get +4 armor, which helps to balance out the -7 from MoM active. Urn also gives twice as much mana regen as RoA.

More importantly, core Venge wants to be active earlier than most cores, which means she is in a good position to collect charges. Urn charges help her take jungle camps easier, similar to how a Spectre would use them.

Spirit Vessel is the thing that makes me think this would work on core Venge. The upgrade gives decent stats for a low-range core like Venge, but more importantly Spirit Vessel is considerably better offensively than Urn, dealing 20% of current HP + 160 pure damage, not to mention the healing reduction.

Strategically, core Venge is best for applying lots of early pressure so as to allow a bigger, scarier core to get farmed. Spirit Vessel also helps you transition into playing second-fiddle to that core.

Has anyone tried this? Is delaying MoM by 800 gold worth the added sustain/nuke?

submitted by /u/saladinsaladout
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Controlling the Map: Playing 4 Protect 1

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:20 PM PST

As part of my upcoming Greater Guide to Map Control, i've been making videos analyzing professional teams in the new patch.

I'm looking at a lot of different styles individually, with a higher volume of shorter and more concise content.

Uploading is a slow process atm, so even though i have around 6 videos completed only 2 are on youtube at the moment.

The first one ive linked here is how VP make space for Ramzes' Anti-Mage against Secret. We look at a 10 minute window in the game where VP are able to dominate the map through their movement and warding.

If you like this kind of content, there is another video up about how to defend and comeback from a deficit, and much more to come.

A final note, the in game audio is missing from this one from a mistake on my part, but is present for the others. It doesn't make too great a difference.

submitted by /u/Lodbrok_Dota
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Isn't arc warden op now?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:29 PM PST

I have played only 2 games with arc warden since 7.07. I think lane gold increase is good for tempest double split push. And 7.07 added Nullifier. But according dotabuff winrate is 42% and not even increased after 7.07.

submitted by /u/eeve5
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What's the way to play Venomancer this patch?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:35 PM PST

Venomancer's one of my favorite heroes (, even before he became cancer in 7.06. With the removal of the XP talent and the +75 damage, it seems like his versatility and scaling potential is greatly reduced. Now it looks like he's purely a magic damage dealer stuck with agi as a prime stat.

So, what's the right way to build him and where do you lane him? In older patches I think he was played as a support or a greedy 4 jungler. My theories (I'm 1.2k btw) are as follows:

  • Veil is still good for damage and sustain
  • Aquila is still good for pushing
  • Force staff is still good for utility, and builds up into a pike which is good for stats
  • Double null/double wraith band+boots/wand gives you a nice power spike early on
  • Ethereal blade is a possibility, considering he's an agi hero that does spell damage (usually a shitty combo)
  • Other utility items like pipe and Shiva's are fine, considering you don't scale well into being a physical damage core
  • Kaya might be good? Yasha & Kaya would be a natural fit
  • The gale CD talent might make him a good jungle flash farmer (gale to aggro the camp, drop a ward, slither to the next camp) but you will need a lot of mana regen to sustain this I think

No idea where to lane him. Offlane might be good to contest pulls with wards? No idea here. I don't really understand laning well.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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