True Dota 2 - What is so strong about undying atm ?

What is so strong about undying atm ?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:47 AM PST

I see him banned in the first phase so often but i don't understand in wich position it would be played and why he is so strong to deserve such attention.

submitted by /u/luigi2597
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Some thoughts on 7.07 Tiny

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:07 PM PST

So I've only heard negative feedback from other players about the new Tiny in 7.07, but I think he's not nearly as bad as people make him out to be. His sustained right click damage is a lot weaker because he can't get a permanent tree with Aghs anymore, but in exchange he now has some RIDICULOUS burst damage.

  1. The first thing to note is that with Tiny's new E, it is ALWAYS correct to throw the final hit of your tree. The cast animation for throwing the tree is instant, and it deals the same 130% damage and 100% splash that you would get from using the last tree hit on a right click. Even if you were going to right click the enemy again, you will deal more damage by throwing the tree for 130% damage and then using another normal attack for 100% damage (230% damage total) instead of just using the one 130% damage attack.

  2. Even if you still have multiple charges left on your E, it is often better to throw your tree just because it increases your burst. If you get Echo Sabre to improve your burst damage, you can hit an enemy for 130% damage two times with Echo Sabre and then hit them for another 130% damage with the tree throw before the Avatoss combo's stun ends. That is dealing 390% of your right click damage in your Avatoss combo, where previously Tiny with Echo Sabre only dealt 200% of his right click damage in Avatoss.

  3. Tiny initiating on multiple clumped up targets will now deal significantly more damage to secondary targets. While the Avalanche damage will only be doubled on the target that is thrown, any other targets that are hit by the splash from his E will receive the same damage as the main target. When it says that this skill deals 30% bonus damage to units and splashes 100% of damage, it means that it splashes 130% total damage to all targets that are hit.

  4. At level 25, you can increase your burst even further with the 3 Toss Charges ability. If you blink and Avatoss someone, you can do your combo normally but then extend it by re-tossing them every time they land, attacking them once after each toss. You can't toss a hero that is already in the air, but they become valid units to toss at the exact same moment that they land. If you spam your Toss on them as they're coming down, there will be no time for them to activate anything before they get tossed again. With quickcast enabled on your Toss, it is unlikely that they will even be able to activate BKB before they get tossed back up. This allows you to burst heroes for 2500+ damage after magic resistance, all while disabling them for nearly 5 seconds. The late game scaling on Tiny's burst is actually completely busted in 7.07. Only the tankiest heroes like Medusa or Centaur are likely to survive a level 25 Tiny combo. Tiny is now the undisputed king of burst damage.

submitted by /u/vvav
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Farming reports while winning

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 03:26 PM PST

I played this game last night as CK:

Went like this: Go safe lane. CK+ES vs mirana+ogre

ES wants CS so I leave at level 1 with 200 gold, buy a QB (no courier). Go back to base, get QB, go jungle. 2:38 and level 1. hit some creeps. Go to safe lane with treads, looking for helm of iron will. Somehow bully a level 8 Mirana out of lane at level 5 (don't ask, people are retarded).

Get helm of iron will, get ganked, look for safe place to farm, keep farming. Get pinged for not coming to team fight (this is about 3rd time, first time was when I was level 3 and half health). Put the aggro pinger on mute.

Keep farming, split push with phantasm when team fighting. Team is about 50/50, but FV seems to come out alive most fights.

I take T1/T2 safelane. I take T1 offlane I take T2 offlane I take T1 mid. I come to a teamfight with armlet/treads/echo/reaver, get 4 kills, finish heart while team drops T2 mid and T3 mid. I take T3 bot+bot melee racks, I back anytime phantasm on CD.

Team keeps getting annoyed, but we are up 1.5 lanes of racks.

I see another teamfight breaking out, I TP top, gank the silencer at the T3, take out top melee/ranged, and then rotate to bot lane and mega them. We win, and my team is annoyed at me for not coming to teamfights.

I came to about 3 team fights, and the teamfights I came to were the ones I could get to easily and thought were safe bets.

I looked at my stats at the end and I felt good. I felt like I made a good impact int he game. It took me a bit longer to come online because I didn't have a lane, and the decision to jungle wasn't taken lightly. But the aggro dual lane of ogre+mirana was very bad for me I was eating a lot of damage and not getting any farm (bad enough with the harass, but I was also competing with ES who we all thought was supporting, but he wanted to carry).

Was eating a few reports for not being at whatever shitty losing teamfight a reasonable trade for winning?

submitted by /u/The_other_lurker
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Brewmaster is really strong

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:00 PM PST

I'm 11-3 with him in solo ranked matches after basically never having played the hero before.

You always can fuck with the enemy farm with your low mana cost W, soulring + Q = easy farm, just with your lvl 6 you have a huge team fight presence, etc, etc. He seems stupid strong.

That being said, I want to become better and know more about the hero. What are his biggest counters, and is vlads really that great on the hero?

I've been going Phase early if I'm stomping the lane, else just blink rush, (treads) and then radiance + anti silence item like bkb/linken/lotus and again, with the -65 talent, he's absolutely ridiculous.

Edit: dotabuff

submitted by /u/V-ktr
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Pangolier's Swashbuckle no scaling, bug or feature?

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PST

While spectating a game with a Pangolier on it, I saw that while the Alt-text for both Shield Crash and Rolling Thunder showed the real amplified values, I saw that his Q remained static. Knowing that Valve sometimes screw up a bit in their tooltips, I went into a lobby to check and - Nope, every single time the skill when maxed (no items, no +30 slash dmg talent) showed a steady 312 on the dummy target, and after slapping a Kaya and 5 Sheepsitcks?

I got the same numbers. Do you think this is intentional. Either if it is or isn't- do you guys think it's a good thing?

submitted by /u/detrebio
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Survey About Dota 2 Behavior (Research Proposal Assignment)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:00 PM PST

It's simple and fast to complete. I would appreciate it very much as it's an assignment where I need primary research.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/_TrashMan_
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How to use Treant's 3 second tree respawn talent

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:52 PM PST

This one has kind of baffled me since 7.07 came out. It sounds like it should be useful in some capacity, but in reality the only reason it seems like it would be picked is because +90 damage isn't too crazy on a slow attacking support by the time they are 15.

Really the only things I've pieced together that you could use it for is; making sure there are trees to put Eye's of the Forest on once you have Aghs, and maybe trying to use heroes that kill trees to use them as a juke path when they respawn and block enemies.

Is there more to this than I am thinking or is this talent just a meme?

submitted by /u/fibittydoo
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How to prevent late game ?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:36 PM PST

Im low 4k right now. My problem with pub (when im solo at least) will always be my carry being outcarried by enemy carry. Winning early game seems easy (I always play gankers roamer like earth spirit). Given my rather low mmr, its easy to pick kills here and there and usually I net about 10 kills by about 25 minutes mark. But none of them seem to matter, by lategame it doesnt matter whether I succesfully roamed and got 10 kills or just failed roaming and killed noone, it always boils down to whether our carry play/farmed well. Any suggestions from veteran to actually secure early game and have the momentum until late ?

submitted by /u/anonymitious
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ES Midlane

Posted: 13 Nov 2017 09:17 AM PST

How to play him in midlane without PMS?

submitted by /u/Lexanko
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